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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Sep 1958, p. 7

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One of- the wiliest spa-ce grab- bers eerto bamnboozie an edi- tar, ew Yck Peis-gent Jiril Mroraýn, 51, has found a nei in a h1-aystack (after 82 hr. aýnd 35 min.), hatchedi an estrieh e,,g (19 dlays on the neiýt), Fold ai icebox tLo an Eskimno and two- no-w-blind fleas to Parmouint (for use un.der klegliMghits), ta pitch hîmself or ai client inita the newspapers. Last mýronth Mor- an was landing in print againi, gin a cos-t-ost sea-rch for "the haPPiesvt girl in America _- a girl as hiappy as a Ln.rk." His client: Suebaker's Lai-k Buit 1luinnieapolis Mran's bird failed to sing. Minneapolis Tribune City Editor Robert T. Smth puckishly prîn.ted a straiglit-fcaced story that ran thrrougli a wkole catalogue of cars itliout using the, one woî-d Vtat Morain was trying to get into print - Lark'. Smîth's stoîy: "Jim Moranis a iwoeld-re-, non rambler. "In his many travelïs as a pressag,1ent, lielias been knowni to lord a river or brave lcali- ties w,ýhere theie ercury knows no bounds in order ta plant a sponsor's namne. "Moranm is well knjown ia Cad-_ illac and Pontiac, Mich., and ir the ipra palaces of tlie Ori- ent. On tlie otlier hand, lielias uever been in Buyck or Austin, Minu, "H-e lias pulled many a dde but in general lie is known in the trade as boein-g solid as Ply- -mouli Rock. "Moran lias a beard like Lin- eoin iliat gîves many people the willies. He is buiît in somewliat Goliatli proportions and lias tlie eye of an explorer, like D3e Soto, "Mvoran was in Milnneapalis, promating a contest to find 'The, Happiest Girl in Amiercica'. . The winner will receive a screeîî test and a niew automobile, the mnaker if wliich is lis sponsor-- Hliow Can -1? By Atmne Ashley Q.How casai dcean waýxed arîl- ncial flowers? A. By ,themn with be-n- edfine, kerosene, or naptha. Q.How eau I add more lavor teo summer seet potatoes? A. Try adlding a tablespoonful of sugar to the water when bôli- ing. Q. How eauit go about brais- ing meats? A, To braise meat, brown it on ail sides in a small amounit of hot fat, then caver lightly in k heavy kettle, and cook slowly in juices from tle imeat or in added ;iquid sudh as water, diluted vinegar, stock creamr, mllk, or vegetable j 4 _,s. Add only a sraall amouht of the liquid at e Urne and do ilat allow tu boil, but keep at a simmnering tecmperaý- ture, &ROWING RUSIES - That's aO lump of coal chemiist carroil Chathiam is exajmining. Using c Lecret procesof his one-man laiboratory, Chat[hamr "grows' marketable erneralds and rubies vwhich are vrrtually indistln- puishoble fro-m the real gems. 4L- cilis them "cultuî'e-d" rther, 1-haf "Synthetk/', THIS IS BASERALL? -- Looaking for the, world like fourth down and goal1 to go, ci not-so-friendly meeting ?s co-nducted by members of the Giants and Pittsburgh Pirates in San Francisco. Hacssie developed over an aIleged spiking at third base. jockey ln A Hurry Ha cames wlroopirig and wh-ip- ping out af île starting gaie, a pale,-faceed kid wlio figlits for ffie laad riglit at île star' soeflat ro challenger w-ll spa11lis view of tle pot of gobd waitlag at île finish lina. His lady higli and farward, wighit over îlhe lrse's wijtlars, boots la two of tle shrtest utîrrups la racing, le is a jackey in a&liurry. Ha is stlroag enougl ta ridealal after- faon, and la applies the muas- ure of cold cash, not sentiment, ho lis work. Slrugýs Jockey Bob Ussery (rlhymes wtl fuss-ery) '-If 1 ride in tIc Kentucky Dur- by, I want a reaial oi ahwin- nlng. Otlerwise, I'd rafler rida %ix Mocnhs at Belinnt Thisg frankby quantitative ap- roadli te ridlng lx paying off hanidsomnely is scason for Rab- ert Nelson (Oi" Ussery, 23, wlo las risen from a dusf-eater -generally back ln the pack cf national rankzingu, as fabulated by the fact-finding Morning Tel- agrapli, until lie stands second onby ho the greaf Willie Sloe- maker ia booting home winners (224 v. 221 1,) and total purses ($1,863,049 V. l144. If mat- fers lbe ho Ussery tînt le las lad ta ride 143 more races flani Shoamnaker ta gai lis total, or fItai le las neyer won a maj4or stakes avant. Ha is often wiling fa resort ho backblustar hayburn- ers ta fil! out an afteraooa's work: "Tlose stjiffuwilliw-an ow aind tlen..' Bob Ussery learnald ta ride back home in Vian, Okîn,., a lit- île farmîng town (graen leans, cotton, corn) near tle Arkansas barder. Hi, father w-as a cberk ln the ganeral store, lad fivt children, a pump and an oui- house; lis grandfatler lad a big black mar-e named Kat e. Wlen le was saven and Wai 'gli- cd juif 55 ils., Ussary wasc- iering across the Oklalomaflh land> perclad ike a raisino on thIe lare lack of Kate, and caiebraf- lng a w-la ovar ailier moi-nted kidu by riding traight into aý watar hle, Kate and ail. Bol Ussery eaany laaraed the value of a luck. Says le: "I ai- ways wanied ta hou cttn- those guys gai $3 'a day. But 'T w,ýas't big enougl." Sa Ussary turnad -in«stead ta picking spin- adli (WO for avary 20 Is.). By sevanili grade, hele kew w-lare easier lnaoney b8y: "I couldn'f rida and go ta clool fao. I quit ucloal.", Sprinting quarter illoi-ses aven dinh tmachs araund tha Souf b- wvest, Usaery iaarued ta gai a horse away faut ai île stant. By 16 le was raady for île îlor- ouglbreds, drova his finI mnount fa viciary in the 1951 Tlainks- giving Handicap ila'New O as Wiihin monilis issai-y was a big-t-ime jockey, wtl a reput a- tion as a slaslar who lulad lis way fînougli thIe field ike a full- lack. Ussary used île wý7-ip so murh ilaf sonie jockeys latcd te mount fIhanhose le lad rid- den because the animal fended ho suflk. Nof until iast year, w-Ian lae V was st dawn 0.for '30 days for wlvacking Eddie Arc- aro's liorua across île noue ai Jamaica, di d lie fin-ally realize Iliat tliere is more ta racing than muscle. Ussery stili whips liard (Cracks ane jockey: "Tliey run for Shoemaker because tliey like ta; tliey run for Ussýery be- cause thiey liave ta"), but he 110W uses his liead as well. Says yen- erable Tramerl'im, Fitzsiimcrns: "The boy picks hiF hales right, and lie doesu5t get himiself jamil- med up in the paclets 1He'll be a great ane if lie oesn't get tav',ersa2tisfied." IJssery lias sle wy$0, 000 in blue chip stuocks, has earn-ed marethn$O,0 this year. At Saratoga ý,aSt mnl Ussery liunted Ifor à ,ivinneI(r sa zealausly tliati e rode in ten oeut of 14 races befareL finailly, ro-,s- ing tle finis-hli hei front, Sumas up.Arcaro: "e' ahunryki.1, Carr Are ReaIIy A s oautüm o bilc, mod Lfs fol 1960 'roll iaotlieshwom tliere is gaing ta be auen tirely uew focus of interest. The breaihless quecstion- will nefý be ýwhicli camcpany vca;n adver- tise the higýhest-horSepower gas.z- burner, tlie flasliiest fislitais or fhe most cliromne. Curiosity ia- ,stead wilCenter on tlie new Eamil cars wlicl ar-e beijng en- tered in competifion Lhy moto)r- dom's Big Tliree. For once tlie mamnmotlis af 1the industry wiilb njot be lead - ing; they will le foil -in where twýo indepenide:nts and somne twoscore for-eigu mnu f acturers have shoWn a waiting market ta le. Tliey wil bLe ack- nowbegingthat after ail aj sig.. nificant segment of Americanc motorcar buyers are interestled il, econanmy anid functionalism; thtîn i any purcliasers wa0 transportation, netf metal plumý- age ta outsfrut ileirnig'hbors.? Buisiness Week mragaziuej_ counits thus change of t.rend as, one cf five major turning point in the lalf-century of tlie auto- mobile Industry. 1h quotes one researcler's estinate that po.- tential compact car buyers con- -titute about oine-fourtli of the 1960 îmarket la tlie tnitced A study by U.S. Nevis& World Report brings ouîtiîle points that typical luyers or econocmyý cars already on ihe AmeriCan mnarket average s;ome- whiat higler income ihan buye-rs of tle big seling Clievrolpt, Ford, adPyo tli iat te MERRY MENAGERIE include aL mo(re than average n'u Mb'e £ of colege-educated peapie, tlt m-ou arUe familles wiitl h are nd rmany aî'e tacrfamilles. ,An Ïmportant 1-change i at. titutde toward con.sumer tasles l as taken place sincaý 1953. Thiiýs year Derai;t will ot jusi lbc aa-yinig, "Here's your cr;get ou~t and sel l t.'1 Detroit will be listeninig. - From îlhe Chiristian. Science Moniitor. lie Sels Athletes' Namles For Cash Wlien MIliwauikee&s Le-w But- datte walkecl inta îhe locher raom at Yankee Stadiuin afier. winning fhe seventl and final gaeof the 1957 World Series, le lad ta face stil] another inie-up - a group of advertis- ing nmea w'ha waated him to s igarP raod u citendorsemeats, WiLhlout missing Pa signal, Bur- dette quickiy turned to the club- house boy and sai: "Go fi nd Frank Scatt." Burdette calbad for jusf île right man, Ia a business iliat grosses $250,0I00 a year for th-e players, Scott migli w ell b e considered thle dean.-up bitter, accouating for more fl-an half tle total and taking lis 10 perý cent off fIe top. Last amanth, for example, Scotti-t lnd up Mickey Manile, football's Johnny Uni.- tas, ard seven ailier atîlaees for a Post Careals promotion; igned Casey Siengel ta pltig Skippy peanut butter; arranged a TV commercial la whicli île New York (football) Olants' Kyle Rate and Frank- Giffard will tout Colgate slaving creami, and booked ex-Dodger catcher Roy Campaniella for ilie "Las- sie" TV show.~ Sparts' endbrsen-ents, of course, are not ncw on tlia U.S. scn.Under île management of ilie laie Clirisiy W-alsh, for instance, Bale R ut h lent lis nme.ta more iian 100 products rangýing f rom breakfast cereal taP tundcerwear. But, except for the suiper-stars, île practice didni'i really blossonm until Scot t, an e-road secreiary foar île New York ýYankees, got ia îlte acf lu 1950. Since thien, manuifac- turers of everything from Cgr ettes ta camnent praducts 1lave scranbled ta siga atletes. De-' odorant makers, haweve-r, gen- erally avoid player endorsa- mnis. Scotti'eexplanation: "h. sort of nmakes yau tliink of £rmelly lchker roo(ms." Scotliad more ilan 90 big- namne aililetes in, lis stable ai; latest couint. "Now, w-Ian a guy like (Washingtan's) Harmgn Kilibrew lecomnes a star, 1 don't lave ta go ta him," Scot say"s. "Hae camés to m. They also corne to him for off-season jobùs la industry (Scott recently set up a job-placement service for lasebaîl players), fa set-le- gripes againsi management (le is the major leagues' player re- preseatativa), and for arrang- ing gloshwritten ma g azine a_?rticles. Scott's eatry into jour- nalism, leowever, malkes sonme spariswriters unliappy. Eve n roakies, île wriiers dlaim, clear île mout larmlesesiatemnaf wlitl Scott ta see low much tley might le w-rtb onthIe open - and incomae-producing -market. And with good reason.' For île payoff can be landsome for a really top star. Burdette's cahi, for Frank Scot etted hin $15,000 (for endarsing sueh pro- ducts as Carnei cigarettes, Wa- shington rapple, .and Colgate z-having crean.) Don Larsen cf flic New York Yankees, w-ho pitcled île only perfect game ia World Series hish-ory, cashed ia to île hune of $25,000 for Vils Oaa afternoon's work (froni' amorg ailier things, endors;e- ,nents cf Camai cig-arettes and Giltte -vazar blades as weil as fromn- telavision appearan-es). CLASSIFIED ADVE TUSIIel Gl AGENTS, WANTED EARN Cash in your Spare Time. just shbow your friends our Ch1rsitas anid Ail-Occa-sion Greetlnig Cards (including Religions) Stationery, Gifts. Wiefor samuples. Colonial Card Ltd. 489-B Queen East, Toronto 2. E-AýRN E XTREA MO NEY! AGENTS. clubs. etc. Seil Canada's finAest Christý mas cards, novelties, etc. over 200 Itemis includlng deluxe. religlous , vel- vet, chromre. everyday and, personal cards. Wraps, ribbons, toys, books. dolls and jewellery. Many gif t Items. Promi-pt service. For colored cat'alogle Dand "am- pl es on approval, write W V. jcandro reeting Card Co.. 1253 ing Street Eastr, IHamilton. Ont. ARTCLES FOR SALE "'DESTROYER"ý for use lu outdoor toil- ets, REats dlown to the eaprth,' saves cleanlng. Directions, Thousands of users, coast to coast. Price $I.00 per- can, postpald. Log Cabin Produoits. 3i22 York Roadi, Guelph, Ontario. POLYETIIYLENE plastic tarpl),ilns, grommets, reinforcenient, Cnly 64 sq. fi. Plastic silos, hayvstack covers, clst- ern liners. Iniformfation Polyfiin Prod- ucts, R.R. 1, Burllngton, Oýntarlo, STOP YOILET DRIP CONDENISATION stopped with a guar. a)nteed Imperia) styrofoam' liner. Mail $4.00, we pay postage McHaj;rd,98 Dundas St., London. BABY CHICKS BRAY tarted 10-wee7k old pullets ready soon, 79,4 each, Booking9 October Içovemiber Broilers. See local agent, r write BrAy Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, On&. NINE and ten week old started chîck bargains hlethey lest. White Leg-ý horiu X Rhode Island Red, Californla Gray Y White Leghorn - $ý41.95 per hundred. Assorted Medium Bireeds, iiine weeks old -- $39.ü5 per hundred. Also puilets, one week old, Barred Rock, Colunibian Rock, Rhode Island Red, Llght Sussex - $289ý5 per hun. dred, Rhode Island lRed X Barredl Rock, Rhode Isl.and Red X Llght Sussex - '$26 95 per ltundred. Assorted breeds - $23 95 per huindred. For eacb week older, add 24 per chicki. Kimnber pullets, ouae week old, $27,00 par hundired. For each waek older, add 4e per cbick. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHIC-K IATCHERIES LTD, FFERGUS ONTARTO .OOKS FAMI.Y Cathojic Holy Bible for dally read.lng. Sacred Reart IEcitîon, Art Leather Cover, Illutrated in color, e29.95 postpaid. Cash or money order. Edward Borak, 12 Rauson Street, Stajni ford, Connecticut. BUIESOPPORTUNMEIS RESTAURIANT in Newcastle; S55,000> year takingas. Beauiilfql apartmaent, ully ats 40. Owner has othei nar ss.Apply 8lyiing-S otsman. New. c"asile 3136, WANTED! One, re-presentative, esch Canadian town. Cllect :names. 'lou get, 504 for each namne. Information, aýtart. lng supplies, $.00,Dliie ales, Box 1856, Ocala, Florida. FARM IQUIFMNT FOR "SLE F~OR Sale - 13laenthal Côrnbline, veay good condliti.on $Pû00. W, H. Knap_ô, Box 513, Mahroe, Michigan. il, INSTRUCTIONl CARN' moral Bookkeaplng, semu sbip, Shorthand, Typewritlnh, aIe, L,*O gons 50e fAorb:free crecùhr No. 3ë, ria Correspondence Coursec. lm esy Street, Toronto. LEARN tb weld. No t1raclUrit. Day o! *vening. A.R.C. *chooi ce WçLi. John St. at Gare, Hamilton,. Ont. A,. 1,127 - JA. 7-M-31. INDUSTRY NEEDS. D RAÀ FT1SM E NI1 THE Mechaulcal & Alrcraft mt offers you a new and impIifled honma-Stua4y tourag Inin idustriel draftlng. Many tiud excellent jobs rtter ,onipleting Ibis Governmnent-approved programn. The course Is very reasonable, la fact, y'ou can psy as littie as $10 lier month. For further information, wlthout cbll- gation, write to:- !beacon lnïýttute of Graphie Arts, SfDundas S4reett, West, Dept. E, Toronto, Onta rio. LAND WESTERN Canadia bcomesteads - -18 acres. File aga 18. Crowa land 50e acre up. For informnation send one dollar te: Frontier Survys, Box 246, VanderhroL Brîtish Colmla. MÉDICAL iIS IMPORTANT -- VERY SUPPURER 0F RHEUMATIC PAIN$ OR NEURITIS SHOULO TRY DIXONIS RIME DY. .MUNU.O'5 DRUG STORE 33 ELGIN OTTAWA $.2 Express C-DIlect POSTIS ECZEMA SALVE BANISE the torment of dry eczemau )ra3hea and ;weeningsg kintroubles. P ost's Eczewa Salve wlll not disappoint you. Itching, scaling and burni ng ecz7e. ia, acna,. ringwormn, pimples and foot ,czenlaa wili resPoad reaily ta tbe r4tainless odorlasa ointment regardless. of bow stubboru or hopeless tbey aem.n Sent Post Free onl Recejpt cf Price. PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2855 St, Clair Avenue EPst TORONTO MISCELLANEQUSe NEWEST Noveltyl Fo.ur owa MojUno. grasm to decorate youir car, boat, mail. b ox, etc. $1.00 or 3 for $2.,50 postpald. Star Producta 38701 Pot;onis Aveu,.- Los Anigeles ié,CaloI. SLEEP 1E ELIEf NEiyOiiit dfretiomeo acfwowY te Inïdus, s!*Lbe 4r qvit le Ët1. auvoswhen tonae., M 1O 44~ 7ri L.u 1O~ GENUINE CGemrl nCuckwo Cc1celwitt welght and 1peaduii ovemen . A tique walnut finish, Ctlcho(os ev-ery quarter bour. Shipped frorni Europo,, Satisfaction g 'aaneed. $395 eacix. M. Jackson, ibox 147, Ray, Ar-isons, NURSîES WANTED GRADUATE NURSES NEW 58 bed bospoitz.dlbu be o pgedi S eptemnber. Apite: prnedn$ Prince Edwarý.d County Elosital. pictorn, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES FOR -MEN AND WOMEN BlE A HAIRDRESSER J01H CANAVA'S LEADING SCKOOI, Great Opportunlty Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, lif.ied professýion; good wages. Thuands of successful Marvel Graduates Amraric,'s Greateat Systam Illustrated ,catalogue rac Wieor Cil - MARVEL I4AIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 loor st. W, Tqronto Brncfes: 44 King St., W., Hlamultoný, 72 ieau Street, Ottawav PERSONAL HANDWRITING Reveals Truc ieSel£, Charýacteristlc. .Send 30» word saample $1.00 for Analysis, yo0Urs Or another'L handicwritlng. Emmjett Wells, 1'848 Sa., 27th Avenue, Ph7oenlix, Arizona, TROUBLED? Lo-ve? Money Problemns? l'il help. SOl -ution Available. ,,if nstrue.. lionis followad. Strlctly personal. john Wamn'steker, Bçx 10-CL, Ottery, Cap e, South Africa. ADULTS! Personial ilbler G)Oods. 3q assortment for $2.00. Finast quilty, tested, guaranteed. Mlailad Iu plain a3ealed package plus free Birtb funtrol býookIet andcaloe of,suippiles. WesternDIatributors, BOX 24TF Regina, S8ak, PHOTOGRAPHY SAVEISAVE! SAVE! Fila daveloped and 4 magna prias in albu7,im f404 12 magna prints ini album 60Oý Repýrin,,ts 5r. eacb KODACOLOR Devaloplng roll $1.00 (net Includlng. prInts). Color, priais 354, each cxtrz, Ansco end Ekiaechrome,-3$ mrn. 20 e- posures mnounitad in shides 51.25. Color Prints froM isîdas 35,each. 3Money refuaded iu fui! for unprinted rega-, tives. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. PROPERTIES FOR SALI CENTRAL ONTARIO VALUES! 'WE have a wide range 0f listtings 4e suit your taste and finances. Co-ninier. cial opportuiias, mapny farmis of van.. Vus aizes amnal holdinlgs ln rural asacottages, vacant lots In totyn, :utlYrY and vacation districts. Dascnlp- 11eltrture and photos miaief* proinptly on rq1s. LONG @RO3. - ReQlt0r% goorOnt. PFort Hope, Ont. rankln 231él Turnr5.4501 8AL$MN W Na NEW .CAREÉR OPPORTUNITIES. MEREL 0yous- chancet5 toatari fresb In à nOw tepartment of a 52-year-old eoni. & Y tuli4IP Itgrow sand row witI ,ll ourweli' a!nn iPortaiit menmbel wÏII be àeslaCiad wltlicarÈe sud a con, sidarabla Invesîmant rnade by this fin. ancial firm la bihs future, Tha mien wg ana loôlng for mnuai ha Intelligent anci Pensonabla, who eauà talk sincaraly tu t'heaverage persan. If aalercd van lll ha trained tboraugbly and bo given ~every assistance te help you suc- Ceed. We are certain that this fild rtePresealaý a splendid opportunlty for' Ihos, seaklnlg ab oyeavserage aannings. Salas-y sud commirtsso)n, moatbly bonuis, gnOUPi Insurauce annual isicreases la this r@spo'nsible Position If vou feel yau eau quallfy WrIte Ie Box m,: 123.lth Street, 1New Foronte, ont. .STAPS ý$AND COINS1 FýOR t h.ainus ritish Lina of Rap. kÎn Stamip Albursazad acsai se, your Stamfp Dealer or Bookadjlen. T ha Ryerson pres.299 Qujee Si W.. Toronto 2-B. GERMANY, Sasn, locale, ini.tused. LaI freîa. Ted Stals. 316 Oah St r4,orthi, Au.-rn, Illinolsý. OLD Coins waaied, psy Rigbaat picas., Catalogue 1W. Gany', 9910 jaspa'fr Ave- nue, Edmonton, Alberta. 160 DIFFERENT Wonldwîlda stamps 104, Plus surprise p.iekal. Willlams Bý ox 1817 WL, Toronto !, ont. CATHOLiC tea-cher wantad for Pubý)i4 Scbool. No. 6, Rochestern To-wnahip, grades 1 la 5.,utesta omrn e lu Septamrber. APPLY, tating ý,exper*iencec ulfia tians, and salary axpected, ta Ray Slrong. Sac.-Traas.. R.R 2 Belle River. Ont. TEAHERmae, single, commiiceingý, Saptamben., saary, $2,50C; 12 pupils, grades 1I lai8; locat ed 68 inilos wasl of Cbaplaau on main iýna C . P.R APPLY glýiing name of Isat inspectan ta Mrs. E. L, tbns oblbp.O. Ont., ia C.P . TE-CHER wanlltad for U.ýP.S.S. I Eïlbn Deitt and Barkar,unaed Apply ta Mirs. E. chsia snSac., Maltica, Ont, Cochrane District, stat- lng qýuallficiions, last inspector anti 4alary expaectedi. Famale protesýtant re ferred. TEACHERS wautec1r Oua Eugllsb anlj two hi-lingutal for Separale SihoaL. Quota qualifications. A'PPLY la oJ. Nadeau, Secretaryrraa tirer, .O. Box 66, Spnagge, Ont. WANTED by Wolfe lslaud T.S.A., inrea quallfled teachers. Protestant ore- ferred, for modemn, well-equiippad rural echools wi!tb attendance about 20 puplis. Duties ta comenice Septembqe. 1959. Fiase spply atatlng qaiia Cions. raferences and salary axmpcli fo Mrs. M"unial Josmln, Wolfeallad 1ISSUE 3t - J19 N N N N. N., N N N -N N N. -N N N N N. N N N. N N 4 N N 'N. N N N N N N N N N N Ns N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N S, N N N N N N N N N N N N N 54 N S, s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -N N 'N N N N N s' N N. N N N - N N N '4s' N N N N s S N

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