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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Sep 1958, p. 1

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VOlume 21, Numnber 2 Street Fair SpetlssSùcc;e ss Raise $1500 For OtonoRInL E-arly Watinesday evenîag ai last-H C u uwveek thre bus4nes ,etion ai tire Mais 4-H C u of et a Guno botintetiwitir action - .vlen tire first 4Anutal Street Pair camie The Achiiayonrent Nighitf for tire Dr info, beîing. lose ta ten yaars had ai- bain <ounty 4-H Beai Cauf Club wa4 Opseti since tire last Street Fair wasi heiti lasf Friday.evaniag at thre fau"n iicel, in Guano andthie ratura af thisf ir'u Russeill sborne, Two classai a7venýt wns certainly met witir anthis- were jutiged iiy thre maniions folloed unsuni by everyone. by neasons andthie fluai quiz on thih ýPý evni- as ýaced ït f-n[e- Yea's work. -Mrs. Osbornnoserveti a Tue vonng was !aaed itirentr- ine' 11lunoli ubulir venyone anjoyeti. ta-innint ranging froni Bingo anti otir1 Gail Blaker tianked tire Cs c;rie's for or ganres ta dancing ant i ning tee tireir îospitaiîity anti the fine classes. Mlrn-G.,aud.The streat "Nas fei The Aciievemeut Day wasld ai wtiCarmnival -go(-ns anti a crawd a ickstock Pair Sturday, An 'gust 23. two thanusanti las been estimnatet, I. Ran Baker n'on 'irsI pnize for iris Tije pajetspasanti y ireGuao en;ir houer ealfanti Jerry Hasuik Chantiler oi Commeirco, was Lcaid ta won first prize for is junior liaifan ýz7ütee comletion-aithe A u icu lt.Ed -Kcwa, vwLs fist, for sirawuman,- aurai Arena whi'ciu was partially de- ti n iv ikrdwsït o stroîvoyti ire e yi yeiv o thsi tis year's club Mork. ndthe stret fair ~was certadniy a ucesfor those attentiing spent liber- alyanti a sum of $50ýo as clIeared ta aid la hJepinag ta coniplete theI rinik. n oney wllbe use t(,a'antr dîeslgroains, ice cushlions and lient- ngfor tire rlnk. SQUARE DANCE COMPETITION flýigiliglit of the aveinun, ws Ithe coý"i'tirfuil, entertailing SqJuare Dance Cliunpeitio iich was spanlsaret i ly the Durban Counlty Junior Farions. Thrbee f hnalists were chosen from thýe feentries -ani these wliil conipete for t-Ie $100.00 pnize at tire finais Lbeingrý hetitiis Saturday afteu'iuoonatUtire Oi'ono FaIliFair. Courage patrons te their particular - games.'I lle Oronio OrpiransJei-tu -the Panda hootir, tire Orono Athletic the bail pitchl, Legion members tire loney gamne, thee Onono Firemen the Crown anti Ancior, the Newcastle Lions the Bingo gane,, the Orono Skating Club the refresirment booth, tire Orono Girl Guddes the Fish Pond and Bean Bag ThrQw, the Chaurber ai Commerce the Budgie booth, andi the Chamber al- so ffhe dancaingý. Ail organizations lad ,record sales in theïr particular )ooth1s with the Orono Firemen indngthe group). Tire Crao Guides wýith their fisfi pond anti beau bag throw werej rset at its opj--ening and wore soiti out ait 6:30, sirortly after opening. e thee iliaist wer: Gono Adting ta the enjaymneat of Ltire StrigierPeterbaroughý' Junior Par.- ,treet jair wýas a sizeable Alrry-go- m--ers, and the Prince Edsvard Junior -ouid wich ope-rateti shortly before Faruners. The Oronio Salgier ea510«('cck util thie close Of [tire fair'. Do nAireti, Marilyn Cbhedc insetertainurent funi mucirfaveur Joan1i Altired, Norair Wood, Boyti Woodi, vth ahe yung,,iler set. Leanard Hoy, Pa ul M,1cMvacki andi iloliMoffat. Another group fram CGr- DANCING anyjc wee rs. Haraldi Ranisberry, Joan1i Well over 250 paiti admission 'o thre RFnsiberry, Mary Fauint, Jarice Neal ýoreet dance anti enjoyeti hoth oldtà une 1aeMol Ransberry, Gilbiert Alidreadi anti modern daciiu, Ken Neal and his1 Fracts Qiantrilll adi 4lIa Quantr' .gopa aitrefdir lyt o ip 1s ý ri 11. r6up ut oâ! tnie piaye fJ Jut(Iges for the cantest incluieti Le-,,vs olyn, Donald Hlanrm, JamesLwey OsatPort Hope; Bo3b 'nwier, Cour.- Da-ve Masters andiRbn Sissons pro fice and i 4iiH Jiltby, Oshiaiwa, E. B.vitiedth ie musie for thosa rounld danc- Barste A-itat Agfdeliltitral Rap- ~ eesanUrtva 1,u, rhamI~, was MC, anti S1<1 Lecklait of Port Hope was )fficiaIý BOAT WINNER ânilen. The boant, motor andti alar tiaw, 'Diemusc fr te cmpeitin ws nel t a 1130 conclude thie street fair, Tha udcfor lietenrctiioa ~' ltiir oartifanJy being heraIdeti as a suIppýlieti by 'Kein.NemI and lS is 1 cuccass. The îlucky wùiner svas Mrs. Ifram iiOronu and district: Titis group Caec unrBwavle ýaiýScpinytiti for -tire o ii fne dancingýirne'urýr omnýe Inter i l ir erng. Harold lRauisberJ In spenking with-U. Dane Founti, 'assisteti wil thre Ralin.lg, maniager ai tire Street Pair, fire stafti tirattire success was dune ta tir e un iti GAMES BOOM ' effort ai every-,oae. TFhe Street Pair isý Sevenmes were weli patronizetitbr, nanalevn niM.Put liy ý tie lrge gitbenlng , a ntite scrai iai etyeans pro)ject can o - iii- tI a v1',ý V-ronio4Ltta Stcries I o Dpecidîed 'This Sunday In Lattai Tire01,01nt)Inteum-effuate TBasebai-- Lattai urn1etithe tablas on Gaoin Club iras now entouad in ifs firstrud ILatta on Mo,1nday wantir am Oi tire Ontarioa itermedibte C, la-lumbehminti lira nintir ta i 8 dawns. Ila this rounld tira local club At te hall way mxark in tire nintir facn tenun frai Latta anti twa Gua0rno ldby a score ai 6-3, liowavver gam-es hava been playeti avenre we aawaik aidfiva nits put Lattla ar i aniThe decision lui this tw, ouvont ai i tir.e Iasf haillwieýn five ruans w tln'ee sanies rasts at ane gainea piaca.e arc Thie tirntianti teciding gaine mi lej eh playet i laLatta this corming Suutiay Ke1irWast waS tire ';lo itpfcherý afler'oon>grvng Up twelve hts -with fivý.e. caniiing The first gaine oi the saries was in h itr Gro1lvr eitrt playat inla Guno on Satuday aiternoon th l l iig un1uieus î,at svren the local boys took ai155 TIrtire iftting depaiment Don Mer- victa:ry. Keif h -wvas tlire Wlining car toaký the bs record for- Orono witir pitchar giving up twlve bits WfUie tinea siiglas. Dean West anti Genalti Wrgit anti Raid siraredth ie loss fou ROilson fDIolluwed with tIwo singles ýLatta giving up a total ai seveuteeni eaich. Oaae home rua wns negistereti lu bits f teVire uno boys. Gone was eut jtire gaine anti went ta Wriigliai of Latta. iii front thuotugirout tire .aewich witnassed plenty of liftinig ant i aso Ooomitr an atr a saw num11rerouis errons. Janolia tetg a tiain tirg Dean West starret in athre iittlng de- Ltacame otlifting -ntePnhanti partuuent by batting 1000 foýr iis bîve rae oufth'!lir victouy. In thls marne tnip ta at.Keit Wat îoia e M tirIey first' took a walk fîIowed by five1 bugi its. Tis gave Latta the vàcon a 3 for 4 recoud andi Don Mýercer witir anti aise led tire sanies. a 2 fr 3 record, i.RH Oren~ R H 1;ný R H' E .10804031 5 12 4 Lta 1 2 00 3 d 0 6 U 0 00 02 1,0 05 8 12 AterooiuxhayEntêrtainment For Al The first meeting of thle gAternoon Auxliryof the f gte ~el~- ida!s ,was held on -Sperier2intk Sunday School Aud~itoium wath tihe pre- r n xh b to S t r a The meetin~g opened with thefel- iIIgý poem Tread by Prs, Cobledkek. __________ G<OD'S PLACE FOR MEI là We each one have a missiýon, s Saturday is FaIli Fair- Day in Oroniodae competitiien, the hcrseshoe pàiteh- P, An influence to weild. I etter tO Eitor when interest ini this event will be in- ing contest and the music of the 0ot'no splace ta fiii; a -work to do Thý strumntallaLnbiging- thousands to Bandi. d. We each one have a field 0;ý%,~ton for the annual exhibition. The an"ITectl hww-. lob ra Wee1 nehv iet Chel ô ti - ertainment frte dy hs ~ Tecti hwwf ieb ra Icannot fMI1another's place; gal-nrasdfrte'5 dto oost o the fair WWfl luimerous bee--f No more can ie 1f11 minle, and ils varieti nature should proîve in- catle in competitjon ialonîg with Che r Goti meant uis eachi to fit his plan Oroflo, Ontario1 teresting to inost everyone.J 150 head of Hoistein already registeredJ Not o'ear Our lots to pine. Septetmber 1st, 1958 The Isorse show and harness racing to s o Te Black and White Show The Editor ~~~is a must for most andi the Orono Fairha lateptfwyardilye The world is large, there's ranch to do Orono Weekly Tinmes i15 noted for its fine displiy of herses kOlsoptto and fromaireprt And 1ilmust do My s1hare; ono, Ontario nnhicli, we understand, wiii-1 be on theJ this WàI iag9ain lie s hler Not 'waste miy time in vain regrets Si i&k ga tis ertotul îtEhNtn Gonsortny Nor wishto e eiewlire.The comments, regarding the Highi their somisi and sptet. Addedý show a vast Jamprovemient over that 1)f For whilbo my' timie is taken op School Area issue, by the Reeve of ta this will be the hieavy teanis which fo1ryasadepeilyi iss M\1y energy consumed Boiwimanrville in bis letter of iast week1 willI be viewed la front of the stand. ýin the buildings. The Agricultural Ar- WVith seeing off la yonder fielidsI need to lie refuted, We submnit thiatte Other entertainment will bc presenteti1 ena lias taken on a new look with fts The neeti of, losti souls - doomed. 1 are not logical, consistent, factualil i te form Of the fluai.,-is for the squiare iieia the nrhfollo¶wing realistie or objective. te-lu. hsivoa- -ngwih h Right at my door rnay perish 11e, says, -the municipal councfls' ~eapoa yalteohra t e gran Tstnthis antren c osgih he That ouHeletforihonChritded; s ldfo iehaedfrte tl-orities as to ,size, location and cost. received a new coat of paint to en" Theone11emeat fr m torea"'mte in thle location af tle new h ighTe answer is obvious. hlance their' appearance. The new horse Fadi hopeless at my side. sehool. Their who is to buame' then a'sabscntuceib ess e n Sa, then however humble pr1sb or pone yte si oia o h onist be Jack Reidi are certaily a great asset The pace l'm calietita fi, municipal councils ta do a Job are pre- "ýJulhnny-corelatlely" experts ojn the t Jo the grounds and' ta the - fair itseit. "'Il do as unto Jesus, venite(i from d (oing that. jolb by thel educational neeis ofaile area. H1e saysThsrenwornledaniiIben Andi glory la His will, youni(ls w'ho appointeti themr. It. has that because it was flot a unlanmiious 's nFarDy p ~~~~~decision, it was only a, half-hearted i eo arDy Faowýing this three v7ersus of a hyninaprocl.By 'tie sanie reasoning then Inside exhib>its mwhich will lie on ds were sung -anti the president led in toier int.TemeigClosed the decision. of the counceil o-f EBowmnani- play insitie the Agricuitural arena are prayer. The Worship Ser-vice was lin tetee gat teMza ille wais only a half-hearteti approacli. eîe t t surpass other years, sae charge afIMrs. Drumminond wh1o brougit Beedctin.It was niot unanimious. Soniewhat in-1 Mr. Gamey, secretar«y af the fair. miýs ta us a wonderful message, given atl Will those wsigthe M,ýissianary consistant is't it? What daes he want, is based an the number of entries al- the schol for leaders anti centreti a-ý' Monthly for- 1959 please conta-ct tneaaanoiinadsve ule ed nfr tevrosdprmns i round the first epistle of Peter wýýhich Rýecording Secretary at the 0ctoberTis erth hlde anepr was'Ise the fis etr wteïtshJ.e meemg.continued on page 3) pienty of entertaimnent as a Nlerry-Go,- churches. She ced h asi as-Round, n arrlis -wleel ai aote vice with prayer. - --.. . . . . Mus. McLaren spoke briefly an 'Whlat we olelive anti the reason fo)r thait !belief. Sire urgeti os ta rend more witiely as new discoveries are being --ft in aur Unliversities andti ting-s you étiow, take on 'a different mea ing. ]iw h lynmns vere then suug. Murs. Porter ý,Introduced tire ne.w Stud Bok, -The Colneerus ta'k tinenit', whichi souis mast ùinterestjnug. S;he was assisteti by Mtrs. Robinson, Mus. G' oode, Mus. MUcLaren anti Mis. Lanwho gave thie geaographical pas- ition anti the population aiMf io Màaska, Canada, Uniteti States, Rlawaii anti the Carribbean Islandis. Sttuty of these countries shouiti prove ver interesting for tire coming year. The autumun Thankoffeuing meeting wiliý lie ireitinlaNavemilber insteati of jMoffat-Quar ce, of ietS Vwa S sl zcieiintr Uniteti Ciurcirh uno audi ai- ternioan, August 23rd, at thiee cclock, Whlen Miss ShirleyQuntrl as n'e la marriage tai WillimStewart aI mflat. Tire bride is adrgite a M. anti Mus. Evan Qatiiant i tr rom a son ai Mn. anti Ms.Shelion jMafâ-t, Tire chanrcir woaýs ellective(2y de-ouat1ed iar tire crmom wtr it - ai,,d pinký iglaidiai. Tire Rev. Baýsi Loung olyf-icîatedi Mrs. M. 11: Staipies wastire 01anlat anti Mn. Jack Alliang "Tbanltire Vears" anti "Wýeddin., Prayar." Tire bride, -who was ýgjieain man.r niage lier father, looketi loveiy. She wore a beautîful gown ai Chantiily lace --rd nlnnet. Tire ugyfitteti lodice hat a seetrertneckiinle an lily piCnt sItleeves. Tiens oaInlace mwiti wvtia "uIîtin.g ai lscallapeti lace fmormec tire luil lenagmisirn. Han tulle illusion vaNl vas ireit in place liy a sn'ual crown rmeti ai tinv nylon rufflas tniimeti with seed peanis. Sha carrieti a cascade bouquet .aofplak delgirt roses.» 'ivrono rolice- 11 Corisider Cu ýTire 0rono PoÎice Trustees met oni Monday*vAugust 25th ith Trutesc H irbing 0f Street progrîamLl wiili e assisted by a subsidy M. lVircer and, ý. B. Rutbrfor res. 1 turant amasuts. ien Most cases tû 25' per- ent. The agenda for tirhe, îg. as4 ,1cent. A rosointion -,as pas sýeti mthoýriz- a f C ctio tie n ChlurcirStreet. re irr lîlit since Most projcts ave 1ing thea,;ecretary ta compie a by-law ý L )e ik S r e elhe een carapletetiî' or are well on taI estahuisîi n recrea--tional authority lauedvur t ipov Ci the way te conipletien. 'in the Village of Orono. 'is by-lIaw Sa edou' rta mprve hc mwust lie passeti by the Township cd Sfreet Souh tire 7itistýe are con- To Set up Recrpational Authority 1Clarke. templating piaùiag cement Curhs om Inform-fation was presented ti he »otir sities of tire ra d from, Station meeting for fonmingý a recreationai Letters for Bus Service Street soute on CiUiehta vïetoeiùa. 1 ýThese cturbs wouid eliminate the diteir- mutharity for thre Ville ai Oromo. Eighteen letters hiat been receivate satdtu a J iewdniga h When sai anauthoity isset of the equesting bus service for tire Village street. This project la ta be untietaen finncig o n'ino sprtsant hiing<ofaiOrmooantiliif was stateti by the sec.- providllng tlintfunds are availabal Éta insrucor suir s or he eceatonal.retary that others wr yet ta cone in. (1 tis section. The praject would aise The Trustees tiacitiedti twitlihold sentir.ent ail cousicierairle new constructiju o-m itrili LUp4"'" ~ ~ l fil arotutidte r uiiiornialo mo tir rnd wh!en more woulI libe acnultt Anothler rond soul to ire untieutakený ltire new .sitreet runiiug between Street Siga s 'ou'&kanti SoîmrvàieDrv.Te cis Quantrill.Tire Truste eevdsapuei la ot al itts odl1xpceit was helt ittire Otdi elwsHal. The ntytanvtia hywsei ahv ii il pnnn ulglos mo(,ther oaItire 1b1ride loofýket illsm nrtl he rctt orint ir snoPi. uig ielydometn ir on beige linen with jade green accessos'- le was nuiteti tirai> tfirey Imd been slip-ms_,nn dscs eti tie setiurgup a ies. H-eu corsage wmas cnio ei a etnti iti s pssble tattiry uV Ol4 tire _2p~sdhatgrte Tisae w'h.îte roses tid mi gren ubanha p icre Saiady o uaohnbS etat15cns Mus. Motimtrra iegom ieWl eaeayato stkntr oe wnt a ow i nridnigitllepprlit wa eott ittr ea~msinnase ira iemngrr- corsage ai white roseirutis h'st eekaSPtenrr ak ieb-tr io a ae atrMn. anti Mrs. lfat it '-t lyig bsvut orl i hLcrol-talton diee1Ui - r Laiter nortir an ~Churcir stret ouirantid uha iyrao ercs es ride is aureacsy set up at thfair grDu-n4 anti wil libe la aperation on Saturiday Another fýeature of the fair whi-ch' shoulti not lie forgotten is the Draca Festival of one-act pinys which wI bce held botir on Fritiay antid tra niltin the Or ono Town Hall. es pglays are reputedt t be top class en- 'N 'N s' 'N 'N 'N 'N s'- 'N N 'N 's 'N 'N 'N N N s'- 4'- s' 'N 'N 'N s 'N 4'- travNellinig tie bride wore au ii'nprteti caftan toplace dress orange- ice la cour. IHeu accessaorieS w'euehite anti she wore n corsage af wiie car-' nations. On tireir ueturn Mr'. anti Mus. Mafit wvili, resitie at 235) MýkPir1a!ie St., Petexlborongi. Tire bride is aI raiail of Bowmpanville Higir Sairool antiTencir- ors' Collage, Peterbtoroughr, ant is xa public scirol teaclier. Tiregroomi was educatedth ie Orano igi Sclool. 1He is eunployati as superîntentient af cal- norias. i > Pion ta he r marriage the bride was The bu-idesmnaitis ware Miss Ma-rilyn tireiranaoti gumgest at severai showers. Quantrill, Miss Helen T'urner ant ivss Mus. Eileen Knox, Eflniskillen, enter- Jean, Maffat. Tliey ware gwe.alike taied ait a kitchea anti pantry shahf in becoimnng, frocks ai importeti whiteslwna ho rsiecefrMs liroaticiotir patterneti thiaugiraut il) blue Quiantil on August 7th. Mus. L. Chap- anti pink. -Thair blne taîfeta cuminuer- man, Kirby was hostesýs ait a miscaT'. buntis extenieci into streamners at te laneous shawer for lieu an Auigust Ptir backs. Their irentdiesses wera fenmet imra friands linftho cammunity. The ai white,.braideti smohiair crescent bands'- girls presenteti Shirley with a lev- and tey cariat cascades uPin ely casserole anti accessories. Sireas 9,1ýadj&2iandwhie pnoclii pos. ecevedmany beautiful gifts froni te pinccha Pfl'5. ladies ai tire comimunity whera sha Jim Pattai-sun was tire hast man. Thie taugit previautat attending Toachers'i usions were, Haroldi Mofiat anti Pran- College. Orono High cooinrl114 Pu1tiblic School Students 155 The doors of thie Grena Suho >~4.llr.M Lunn has34 skîd(ents ut cd on Tuesday with a total cf 269 pu gr ad~s 5 Mrd6.Graes 7 m'd 3 ame plHs passing Vhrogn Umhmn to reister tanght by dhe prinipa, Mre Lowes anti for the,ý 1958-,59 ternl. Enrolment il, bath iulttmer 36, tihe Public anti 11gh School is abuvel The enrolment ils tg agnii in tne or- that of laot year. aa11bShol ih 14studept I signing the register on Tuesday. Lt is In the Puiblic School 24 chiltiren eir-expneceti that at IMast three more stu- roliei in grade one with the total n detwilnriwih tentfw roient on oipen.!ng day be Iing 153 PU-1 days ,,qjnteex e'r pils. The,, staff remnainis at four aigain I this year withl tthe onily change being, The statff o the Orono High Schoo1j il] thre pilas A.Mr.Loues la tre ha~s beejl increesedtitliis year wifll> tu nesi principal of the Public Scirool Ii1rîng of Mrs. 1. Bal who, wiIi teauh, taking over from Miss K. Foster wh-oitihe CommEercil coeurse. Mjrs, BajIl Mdli retired after the 7 terni. teach during the meaing la Ocrono' anti lu the afternoon i lu iilbrook, Tho Mliss B. Cain, teaching grade 1 andi former staflf of Mij. W. W. Watt, prin.- part ai gratis 2 lias a total of 43 stu-1 ciPal, S. B. PutherfoGrd, Mrs. St, oh dents. is. R. Carleton has 42 pupils anII Jo)hn Ford have ail returneti ta and Leaches this year gradesý 2, 3, andi their for'mer position,,S. Orono Fair Ths.Saturday, ýSeptember 6th Latta rustees

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