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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Aug 1958, p. 8

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ORON A~(LYTIMES Whio HFias G-onsidered Stuclents? TFle decisioti of four munileipalities in the Durham HIigh Scbool Anet to gve approvail for the conrstruc-tion of a Rigb Schol la the Cjý ' area bas been a blow to Orono and the surrouniding district. The Etadneeds five municipalities to give their approval before thiey can ý-itiiinu ith the iconstruction of the school. Thle only bope tha t now re- iplsis thiat Cavan will give theiir approval anid that i lllbrook wil s'ec fit to wî,thbold their decis!ion untili after thecir meeting with the Board on- Septemnber 8th * It is possible that after this mneeting Miilbrook could Lave a different outlaook on the Orono site. Reasons for hiot giving, approval. for the constructi ni of the Sehool1 r, Gi-onu varies with practicaliy every one of the four municipal cul di.These reasons gleaned from press reports and other sources do no(ýt mwarrant the turffing dowa ofll thlis sehcooL Mlbrook, it appears, is flot so concerned with wblere the school! is built but rather look upon the question as an opportunity to get as- surance that they will have a new scooel in the very niear future. Thle situation la Millbrook is siilar to that in Orono -with the Righ Schooel renting space from the Public School. Thieir school, as 'the Or-ono achooDl, is now overcrowded and somethiing lias to be donc. Their an- wýers and plan of attack is to, keep the new sehool la this area as f ar awvay from MI\ilibrook as possible. They are also under the imipressdon that their Iligli school could lie closed and students could be taken to the Orono school. They have been assured by the Board that this is neýt their intentions, yet tbey are not satisfiied. ilbýrok's reason:ing centers about their own situation and they are flot concerne d whether Oîrono is a logicail site or not. Darlington and Newcastle both want the sdhool in their municipal- itieýs and t-hus 'vill noit ive their approxnal. Bath dlabilio that tranisporta- Lion costs wouild bce'too greait to an Oroal site. Owon.o is a central site anil it lias a concentrated population witin liniis(jtance of a icýhool.On. the other hand the central location cuts dlown the stuident heurs that would lie spent on a bus and thus gives equal opportuuity ar-ý,-1 creates an equal desire tu attend and continue a bigh, scbool educ- ntIon is the primie purpose of a scbool area. The Higlh Scbool Board -Ad the Departiment of Education both feel that Oýrono is net a cýostly location. These two munucipaiJlis are interesteci only in their own problemus. ~i, a prss report ilb appears that Bowmlaà\ville alàso f olows la ctth-Ieoryeven thougli [lie two sehool b) are convince2d other- e :e.ibxxasesprWessed that a 700 pupil sehlwaýs Imore ecoionical to cperte ~anthe 300 pupi: sehool s proposed by the Board at this time. Thîs coue, be pusible if ith.e e were -700 puptils to put In Itle schiouland the tansportation distances weelot out of ali reason. At the present and fer a liunber of yea; s there ý-is flot xpntd to ce 1lx HigliSehoo stud ntslaClarkýe and Darlingtenl areas. Further comments on te ]o'wanvllereportwa the discuission of the need of aý tecli- nicalcool. This wýoulcertioly he a costlîvptebcas h or Would hveto gIveeqal QoP'Poitimy ta ail studenits la the area to qat- t'end land Ithis WOUld -csxar u S runmg hroghou t e nhil distric ttO eue site - aI costiypusioyet Lthe saine imemb1,,ers are con- cerned about costs.ý Cominent was also made that Bowmianvile -was niow large enougli to wtraw frmthle area and thatml ous lol leconisidered. 'Phis agaÀII is not thle thouglit of area th, nking 11any of the recasons for nlot givig approval lack souind reasoning andi a disr-egard oif the ainis and purposes, of a seblool area are being u;vc-rlooked, This atm is to give eqp.aî]. opportunity to everyqnue for an edu- cration and not to dishearteii studenits ,vuhl ong, bus tripS. Orôno piro- ides an ecni IlogicýaI and coavenient site. it distributes thfe -chools la a triangle thus cutting down bus routes. Thle stu,,denits hiave sitbeen considered - aor lias their traývelling timie on buses. No stu- dýent shioild have to spend beurs on the bus eachi day. and thne refusingý (A a central site is going to for-ce this along with higlier costs. BRI. A ha nso' seen ten areas decl.IvvaredIru 1of the disease. Testing lu proceeding in '24 areas,. where there are an estimated 430,500. head of cattle. Hlealth of Animais Division, Canada Departmnent of Agriculturreot that 247 areas have been accepted for te anover and above the ten com- pleted. Cattle' under supervision total1 2,878,551. Thle national eradication program wvas started in April 1957. Prince Ed- ward Island was the tirst area to be tcertified. Overall level of infection la the in- itial test is about one pier cent. In somne areas, however, as hghas Iive Pei- cent of theo ahials have been found to be infected. On a hierçi basis, the rate is roughly 14 per cent, althoughi in some areas this figure bias been as high as 25 per cent. Brucellosis costs, the livestocek in-~ dustry abott $9,0O,0O annuajly through decreased milk production,'ý loss in calf crop and' the subsequent replacement of breeding, stock.ý WORK HORSE BECOMING MORE POPULAR IÇanada's workhorse is reang somne of the proinience it Iost during,' post-iwar years. At present there is a se.arcity of this type of horse, according to Dr. F. J, Leslie, LiveýStouk and 1P01111rY Po duction Division, Canada Dep)artmentý, of Agrlicûiltuire, anId thýteelhas been notieabe icreaed nteestin !breed-, ing. Î*ihepiie lie said, bas nearly doubled in ithe past six or seven years. Dr. Lsleexplained that a fair Per-, centge o farns i Queec nd thýer Parts of aaawilai 'y eur "D'ue to ùý(mjntic adgorp cdiinthere will always lie a cn sier. udmand fori, ugi tp hor-ses," lie asser-ted. The federal expert outlined tliree- mainrasn for the draIstiec in rn ubers: 1. eulýnnization. poses duing and a Vter orid Wr11 3.FarnI labor sh-"ortage. Hired ém'ei preferred drivinIg tractors t hw s Nowv that a shlortage does exist acý- ross the couintry, Dr. Leslie saîd, many farmners are again breeding t1leir owý,n work orses. VIGOR OIL CO. LD NEW REDUCED PRICE - ON P R E M1U M QU ALITY I Stove 011 20c per glo Fuel 0l1 iý' per gallon F OR FREE IJOlIE DI-LIVERY PH'ONjE Orono 1567, Oshawa RA. 5-1106 i 's - <.1 i r-' n .~ "..'. -s.y~ 5'.' n A 0 TARo G rou p registra tion proceeding uili Augustil3, 1958. Application formis for ïndividua! 'Pay-Direct' enrolmient availabie at banks and hospitals. in conimunities without a banik, the fornis may I>e obtained froni the post office. o , e Q.. e g KU;UAL RESIDENTS Oroup enroient avallable through- TION NOTICE Thle Office of R. R. Waddell Q.C. in rono will lie closed from August 4th oAugýust 25th 1958 foyr holidays. C-c- MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENr MIr. and Mrs. Nîi ~hb nounce the mr iag ioftheir i u- h' June Murieil t4) Hart!ey Krlai son of Air. and NMrs. iKertland üof Thlortiiill IN M"MORIAM ELLIOTT-In liovýing mevnyof our' dear girl AnneCttLie Elliott, who) pase aayonAui s 13, 1947. Wâe wl .asrmme flie way 'Ple way she spoke and smniled; l1he Iitvï hns o ad n i Are with tusail the- hle l'onLyrmembiei edl by Mther, DAd aud fmily.a-p USE THEf V CLASSIFIE AD CUSTOM COMBINING For Cuistom Cornbining, contact Lowery. Phone 11r-3, Orono. James b-p,_ Lost going from Grono Cattie Salei to Newtonville, a 250 lb. Hog. Please phone Clarke 2R1. a-P FOR SALE Bi;ck House. New. 3 bedrooýms, large living-room. Tiled bath rom. Decorated throuIýhout. Drilled well. Water softener. Excellent location. Lotl is 53' by 160': Reasonable do¶wn paymnent. Phione Orono 167. a-P1 A' F. MeKENZIE, MA) PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours 2:00 te 4:00 p.m. 7:00 te 8:00 pAm. Saturdays and Wednesdays by appointments @ly PHONE 1471 ORONG DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEONf Veterinary, Medicines, BWolgicals> and Instruments Ethîcally . Dispensed Phone 1016 Orono1 Ont. Lawrence C. lasu, IBA. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT, Phones: - NOTICE Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 1-5353 D.A. F. McKetizie will be on holi-_____ __ days from August l 7th for a period of,__________________ toweeks. a-2 ANNOUNCEMENT have resumed business at bis B.A, Statjon-Tea-!Room on Higbhway 115-3.5 Wle xeJcome, ail our Customiers and j Friencts. a-P CUSTOM SAWING WIe il duCuIstom Pnwer Sawing, evenings and week-ends. Removing and Contact th r Paufl R.utherford, Phione 14010; Paul MUcMackin, Plune 2R17; .Jim G ams'by, Phoine 1948. t-f £VGU1fIt -VOU SIDY ANCoI FURN4OS Attractive TUi ,?7aiAvc'.able ~oronc, Ont. nue Secretaty. Mr. Robert MoFfat 0ORONO, ýOntarjo.Phone Orono 33R7 DURHAM CO-OPERAT IVE M.NEDIlCAL SERVICES W. KAY LYEII, [A. la the Offices of R. R. Waddell Q.C. MAUN ST.,ORONO LFriday 7 - 19 pDm, Satutrday 9 aini. - 5 p.iii. Telephone 138 Orooo Aucionerand Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furnituire sales Consuffit me f or term"s and dates phone 5r1 - Orono Auctioneer and Výaluator Conduets Auctjon Sales of afl sizres and at reasonable rates Communicate with hMm at PortPer. Ontario, or see his Clerk, . M.orton ae Orono for date. LI f-E INS- URÎ-ýANCE Pension Plans; Educational Poilcîs;ý Protection and Savings Plans fo Ch Idmen audAduits; MPrlgage 1U*ï surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT ISTAFFORD BRO-S. FINE QUA1LfTY ni a haov ue, dl,- Notice Io Creùdtors îae4yariv~. tis ai tribut. murv ALEXAIJERlateof Kendal laj the e n.m emfr. Ton ~ ~ ~~i nsi fCak nthe County ofi Ail pesos avng lamsagint the Ar Y uPrtc d estteofthe saîid Robert E'oyd , Ageai s FrecLos? "nder who died onl or abouit the 13th day ot August 1957 are notifito sead to the udrindAmnsrtro i Solitor on orbfoefIc 2rd day of Augut 158 hei naes nd ddres-,es, an ulpriuaso hi am nthe inture of the, secuiritieé., if an1y, ( beld by-, tu!em )dly verified by statu- inmmediately after the said 23rd day~î ofAgs 953 the assets of the said, deceased will be dîstributed among the1 persons er.ýtitled thereto having regard o only 'to the dlai ms o)f wbich the Adini- f strator or the undersýigned Solicitoro Only Insurance eau give yenl shahi then have notice. protectio)n against los's. Check ýwyor coverýage 'for adequate, re- f Dated ait Orono, Ontario, thii5 24th;.1 ~pcement valve,. day f Jly 958N.F. PüRTER ARTHUR THOM1PSON, ÀP.121 Kendal, Ot.Adinstatr es 12712 R. R. WADELL Q.C.Orono,On, Phon11431

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