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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Sep 1958, p. 6

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"'Dear Anne Hirst: 1 arn over 30 tbis year and I1an anc dis- couraged femiale. 1,,-iiwit ta ho marnied, of course. V've tried ta be the kind of persan a man is supposcd ta want -- sympatbetic, intelligen~t, with a keen sense o! humor~. I have rneyer had any troubleaettracing a man (four have seemecd in love wilh me) but nafonebasproposcd. "SneIgraduated !rom Col- lee 've eiways held nesponisible positions w 1r met mien o! supoior intellect and talents. Trhose 1 dated sparcd nriolime, ducats or aýffection!, but in about six montbàs somctbing aiRways haippens. The mant seomns bored, and àtbýat puts mce on- edge; 1 ap- peqran y worst, Dhd soon be joins the 9g03roup !dtose I likedc and lost. "Doni't tbink earnfor ca knigbt iÏn arnmdr; !'d selîle for a decent, interosting maie wha is: nornmaily affoctianale, con'upet- ible and loy al In retlurn 1 do not thïnk ho wouid be dîsap- pointed. I stihl haid bbie old idel of maLrniages -- for keePS. "'My father was a brillant maun, and tbey say 1 takeý aflor h-,lm. 1 keop vwel-informyjed buit 'm 1nat ablue-stocking. I arn cerlainl maore intercsling ta krnow hani thýýe average wamian wocatn oniy talaout food and babies anher husband's fanits. Ca n you judgc,- by this bDrie! sketch what 'lies ahead fan meic? "Do you behievýe thiat destiny contrais aur lives and strugg-ling ta change lb is futile? Could t be that. I emn neyer ta bave wbat inost womnen gel? DEPRESSED" *Samne people bel jeve that *what is to be ivill be, and feel *t, tsU.seless to fiighýt agaînst pre- 4 destination. 1 do flot. A wo- * mnan these dayýs nnws what *she2 wan'ts, and believes she *shoud make herseif worthy of îï,i and lien use her ingeniuity *andl common, sense to pursue *the search. Succeding exp)eri- *ences with men shýow b er what *noVt t- do, and, il she horestly * dmits ber mistalkes she makes *fewer of tbemz.- Week's Sew-Thrifty -PRINTED PATTERN r F -r r '-k' 'k' k" r' r" 'k" 1 1 " In hier eagerness ta oblige a " man, a girl. of ten yiclds ta bis " iove-miaking tao soan; this is " not smnart, for býe decides he " la no!thte first nmaie iii ber life " and the idea offends bis ega. " Other wvomen snub) a man sc, Il thorougbly tÏhat he, decides she *is incapable of emi-otion; some *can decline sa graciously that h e feel1s he doe.s not appeal ta * er but she bias too much res- *pect for themi botb ta encaur- *age hinn. Toa many f orget that *womnrliness, a willingness ta, *listen,jucos flattery and a * ense of biumor are qualities 1 that, ' soften the masculine *heant, jutst as good dininer she *prepares can 1idissolve bhis wil], *power. * Wben 2a man ila 10w -inispirits * e tturn-s ït the'gihe feels *at ease with, wvho fits bis rimood *instinictive-ly, and wvho et tbe * igbit moment grows symýpa- *thetic and tender. Sbie is the * one hoi wanits to camne homre f o, andilwben he senýses that, *the rest sbouild be smiooûlb *sailing for bier ship of dreamns. *Sa examine yourself as though *-t you ere somiebody else, bon- * csty and criticaily; and it is * likoly you will flnd the answer. * Wh1en a gýir]libas had your ex- *perience af failuires and then *one day the rigbt man appears, *we lîke to cal, it destiny.., * eyý,er give up hope. Youri *greatest comifort is the knowv- ledge that we neyer know * what joys wi-ll came3 witb ta- * mlorlow's sunnrise. Some ocf the most satisfying inarriages Anne 1Hirst has known of are those made by womnen well past 39. Don't despair. Write Anne Hirst your problem and have faibli. Address lier at Box 1, 123 Elghteentb St., New Toronto, Ont. Monkey Business 15n Radiîo Station The day begîins -at 5:30 arn. with thoý recorded mating ealf'of a buillape.. ,,Ater that, for ,14 hours, Floaida radio listýener3 within yaýýè of Jackson V-ille's WAPE -pré assaulted by theQ mnonotonous beat o! rock 'n raiL A thirce-iiïnnute rickle o! newsv every two hours is t'he oniy re- lief; eVery station break is loud witb the love-sick ape. Tbe con- [iitinus uproar is so hypnatic, tbat fevw bo lbear it soem an- xious - or abb-ýe - ta bunn it off. L2_st week onie-yeair-ald WAPE finisbed its fourýtb mnlbt as the,- top-r-ated station ina highly compe2titive nn-tto Many a listoner rias b e e n m ov ed ta visit WAPE's white- malrie buildiing just south of Jacksonville on U.S. H'igbwasqý 17, ta see tbe source of He noise. Most came aw.ay cnie cd tbat more thain one odd crut- ter is loose insidie. Station Boss Bill'EBrnnan, 38, a hillbilly- talking Ha-rvand-trned clelectni- calenieedirects operationa in bis batbingl suit, but bie pre- f ers t ca ý;cpe ta bis piusb aipart- moent (separatedc from tbe officýe by a silding paniel operabed b a bidden push-button). There hei can boy witb bis bar and bisý "Play Pre-'tty," a frosted--glass wall bebIind wbi1ch coiouIredl ligbts flaýre and f lieker inimi wvith thie transmiitted nmusie. "Ont Iow n1otes," Brennan xpaia "1the ow part o! thepae igts"P, cand sa oCi. When there, arie chords, the whoie_ wall gos crazy. Disk jockeyvs go abat th1eir laous eside tbbc buLilding-Ls dolphin-shaped pool, uwbichl)aîls off into the lobby. (aeanv ingcmoye often enter byý way of the dvigbord ) St'a- ti o n engýineers are giveni ta dressing i1h n ug'nliairy a peC costumec and dashing abouit witb enoth,-er WAPEster in bot, pur- s u it, brandishing a rifle. O Sa th-e Queein, af 1er ailt huÎS lmis going ta have anOther bb.Isn't thal wondeýrfl news?. More rrnnabesîl1i la ire fact Ihal she was able sta lnd u]p la bbc'ex-acbin1g demanrdabeýr Canadien tour made upon b!er, None cen belp but adire bher courage and fontibude,. She is e qucon in every sense o! tlias word, I arn sure we shaîl aill be wishing bier well' in the m-onbhs la camei and hoPpe that a happy, hlbbýIly, normai baby wl be the- finàalresult. Boyan girl, 1 don'l su-ppose il wlbl m natter boa m-uch. Locally, aur lncws is mucb Ibhe same as il bas i.3been for bbhe lasI si weeks --hbt, bumîd weather with no nain aI ail. Tia aftLer- noon lb turned quile oa bit cooler, and rained for about five minutes. ilbasgrande ta fcee a fresh breezeIlc oing ,,ýin througb bbhec doors and ido. 0f cors w re bawud 10bave same nain soon . . . w itb bbc- C.N*. cmin on!Didyouever kn1ow àutbo fail, V;e11, thore bsha--o eafinal lime for everylbîng - u.'d hýast Sabu1rdajy nîghl twe crailhad il. ParIner and Yi undertooýk thbe c'ane ofPRoesa and Iis ýfive nlýhs' old brother whuile B ob and Joy haud an eenngOut- They beft bbc boy7s breabout fîvýe o'clock and sid il mug rt1 b)e idnigbl bof oùre bhey Ol homel,,. Tha1t was ehl righlt wth u,five grandsons heil-Ving giveri us plcenty of oxperience with baby sitbing., Ross was n() troubleet ahi, non was bbc baby Uýp 10 seven-tbryA htlm 1 waqs feeding hlm wh e osud- denly slarted layeh.1Iwent brubthe tusuel prac;-edureofo bunpinýg, holding hlm igaiiigt My shoulder., cor rning hum overC on bis lummyý. BuIt slilb ho yelled. I1pub hmlt '"bnis zbug- gy and %welked hlm eangtru road Be immrod owna bib buit steîbed up egaiiin ýver'Y lime was getting laoesa I ameback la the bouse, Thal m rade Ihinga wo'nrSe. His crying woke RFosi uIp 1bbee tlme buItfouney be didn'l maike il a de.[u sled be gaItensdin -aur reco-rd-radia and book aihbb knobs a!ff. Far-iner offe-red la do Ibis an-d Ihet ta hebp quieten bbc, baby. F'inally I lsaid, "Well, ail1,rigbt , 1'1 puit hlm n bis bugy aainendyou cen, beke hlmi for anoîber wvaik." Hol did just that and by tonr o'clock the baby wvas asleep). We wecre a!raid hoe would wak1,e up if wo brougût-1 hlm mbitobbhehouse again Saj ParIner trok1 baby, bugg-y and ai m bc arge and stayed out there w7ilhtlmjri. ln tbbc eMe an- limne 1Ivwas -iust abouat alin anld bad ta lie downl for awhile. Two end a ha,ýîf hours o! soid yolling was tmore Iban ! could lake. And the reasani for aH 1118 fusa? Well, bbc baby bad had a needle the day bofore and 1 imagine il wias somre sort of ne. action thlat was bobhleing himn. His, arm was quibe inflamred anyway-. G-nerally be is th-ýe bapie l utIe soul and easy la blook afbor. But as 1 say there bas ta be a firat lime - andJ under bbce circumslance-s 1 hopeý il wîl be trhe lastsuch occa- sion. NexI lime vwe do any baby- sitting l'Il inquire if they hiaveL been given any ineedbes recently. Anoîber reason for the trouble mightbtchoelîher fthal the baby is 100 youn-ig or an boa old for us to undersband and ac- cept* each othen properly. Be thal as it maI.i spent most of the next day recuperabing wilb bbtheobp o! a mnild seda,- ive! We ran int a diiferenl situi- ation wibh Ta!fy. Instead ar. making bûoa much noise he was making btoa litie. For neenly a week ho practically losI hisi bark. A squeaky litIle noise was, the best ho could do. Eîbber he bad an atbeck o! iaryngitis Or a cricket got stuick in bis Ibroal. Ho wasn't sick and didn' m-,iýs a meal so01I didn-'t balke hlm kt the vol. He bas quile reczoven- cd but 1 arn silhl wondening whal was wog Would any o! m,ýy readers like ta help me make a decision?1 "Buitny dneam iboaxt sal gela hart somyewhere, sro ÀNNE41IRST amn intrigued with Ieden- cription f ".M. raIt l i sounds too good ta be true I M." et oerat~ ilhoui cp'm- merias I ndaree _ pr,- ready i itne hue. I iin Gcrdo Sincairund Jacb Den- nt.Sometimes we get hcip -, pîrl ng md at Sinclair ut we stîlI continuelstng to hum. Thie same applies ta eeiso.W often gel ftcd up with the12pro- do wtoti."ali"ue ta bc, one of Gaur favorit erfeaýt~ ure programmnes but naw Jore Davidson. seems ,ýta hae05i muchi of honr spankîe and heor laïtughI sounds forced and un- natural. Pcy, of coturs is stili tops in aur estimation If it wel e not forhm h iI e prog nrme woui[d often failj fiat an its face. STOP P1RESS NEWS Our tax bih bajjs just camie in. $4,0 ihigher than latyca-r. More aibout that next we.Ycs,, in1l'ded- ub SIowIy Edging Up On Cancer In the antiseptic solitude of their r es ea r ch laboratanies, scrsof scientists bv been enrgaDged in a painstakiýng but littie -puiciizeci search, for an anti-ca)ncer vaccine. Pioneers Éri th-is quest aýre Dr. John B. Gra- ham, 44, a HaIrvard-educated gynecologist, and bis pretty, grav-e-eyed wi'fe, Ruth, a -142- ycýan-old cytolocgist (ceil search- er). After six years of s3tudY, this husband -wife t e a m hast miontb issued a carefully ,ord- ed report: Their vaccine has njow been itcsted on cancer pa- tients at, a Buffalo, , hospu- tai wtb encouraging resuits. in the August issue of Sur- grGyniecology, an Obste- trios, the scientists sum '1UP 30 months of tests on 1141 last-stage canceýr victims. Thirteen wvere s'a iii that they dieýd ilhin a mj-onth afte inoculation. But 55 survived at least seven mnths, and 22 are still living -- "a maore favoralble coirse than expecteçi." The Grahanis had osre as other researcher have -- that, &ometirbe,.s a cancer patient will reco)ver spontanieausly. Appar- ently, somethîng in the body stimnulates the production of strong antibodies. Would serurn taken fromn a patient's own can- cer jlt bis body into pulting9 up a stronger f ight against the malignant growth? At Boston' s Vinceýnt Memnorial Hospital, the Grahanis injcclcd hurnan cancer extract înt lab animais with cancer transplants. Theý method warkcd, Two ycars ago, at the HaveMay Uses The spiden-web esugn 'iý su effective. These bhree sah doijlies - an introduction ta, lb. These doiies are sucb easy crochet t you can do anc a daqy. Pattern 929: round doily 10 inches, square 9, aval 8 x lP1ý½ la Na. 50 cotbon. Sonrd TH-irZTY-FIVE CENT-3 (stampa cannaI ho acceptedus postal note fo0r safetyV) fan thi% 1pattern ta LAURA WiHEELY-Pl Box 1, 123 Eighteenlh St., New Toronto, Ont. Pnint plainb-Y PAT- TERN, NUMBER, youý_r NAMEF and ADDRESS. Send for a copy of 19,59 Laurà Wboeler Ne,lecrafb Book. lb haï loveiy designs ta order: ombrai- dery, crochet, knitting, weaving, quilbing, tays. ln bbe book, a SPe- cial surprise tcQ make a hîtie girl happy - a cut-out dali, clobhe ta colon. Send 25 cents for this book. BArE VWITH US - you caýnt Iead ai boy to water, but you can't keep him out of it, cither, on ca scorclnng, late-sumnmer daiy. Mike McCann, 21 monflhs aid, takeýs the shortest, un- clothied ,vay la beait the swamipish hecat. Ras~~ 'ak L-. ein Buf- lalo theGrahinaDegan ,in- yond help frm suràeryp radia- tion, or drugu, with a vaccine of fehcne ceils takeni fro-m the ptet hmevs Thevacn'prmshano attracte-dfud from the Amý,en- can Cancer SocietY y, ndl ast month, John ,and Rth raan werecarrTying on thir progran with a new grop of cancer patients. _____ Q. Whatýl is col)sidered tii proper tiie cf day ta mlake e, eall of codoflce? A. Thiis type of cail inay be made siatalimre of day. Cool-top dress Plus caver - ideal when the Sun playýs hide- and-go-seek. No waist seams, Yia fussy details - quick ta sew Wn iran. Chioase crýisp cotton.ý Printed Pattern 4506: Ch- dreni's Sizes 2, 4, 6, , 10, Size 6 dress takes 1 yards 35-inch; button-on bolero %yaýrd. Printed directions on, each pat- terri part. E asier, accurate. Send FORT,']Y CENTS <40<)y stamps cannot be acceptedl, use postal fliot for safety) for this pattern Please print plainly SIZE, N,'AMýE, ADIDRESS, STYLE N uMB-0E R. Send order ta A$ý'4E ADAMS, Box 1, 123Eiteîh St., NTew Toronta, Ont. $ ISSUE 19 _- z959 TWENTY-NINTH BIRTHDAY - Bright-eyed Princess Margaret smHies sofîly iii on official photograph for her 29th bïrthdoy. She weors a iv-trn peari necklace in thisý study made at Win~dsor, England, by Antony Armstrong Jonies. '~2O ICL

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