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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Aug 1958, p. 1

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Anohercoucilorscomentrends as -The 111gh Sehool Board -rnts thiat a school for 700 ýis Ilmore ecoamilical] than one for 300."- Cus cmoltbe soPmoviding lou have,70udens laàn nn Adi0e nmea to tý he sho.The pre,ýsent Bowmianville 111gh Schooi can .iccommnodate iO students, ane 700 studfent seýhool w ül hen iboost acrommn-odation rý this aeato ,140. Li 19594;60 bheestimateti High Sanoolstude n e area is arount 871. Who wul use the other 525 dlesks. 0f course the sohoofl is hj'up long e !u ) Y munlicipaIl ohiCkerin-g Gthe deskçs ;a find students. Furthner the Deprtmneat of fiducntion lias approve(î 1; pupil scheoq l atheOrmo u-aeaas oooita.We alo wandr if e sateentwas an) officiai oae by the Board. -Another comment appeaeing la the press reatsis "Tha Board hias bia-ed thait if te rono Sobol ila buiît, anothacr Higb Sehloolwol bave t b buit in ~Dlnln witbin a couple of years. This 'ould mena evier finanîcial burden because the c2osts 0f iunsubsidizeti sarvic .au1ditorium, gynnasiumi, cafer;ia , wolCi 1he du~d Aschüoo f 300 requiras oea g,ýlmnaýsiur where a larger sho fevenl CO requires eithier togmasun ra double grasu iba diiigdoor. Rare we point out that B ravile liaslo gymna anti PoGrt Hope 'a double gynmn 'witb a dividing door. Thera l a noreason thera. fre to beelve thatlleha costs would double. They nay be some grietr but nieyer tioubled or aven close to thiat figura. The la rg-er scho1s muat ba,-ve extended services in ail phases. To-day tee trend iÏs b bili corn- brnn,-,tion gymn anti auditoriumn. Anothaer comment, "A Techuical School wouflç relieve tlee loati on thýe present Bowmanvilie 11gb School" -- Diti his miuncil membar ý_*op to tlink thait to bauid a Techaical Scbool in trhe Bow;manivilla area oul n bhat one should lia boulia the Port Hope Area as the iBoard wnl woilgateti to give al l udets in theeantire area tha >amne fac-iities and the sanie opporttjnties. If a, Techauýcal Sohiool was bulilI for the Carke-Darlingtonara and pla2et iranyxlieue e'se ta Bo>wmanville the trmnsportation coýts wolid skyroui<et as a ïnovmlp ig bus service would lia needeti. Tech-mca l seools are moýre osi than academnic achiools anti especialiy lai higlier capital costs. There 's oltee studant population to warrant a Tachaienti scheool ns yet.Mer polj-itan Tomento bas only five such sobools and sone of these maike a grýjenIer stress -on acadçnmic education. "That the area is too lange for an 8 a'Hjgh holB ardnn hat therefore tha e ibers cannot a f ailiar wt the particul-ar pro- -~ems of each section." -- This statarnent is beyord reasoa fo)r ihe Eï1gb Stibool Board meimbers aire belter acquainted ihthe potr than any otber h ody' for they are in conta-ct w itb iltepo Lýems. -No otiber booyl'lias tis contacýt or havae they over the past ye ars yenrs kept pace witb the education protiema. How -rany attend the Bo4ard meetings, or how any have thaeir rmeresentatives give a semi- ý-nnual or animal report 10 !ouncýI as n whole?. "Thiat if1 al MAunicipalities hati been given thie uprtnt dis- us lte malter with the DDHSB they wo)ulti have-Advis dA-gi uîi -ing l Orono" - lai- gain ila astatemnent thal will not holti water for ait mmnicipalities as weM! as 1Planning PBoards we-re "c -t J ltter by the HiOg School Board invitimg themé, rn a eoto bne eay se wishad. Sonie acceptad thle OPporltumiity others sent a b)riaf ,ater while others did not-hiag. The Board cerainiLy gav,, e e u ial 'deas PlentY Of opporlunity to pre-sent their cases. Everyoae orf theire mei(etingls is a j-ubi;c nmeeting, opan te everyone., Ppblic1 vSdolVoe Qbjecýion 'Tis To Be A Gala Night Placed la Courts !iliue Objecting to thle vote w-hich wàs field to give or oppose the issuîng of debentures -for the two inew public sdioois have k4¶gedl witlv the Courts; thieir objections. It is understood that1 tlfs obligates either thie Township orl the SchoollI Area to go to court before any action could he taken in the coni- stttiction of the sichools as a resuit of thbe vote wichel favoured the ilssuing, of the debentures by a majority of eleven. New tenders for the building of the two new schoois are te ha lipenied on ALtiguLst 22nd and this coulti havea bernwe understand, on whiat pro- ceckire miay be foIlrowed. Anno ce in, rsSf rono police Trustees asking thal Twventy thouisand châîdren in the Un- aprch lte Coach Lines and ited' Counities hav e en given Ibrea o(vn C n T<th f statingthat you can make usei doses of poliomiyelitis vaccinew 'Fun ieldi "J JAIetV4îtioEn sr, Ltesmy amia the past thiree years by the Northu-m-. Orono Police Trustees or present berland-Durham llealth Unit staff. Utitil tha Clerk's office or the Orono i this year, becauise of limited suple The following1 are the winnars in the of the Salk vaccine which produced în Plid Crop Competition "4White Oats", The Trustees would like ta havý Ontario at te Gonnaught Laboratoris sponsored by Diurham Centra Ari comi-pleted witbin the next week. is was issueti by the Ontario Depart-jcuiltulral Society, 1958. ment of Hleafth oaly to medical 0fficers Ist-Jiio. Orufic,,shank, Hampton; ______ of iealt'h for- large clinies. 2Xd-Gray Bros., Newcastle; :)id-Pranicis Jose, Newcastle: aduilts as well as chiildren hvere- Oh-Car1osý Tamiblyn, Orono;T ceiveti the iouatosfrom itit own 7th M-G. B. Rîckard, wavle ér doctors. BbBueTiak, lHampton; Pa ee 1n s >Attendance at Hkýad1th Unit lakies 9h--Geo. Carson, Orono; has heen resticted to chidren andlth netGilbank, Orono; school teacliers. Now that thiere j5 - The Orono Banta,ým Baseball u At Orono This Wed., Aug. 27 NSeed More Letters To Woe Bus Somne fiftaen cilizens bava written letlers aupporting ha plean for hua ser- v-ice -la Orono. The Orono Police Trusa- tees ara hiopeful teat more iill ha ,vrit'en as tbey wvish te aubmnil aI least 30 to, 40 lattera wbeu tbay approac-thee Colonial Bus Limas. Witboul tis sup- port the request mny go unhecedeti as il bias in lte pasI. If vou are intereateti in saekimg Ibis service for Orono write n latter 10 th'? Attention Housewives cliies for adults la Northumberland 1, bake your favoýurite recipe's of and Durhiam countIies. Tw-f)o does mil C(2akes, Piesý, Brea , Bs, Picles, etc. b", -lves Ithis fal and in Myo efo r h Dm sti cienice DeLartmen of 1959 aLie of clinics will be LdI Of t4he OrlonoPair, Septembher 5th and to gv hr doses. 6th Theire ïare many atltractive specials a Cha lass for. new exhibitors. Thereý Dr. Horner stronlgly urges that all i$ .t~fl demand to prhs aUsits uner the gefo rty110ILa dthe h'pile co-okingll at 5:00 o'clock f)a nmake sure that they are proteeýd Strd Ifyu 1avenoprize s (Continued on page )apyt C Gamey, secretary. Tlext Book Gran ts Build U Class Sets At Oronio Igh LWuIIL Il Y? I Parents vwhlose c1hiîdren enter grade ______q at the Orono HghSehool lu Septem-' ber uwil h payi1ng a very smrail parti Caroln Repathof Picke.rinig spentoftbuuabul*rtetoosNt av fe ay ast wveek viîsiting wýitb onlly wrill they receive the benefit o)fth Dorothy Dunflop. annual grant for books from thie On- troDepatnn of lEduflation but they: Mn.Frak KrkedalofTorntoand1 wIll also býenefit from the s:ets of tx -Mm. an-d Mrs. Harry Mleyers of Bays ok hc aehe uî poe îty, Mlichigan, U.S.A. speýnt Saturday reuetyasi h sho.Tecr aftrnoa wth r.ant. Ms. hareswhich students take of thlese books Cooper. each yeaýr la the fact(or c dtr f4s essie Wannan, ALai-.,ot'g, is imiines the nuraber of '-free" books is- spending the summer months in Orono sýued~. with relatives. Stutients of g-rade 9 will be providedj Mlr. andi Mrs. A. L. Hoooy are holi- wTtjjtexîSfo efooin auecs daigat Iheir sumimer ctta1ge o nEhihComposition iantiGrammar, Ba)lsam Lake. . History, Geography (text and atlas), Shirley Dunlop is spendiafi a few M 'atitematica, Science, Business Prac- tinys wlth her grandparents at Cowan- lice, Guidance, anti Haaltb. ville. Mrs. C. L. Powers relurned Ihonie Thay wilI Le required 10 buy tha fol- Monday hy plane after spanding sixilowing taxts: Ballads anti Narrative week holdays wvitbh ler son,M. anti PQamps by Langford, A Book of Gooti Mrs. J. L. Powers and familyv, Kenora.1 Pinays by M'vcMalster, lassilcaIl Mylls in Paul Rutherford and Paul MMci Song anti Story Part Il hy Kin1g nad whlo ,vere successful in their grade 13 - MeRechalý,e, Une for T1reason hy Trease,1 year aIt he Bowmnanville High 11Sehool an Oxford Dictionary, Cours Prim-aire will ha attending Queen's nvesl e Frncas b annýret, anti a this connvear. Paul Rutherford wiîî 'Work Book for Esseatials of Business he std,iiù,y mrAicin wli Pul Me- iPractiice. aci la enmllcdtin laonor mathiemia- tices. Doreen Copping, is entering aur- sin, at teie Peterborotugb Ilospital anti Bamniece Lunn xvilbe entering Ibte Tenchuler's Collae. Neyer hafore ina al liimebas the op- potuit eaugiven of xitnessîag ai contest of professional i-Damatics asl will ha stageti on Orono Pair nigbts, Sept eniber th and 6(11h wheo Oshaxva, Port Hope anti two groupa from Pater- borougb will compate forhigb ihouiours ant cs-horzp <m namv SSOtOTbp Entotainment Commnitteae are asking Cour attentance for tIkese pinys bave heen chosea for liglit f amily entartLain. meLnt, so cma preparýedt enjoy your-ý self. Stucdents in Grade X xvi likxv benefit frorn sebool sets. Thay wlbe, iss-ued v'tb taxta for fthc followin-g sub-' jacta: En-iali Comtpositioa n id Gram- nmar, Geograpïiliy ;(ext and atlas), Mathemiatica, Science, and Healtli. Thay xili ha required 10 huy the fol- lowlig. we-fhNight by Shakes:peare, Suas MAarner ýby EIliott,Pom Cbey Narrative by MlcDonidadWle, hotStories for Youn-g, People by Cohert, an Oxford Dictionary, -i Nev,ý Course in Typewriing (,",d Edilioa) by MJorelanti, Latin for Canadian Scbools b)y Brealove andi Hoopar, Cours Pri- aire dîe Prancais by - Jeamneret, and Buligthe Caladlian Nat,'ip Reviîseti. la they td aise of te te the nted at rimes. ie Ibis day im"i action Ibis -weekend for tlitfirst rondl the Onitarlo playdoqwns. Thec lclclub m-eet Penwick lan this first- round wîth thie final ametis Saiturday Thesecnd ameofthie series wil be pIayet inlaOmono on Tuesday after- no om.Cre out suppOrt the local boys Saudyif at al possible. Later In 'th-e eveng th'e lgranci dra--v wilbe 1held a7inti0ssDi-ne wilil bha tee Two y, ears ago the Grono Pueesi1LuckyvOwner of a I4' Mplu sing B aa ,faced a feara ifromnwi c and found6f6h.p. Mlecuy Motor and aqritr thmkeen cmeito.At that time- Tickets are now ov ýn sale and yoJuri Fenwcl~on te seies wolarnes to chane of wnhgdeperffls 0on ycturpu one. chase of tic-kets. Thie capable pthn staff of theý Meet your friends this Wednesday (rono Bantamis (coultiturn fthe tables! evening Lat Orono . . they'1l ailc- on Fenwic!k thi*,s year. 1there. Lower Taxes For C'.Iarke TwVI9p. Many School Pates Dropi iIf ;s less thlan one week away tee Orono Street Pair. With it wmIl co>ma te towathe <chiant of the local "bar- [kers", the. canned music of the Merry- Go-Round, the rhythm of dance music anti the gaiety prevalent at a festive carnival. Ail this will take placeý on the Main Street of Orono this Wedne-- -day evening, August 27th with tie staging, of Orono's first annual Sre Attractions hIll -number many with the '*kick-off" at 6:30 when the square dancers swing into action lna acm peýtition. T'hese <lancers will be seeking fame in the dancing fieldi as well as endeavouring fur a scope of the $100,0 ,prize money. Groups have entered from ,Prinee Edward Cou-nty, Petrer- borough Counity. Durham Junior Par- miers, Hope Tiownship and Orono>. There is stil]l time to enter if you have a group or square dancers. The lerry-Go-Round wvfll also be?. ii operation early in the day for bth Ce youngsters and aduits. This entertan,.- Ment feature, will be set up right in the business section 0f the 'Main Street. Thte games of chance, 'bingo andi fish pond will Open the squaredac ing, and liera maplay of the Oronoý or- ganizations are t1a1dng part, and gva assistance. The Orono Pire Department, lite Amiateur Athletic, The Chanther of Commýerce, the Guides, Skating Club, and tlie Orotio Qrphians boyvs are soea Mllo wil h liard at work ln the varilous 1?Ooth s which -xviii line the Main StreetL. No0 evenling w-011i ha completewi- cut a danýce an thie Street Fair wil f- fer both old tuneani mode ncig T'he best mitsicians in the district Wqjj be OLt in fonce to provide, thea-nJ;;'iC 'o)r the dancers. Tt' is to lbedacg undLer thle stars vwic il! surely be a A b)rief study of theTowasn-hip ofý Clarke tax biP rayants thlal many wifl ý rceiva Ibi:s year n reductionla1 hei taxs.Aitoulithe culs are, notsub- eti. H c"aýv e The--Municipal iesr-la irnla 10 tha of lsI y ri Te differenc l 5. 7,24ani2vwilntc egrt est redu;ction witLi teose lui he scqhool The cul rangÏes Qýevwha2re à p,, h Gooscio ilnlien e fm inof a mmli 10 as match as 1i ction ns. tbe achool rate bas renian- mils onl the dollar. The greatest culýedth te sama, the Municipal reducîloný- f;)r the taxpayer la in aducalion whiera la Only down lte . mlh.Toa m higIeýr provincial grants hava asaistedi rmte for on)Io wii e rasidelt55I9 mn brmnIgmgl abourt thle maduct-lons, anti commercial 6a.3, Drama Festival PIays Ch -,,Len For Interestiengt- Enter "ai -irnýent i hisyear 0Orono9pinys bosl b avm Lainla asormeL Of drama groupaI wboxviidrspaytheir ticn O anPri day, Saptembar .5 anti satumdayv, Sep)t-, ember 6. The annuai dmama 'comnpa-,_ tition sponsored i by theDuamCut Agriullmal ssoiation, ill f eatureI antrias by Ibrcea rup eer befome Sýea, n la his Area. >Ou Pniday iinit teeý Port Hope Theatr1,e Group under lte direction Of 1Mrs. D. F. S. KIemslimvw xil present "The Red Vaeý(t Cou[ch"-. Thins -il ha our firatgips fIs POteltrial grou1-p. The La4kefielti Players uinder Mrs. Mayr.vne GryIllaxilii penform l, Ibel t"Uplif ers". Th is op awelilknown-l an1d weil though1elt Of in Orono fo b tiel:,illtil- performances ti-ly Jhave given in hepat.This year xvi a o x N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s s N N s N N N N N N 'N .5 N s N. N s N s s N N ChmhThanîïreGru ofPabr, un!delrAMrndcît vii do "Tihis Way 10Heve. Thae Knox Chuircb ru shoul be famniliar le most of us fo their past promacshema, iunder ii.Peter MCmbsdrcin O'n Saturday n ight[ Mr. cCn ircsa nw group, lhe PetQanboro, Comimuaity Theatlreaila "1umours Wantad" aiM-sla MToole,, ey lanti i Oshawn Littie Theatra la "Heaven oi Eamth. Bolh these 'groupa are par- frming for tUne rt ie on the Oono stgandi promise te giv-e naiht fuéveniring's elraunn Cut inie will ha 8:30p..ot aiights. Adission,,75ce for adulla; c fo1, ltrn Plan b attend Iba oce a-eribeatre Iment. ~ONO STREET FAIR, AUGUST 2lth ORqONO FALL FAIR, SEPTEIVBER 5ith and fith 1 1

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