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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Aug 1958, p. 6

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rç "ýDear Anne Hirst: Bettepr aûs3wer me If ast- or 1 intend ta get a rdivorce. My husý- band hias had a shop for 15 yearzs that caters ta girls and y'oung w7,omeni. They flock in and flitt wijthï him,, and hold longcovr sýations that they don't know 1 Lavç,rhiear. When 1 ask him ba îhey~ talk about, lie wan't tel!, meand thiat makes me fuius "We aren't youngsters,wer botih 45 and got married thrues years ago. He isn't a man whoû talks mtxchi, and he neyer con- fides in anybody; but it seems5 lie would rather chat wftb these teenagers than wîth, me! 1 al- most hate every one of them-. 1 work as bard as lie dces, but does lie pay anjy attention ta me? 111 don't know quite what ta do, but I'm going ta stop thiis nocnsense. I wan't take if any,ý longer. ALL THROUG!ï" FOOLISH FEIARS *Remember what fîirst at - *tracted youtatheflc man y-ou >married? It was those very *qualities that other people ad- Smire.,fHe is interest*ed i,ý *people, and he's a patient * lstener; ta these grLle i * noldex! friend who can ad- *vise themn about their littie *problems, and they know he *doesn't gossip. * ou married an attractive, *seesu man and now you *,w;sh you hadn't. Every time,( * li chats with a customer youa *see lier as a rvl Why? When *lie finally married, did n 41 choose 'a teenger? H-e mar- *ried you, a woman his age, aidî *enjougli ta have mnore common *sense than you are showing *Every one of these girls quij *young women represent your b* husband's (and your> source nf * incomye. He murst lie friendly *e ta them ail, or they'lî shop *somewhere eljse-. Wliy don't Syouà forget this foolish, jealausy - n et interested in themn, *toù? If you dfid, they migbtý' *confidie in you instead. Think *about this. (Some uf the(se Chu-ld's Delight (ni , ýWtc Ho-hm-slepy oy! ustthe right doLi for a sieepy chil'u ta cudldle. He's a sock doîl and has a sister lu tlhifs pattern And she's Pattern 896: Directions, pat- teru for ï2 doils, pajamalts. ")Ie )r pair wîil delight a chiild Sendi, THIBPTYFIVE CENTS stmscannat be accepted, use postal note for saifety) for, this paRttefrn ta LAURA WELR ,ox -1, 123 Eighteenth St., Ne<w Toronto, Ont., Neediecraf! Dept., Aàddress. Print plainly PAT- T ER N NUM' BER. your AM As a bonus. TWO dmit paittIrus are prhinted riÏýht lu aur' LAURA WELRNeedl:tcaft Book. Dozens of other designs you-L'ýll want fta order-easyfas iatg harxdwojrk for yo)urelf, yorhomeit, bazaar ies £end 2 5c cents for yuorCcopy ofÀ this bokb to-day! ISSUE 1.4 -- 1958 1 y"ou1ngsters may becgettinga Squite ja kick ouf of you1r *jealous bebaviaur.) Fwtrials are sa exaspex - *atingc as ta live with a jealous * mate; the honiesf hiusband is *ashaxied of his wife, and the * ishonest one thinks lie may *as well have the gamne as the *namne, i uuge ou ta try ta *contrai yourself. Instead zAi * eing sa suspicious and burn- ing youLrsef up, you sbould bc *proud you xaried a mnan wýhom other peDople hold irn *such higli regard. *You know very weill ha;t *your husband loves yau; if he *did flot, lie wouldn't put up *wi th your, behaviaur. You *must bl ie alsng hlm setf- *consciaus and miserable. 'f "you do not change, 1 fear, *what mi-ay happen. Perhaps if *will be fHE who 1eave., YOU! Turn aver a new/ leaf. Act *your age. Be doue with these childish gestures. Behieve in v oir ima's integrify, and wvork, * with hlm -nta lis furtHer stîccessý aInd your own. 4*ITHER SEEKS 1WORKi Déar Anne Hirst: Mvy iiusband anld I have a1 grave problemi. We are tryin , tû find a way for aur youngest byta finish higli- school. We aýre bath growîng aider, and suf- ter the usual infirmities of aur "Two aider child1ren are mar- rýed but th-ey neyefr lielped us a ut except in emergencies, and nee ost ungraciaus. The boy- 'as tried in vain ta find an ater- school job. 've neyer workeà ifor anyonje else -- just took care cf the chîdren. I do enjoy nurs- ing, though, and am good at it; no you think there is a chance L' that :field for me? "'ve done my best for them al - aind -,ee where it has left * TIRED OUT" Taik wlVýth youi physician and wthyaur minister. T7hey knawýý the needs of f amu-ies atrid ï nsztitutions in the neixghbar- *lioodC, and perhaps cani recomn- mend yau for- part-time serv- 'Lo toneavily, and would cer- ice. That 'woufld nat tax. vou tanyacddsamething ta you It is disgracefu1 that yaui oider diidewho lad everf advantage, do rtf rally around *and hielp thâe boy compiete hi-s Seduc-ation1. Have you tried ap- Sproaching tliem pracfically? *Figuring a monthly sum ta re- *lieve the emergency? They *miglt be willing ta contriburc' *equally. I know 1how ashamied Syou bath are of theïr differ- *ence, and i sorrow, with you When a huâsband or wif e dis- trusts the other, there can be ne foundationý for the content- ment that keeps a marriage swecet. If yen have this problem%. Anne Hirst can hielp. WVrite her et Box 1, 123 EightPenth Street, New Toronto, Ontarlo. A WEDDING WAS ARRANGED The fiancé off Gi'usep)pini Cors1a h-ad thle anoyýing haita post- poning his wediding date. Sâ persistent did lie bcom-e in miak- ing au&-breaýking dates ithat rela- tives of the girl decided ttakbie a hiand in the affair. Gîuseppini's father, two bro- thers and an auint waylaidth crring siokidnapped hlým 3a1J loced thm in a room iwit h tha giri, wiethey took it lu turns to standrd outside the oo ail niglit. And nowý, in P a liii Lagon e gra. Itaily. tie schiemersar ok ng ff Prison sentenices ranging lup ta a year ftoi their par't 1i-1the proceedings. "Teaverage working man ame talng up weight- lt's a sort of -Sputallc Great Fas5hion House Honored A hunirdred years is a great Fage for a fashion house, Not many achieve it. Centenary celebrations take on added im.-. poi tanccý for being suich, are oc- c-asion.. The f ashion houise of Wortni, celebrating its 1Oth annrîversaryý, in July af this year, is one o! the oldest couttù'eý houses in theý wvorld. Charles Worth, thie foundier, son of a poor solicitor, was aip- prenticed tili 1845 ta Swan andi FEdgar, a largýe store in Picea- dilly Circus, Lonidon Without mnoney and without introductions, however, he wavs drawn away ta Paris and got a jolb at Maison Gagelin, where n2 soon became chiief designer. In 1858, Charles Worth launched out on his awn, o-pening a, salon in the rue de la Paix. Wrth's fortune waS made VAhen his first court customner, the Princess de Mýetterniic, brouglt the Prinicèss EugenIie tae b'is salon. The ladies of the court of the Second Empire followeci, cemandiing clothes for themn stat.e occasions and court baîls Fabulous day-s brouglit f abu- tous clothes, Mvore and mare material wvent into skirts and Worth introdluced the crinolir~e tLn cape with draperies. Despite hi1s later. efforts taO bapnish this syvmbol of elegance iand leisure, women c, Ilung t A i until the Second Empire co- lapsed aild the mo.ýst austcee days of the Third Repubi-te trougl,,it the straiglitex Unes worn MISS UNIVERSE - Luz Marina Zuloaga of Colombia is Miss Universe of 1959. She's a 19- yenr-old student aî Colkoege of Presentation in MAOnizales. Sta- tistics 5 - feet 4, 116 pounds, towaird the end of the 19th cn tury. ladies of Boston and New Ynrk ladiciscvr Paris. Iu thae c ors fa the Grand Tour of Eu- rope tàey WOuIl -stop off -!, Worth's salon ta order fîinery mn 1900, Worth, wtbthe hep of bis twe sont "oened a LAn- c~o bose ndcontinued to m~ ressduring the Edwardian and Georgian Ceras in addition ta haute coutur.m 1the house now hbas a boutique where reay-mades are avait- able at lower cost thsn couture mwodels. There is also the Mi3s WVorth departm--ýent 'for ýouniger customers. PRecogn;rizing fthIe cbauged so c ial a nd econonlic patteiru of ifs FsecondJ century, thec bouse bias e veýn opened wvholesale showroomis where collections are shiown ta buyers from Great Brit:ain and aven- seas. TIe bouse oa' Worth thus symr- bolizes a century ofi fashiion and Whi1isbeing graphîcaly ius- traed tf0 mark fIe ceteuapy At the Victo)ria and Albert Mu- suJames Laver raie au exh-ibition cof' sketches af 'Worfh dresses, one for every- year from 1858 ta 1958. "A June bere, an October there, iand 3alot i'bat ýair in between." HISTORlC StJNDAY - Eniglcind's Prince Charles, the new Prince of Wales, is shown wailking to church iii Newbury with eight year-old Mary Beck, daughter of the headmnaster of Cheam Sc hool. Affer the seivice, Chai-les was met by his sister, Prin- cess Anne, who theni went home wilh him to Buckingham Palace. CRONICLEIS I-woniderbow mraiy- eaerVo this columur saw Prnlcess Margl"- aret? We ýere inof tamong fh,,-' lucky numrber - rmucli fa aur regret. 1 suppose we eould lave been but standing inn une. pas- si-bly in fIe lot sun i S a Iiff e miore that, we can stand noW But we did f ollow the Prînicess-- on televisian wheýrever sIc went and wenc complretely epiae by lier, naturalncss and- chartni. Similar reports have reached uis framn those wlic did see lier,. la facf if is myý belief thiat Pnincess MPargaret Ilas a tremendaus ap- i-eal foýr Caniadian peuple and that many were conIscýius of a rlýghtening ofi the tîroaf itre- ineembering this frieudfly youngl gi had not f eltfrec fa follow the dictates afibc,- own heant iiu ler pensonal lii e. My nephew, Xlemi, is spending fthe sumrmer &ýi fIe Baniff Scbool of Fine Art3 and was playingc the solo viollu. jir, thie Conicerto that was playein for the Prinicess during ber sta'y af Banff. fHe sent mie a glowiîng accaunt aof tle occasionl. But even if we didn't make a trip ta sec the Prinicess wte haven't exactly been sifting at h.ome. No, indeed, wve have seeni marre oif Ont aria f lis past week flan at any tïime ini aur lives. I told youl lasf week oai aur fr;;p te points above Flîesherton Tînt* was followed by other drives- ý1) ta Bass Lake, ta a Proývinciatl Park overloorking Lake Simcoe; <2) fa, Stoney Lake about 9Z miles fram Peterborough; andi '3) ta Nottawvasaga Bay lu fhe Myidland district. We l-ad nio idea thene was sucI varied and beaufiul scener'y l Onitaria. Any o-ne ai the pro- vincial parks is well Worth a visit. Our Deparfment ai Landt and Forests deserves ta be con gratul.,.ated for ifs fine work .n fîxing uý,,p accessiîbleý places that provide beapufy andcoenne tourists and picnic parties Bass Lake, n0f ffar from Oiai.s typical. MaIssive trees give plenfy of shade, almost fa thewaes edge. Picnic tables an-d benches are in good supply and there- is a sbelfenedbidn' with more tables and benches plus eight.n barbecuie grills l'or whid feir is- a plentfiul supply et firewaad, c-uf and sfacked. The building lias a stonje w about four feet àbove floor level and a good roof. Sa, tain or shinie, there ïs always a good place for mïeals. The beach originaily b ad a stoney base but eniough sand lias beeu trucke-d ilu fa mke il suitable for children, especially in flic safety area for, Thc view and thie coolness waS, Sc lovely I COUld hbave Sat ther? aIl day witl fIe ufýîmast content, Thýe ncxt tnprý took uys ta about, 25 mitles north i fPcen--borougbI. We la)d aur lunch on thi-e banks C, thc Trent Canal in the lec c4 the lf-ok.We elimbnLed the stane steps ta, the top oie the îokgâtes and wavtched tîcin open for two smial pleasure boats ta go tîrough. Froux' there we went ta Stoney Lake ani found a lovely liffle beauty spot, very secludIed and yet flot isolat- ed. Ail kinds of trees -- and a very nice cottage for sale! The shor e-lîne was alsa well wooded and apparenfly the lake provides goodi fishing and boating. The boys -had a greattime raddlinig a r:ound in the shallow water. 'We lazed around for about an hour and then. started for homne l-eepinig as close ýta the water's edge as we could. We came past Rice Lake Pust before sunidown znd the view wias one to re- -member. We stayed on the less tï-avelledl highways until it was almostý dark, then we stru.-I acrass ta Highwýays 401 and 27, by then we w-,ere nearly htome. We- practically had the south-- bLound roads ta ourselves ai were very thankful wve werc heading soufi and not north, where ïn somne sections the- cars w e re travelling bunîper ta bumrper. Considering the extreme heat and iuidrity aur grandsoniswee realiy vc:' = -infr a splendid little travellers. Dee brouglit a crib maýttress along. wvitbi lier lu the trunk of the car and when the boys were txred s1he fixed if up on the back seat wvhere Dave amci Eddie settled down and went ta sleep as quiet ly as if the-y lad been in the'r own. beds at home. Ten months aid Jerry was mnoreaM a problemn as le had ta îleep n bis mnother's lap most of th( re.But ou the whole liewa r-ery good, toa. Yýesterdaýy the rest af themn weut ta Midland but I stayved homne as so mnuch driving xt t'he windows down gave mec coldl in the glands ai m.y nick, and was somewhat painf-,uli, wýan-ted tfa keep Jerr'y w ime Lut bis mother twas aradlie ïiiglt fuss sri the onIly oneta sf ay withime vwas Honiey Until thenÀ she had gone .on ever-y tn,-P sitting on, the fl[oor of thle cal, Lgetting the fui] beni io the ventilation and having ~s (very time We StOPPt-d I'ear the wvater. That is ýwhji 1i waufà likp~ ta do right now - but where? Guess 111 tbave ta be satisfied with a bt-tbor ýhower'. And] be thankxiit',al we have it, There was èi tine when we dfidn't have that ucb 1 have only ta look baclP a fe,ý y;ears ta appreciate the modest conveniences ,ve çow enijoy. Modern Etiquette by Roberta Lep Q. Certain relatives and £riend,' of mine persist in kîssing me oni the mouth when greetingý me., Without seeming rude, would il be proper for mne to turn niy rheek ta them? A. A goad suggestion ïs that you kiss the approaching fýriend quickly on the cheeký before sheý- has a chance at yen. SIim Two-Piecer 1R T!3'1 PÂTTERN LiL Just right fori, f-ies-ti twro-piece "chemise" dress lias an easy fit through the mLidriff, ïa slim skif that myakes you aOOk taller, leanier, Easy Printedt'- fern. No alterations. Printed Pattern 4726 Rii Sizes 14!', 1À6¼, l , 2w. 2 24½,ý. Size W/2 takes 3% àyardsl 35-incli fabrie. Printed directions on ecbpat- tern part. Ea.sier, neccrate. Send FORTY CENTS (4Oe> (staxups canuat be accepfecd, us* -poýstal nîote for safety) for thix pattern, Please prinit plainly SIZE, NAMIE, ADDRESlS, STIYLE NUMNBER. Send order ta ANNE ADA MS, Box 1, 12? Eighteenfh St. New Toronto, Ouf,ý PENNY PORTRAIT-Talkiri inspiraiîon from tïhe sight OF 19-year- old bMkni-clad Penny Sma~rt, Conda,- the chimP, sioPS paint on canvas ta create a -work of "aobstract art". Penny is the grand- dcughter of the owner of the BiIly Smart circus *t Southampton, Engla nd,

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