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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Aug 1958, p. 6

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Nft.HS "Dear Anne Hirst: Promn timeo tao time your feminine readers have asked yau why sa many mren date cheap girls. 1 tbink V've got the answer,' They are cheap thempselves. 1 confess il sametimes happexis in the ari-. ed forces; the men get bored stiff with rautine and long for any excitemnent, sap they picl, the fîrst girl who's willing ta give if. Other f ellows it'hink tîhey can find release in boozer. Taf's crazy. "A lot of pe.ople have the ýdea that seCIr Vi ce men are miostly drunkards. Somne da go aver- board, but they get their came- uppance fast. As for liquor, f seldom tDucb if. 'm in the Air Force, and even with rny hum- ble rank I1 know lI'm responsibie in a sm-all way for Vhe safety of tthers., 1 wodldn't take the chance. "I enlisted nine years ag-o, aiùd I'm stili in, 1 arn about In the mnood ta get m ar r ied, but 1 haven't found the right girl yet. Maybe Pmn too choosy? "I'm looking for a decent girl who car cook andt keep a tidy house and who isn't fo hard Io look at. Definitely, not a bar- fly! Sbe'll be a good sport, easy tcA get aiong with, and she won't demand more than mny pay caýn take-,. I want chidren, so she -Must be a girlwb is fit ta brinig them up in the right way; l'il do miy part as a father, toc, ".arn flot impatient, A n n, .firsf. The girl l'l imarry. is waiting for. SERGEANT BEN" *Not anly ïin the service, but *in ajil walks of jf e a manl *pieks up traits from hris assO- * eates. The mnani of character Sis at home witbh men of the Saine 'type; the weaking with *-no moral or intellectual re- *sources, follows where others * ead, and then blames thlem *for his lapses. * The same applies ta dating. *As you put it, a ehleap nianjý * is at home with Cbeap girls. *Others, like yourself, accept Sno substitute for goodness *Their serviîce routine b o re ~them now and then but they Am--use-bbly ith these anlima! pets - you'll enjoy embroidler- ip,, theni, Simple - a cbildi ,could do these oufinie stitches. Quic,.k needlemiorli -- each afli- yosI a single block. Patterni 672: trainsfer of 9 motifs about x / .bzies; dir-ections for crik caver. Senid TIRýTY-.FIVE CENTS (starntps cannot be acceptléd, use. ýpostaI note for safety) for tis paftern ta Laura Wheeler, Box 1, .123 Eigbteenth St., New To- retOnt. Piit plainily PAT- TER-N NUMBER, your NAMEL and ADDRESS. As a bonus, TWO complete paffernis are pninted rxght in aur AU-RA WHEELER Need-le- ?r-ýaff Bak.tlzens of ather de- silgns yo Wan t tf ~ordres lascinating-handILwork tfor your- Lse!f, y-ur home, gifts, biaar Itemns. Send 25 cents for yu copy c0f this book today! *i - 1958 *snap ouf of it, they have fto *much self-respect ta go bay- *wire. Wbile they wait for the *girl they dreain of, they fake *advantage of the extra train- * ng anid education and decent *entertainm-.enf the service of- * Stick ta your standards, sol- dier, When you do meet the ~girl yau're iooking for you *will kcnow bow ta appreciate- h er. As for th.e girl, shie-. ill *get a real man. * TO YOUNG READERS: *Please do not ask for this *soldier's nanie or address. i *Cannot reveal, either, nor can 1 forward any letters. ASKING FOR MORE "Dear Anne H-irst: 1 have Ilef t mny busband for the second time. The first timne it was because hýe was running about towýýn with another girl. lHe promised every- 1hihgý if 1 would came back, si, ci i dL "If was the sanie story.I wernt ta see the girl, and I was; rAce talier: she gave nme ber wlord she would neyer see hlmn ïaan. . . BPut she told bhlm of miy visit, and evidently exagger- ated quite a bit. Ie started mins- treating mne ferribly, and 1 fin- ally g-rew 50 4fraid of him pby,- sically that '1 lef t agaqin ,, i "I 'honestly beieve I have done my part. 1 have work-!ed- In a factory, done aIl my cawn hlousework and laundry, and kept mi'yself as atacieas I could in the circumsfanceg - "Now,. once more, he is be - gîng me ta camne back. Iiow can J trust hlmi? FRIGHTENED" *In m'y opinion you cannot *trust hlm at al. ~'Someone who knows; your * usband migbt heip you, Havé *youl a brothepr or fatlher who Scan hlandie hlmi for you? if *not, consulf the Legal Aid *Socýiety for, adylce and belp. *Personatily, 1 fbink you bave. *had .more thanl enougbh. When 4a guilty man vents bit wrath *on a helpless wife, ihow Cali *she ever feel saf e liv7ing wv jth To Service NMen.: il >on ar1e Mwaiting for ithe girl et toUr dreais, inigle with others iwho hioid thse sanie ideals. Yen wen>t have tea wait so long. Anne Hirst served in the first World War and was thse confidante of! many a loixeseme soidier overseas. Teliý lier yonr problems, addresn lier at Box 1, 123 Eighteent S. New Toronto, Ont. As an airliner frani the United States flew 19,000 feet aver the coast of Irelanid recently an extra pjass;enger arrived-a babyby born ta a 24-year-old Amnericanl wvoman. Assisting at the birtb were the air bostess, th e captainl of the aircraft and the purser. Said à spoicesmian for the air- lino-, "AIlour cre'ws are- tauglit wbat ta do mn an emergency iksý Ilhis and leverything vient smnoth- l.This is a:ur thîrd baby% born onaflgtite past 10 yeVars." Whtsthe birth height r'-ý cord? Fi ' old that it's eld b litt.Ie Tony Sabbag,wowa born in a. Corniet in 195" and was thie fîrsf babyv ta be born nM & jet airliner, The plane ,vas fl 'y - ing Over the Sahara lbetwveen -Dakar and Casablancýa at 39,000 fret whben Ton'y arrived. Thle first birth ever recorded, in, the history of fyigtooký plaice A? Oct aber 26th, 1929, he a seven-and-a-bialf Pound baby girl1 was born ta)rs.M. fD. EvanIs wbiie circlhng in an air- craît 1,200 feet over iai Florida. It had alwaYs beeni the mother's ambition ta be the fîrst wam)an ta gýive birth ta a child In rmid- inhife aircraft zat theefirnie 'besides Mrs, Evans were ber husb,,and, a dioctor, the baby's grandmnother, twio nujrse,.s,tw attendants of the local iîospital service and an attendirmg phy-i IN THE MtDDLE - Designed by Enzo Alaibanese, ot Rorme, Italy, these new shoes feature high heels sprouting from i te arches. Though moved far forward fromn their normalI position, the heels, mode of metal, do flot interfere with the comnfort of the Shoes, according to the designer. ~1NGE2FAR It looks this moringi as if. we are ta be in for another ses- sion of wondering -. wondcrixig arn referring fa the new crisis in tie iMiçdile East. Hisfory re-_ peats itself Sao oten. Remember how Hitler brought fhinIgs toaa bead just afler Chamrberiain bad zeassured the Western worid by h i s "peac.-ini-our-tim-e" pro-. nouncemnent? Now, wifh the U.S. in particular h-j ing for greaf fhinIgs fromy the proposed SunI- mnit Talks, Masser obviousiy has ufher plans. Reînember, fao, when Sir Anthetiy Eden saîd finie %Ôuld probablyj prove bisï policy had 'ieen righfif connec- flan with tfht Suez corisis' Such finies ias %v"' byei! SemtiÀnes 1wo me~ow ne-- and wanen-în hith offices c'-n stand uip un1der their load of re- sponsibiliiy. 1, wonùLtýr, too, how can be such R divergence of opinion abouf International afairs. Somnebody m1Usf be- right *,.but who? And how cani we with aur lesser knowtedge knaw wbo is right or wrong? The besf we can do is ta haVe confidence with those in authoi'v, knowing that froni their yiewpaint fhey are worýking,, for the g-ood of the worid as a whole, guided, we hope, by a Higber Po11er. In the mneantimïe irterest of British and Canadian) people is dividled between unrest int the 10iddle East and iterest bT ebesof the Royal Family. The Queen, under the weather, and Princess Margaret attract- ing interest and affection on ber travels thraug'h Canada,ý Presî- dlent Eisenbower's visit ta Cari- ada also anttracted a goad deai of attention on boti' sides of the bardler - somne of if, contro- V ers ial1. Yeý , ail these imnportant tblings, are taking place and yet hDw ofle tif is ifi evideon(e. ThIe eýffeets are not nearî,ý so obylous as th-eaftermnath of a stanrï. Last Tlhursday's stanm for instante wtas quife spectaulai while if lasted. 1 asalone. I had al the doors and windows open whenY'uddenly the wird ai-d tram1 strucek with tLremenýndaus force. Eïefare 1 could get around ta slJýut up the hanse the rain bad cmne through Ithe back sr'reen d'oor and w1as fiooding th0-e hall anad ruinni; ng downstairs to the bas,-- ment, 1 began ta wonder hoxv Partner was farMi on the fanr 10 miles away. Whe nhe camep homne hat night he said t'hereé hadn't been an-y ram aýt ail. Queer, hIlow freakish- the weather caLn be. The ramn was very wvelcome,-. Since then we have picked pe-7as, beans and beets f rani aur garden, --for aurselves, aur two fami!ies and somie of aur neighbours. Sur- prising what onie can get f-ri o)ne smnall garden. Jusf fa kýeeP life tram geffing duil we bave had more caf, trouble. Ditto) disappeared- Wed- nesday night, Genierally she caomes onthie run wlJen I eall hier. But flot this tlime We final- ly had te go to bed but left thle garage door open h ioping 3he wculd f ake refuge there d(ur- ing the night. With s0 manty dlogs around 1 natut aliy feit, un- easy. Nexf m)orniing, no Diffo, By 6.30 1 was ouf calling and lookc- ing for ber, frailing tbroughl vacant lots tbick with poison ivy. If was a neighibour wbo finaly found ber, away at the top of a hickory tree, afrad, ta camne down. Anotber neighbba said-"'If you have a ladeêr l'I go u-p affer bier. I dox't mnrul clinibing." Sa between us we got th-, ladder and placed if in posi- tîion-Partner being away. Lamra, ns agilte as a caf bar.(seif. was up the ladider and had the caf re- culed in no finie, Ditto, except for being frýightene2,. was nione the- warse but spent the rest oai the day eating a-id sleepin. Laura and family were gaoiing fa. Norfh B'ay uiext morning f.-r two weeks and asked if 1 would take care ùf their kitten-the kittený being, Dittoas daughter' Well, they brouglif Winkey down clnt oiu man losI conitrol of ber car ada shed juta 10oth- er car.; before Sh1(2puiled herseli tghe.Shewa luc-ky though -tal hpendin lberawmn garage. Wreeký's Sew,-thrifty and sruch sp)itting aind swea1in'ý 1 neyer heard. Biood is hcr than w,,ater-, sa thiey s-y, but a,;- parentiy that truismu doesn't an- ply ta ca2ts - or at an y rai t kittens. Ditto was saon friend- 'y but flot Winkey. Now after three days, she is stil] using- bad language, even thoug -h mo - ther and daughiter chase eacti other in play around the bouse., But just let Ditto make ane un- expected maove and .Wjinkey iiack is up 1ike a .,hot. And here is aniother cat story, Six years ago my Forest Hi]i friend had a cat'narned Mickie. Two years later the famni!y adopted a stray--Tinker, Mickîe, jealous, fno doubt, decided ta leave home, returniit.g periodicall. iy but only ta go :ýwýay again, back ta a family fa! ther downp the street wba had taken ber iii Twa mionthsacao Tinkier, the stray, disappeared, probably'ý run over or poisonied. The dlay 1 was there visiting, Mfickîe carne back. explored the- bouse fram bedrooms ta basement, faund no sign of Tinker andi decided ta stay. He is sti]l there, making himnseIf camfortable in thec samýje chair and an the samne bed that he used to occupy. after faui years' absence. My goadness, 1 a!most far'goý ta fel! you . . . last night 1 sawý Sputnik M1. About 10.30 'É saw what appeared to be a douWel sta-lt seemed to carne fram no- where ai-d disappeareI a few, seconds later inta spae At f irsi 1 thougbt if was a shootiný5 star but a star dioesn't disýippear sud- denîy as this one did This morn'- -:ng the paper announced Sput- nik hiad been seen by quite a rumber of peopîe reporting froni variaus points in On'tarjo, gose miust 'have been Sputnik. FA-MILY AFJFAIR A near-accidenit has recently been reported in a Texas paper. Seerns the wife of a promin- A survey of miarriageable 20-yeair-cld girls in 12 cities disclosed that thieir idecâl husbaind type is singer Perry Corne. William HoÏden garnered second spot wîth Rock Hrudson COMin in thirci. President Esenhow-,er an~d Tab 1-uriter i ed for fourth plnce vwhile Tonyv Curtis and Elvis Presley ran a dead heat for fifthý , id for sixth plce are Vice Presidenit Nixon, JSeff Chacndier, the loie James Dean, Jerry Lewis, Marlon rando and Sen, John F. Kennedy (D-Mass.). Po11 was taken by the Departmnent of Sociolcgy at Regis College, Denver, Cola. Sun tai-,'Shortsi, BLousL-i Slçirti AiUicue in tbis PIinted Fi. terni - al are simpflest. ai' ew- ing. Moni, Sav1%e dollars - 1i up this fauri-piece sUn'se-nIbieý Prînted Patferin 476,7: Chil- dreni's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8 '. 10, Siz- 9 sun top, ¾ yi ard 35-inich: sha)rfi 7/ý yard; blouse 111* yvards-,. qshirt iYs yaiýds 35-inch Pr;inted directions on, each paf- terni part. Eseaccurateu Send FORTY CENTS (11,, (sfa.mps cannot be accepted use postal note for -safety)] for ti pa ctern. Pl1e a s e pdnytlpainlyv SIZE, NAME; ADDRESS. STIL.E NUMBER. Send order ta AINNE ADAMse Box 1,. 123Elteentfh,, ._Nlew i Torento Onrt.

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