ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TIIJRSDAY, AUGtJST 21, 1e5t mals wre {-rapped and' tran sported ,wkchhad reviously annilae thein, "e¶w bre-ed&Djg stock and have promised in a Deatent Otter aircMaî from a nume of animals were given anti- 4Lheiir utiWost coe rtion 1in enlsuring Jack's Lake near A4sly to the Siouxj tuleremia vaccine siiots before release. the newcorners have a ý fair chance tG Lç*okout Distict, a distance of approx- A re-establishi themselves. unaelyl,~0 m tansplanted aninials ln the Big Tr-outf Department of Lands and Fokrests o!- The animais were sexed, ear taggedIfLake area and no trappýing wMl be per- ficiais beh~eve that the beaver wili O andi tattooed before. being reieased in mitted for a few years. mnake a comeback in the area and otheir nlew home. 1thieret--y assist the Indians who rely on îtThe Indians in the area are 1 hyt-pigfrter ieiod 14 T orer t jwtectthetranpatedpleased with the movomenýt to provide lataovrtohded(0)iv rui-lanimais frori tuleremlie, a disease Itoavetw budd 2f le O NTARIO AqRE YOU EGUISTERED? ONTARNO HOSPITAL INSURANCE effective Jartuary 1, 1959 On and after January 1, 1959, the Ontario Hospital Services. Commission wiIl be the only agency offering standard ward hospital insu rance in Ontario. No private insurance company or prepayment plan will offer benefits covering standard ward ----dam ---MWNM --«WARM --Rmmm --.@WMM --..EMM --wamm --.Stem ---Umm 1. Are you employed i0here there are 15 oorrk,ýel «incldiltg itheeplyr If S'o, y'ou are ýsubtjeet to comi-pulsory enr-ol- meicnt through your -place of employmient. 'Your employer miust enrol you by August 31, 1958, and begin paymients in December 1958. Yom-r employer will register you. 2.Are you erloyed wchere tiiere are 65 to 1i Celudfing thte employer? If so, yýou may be enrolled as one of a group, if' the employer applies for- approval as a "Mandatory GrouIp" and fail' Aem1ployees, includ(ing the employer, agree to par-ticipate. GroupLii application must be made by August 31, 1958. Are you a muember of a professional association, nmeical co-operative, craft union, credit unionl, Iretail fed4erati011i, or- like grwip? If niumbier- 1 or 2 does flot apply lo you, check with your organization to determnine if it is acting as a collector for its nmembers. Group applications mnust be in by August 3 1, 1958. If you arecflot eligible under 1, -2, or 3, youz miay enrol as an individual and pay pre- milums direcIly 1to Ihe Comm11ission. findîvi- duals applying for Pay* -Direcz enroplment musi miake applicationi by September 30, 1958. Application formis are ani, available ai public hospitals and ba,,Ls (ofr tMe Post Office if ehere is nok banki. x your comîx- riuait..) Do flot deloy. PAYMENT -Ce:PF.EMUUMS GROUP PREMTUMS will be payable monthly in one remittance to the Commission beginning in Decemiber, 1958. INDINVIDUALS remitting to the Commission on a Pay-Direct basis will pay as fQllows: One mioath'.s preiumin at th~e time o! application on or before Septemiber 30, 1958 - and after thait payable on a quartert -y premium bisis begin- ining, in January, 1959. PREPATD 'CSHON - frst aymient of one nionth's premiium hby gros ps nd inýdividua.ls re.gistered prior ta the closing dates %tated above, will cover a bencfit per-iod od'tliree niths fromi January 1 to March 31, 1959. This wiIl set up a "prepaiid" period to maintatin benefits during tiniýe9 when a person mnay be laid off, changing joýbs, or temporarily out of the province. LATE REGIS TRATION MAY PRONVE COSThY Groups and individuals not regListered by the closing dlates stated above under givea classifications will flot onlly fail to qualif'y for the two miontbts' free coverage but wVill be required to wait three inontlhs foi owing application before benefits becorne avait- able. For example, a group or resident applying ini February will npt have protection effective until Visit our Information Centre in the Queen Elizabeth Building CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIIBITION YOU MUST BE REGISTERED TO BIENEFIT ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION HOSPITAL. INSURANCU DIVISION - TORONT4O 7, ONTARIO 1Telephone WAInut 4-3301 Hoisteins 0f J. H. Jose Establishing Fine. Records Liv. Beavers Tm iIu. Fr. Lindsay ArE jhe nl shiient of live beaver 13ig 'Drut Lake in the hinterland northern Onîtarl;o from Lindsay Distri wasco'ped on Thiursday, Augunt 1958. IV total fity-nine (59), lve ar beaver have been transplanted in the area this surnmer from the Lindsay, Tweed, Kenora and Kapuskasn Ds rict S. OurJoo Street F air MERRY-GO-ROUND- - BINGO Wed., Aug. 270 - CAMES -DANCING: hospital ser'vices aftèr December 31, 1958. ALI, RESI1DENrS (0F 0NTAIBJ0 RMI ARE LBE The low premniums of $2. 10 a moath for a single Enrolment is open to every resident o! Ontaio-re- person and $4,20 a month for the family (husband, g-ardless of age or phy.ýsical conditi-elihr itrouigl wife and children under age 19) are made possible a group, or individually on a Pay-Direct basis. througlietniefnnilcnrbtosb h Non-residents of Onii.rio are tnot eligibfle. .Fed xera nsPrvin-cial ormntbts. b h WHICH 0F THESE CLASSIFICATIONS ARE VOU IN'? An Wxceptionaly Large Record oil Performance test has recentlybea completed by a Hoistein in the herd o J. H. Jose and Sons, Newcastle. Then cow il Sprinigw\ay Ekeho Veeman St,ýr who as an 8-year old produced in65 days on twice-a-day ilking 24,957 lbsY.. milk containing 882 lbs. fat averagaý test 3.56% butter fat. Tins is a BCA ofi 190) for MUii and 184 for fat. Star started' on test as a Sno yearting and has now com.pleted sevea, tests çwith a total production of 99>,3Z cousecutive Record of Performancaý- lbs. m1ilk. She bas been cîassified er goo0d for body conformation, the scid highest rating obtainable. One o4 the langest lifetimew recôrdC.- reported in Canada recently is that of lGladilxrae Governor Lassie, a mnein1befr of tihe purebred Holstein herd of ..H Jose and Sons, Newcastle, Ontario. Eý aine lactations on official Record utý Performance test, Lassie bas produced, a tota! of 162,947 lbs. containing ï6.40X7 lbs. fat average test39% butter fat. AÉ of her recor'ds have been made (Oft twice a day'milking, and ïn three oyf bier lcain she 'bas quialified for thea 305 day division. By virtue of havlng exceeded Jhe 150,000 lb. mark for 11kf timre produ: tion of milk, Lassie qualifies for a', Silver Seal Certificate of long-tinie proc- duction presented by the Iloîstem,- Friesian Association of Canada. La her latest lactation as a 13-year old she- produced a total of 19,711 Ibs. iiI. containing 775 lbs. fat in 365 days a 18,038 lbs. midk and 714 libs, fat In 30e days. ier Iargest iladividual recorýLd w made as a 9 Year à1d when she pro- duced in 365 days 21,673 lbs. niilk con- taining 823 Ihs, fat. Lassie cornes by 'fier produelag abil, lIty honestly l'or ler, dam has aan- lactation lifetime twice-aday milkcing total of 119,894 Ins. milk cnann 4,443 Ibs. fat whbile lier sire, Goveriu)r DeKol Houwtje, bas been classified) Very Good and bhas 12 daughters with jmature records wbich average1699 lbs. rnilk containing 670 lbs. fat aIl )u, twiceýa-day mflking. moue- mmmmoc»-- momw_ gauw_ amom- mmmý m9mý ammm- oow-- ëNim- àbanu- «@wmý mmâ»ý lemm- ocamo- Z»Ë- hemm- unab- man- mmob- on- Iuraace Servie Leroy Hamilton *.Every class of Instur- ance is represented in our office. The followv- ing are some of the main coverages we can offer: Automobile, Life, Accident a-id Sickness, Plate Glass, Liabil «ty, FFre, BmSlery, Hospiealization, Livestock, Boiler, Wind, Polia, Hail, Fidelity Bonds etc. ORONO. PHONE 1RI, -FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Lery Hamilton REAL ESTATE BROKER