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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Aug 1958, p. 7

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Expert View 0f Relief P;tchinlg Fresco Thompson, a Dodger vice-president ini excellent standing, largely blamnes mnajor league managers for the break- éown in reliefl pitching. "Managers," he stated bluntly. "have made (startirig) pitchers relief-pitcher conscious. "In the third or foutrth in- ng, if hie gets in trouble, the pitelier stands out there oii the ibber wvith one eye on the bu-i'! Ve n and one eye on the hitter. Ifhe had a third "eye," Fresco added, "chances are he'd keep that one on the manager in the dlugouit." It is Fresco's thesis that pit- chers this year are more afraid thani ever of miaking,, a wrong pitch because lie knows that to do so, moüre often than n-o, means his imnmediate remnoval fromn the gamie by his own mana- ger. Purther, thinks Thompson, the eategorizing of relief pitchiers as early-inning, middle-inning and late-innng specialists is non- senlse. "It is absolutely ridiculous," lie declared emPhaticallY. Fv years ago you didn't even heLr e! the 'long man' anid the 'short mnan.' Now,, if youir felila gets ji trouble early in the game, you go to your 'long man.> On this lub that would be someone like K,ýlippstein, who you can count on to go five, sic, sev,,eninniiings. "Labine bas been used as' a 2hort man because, w i t h thiat inker, he can get out of flic jamn," Fresco explairied. "Labine," said Fresco reck- lessly coining a phirase, "lias ice wTater in lis veins. That's whaýt rak'es hlmi such a fine reLief klitcher. "0Cme- goes in whih the att- tude, 'ni' going to do my bcst and if I don't get anybody out today then miaybe Fl get some- body out next -timre," a d d e dl Freseo. "A relief plitcher-," hie warmned to bis sutbject, "lias got to be a very cool sort of character. He inustn't feel the end of the worid2 lias corne if lie doesn't get oLit of a jam." Followingu Fresco Thiom--pson's line of reasoning, then, cool very diefinitely is the word for Clera La b ine. During on@e recent stretch Clem iworked in nine ')f the 12 games played by tIe Dodgers. In 15 inniirtgs hie per-. mtted two unearnedl runs. He is credited with having saved five of those gamnes for lisý teammates. While the vice-president's ad- miration for Clem Labine is sir- eere and obvious, Fresco con- teénds tbe- art of relief Pitching 1,iags grown out o-f al proportion "Kids are running faster to- day and jumrping higher," he argued, "so there is no reason why pitchers shoidi't be able to pitdh longer. "I1 don't ,believe there will ble two pitchers in each lea.-ue wh!o wiii approach 20 complete bail ganes t h i s season,"e Fresco iharged, T his, the man considers & trme. In th. past few years, the »odger vice- President believes, te Yiumber of comiplete gaines asbeen eut by nlearly 50 per M*nt. - <'Go back to tiie Giants under ,ferry," Fre.sco invited, "Yôu'1l TIME OUT - Princess Margaret lights u'p a- cigarette as she wai-ches a rodeo af Williams Lake, near Vcancouver. find fIat H-ubbell, Sclumacher, Parmnelce anid Castlemnan work-, ed every fourth day. Not only fIat, but nine timnes out of 10 tIen finislicd. Our course," Fres- c winked, "w,.itî fIe exception ù, Castliman those fchlows wcre ail prefty good hitting-pitcliers." Give Fresco Thompson liis- choice and le wil take the pitdher who works 300 innings, secason affer season, o ve r île man w itfh a more impressive woni-losf record who las pfitchcd perhaps half as many innings. "People are forever point i fo fhe numnber of. home runs~ Robin Roberts alw, Fresco ,:n-orfed. '"I was falking tIolin 0ýbout it one liMe. "'Robbïe,' >I fold hlin, 'if you mpent as inudli tie on the rub- bing table as the other pitchers. they wouldn'f lit so many homew runs off you, eithcr."' FROMl WORSE TO -BETTOR Latest of fhe Babe Ruth stor- les cornes frôn Fred Haney, Milwaukee manaker who knew thc Babe as well as anyone. If seems f-1. Babe was being in- fervicwed by a cub reporter. Hle pafienfly answergd one silly question after anofler, utitil finally the reporter askëd, "Babe, whaf do you fhink of psychology?" "Kid,"*'replied Ruth, "I haven'f, bet on a hors. inImnh. Women are like baseball un)- pires-f hey -make quick deci- sions, riever reverse thein, and they don'f fhink you're saf c when you're ouf. iT's A FOOLER - tNational TV is giving the country a look at a show \,that has fascfriated Los Anigefes for somne fime. "TraifFic Court" is a re-eniactmcnf. But, it is so clevcrly don. htafona case, wli if wacs a local show, drewe 250 phonied offers f0 bel.p o defendlant, plus $3,750 in cash. "Judgc" is Edgar Allen Joncsý Jr., of a, lzw sehool staffý. SEZ YOIJI - Looks as îf the hot weather has gat tempers short in Brookfield zoo. At any rate, this African shoe-billed stork seems to be telling Keeper Lorry Sharman where f0 get off. Introduction TO Woods Anid Wilds Th-rougli chance, Il ad the îappiness flic oflier day o! play- ing liost f0 a TMr. and Mrs. John Paxton of New Jersey, wlio lad nieyer bee-n in Ma,!ine before but were willing f0 learn. Thecy said fîey had a good f ime. If was a lovely day -- for aq chiange. W'arm nflic sun, but a breeze offflic mouintains, and conditions riglit for fliose fly' hatdhecs ,which kccp flic trouf enfhusiastic. So wc wenf along flic big lake and ieff dur boat wlerc flic frail f akes off fo a mourifain pond fIat shah l e nameless. W. walkcd fthe woods 1rail until we cýame to this pond, wrhere I knew fliere jwcre boafs. Wc also kncw nobody cisc was using flern. Tîcre arc many gusfatory ex- peniences in flis world whidli have flicir supporters, but there is nothing f0 top a feed of East- ern Brook Trout faken fron the cold noorfhern waters and slap- ped inte an iineh of salt pork fat at the sooricst possible oppor- funity. There- arc miany troufs, inciuding fIe salmons, but o! tIem al fhe Eaistcrn Brookiýe is king«, qucen, and speaker of the hbuse. These fliat I speak of are flot !iat c1ýery fisil, infroduced by state conserv'ationists, buf native fish. TIcy are descendants o! flose prehistoric sea-run frouf wlio crowded up our rivers af, the glacial age, and then sfayed ---eiflcr by cloice or hy chanîce. Up af flic lead of this pond is a vast cedar swh,ýmp and Iogan, a jungle o! mots~ and pools, and fIer. fliese aboriginal frouf lave spaw,ýned since fine began. They sf111 spawp fliere, and flicir offspring fccd down fîrough flic sfrcains nnd ponds f0 stock fthe wafdrs of a %vhole region. This pond i seldon fished, lit leasf f0 flic extent pear-by sporfing areas are, and accordingýly is a sure-fic place f0 take newl-Iy corne visitors fo feadli, thým flic good fhings cof ife. flic trilý, omflic way UP f0 flic pond, flic Paxtons as:k- er, "Are fliere any beacýr in here?" Wý\e Lad already paýssed several îigis of beair, recenftly cd f0i splinfers by)vmeoldt raunclier iooking forans But I hadn'f mentioned tfIls, imosýtly' because people like f0 lear bear rforics witliout any pretexf o! Iblievïng f hem. -Oh, 'yýes,' I could h'ave said. But lI bld t1Ien1 beýars arc nocturnial, andî shy,an can oufrun a de-adif is seldoin anybody (,secs ue af lre -How albout eer?"el. ' lied been coming along wjtihdeer signIs ail arounid us - for ecyes fIlat could sÏec. eswod ips sniipped off, patdJhes ojf lhair on spruce ba rk, fraciks iJl Up and dowvnle muddy pats (of flic fraýil. I sliowed fiem iiia d(2eer "crosing-a lac ke a cow- pafli in a paslture. If lad ra-ý,ined hlad flic nigîf before, addeer prints only hori ld iichabeeni pundlciied flore. TIc- Paxtons showedierest, but aturllycoufldný'f nvýiin whtIdid-for Iv endeer crossing sud laesTernl e an old b 1uck onieawarily pokýing 11lis anitkri ron le puck- erirsl1d looking up and and a fawn. Tiey1ail mince acros and intlo flic fui( -tagn the -)Id boy gefs wind of you le'll blow, a warning kind of deer bellow fIat sends every- body scanpcring. But tbe Pax- tons did't sec any deer, iai nary or real, thaf day. TIc pond was all ours, excepf for a pair of lbons and a shel- draýke w,,i'th five ducklings. The loiris kcpt their distance, but the shf.Idrakes camne in close enough for us f0 watch thenm diving. And flen thie Paxîtons experi- cnced tIc tîrili o! cafçhing their own dinner. The old jungle urges thiat oýur ancestors followcd lave been takcen f romn our lives, baut there is cnough o! the forgotten past in ail of us so fhib experi- ence counts. Youi can only do a thing like this once, because liaving done if y.ou become expcrienced, and fhe next time is neyer flic saine. There is fIat awkward cast o! a begin-.ner, like fIe first drive of a novice, golfer or thc first crayon ýmarks of a youngster. A flyline is a beauftiful thing when you lave founid ouf how if works, but if is a mean, unconqucrable knot-designing device when you first try it. H'owever, on tlis 1par- ticular day the awkward, cast w-as jusf as good as flic fincît bit of dlenonstrating old 1. Walton ever did. Tîcre was a spiaf, and the troutwa hun-igry enough 'so if didn't care if flic angler wcre expert. It's hard fa èxplain, some- times, wliy any'ý,bodv keeps lis trout. I told tIen fte keep fhe rod tip up, but fhey kept the rod tip clown. Tlcy didn't know if fliere was tension on flie une or not, but ,they could seflic spots on thie trout's side. Anyway, fliere wýas the first fume, and we lad enougli for dinner. There is thcernysfery and ma- gic o! kindling, a fire, and a dry cedar works uip niccst, I think. Double Trouble Ever since lier husýband's fun- cral, Ms A, a retired British schýloolfeadlier, lias bee-ýn bofhered lsy a big siliadow whi oes in and ouf ith lier -and whidliiin a terrifying wa, iMics liercx acfly in vieand cohn." hs mc, splif and dv d'Mrs, A cc-miplained fo a honspital psy- chiaf'rîsct in Bristol, Egad M.A's strang dule is nw ~long ifhsx fies the ci- staqr f ,an articie on auftoscopic hallucýination (projection of one's body image inito visuel 1spaqce) xvifnby Mrs. A's psychiafis Dr. Narcyz Lukianowicz, lunflic Augu"Lsf isue of tic mria ounlArc-hiv7es o Nuriology and Psydhiatry.Sud ýhplanfoms- ceýn be, impOssible f0 shake. Even wlien Mris. A closecs lier eyves, she see" ler double -- wih s cyes ce. "In a detachied, in- feectual w1ay ,111anflly a ware that my 'dou1ble_' is an hballucinla- fý(-n," -Mrs. A t1old the psy- cl1ifrîs "Yf Iscec if.1I léaýr if. I elif with ahi my sen;es.ý" Aýccor"dîng to lier doctor, Mrs-. A's ajilment is a îarely 1-en- counfeýttred rltv of clairvoy- ance or fthe imagLina-ry paymt of dilrn There -is no k-nown. freatmenit. Beaus soe vic- fim-s of migr'aine and1C epilepsy aLsosffer fomautoscopy, liow- ever, tie sdiititsuggcsfs fItin s,ieiccases qan organie- defcf erlapia brain1 injry- mrigýit be fIle real so1urce ýO! the lIe -,way ývtaxes,;are foday, you mght s wei marry for love. TO RENT. $150. Per monthi. Siral well equipped Repair Garage, with itrntish.- ed living accommnodation. deally lo- cated on Mo,.53fflgbway. B.C. near Lake. Stock ingoing $3500. lirmedci- ate possession. Wvrite Box No. 172, 12ý3 Eighteentb Street.'New Toronito, Ont, FOR SALE 73 ACRES of lnvestment property. La.rge barn, gravel, pit, weil drained. Bordering town of Barrie, Ont. Box No. 173, 123 Eigbteenth St., New Ter- 01nto, ont. SUMMER Property. 129 acres of land which joins two iakes, good for pri- .vate or commierci business. Two new cottages wltb bydro, price $8,500.00. lSalf.way betweni Ottawa and Peter- borough, near No. 7 highway. Box 171 - 123 Eigbteentb Street, New Toronto, Ont. HELP WANTED MALE AI'4 FEMALE RAIL WAYS want Stenographers andi Typlsts. Union pay. More jobs I this work than any other. Dally papers confirmn. Our ABC Systeni trains i 10 Weeks ai home, and one week's psy covera cost. Free folder. CASSAN SYSTEMS 10 Eastbourne Crest, Toronto, HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL or womnan for light housework, belp iith 2 amaîl chlldren. Own ooa good salary. Mrs. Mlay, 6401 Betrliing, Verdun, Montreal 19, Quebec, INSTRUCTION EARN more! Bookýkeeplng, Salesman- sbip' Shorthaald, Typiewriting, etc. Les. sons 50ý, Ask for free circular No 33, Cenadîan Correpondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto ISSUE 33 - 1958 Hou)tCan J By Anne Ashley Q.How ear i1 stop shoes from A. Bore a sinail bice in fhe sole, uip under flic arcli, and pour a little oul info it. Let the shoes stand upside down as long as possible after thc holes, to aliow the oh fI o get into the space bctween the soles. Q. How can I. make a remedy for freeies? A. A remedy for freckles is one dram 0of ammonium dhioride f0 four ounces of disti]led weter. Apply to flic face niglit a.nd morng. (Caution: Consultf vour plysician or, druggisf before using any homie-made remEcdy). 'QPORTU NlTlIE5 F OR MEN AND W1OMFN ADULTS! Send lQý for woýrld's fun.. miest novelty lokçe cards. Free cata- logue specialties, herbaI reniechies,. vïtamins, food supplemients. Weýsterfl Distributors, Box 24-FC, Regina, Sask. CFOLLECT Names, quarter for each! No selllng. Include !8ý for, postage. Arthur Bodniesky, 277 Victoria RUoad, Hartford 14, Conop., U.S.A. RE A HAIRDRESSER ,JOIN CANAOA'S LEADING SCHOOI, Great OpportuniitY Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignfied profession; good wgea. Thousands of suceesaful Marvel Graduitates. Amierica's Greatest la llustrated Catalogue Free. Write or cIl MARVEL MAIRDRESSiNG SCHOOLS 3,18 Eio*r st W., Toronto Branches: 244 King St. W., Hlailton 12 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSTONI1AUGý1t & C o ni P a il Y Patent Attorneys, ESta)blished f10. 600 University Ave., Toronto Patents ail countries. PERSONAL LEAýRN eight ballroonm dances oni ,"Records" $3.95. Money back guaran- tee. Fox-Trot, Jitterbug, Cha-Cha. Riclc Dennis of Hollywood, 2415,C Urîlversity Ave., San Diego 4, Calif. THE Greatest IDiscovery of ail liimeîI power over ail thinga.- sickne5s - wealth - happlness - succeas. De- tails $1.00. C. Walloer,' 743½/ N. Eliza- beth Street, Lima, 0h10. $.0TRIAL offer. Twenty-flve deluxe personal requirenients. Latest cata- logue included, The Medico Agency, Box 22 Terminal "û," Toronto, Ont. PLIJMBING SUPPLIES LEARN TO SAVE on Pîumnbing 8& Meting Material% WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Verbeyden's Supplies, R.R. 3. St. Thonmas, Ont. REGISTRED Lendrace froni veterin- afy supe'rvised herd, top quiity, 4 mnonths old, Sows $100 Boars $75 Ëlgial Hanna, R.2~, Sheiburne, Ont. VACATION RESORTS FOR early reservalions? Write, 014. Welsi-By-The-Sea Improveinent Asso- ciation, Wells, Maine, for liteitatiire An ideni place to spend your M4aîne Seacoast vacation. * SLEEP TO-NIGHT AIl RELIEVEhvos USWAY TO4IORROWI To ba happy and tronquîl lnsecd of nervous or for a çgood night' s eeep, toke Sedicin tablefs accordîng to directlens, SEDICIN' si.o-su.g TABLETS Oreg sw4gsalyl CLASSIFIED AGVERTISINO AGENTS WANTED MEDICAL GO INTO BUSINESS ' POE - VYSUFERF fo yotirself. sell our exciting liaue. -POE VR UFRRO wares, watchesan other pr'olucts not PISO Ë I ound i stores. No comptition. Prof- SHOULI> TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. ita up to50% Write niow for free oour catalogue and separate conSi- MUNRO'S DRUG STORE dential wholesale price sheet. Murray 335 ELGIN, OTTAWAý sles, 3822 st. Lawrence, Montreai. $1,.25 Express- CoIIect BABY C4ICKSPOSTIS ECZEMA SALVE PROMPT shipmient Bray chlcks, dual BAIUS}1 the torment of dry eczema PuIrplose, lixed, ptullets. Somne sý,qrted, rashes and .vepping skin troubles. letful supply Am-es (higb produc- Post's Eczrma Salve will not disappoint Mon, 10w overhead). Order October- you. îtcihig, sclilng and burnlnDg ecze- Nlovemiber broilers, now. See local nma, acne, ringwormi, piniples aýýnd foot agent, or write Bray lIatchery, 120 eczemsi will respond reandily to tIie john North, Hamilton. staifiless odorless oinitmerit regardles3 of how stubborn or hopeless tbey smeen, OOGS Sent Post Free on Recelpt of Price RISH Setter pup)send grown stock, PRICE $3.00 PER JAR .50 and up, Wynfield Kenneis, 1379 POST'S REMEDIES 5th ine, Clarkson, Ontarlo. TAylor 2865 St. CiaIr Avenue lEafs 2-0746, TORONTO CAN'T WINm 'EMA ALL - Samt-ýniy Sneaid rlils his eyes inwerns as he completes the first 36 hales of the PG-A Tourney ad LIa nerch Country Club in r vrow Pu, Aging Scimyïs fwo-troke Iead fieIu aport in the tournamen1's icnalI rounid as y.oung o Fintcrnldcamne ihrough f wifl. 'N <N 'N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N 'N N N N N 'N N 'N N N N N N 'N 'N N 's N N N N N N 'N 'N N N 'N 'N N N N N N N N N 'N 'N 'N N N N N 'N N 'N N N 'N N N 'N N 'N N 'N N N 'N N N N N N N N N 'N 'N 'N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s. N N N N 'N N N N N 'N N N N s 'N N 'N N N N N N 'N N N s N N N N s N s N N N N N -s N N s 'N N N N

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