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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Aug 1958, p. 7

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Tales 0f The Baseb*1i Diomond KID STUFF Meli Ott ca'meo up te the iat at the tender age et sixicen. Ho was a catcher. But the club wasý ioaded with hacksteps, Wh7at manalger John McGraw needed, Was an) outfielder. Ho askedi the sixteen-year- old Ott, "Ever play thie eut- Ott seî-iouisly replied, "YVes, s 1 , w hecn 1 w as a kcidi WIIERE WAS MIOSES Some seasens, umipiro Red Jones, icvitated by semne ed thse barbers on the Whlite Sex bench, strede ever to the Chi.- Lage dugeu0Lt a ordored the enire bencti cleared Whereupon Waliy Meses, the' gentlemaonly ottielderi, asked, "Wh-.y threw me eut? 1 didn'i say a thing." Jenes rem-tained adamanmt. fHe shoek his head. ',It's j ust like a raid, Moses," ho said. "The good go alonýig with) the bad." LARG*AIN IHUNTER Bocauise ho believes that n bail player can't concontrate on thse gamne githout a contented home lite, Branch RUickey on- couragïé, ail his yeung bachel- ors te rget married. Ho once effered, bis shortstop, Stan HRo- jek, a theusaý;,nd-dolir bonus if hot would tako himnselt a wite. Stan said ho would uconsidier A. The nexýt day ho approached Mickey. "Well," said the Branch, "eid yeu pop the question?" Roeok grinnod. "Sure," ho 3aid, "I îolayed youî propesi- tien te theonee and only, and aise told me te hold eut for- twÀo thousand dolars!" KIDNEY-ING AROUND When Dr. Bcbby Browýn e- ported te Yankee Stadium frosb from his înteiship, ho was !av- Lshiy greeted by manager Sten- gel. "Airn I glad te see yeu!" ghouted Casey. "Youi're just the teleow I've been ieeking for!" Brown was dumbfounded. Ho knew that B iiiy Johnson was bitting over .300 and that a, rookie named Cil McDougald was scooping uip everythîng hitL within a mile- of tise bag. "Yep," continued Stongel, "I jouldn't wait tili yeu got here. Tel me, do you know any quick way te get rîd et a kid- ssey stoeo?" THE "F' BAS IT Semne years ago George Moî-. *rty gra.s um-piîing a Cloveland- Detroit gamoe. An Indian rookie was up a' 'tise plate. The reokie teois ene strike without protest. Thon ho teck another. And thon a thiîd. Before. returning te the dugout, ho turned tQ thse um- pire. "I beg your pardon," ho po- Iltely asked, "'but how dÀo yeii. gpeli yeur namo?" Surprised, Mriarty eb'ligodl, tpelling is name. Thse rookie sigho-d. "Just as 1 Zhou-Ight, sir, cnly one 'i'" SUPREME EFFORT - Giving his ail, Baikc*r Singh of India corn- pelles in the men's discus e-vent at the British Empire Gamnes in Cardiff, Wales. Hs long hair is kept in place by q, lnot of cloth. Casey Stengel- Man 0f AMany Faces If Wl Street ever wants to bine a seemna-agtise ideai man for the job la Casey Of course, the atnazing Mr. Seelis penfectly happy et his present post - guiding theNe Yeork Yankees te their ni*ntis Amnerican Longue pennant in thse 10 years ho bas served as man- Buit if ho even decidos te re- tire frem baseball,ie,ewouid make a splendid spokesmnan fer Wall Street. Conisider somne et his qualifi- cations: 1 A knnck fer success; hot is the only manager in histcny to win five. straigýht World Series. 2. A ibis man with the hemey toucis. Mn. Stongel is îeputedlly e iilionaiîe, thanks in part te shrewd oul investroonts. Yot h.- stops to chat with the fans, pose fer, photograpbs, and sign iîss auitograpis for adeîing yôu)ng- stors. 3. He is a bank director. Tise Glendale National Banik In Giendalo, Caiif. (tise home cf the Stengei1s) 'elected hlm te thre board eariier this year. Casey's testimcny ieft the senaters baffled, It aise ieft thie i stitches (evepi Senater Estes Kefauver laughed, something he rareiy does wisen quizzing busi- ness ty(con. Congressmnen a re like oidinary folks in that they cannot dlislike that whicis moves them te inugister, 'Stengýelese' Prose Basebaili-reporters have as- sîgned a namne - "Stengoecse" - te the meandering prose et the Yttnkee fianager gris, incident- YOU AUTO GUILD NOW - For the de-dt-yourseffer wvhowat a car thot won't be like ali lite other cars on the read, a British Firm has the answer. The Nobel 200 is a- kit-.rr which cornes in !,,N versions. One is the truck -con vert; ble (top) und the other is a sedan (betioem). It will have ojîher three or four wheels, depending en builder's preference. the se-Jun itsaid fa have a top speed cf about 5ô m..h. ad gets 80 miles te the gallon. ay ,nspeak with the fluency et a cellege tenchier when hie se chooses. Hlowever, he is called the QI' Pro-feýsser because he s se adept at fashioning basobali strategy anl f handling tempera- mental athietes. Conrie Mack once said adinir- ingly cf Casey: "l nover saw a mani who juggied his lineup so much and pl-ayed se mrany hunches se -uccessfully." Here is an exam-rple of Stenige- lose when Casey, talking about four different players, expiained a Yankee victery in the 1952 Worid Series: "That young feller Tom Gor- mnan) s fast and ho has Iow- breaking stuif. Maybe he crossed up niy catcher 'and maybe hne didn't. But he's tough to handie and he's inexperienced. Thon I1 think about my other young toi- ler (Eddie Lopat) who's been through the mrill] nd ,went rat- tle easy. Besides 1 got my touigh feller (Allie Reyno1ids) up my qleove and the key play eff the Worid Series wuz made by that fresh kidi (Billy Matn)Iget at se-onid." There- is even Sterigoýlese in- herelit in~ Casoy's ogru namie. Rlis reai name s Charles Dillon Stengel. "Casey," is Pa nicknamne derived frornlK. C., the initiais of his native town, Kansas City. SShowman Stengel bas always deiighted the fans. In his play- ing days at Brooklyn ho once marched majestically te the plate, doffed bis cap te the crowd and stood straight-faced as a sýparrew took win-g frem his hoad. The stands roared. The Casey legend glewed, tee, that day hoe marched te the top of a taîl building and dropped a grapefruit te tho ca!tcher on the ground expcting a baýse- bail. The trading floor etf the sto(,ck exchange entains hundrodd-,cf hurrying figures as bieokers ex ecuto their buy-ainc-selP edes But the acrobat hiabitsef t Caey puts this hustie te shame. Ho waves bis arns teinllus-trate a peint and wil onet hesitato te dornenstrate a hook sîlde Ir, o hotol lobby. Hle grbsimagnary baýts and swings mgtiyat îiaginary aebls,"]wy wtc(h the pichr' fet." ho tolls young Yankee hepe.tuls. "Thoy'l1 tell yeu when ho il's genna pitch." Casey rounded 67 on JuJiy,7 j stil] rutnnîng sýtreng. If he ever leaves the base patýhs fer cquieter working fiid, ail Street had better hustîe and niab its spuke(s- man. SURPRISE!, According te ,(LuisSeýbol, Georgie Jossol, whe wijl]spei[%on any subjeet, anywhere, an ie, had just been hurriedly enage te deliver the eulogy at ,a rpcent funeral service. Atter bringing tears te bis own and everyeo elsýe's eeJessýe1 suddonly glanced down iiinto the coffin.ý "Hely smouke" ho cried '"i knew this mnan!" Q.low can 1 prevent muifd from formîiag on tise tops oft the jars ofre" re and jouies in the fruit cioset? A. Thiis wil netecuril n buckettofime s kepit in the fruit closet Sporting tife «Up and down, Uip an'd down," rhn.nted Puck in "A Midsummner Night's Dream," "I will ead them unp and down." One recent week, as the country sweltered through midsuimmer nîcghts, Puck, invisible and unpredict-. able, appeared te bo hard at work amnong those moitais ocu- pied in the serieus pursuit 0f sport. The sound et unearthly laugh- tem echoec thrcughi a State ,Sup- remne Court's chamnbers in Ossin- ing, N.Y., where a 61-year-old amateur golfer was suing his club. "My handicap (29) is ton, low," charged William Wacht. Hle petitioned the court to have if raised to 34. Attorneys foi the Pines Ridge Golf Club ceuntered thiat Wacht played poorly during the 25 rounds used te calculate handi- caps, then went ail out in tour- namients. "He won two expen- sive trophies last year,"' one complaînied. "I just happen te be a good tournamnent player,» Wacht answered. Judge Samuel W. Eager, a duffer, reserved de- cision. In Frankfort, Ky,, Puck touch- ed a deck of cards. Then Mrs. Ernest Wainscot innocently dleait a hand etL bridge to, Mvrs. John Darneil, Mrs. Eari Senif, and Mrs. E. L. Scott The ladies look- ed at their hands and shr.ieked. Each held aIl thirteen cards of ene suit. The odds against suech a deal came mathematicians ia- nouinced gravely, te 2 octillion, 200 septillion te 1. Puck even entered the somber business et boxing. New York District Attorney Frank Hogan brouight in a ten-couint indiet- ment agcainst Paul John (Frankie) Carbo. "Mr. Gray," an ex-conývict who supposediy had been the streugest force in U.S. pîizefighting foi a d e c a d e. Hegan's m-ove looked like an effective stop to cdean Up box- ing, except that the next hot sumnmer dlay Frankie Carbo up and disappeared. In Detroit Ryne Duion eof-the Yankees, etten accused of throwing beanbalis, was him- self .beanod; in Moscow an Ame- rican track team toek a sur- prising lead in a dual meet vwith Russia, finally lost by only two poits, and ir, Philadeîphia Mayo Smith, the Phils' manager, wras replaced by Ed Sawyer, who had been fired as Phils' manager in 1952. -From NEWSWEEK. Cannibal chief: "Ah, whiat f eods thoso moitais bo!" MERRY MENAGERIE mnined te leama te flyl" TC BRITISH PORTSz First Clous frorm $274. Tourist Clous fromn $179 AGENTS WAI4TED DEAL-IERS wanted tu handle hlgh quai. ity 10wv priced Germian autonmobip, Replies kept. confidential. Write to 1-.0. Box 555, Terminal "A", Toronto 1, Ont. GO INTQ BUSINESS for yourself. Seli our excitlng houa..ýe wares, watches and other producta flot found ini qtores. No comipptition. Prof- its Up to 500%. Write nowv for freQ colour catalogue and separate cossi. dential wholesale price sheet. Mulrray' Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montreai. BABY CI4ICKS SUMMER prices, prompt sbipment, Bray chicks, dual purpose, miixed pul. lets, somne started. Also Ames dayolds, for good production, low, maintenance, Order October-Noveniber broilers riow.. See your local agent, or 'wrlte Bray Hatchery, 120 John North; HemIlton. . WANT chicks in a hurry? We cari supply ail popular breeds, whether you watnt special egg breeds, dual purý pose breeds. Our best by far for Diaxi. mumi egif production on the nimumi amount of feed ,la -137 Kimnberchlks. This breed outlays any other bireed we have to offer. We also recommend for maximum eLgg production, White Leghorn X Rhode Island Red, Califor- nia Grey X Whlte 'Leghorn, Rhodt Island Red. Our best dlual purpose, Light Sussex X Red, Red X Light Sus. sex, Red X Barred Rock. Can siipply Non-Sexed, Puilets, Coekerals. Alsç) Broilier Chiicks' VantresX Nichols: No. 108, Vantress X Nichols No, 12. Tur- kzey Pouits, Regiatered Landrace Swlne and Reglstered Aberdeen Angus Cat. tle. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK KATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS, ONTAR4IO. CATTLE 5 ABERDEEN-Angus heifers registered accredited bred to son of Evader of Aglncourt selling 250 pound. Rod Green, 5thi Concession, London, near Fanshaw. LIVESTOCK: Sale of Aberdeen-Angua Cattle, Saturday, September 20th. The complete herd of J.M. Argue, Shaw- ville, Que. (north of Ottawa.) 80 bcad, all purebred and registered. Send for catalogue to A. C. McTaggart, Sale Manager, Box~ 308, Aurvora, Ont. DOGS iRISH4 Setter plps end grotyn stock, $50 and op. Wynifleld Kenneis, 1379 5th Line, Clarkson, Ontario. l!Aylor 2-0746. FARM FOR SALE PIF£Y acres, 7 room hue nu brick, 3barns; pav-ed road. MWATTHEW GOUGH. General flcilvery, Strathroy, On. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FOR SALE: Power Cornt Binder. on rubber, conveyor sheaf carrier and loader. Roberl Norry, Princeton, On- tario. USED GehI forage Jiarveter elth corn and pick up. Continental motor, blow- er, pipes, complete. Lloyd Clark, Beth. Iny, Ont. FOR RENT TO RENT. $150. per nionth. Small wefl equlpped Repair Garage, witb furnlsh- cd living a-ccommrodlation. Ideilly la- cated on No. 3 Highway. B.C. rnear Lake. Stock ingoing $3500. Imrnt4. ate possession. Write Boy No. 172. '123 Eighteentb Street. New Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE 73 ACRES of investment property. Large barn, gravel, plit, weU drained Borderlng town of Barrie, On. Bo No. 173, 123 Eighteenth St., NeW Tor- onto, Ont. FREE CIGARETTE LIGRTER WITH first order. Send for nupower $1.50. Adds ý50% more-if e to new batteries. Revives oid batteries. Saves you balf the coat of a niew battery. WIias Garage, Kootenay Bay, B.C. INSTRUCTION EARN miorel Book-keeplng, Salesman- ship Shorthand, Typewritiuig, 'etc. Les- cojns 50e. Ask for free circuler No 33. Canadian Correspondence Cour.scc 1290 Bay Street, Torento QuickLIStol) itciniigef insect bites. heat rash, eczema, hives,, pimpiies, scales, scabies, athlete'a foot and other eternaliy caused Skia troubles. Use qtiick-acting. coothing, aRtiseptic D. D. j Itch o'r money back. Doôn't sui'fer. Your ilrugs ai has D. 0. 0. PRESCRIPTION. 1- At Thrift-Seos@n Rares ROUND TRIP FOR AS LITTLE AS 1$358 MEDICAL SATISFY YOIJRSEI - EVERY SUFFERER CF RHEUMATIC PAIN OR NEURITIS SHOULD TIRY OIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, U35 ELGIN, OTTAWA. $1 .25 Exptess Collect POST'S ECZ.EMA SALVE BANISE the tornient of dry eczemà rashes and weeping akin troubles. Post'a Eczemla salve DlI ot disappoint you. ItchÏing, scallng and b)urning ecze- ma,,facne, ringworm, pimples and foot eýczemia wlll respond readlly to thse atainless odorlesa ointm-ent regardiese 0f how stubborn or hopeless they ýeem. Sent Poat Free on Receiipt of Prkec PRICE $1.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN COLLECT N1amies, quarter for eachg No selling. Incwuce 5ý for postage. Arthur Hodnesky, 277 Victoria 1Roafi, Hartford 14, 'Conn., U.S.A. MILLIONAIRE - ive yearsl ?4ake, seli products people boy, use, wltà 500 Mioney Ramera, and this, ad, $1-.00. Help Self Service, Box 35, Wood. Wis- consin. PHILIPPINE Hlandlcrafts! Toe give te) ccli, at Big discounts. Send $1 for sain- pIe and lat, Teresa del Rosario 784 Extremiadura. Manila. 'Plippine XIr, lands. BE A I4AIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCIlOOL Great OPportumity Learr' Hairdressinig Plegan, dgnfed profession; good we.Thousancla of successful Marvel Graduates. Amerlca's Greatest Systens Illustrated Cataloguie Free. Write or Cal MARVEL NAIRDRESSINO SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W,, Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS î EIESTONHAUGB & C onip an y atent Attorneys, Established 1890. 600 University Ave., Toronto Patents al countrles. PERSONAL ADULTSI Send 100 for worid'q fit. nlest novelty joke carda., Cree cata. logue apeciaities, herbai rem'ffedi, vitamins, food suppiements. Wetern Distributors, Box 24-PC, Regina, Sark. ADULTS! Trial assortment 18 fine, per- sonal requirements $1.00. Western Dig. tributors, Box 24, TFC. Regin-a, Sasýk. $1,00 TRIAL o11cr. Twenty-five deluxe& ? ersonal require.ments. Latest cata. logule lnciuded, Thse Medico Agency, Boy 22 Terminal <'Q" Toronto, Ont. PLUMBINC SUPPLIES LEARN TO SAVE on phmbing a HeaiIng Materlala WRITE FOR CATALOÏ3UE Verheydeni's Supplies, R.R. S. St. Thonas, Ont. VACATIONI RESONTS FOR early geservations! Write, 014. Wells.By-Tlhe-Sep Improvement A,-sso Clation, Wells, Mainie, for literature. A. idear place 'to apend your Maint Seacoast vacation. ISSUE 34 -1958 AIS ULI '%'LUER OENS To hohoppy cond ironquil Ilenscd of ncrvoua or for o good nîght's secp, take6 -Seddîn tab1las accordîng to direocions SEDICIN' iG-49 LTABLETs 0 iraO4 TC FRENCH PORTS FirtClaca from $284 Tour-Ist Ckss from $184 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINO CUNARD TO EUROPE SUMMER AND EARLY FALL SAILINGS VESSE Fro MONTEAI.Te VESEI. Frein NIW YORKlT '*CARINTHIA Fri. AUG. 15 Grtenocik, Uvrpeol CMEDIA F4. AUG. 15 Liverpool tIVERNIA F , . AUG. 15 Havre, Sovfhumpton 5MAURETANIA Sot, AUG. 16 CciiHr, Soulmtast *SYLVANIA Fr,. AUG. 22 Greenock,,Liverpool *QIJEEN MAY Wed, AUG. 20 Cherboawg, Saetiam.lpton T~AOI Fri. AUG., 29 Havre, Southamrpton *ýCARONIA Fri. AUG. 22 Havre, Suhapo CARINTH-IA Fri. SEPT. 5 Gree,,oek, Liverpool 5QIJEEN ELIZAeETH Wd. AUG, 27 CebarSauthaepton IIVLRIA fri. SEPT. 5 Havre, SouiAm.pton *FARTHIA Fr;. AIJG, 29 iverpeocl SYLVANIA jr, SEP1^ ýýT.:12 Grenok, Lverpool QUEEN MARY Wed. SEPT. 3 ChrorsDVthanspi0n ISAXONIA rin. S P 1 Havre, SauthoaIpton MAURETANIA Thnris, SEPT>,-4 Coii, Havre, Sathampîo CAR!NTI*ý rI SEPT. 26 GreenocI,, Lierpaci IRITANNIC Thwrs. SEPT. 4 1Cob, i, verpool IIV ER N IA -'1 -r SEPT,.*26 Havre, Soulthampton QUEEN EUIZAIETH wed. SEPT. 1o Chfeg, C'Sanîhampton SYÔNÀ~ n. CT. 31 Greenock,, Uverpool CAROIA TInrn, SEPT, 11I avre So0uampton ISAXONIA. i OCT. 10 Havre, Southampto. MEDIA Fn. SEPT. 12 L'yrpooI CARIN-IHLIC, i. OCT. 17 Greenoci, Liverpool QUEEN MARY W.d . SEPT. 17 Ose'rbovrg, Sosthnmpto,, IIVERNIA . i. OCT. 17 Havre, Sothumptaný MAURETANIA Te. SEPT. 23 Coh, Havre,Sahmpo SYLVANIA'~ Ti C.2 Greenouck, Liverpool QUJEIN EIAET Wed. SEPT. 24 Cls.rluourg, Scathpripton t utlaiQuebee *Suamer Seonon Raotes Apply. - CRUSES -Se. your locail aqent- CARONIA No one con1 serve you better rn YOre c .î laiS rI% IJ I RD L NE Po renjC~o Ieqeirc, tCee~ 5rci GII QIC i Te:edje2-91 As1t ïGoer ConrBay & Wellington Sts., Toronto, Onit.

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