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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Aug 1958, p. 1

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Som Raeptycîs Oket To Public ScboeI Votel To Decide- Action, If Aiy, Wiihin Te. Jays, Forty-tive ratepayers etf ixe Town- ship Pblic Sctxooi Are» attendsd Vthe Glaërke Townsllp .-znoebing on Monda> ni bt.Thir concera was the action ta lis taken as an) outeome ofths rocentý voite for ths building ef twu aew public sool.Athuugh ail -wsreie concoraed ovrthe vote hoy did noV agres wvithi asanother. )V was stated by Ma.r Wade ot the Area Board that aew tenders had toi be called for the oroction uof the soosas the former tender ot $100,-l 00.0nuw outdated. These tenders xiIi be2 opsned on August 22nd. At this time te, Board xiii have to agate appreach M r. Russoll Honey ut Port Hope solîiitor for "objeters",ote squestion ut b)uldinig thsschouls, adrlres'sed cueland questieneti the Va$lidity et hovote. Hs said bis clients wore Vu, con:-sJrder whiether or not thsy wonl ceartest the vot4e. ir.Wmi. Ioffat spoke briefly and stated is section xvould hsip bud the riw"sehool at Nswtonville but nover sesc inside it. This, he saîd, was unf air. Taesie said, wiere a serions matter and it 'was bis opinion that $100,000O0! ýwas ely the beginaing ef the custs of the two inew vschoeis, if huilt. Three b'undfred and sLhty ireperty gwqaers wte elgoingÏ W have ta pay this ainiount, MiMr forffatwas 0et the opinion that the!i etretownasbip s'heuld lis divided-,ji ta heuache roas. Rýeee rown stated that Ceunceil lad dop ýail te its poAer upen aniy request tînt ws made ut COLocil'. Mi' LGroneo toutt ,, it unifair thta semail section sbeuId hiave te nssist with doýbentures wisn 'the sec- befors Couindil which Roovo J. T. Bruwn doscribsd ns a disnppointmenl Vu Coutncil. Mr. Marsilsa, engineer, re- icumrasndsd a route 'west ef Hamnilton's b ouse as the best route Vo fullow and 1said ýthat in Mis erninifi the routs was 1net feasibie that the whele projeci sh0-ould ho held te obsyance. This route ho toit was the safýtat ith ne part ofet IV hiug over a 5l' 'g)rade. Thel ýenginieor <lin nulf avouraiianalternative route bocause it did not have the per- manency or desirabulîties ut thoe or- igmail route. Ho tekt that hs>' coultl have regrets laer, ef an alternative route. Reeve Brown, as w-ell as Coundil, agreed witb 5fr. Mlarsden. The Reove statod, howvevor, tint in his opinion ths pricoe « certain lands would have to ho roduced cunsîderabi>' beforo hs logieni routes coldle fellowcd. -Ho toit it was either an alternativé route or' nothing. The Roove and Cùunculor Lwsry statsd they had. veiwed an alternative route and toit that il Xvuas possiblje o tuiiuw it, ovea thaugl it Vdîd folow n snll section lanxvhich fthe land was low andl buggy. Theo mono>' is availahle fer the projoct* and it wýas toit hey uid iike to ses it dune. 5fr. Mfarsdea duublted et an imnproxoc- Ment over the pçosoat grade an(! also ilLVC olstill lbave hesbsarp curve at hs b)totnt Bot E. WaIkey andi R. hvr no that aL ot out mýoey had already lissa spent on the hili andiil seemed toulish Lie aain on'iY do hait a jb). WaIkey Snid that hie vvudn't fhesitaýte te the j ilot ifVis fVhs best wýay andt1themost permanent. Rý,eveBrowwaaso e hsopinion that dte alternative route weuid haveho Vween$4000iand,5000. but admittodlý l 4-H Clib News j1Durhsamicunt>' Elizabtîvitle 4-H SHomernakers Club receivýed fb-st p)rize for its exhIit "Theira>' Vo gond biea V*'is" the enter-Count>' exiiit ~comptitiua at tise Peterboroughs Ex- r iibitiun Junior Day. DurhiasCeuity Betisan>' Club) cap- tnred tise inter-counsi>akits anédtiens- oasIs-ations withs tee presentatiosi u "Tusexise tuse etf Ilsuro in." Mrs. George Grahana, Madbec, dui- ,ectsd Vhs play'. Members oethsens includeti eHeV Chapasan, Gloria Parka,i IlIsafiher Cliapinan, Glsn'da Os-haie, Len ané Nellilo in'tVeld, Jean ant ivMra Meuorcs-utt, Janet andç Nancy Reynolds anti Elizabeth Rollins. Nfmisbersirs attained. 80 percesnt xvose: Alice Brava, Ida Louise Kirs- mana, RR. 1, flia; Bolia Knox,.R. 1, Hampton:; Patricia Knox, R.R. 1l Hamipton; Juan Mus-tuos,R.R. 1 , Ca-ran;- Diane Bigelew, Hothasi>; Hazol Br>'ls, Cava; Linda McAllis er, RR. 1, Camipbellicrett. Janice Tnlly, RR. 2, Ida, xvas Vhs only Durhsam moými)es-ta attate 70j per cent in tise second grcup. fla Vhsetbb-d grouip tOý!se attaining 60 perentincudei-Marte Mss-cor, R.R.i L, Campb)eilcreft; D'arleie Ticlss ané Gloria Quantrili, Campbj:elc-ot u ma~ r~ - W. C.T.U.Mieeting The W.CTM. met together on Tues- day, August l2th at the homeofe Mrs. W. H. Ruwe. A very iateresting meetingws joyttt A nunter of W.C.TJJ. Intiesi from Gshawý,a were prosent. Solos were t-eadored by Mlr- Ras Hughes of Grenu and Mrs. Willams utf Oshawa. ice creamni nd cake, coukies andt to ,was sorved at ths douse of the net- ing. Thero were 22 present. rWO New Features for Orsi. Fair, This year those attsnding Vhs Crono Poli Pair which cornes to town oni Septomber th and th xiii have twon aexv featitros te wntch. These tentures have not- besa at thee GruauPair for as long as wo can rememnber. Thle lirst ot those tentures1 is an old favourite sport which yèars ago used toeconitent meany during the days ani evefliags. Horseshos pitching is the sport tu which we roter. Afr. Rohert Gianvilleofet 'hs Glan- ville Pesd MAI in Gruau is sponsoring and organizing tis cenipetitien which xvii ho heïd in hs ring, on the final day efthe Pair-, Saturda>', Septeater 6Vh. The conipotition is open Vo oves-yens and- ail one lbas Vo du Vo enter is te s>es MIr.Glanvillo at thepis adt enter their manme. Wo undersVanti that there is a grnup ef mon xvhe Vake [Vis sari seions m Vhs suuth stet ftP- va rn res n doubt tint Vhey viiilis heout un ftair day. We ssV-ight rsmind this gruipoee that there is aise anethor gruutp who pn'this sport quite otfteni behlnted Vh homie etofr. Kea Neal ila Vhs nurth et the Vilg.Huxv aan>' other players orgreups there are xve xvuuid hesitate ion veod 100% agninst he .voteý.11Hothat 1 uuti o bNs od.I10 lmo()re21r r ee ITs ~x etr o isyn- aieerpresseci is opinion that iL was 5r.Masdagro Voioek ever the jfrxie Sur a~s~o, se wusxhenn es:boarti could tui o- lternative route and report bis fad- arj, qure aniUto\se- eryne tnt Lu . ings lu Ceuncil. rhiI- aistIlIC srt~ias nVu appeared for suasse1 The rond voucher et $74896,5 vas __ arefrVicm"" 11h MsLuvekin, solicitor fthesPublic passod for paymsent. -The Clos-k i.1iaisfrt o-pttoi j w xv havo oa rdlun u att he oad lrr e olctat rond nd o icsow at »ks rauTms ee- n ruat he hsStreet Pair on Aug- lico Bord, tatd ttt Vs BordsurmerCuaciTthaeas-und$20,oOust 2t .Tefiiaiats xiii appear ' dents this ysar fer whic'h tise>'had,1Vu )cuver pnyme-nnts fto he ret oeths rqort e that fur tr abikoschs il forts antstand niee asltfrat tlne hs e, xv wsehiools. Hesasid a ysar. o do, h oh er aiiraipshe erats.niThase ump t o hsertop ýïÙie blad been aken andt Vit if ithero es: nt thr1es.Ts 1vs nprize muas>'.Tise prizo mnoney for tins -were objections hs>' shoui l e gîvoa v 'i v & r ,errer and au other fres cUlnes xiii event otails osne êiired dlas prirta a tiifiniite date. The onus, hoie,...ttL NEL Y 3 o hin A bis fcatxn-e utfhsfair bas aixvays -sif ails on the "objoctrs"' andi in bo 'neVhsoarse r'aces nndVhhes tiosathe Bs oard and o save tVue ". ad Mrs. Cbaýrllnd Ta>kor vislted A> ig rptLevleema tshoxv Fi-anai1sprs11,aan vi tu's slsnêid lie taken up immediatel>' uver the wek-end %with 5Mr. nd Ma-s- gfer hs dti-rabies shots xii have be tep oe-erVanbment for Vhs day on b>' them. ~Rosa Taylor and tariT>' etf Windsor i'e dons y b>' L-ca etrna>. Saturda' etnbs ts poeibytheird . Mrs. RnadWest is a patient int hs MitRose>'agrod is Vié uus idBmnnvilio Mlemeriai Hospital. n pa,-ss onto hs "n's". lBs requestsd, un ViFosi-or5r nt ss Oa msjrI'.b k 'bp aL Saturda>' xvreMr-. and Mrs. u b laf et bis (clienIts, t ilnoneaction ho walVeer ý 1Caisais aad famnil>' et Scisemn- VaiaV-ii eaprove hs issuingbr,5r niM-ssemnDno ut tis1ý-e debotures. M'.Hune>' assured ndSa-o tSnbo-ub2i- u'Q , ni SaonofSarorugi M. yrloyal For Ûraioc OO fCouascil that if an>' action iras to e bu s. W. Rode(pLith and fml'et Rose-1 _ _ take te>' veud kexv vîtin op nys bani, Ms-. aad Mrs. James Rutliserfos'd ilt auaction was taken b>' that irasmtin o henevs Conei wuidksow Vit1hs' 1hveaiéYfr of'etKit>' anti Ms-.and AMrs. smtigcoceefrtie1evs dropped Vhs case.1 R. Hollingsxvrth etof wnvil e : hs Hope for tVise necessar>' numlber e hsraksLu rnîiaiVe ai occasion tbeing Vie lattera 45Vb wo-ediý ing mnicipalitios tagivo apprevai for ti have noV givenaprvlfitseroe Thus met xith Vihe approval.dethVie aavrsrconstruction et a nexv 111gb Scie li iefrnax 1g aso.Trshv T nhpSehioul Hoard. Miss Frances Cairns bias seturned te VFie O-une - areaj xinidtiins wsek gvea their appi-oval andti thse are bier homo ia Schenibsrg afttr speatiing xvhinnVire feurth minsniipalit>' did net i Clarke Toxvnship, Hope Tevv'nslip anti Ms.Genonxed suggostod tint ifcor- Vwo wseks xvth fr adà Ms-s.Gou thqcVuxva et Pus-VcastHopel tasectionsunlatpevanhols tsa t-i- pasý temandr avilNoxvastee h>'should xývithtraw fs-n ie ao 'nlpadaousnyn the An irenrséHwanilobv ail re- The Mllbrionk Cousicil has no[ as ye antibuid thra lsoiseles.5fr.Brevn i exoeks hoMiay at Stunsey Lakle. fused Vo give iseis- appruval. Te isntfséVeHade thei dcsia -~~~~~~~~~ pntdottn nustin eiso Mr.Nisnanti June retus-aod tram jba;t u ljcoscan lie atdeti Mili-f>ai any nt bths>'nowsecntion arsa. a Vxo xeeks imotür trip Vu egýinanbrook wiso aVthons- rlasV mi-eeting pnssed Fvlmnialto apo'n eh CosaulursLuxetyant Saor> meotivisitissg hs furrnss'snmter i'. a roseluin enstatiag Vintths> e ul uaiafrVssiulia tooie tha,ýt tise issue 'ho laid oves- util tise TrUeriana. Int gieapproval Ver the conistructi, oru- e Dstic tigi ioo, l Boar nsxt meting laiela Augat whn âfM. anti Ms-s. Eti. Pllard and Dais ut a nexv schosol inte hs Gruaasanati ceuiltiprcced witb ais'bidigytI jýcý- tï-neting, lte n AL-,Ysisoliclayedrti süVvowoeks at Annanna- Islicb tisieias Vhs>' xvrç nssured et inewVimipes&b>le tVo iget VIls l'Maies-l't? hston <aya xil ho up andt oxiwdais Letigo on Stan> La'ke. Iuis h udtn as'mte > tenders received. ______________________________ iireelixv-eet sjoes u Nwtonville coin- - Vu--idt Couacil et inconsiderate v-F ; f 1 T i sCavan Tuxvnsb$P 'bas ei hisparking that at limes hiocls E r i.a u arieton T r es ut (e;iniitlaerSpnbr8h.0j drvxa.Ceuncuel is tV oJouk rtapas-k- dchisio ntatt e irSr Bord iti.On ing ,in hs Hamnlet butors aalytîling dot-r -, lt i tj.e s li ScG iso Huad V mieis o h o dns. g In loronto [,ap e eaf t d u SUmeet wsitiu Mulbeak onte and1 Les. Ceentes, outhe Suntis nap e s tatîUfl elAssation xshcndsiea. Darihiten Scisool Area, appreaclsed ________________tn rnaeV ocnieei (osil fer appreval ut debenturs fer EFiteCarleton ut Os-eau, xho lins by rsei ieJno g sep TheMlirel sscato i ak a trorenisehoufl la Darlingtoni. This, besa shexving plonty oet tisi on tisexi Erie hs on]>' juvenile antd n uv> odtemn iepsiii> hoaasd ias nocossar>' asVies-e was ahsbi imai vsuee wny-eirby igtpaoE-exasofetxtending Vthsens-enin order teIssako Un Scisoolinlatise As-sa wbicis look tirs boys xvho attendetiabaeligva tise invitation un apiprevai et an as-saxhere more puipila couiti b tpas-rt fCbrko Tewssshipi. This al- schoel and psrtoi'nsd in an exiiinMxScispffler. Lastaia l orasehoti la Milibrfeoli. fcaabout 30 prapertios in Clar-ke. LasV yoar on>' seront>'tpplis ntbende Ros owxn is Vu contact tisose ps-op- grsM nSaF-aya VeToae The ,chool xvas rua undes- hs nus- The special meeting ufths Boas-d, e.--ý wrersto hod metig t ds-Ma ple Leal StadiLin. - pices ufthVe Tes-ente Mapis Lent Base- hs M\,ilibrook Higis Sebool. taa hs mntr ptior te Çeuni giv- Tise sciseol and i e 1lasted for tire hall Cuib wte Diie Waikes- anti Lotif which was to e h isoé aos-onou Vins ingteir approval, Tie>' feit teat ths hours. Txventy-tiro o et VsoyFs vra Conn giviaig tee school ieadership. fWednésday iit blas bliiacancelled pebo suld lis itlstrmed oethVie mat- fs-ensgrossIer Tes-ente iriti une froni Ia the garne Esric piàyed lireugisent due tW Cavaýa'*s doerment anti xvi lise tes-. Oshsawa, uns fs-es Peterboronghs ant iniiieft field and tuok a record et ene helt inatise Grenu Scbooti un Septeasles- Tbs Hamilten 1Hi11 project tVIs amne Eric tram GronQ. The nmajos-it>'ofuths sing-le lit for Vis-e rips Vu bat,.g îotls, Do you want Bus Service? Trustees Seeking Assistance From Orono Citizens Throughlout the past years nurnerous whowudusoeW rteaetr requosts have been made to the Gruauo to the Gruau Police Trustees requestinog .Police Trustees requosting them to the Trustees to petition the Colonial seek a bus service in tho Village. A Coach ,inoes ta set up a reguilar busj nuntber of letters have beon wrîtten, stop la Grime, lit dhuuld aise be pointeti4 by. this local' body to Colonial Coach out that the writor woulmako use oaf Unes requesting that thoy set up their the service. route thruugh Gruau and thus giviing Orono a suitable bus service. letrmy ehrho aid Tires letters have faileilte, pur- to ths Orono Police Trustees 'or Toit et suade the Bus Lino that sucli a service the Oreno Times office. is wantsd by numerous citizens et Orone. The letters xil thon be sent to tice The akeOntrioDevlopentAs-Colonial Coach Linos as proof oif the The ake ntaro Deélopent s- sire for a service in Orono. The lt seciation rscum.-mended that the Grono tors xii ho accepanied by a request Police Trustees should bring beforo the also fromn the Trustees and theGru b3us cuýmpany tacts shewing that citi-Chianter of Commerce, zens of the Village do want and wouid use a bus service if a proper oine was set up for the Vlae It 1< hfoped to have the lottefs sent out hits coming woek so the besttia The Grono Pol-ijce Trustees are ask- jo write the few linos 15 floW., Orono Girls Wilgln First Game 0f Final Championship Series The 0Orono G-sSofttali teanai bs auxv advanced Vo h' final ses-les et Vhir longue chamlpionishlip padxp and are tncod xvitl thes l-ifr-ook toam. The tirat game î ettthis socries wnvs play- ed in Gruau un Wodnosday evsainig and gave Vhs local girls a une gm edge te tise series. Prier te this series Grenu plnyý,ed a serai-final sories wt ownteanti wen eumtever Vhs noighh1)uring greup. Ticefinal gamo ut tise sont-inais wais pbaysd in Nswcnstis on Stô1nda>' night, wît a victory boing registoreti for Vhs Grenu gýirls. Greno ,won Vhs gane ,with tw.o-run-hnegin -li n d!10' smash, *Joan Aldred hiunled Vhs vtIctory for V hs locals with Elva Reid catehing bohindth te plats. Grono's victor> it Vils garas was do- tornsined in Vhs' fuurth trame xvhea Vhs>' drove te sevon counters. Up3util tht Vis-e Nexvcastiehol-liVse edge> with a score et 6- 01 Grnu thon collect- od four ruas te he,.sixth nul a single teVs senthi. NoxvcastIeoun Vhs other hand I collected Oesrua in Vhs sixth and threatened Vo take rmver t is Le bettomý ufte ssevonth whon thesy scured three ruas butt wbicb foU short cutVhs mairk tesr-, a\victery. Ia tihe (Rpo litjingdpaj--rtmon diais Knox took tp hendurs with a bit for everyVutie W bat. Gtbor hrîtting ýStars fer Orono wero Eniid Tonnant, Elva Reid, anti Gail Cooper. The trst gamle ut Vhs final sersýý wns playeýd la Gruau agzainst Mrilibreeki on Wodnesday oeigwhichCri s won b>' a score ut 11-5. Tho 0rosse girls stnrtod- off sra in this ganse xvitb tour ruas laVh tirst tr-amle. Tis gave them. a leati wibtbey held n noe Vrougbelut. is lecais added Vxvo imoue i liehsecond and drove their couint Vu six while'o *À slro tonalr theitth, - id Grono addsd another rn whilo lii brook edged out Vxvo. Hors thescr steuçi at 7-2. Grono's total xzseunted Vo Vonwil tbree more la ths tourth.!Bute er scoroless intihe fitth. Milllbruok hottod tbres ini the sixth withi Gruau a single count. Millibreoli xvoro t'len hoid Vo une lis tihesvt xvith Vhs victory thuis going V o Grono Gual Cooper, tVhs Gro hurler,wa Vhsi wtin itcher and turnet intean excellent job. Elva Reid xvas a nçt-abIe1 bitter for Grosn _Se sas n a Wood and GilWiilis. B owmnVilie Trns fown Naew Scheol for Orono Area B)wnnvilo Town -.Cuncil Mondny xviii so l"eng ough to suipprta niglht rejocted by a four te oooeLarei eoo vih i teaeesiyna the DurlWam District H 11gh SehelcilitisinBwmnile Board's preliminary requost forùI>-i Reeve Carruthe-rs explatrcd t s proval oft building a new higli ýehool in idea' was no)t slih btwu un- {)rono. doubtodly savetaayr a censiderý aleo amouat of money. The vote was taken foiiuwing a hU)1O r Councmer Broughsaýi thefuglt he long discusion. COuineillor-s O. J. Pr- s- ho hudb vsei xol ev sun, Lloyd Preston and Jack rugite uis eto"t n- chool 'a voted in taver of thle issue. Port 1Hope nlanother l Bwanile Those opposed wvere: Reeve Wiltrid " tinik thecre is Vcon mii territory uni- Carruithers, Deputy-rueve Dave HIGio, ovrd"h ad Counicillors Ivan Hob1bs and Keith La- DIepuLty-reueeHggnsais thýe pur7- thangue. Coune!i.Ilor A. Hl. Sturreck was pose ettHe scheol districts throughel'ut absent. the province xaste proviide equal n> pertnityfui'eductionforail rosi- Reev\e CarrMthers said lie àetcuni ents. abl Ldural doxvn Vthe beard s s-sque'sit. 'Wrcs-sput lbces ogtuardi Se-,ax- payessmoes>," e ;nd. "The achool boarti itsif admits tlint a scisool for 700 pupfils -would ho mare econuraicai VIan une tes- 300. "it is noV Vhs ceat, but tee educatïion xvs geV acrcs osatesepupul fteat la lin-- portntehosaiti. Doputy-ê-eeve Hî'iggon stresaed tiers irvas a need for a tocbhnî- cal sciuel Ln tise district. * IV sionld ho built wîoecVhs popn-1 "A tecisaical scisolo!Ould giýve tss lation, anti facilities as-e Iocated anti puplls vaning echical training ona wisere it is niost eçononsical. oppýosVuiit>' te stué>' a Vs-de and \ai *J relio,*ve hs lqyad ons higit acholeat -tIf tee lioard's reqqsst- la tus-sscI Councilîorriegi sýait ieh<thui dowiv I fooliwe siouid ses-mini>' con- Ïin»>'feths pupils svole Tars hiLgi aider 'wVitdsawing troým'the scisool dis- 'sciseol enri>' ireuin continue if LochpI- trict," Rosys Carruthers doclas-sd,."We1 c(.al raining ivre- ade aaïila1>e. ORONO SIREEÏ PAIR,ý AUCUST 27tlh ORikONO FALL FAIR, SEPTENIER Sth and, 6th -N 4'- S. 4'-' s- N 4'- s r-', N s N N s s N r-y g s s s s N s s N s N s -r-t * s s N 'N r--, N N s -s N N N N s N 5 N N N N N N N N * N N N N N s N s s s- N s' N N N N N N N N s N N N 's

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