ORONG WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, SEPTEMSIR 4th, Quality bMEATS SWIFT'S FRESH 9ork Shoulder Roast lb 37c P or k Butt, Roast Pork Butt Steaks- .SWIF=T'S HOCKLESS Smoked Picnicls SWIFT'S - CELLO 1 LB, PKGS, Premium Franks SUGAR HEINZ SPAGHETTI 2 15 oz tins 29c ,SOLO BRAND MARGARINE 3 lb-s 77c DEL MONTE TOMATO CA TS'U P 29bls Z3 5C WHITE SWAN TOILET - Whit'e or Colourei, TISSUE 9rolis $1.. BARBECUED, PLUMP, TE=NDR= CHIOKENS 2' to 3lb -average $1*69 l11b 49c lb 55C Ib45c lb 45c FAR - 15C Off Detergent giant 64c AJAX- Free Scourinq Pads Cleanser 2 tins 35c, KRAFT CANADIAN Cheese Suices 8 oz 35c- G000 LUCK - 4c off pack Margarine lb ctn 29c AUNT MARY'S SLICED B re ad 24 oz loaf MAPLE LEAF LiQUID . 6c off Detergent 1 2 oz 37c: BEAVER BRAND Charcoal 5 lb16bag 45c APPLEFORDS KV-' - 100 Ft. Roil Wyaxed Pàper 29e CHASEý and SANBORN INSTANT - 15c off CofI'ee 6 oz 9 9c LIPTON'S TOMATO VEGETABLE MIX Sup 3 for 35c SUCCESS - NO RUR Floor Wax pt 55c, RED and WHITE OGANGE PEKOE 10c ioff Tea Bsags 60M59C SUPREME SWEET - 16 oz. Jar- Relish' 2 for 49c Fresh PRODUCE NO. 1 ONTARIO TOMATOES heaplng 6 qt basket 49c YELLOW ONIONS 5 lb polly bag 33e MILD, GARDEN SWEET. CUCUMBERS !qt baslket S9e CANTALOUPES Salmnon Flesh each ,25îc, NO. 1 ONTARO'S FINES LARTLETT PEARS 6q aktiSqc Co1r.nîlsh'se a rt to I a ter sgending tWoG weeks in Ke'ndal and visiting oki friends. Mrs. Jackson celcbrated lier birthdayr on Monday. Uwin Town Ilckey Clebs T. Amalgainate Thbere wAM be an amalgamation o Port Hoýpe and Cobourg hockey clubs this year. This mueh w.nr deciýded at a recent mieeting of interested parties from both tow,ýns hed i the Homelike fin], Cobouirg. Many details mnust ýbe ironied out yet, and1 it has riot 'been estabI)Ished wvhe-ther the Junior will play in otHüpe; the Intermiediates in Cobo.urg; or v ice ver- sa, oru heeth-ey w il llent. Chugsrink is of cus lwy open 'to hockey bttTrinity .Colege Arenia is dirceted enire y hy te School lheads and some giaraniigements mu'llst be ariveTfd at befire any fu'tiher. decisions on gamies M iPo:rt Hope can be made. Present am-ong othiers from iCobourg wvere the Recreational Direct-or, Jim Monroe, ClarkeSevle and Bob Nei, ail prominent figures in CobourSg hockey. The Port Hope delegates in- celuded Hnarry Wade-, Presidenit of the team last season, Er-v, Downey anid Harry McKeen. KEt4DAL NEWS Lîntenided for Last Week) Visiting at Ken-Gar-Hilis this weeý Oare Mir. and Mrs. Jack Gaxrhutt an chidcren», bisa and Mike, Auby Kentiý apnd Bull Wiggins. Wesley Johnson )f Ajax wvassru )by lightning iast week w'hilewokg tobacco. He was at w-ork again on F ,ý iday at Ned Foster's. Mrs. Normnan Thertell of ToronIý ,and Mus. Norman Elgear of Stratfor, Énd bier two cUdldren, Bonnie ant, George, are speinding twvo weeks at thj former's summer home here. Mr-. F. G. Hempstead of 'okourg wal- the guest preacher ini the Kendal Un, ited 'Church on Sunday morning, thE lesson was from tise lt chapter ol St J n iiadvising the wisdom ai thinkIng before speaking, Mir. Hempl stead said the Lord had plaoed tIi£4 tongue behind double doors, the teetil and the lips. Thuie Kendal Chir rendi ered the anthiem "Almnost Persxuaded.* Mvrs. A. Swarbrick was at tîhe organ. Dinner guests with Mrs. A. Sw'ar4ý brick on Sunday were Mr. John Pattoxý an~d iVr. and Mlrs. Roy Patton of Grono, Mrs. Swarbrîck lias retùrned from - Mrs. Editis Ferguson ini Toronto. two week's visit with bier daughteru While there, she feU and hurt le back, but shie informns us thiat it is j littie botter now. Mrs. Kennetis Soper was a guest fý Mr. and iIrs. Bert Tbompson un Sur, day and Mr. Clarence Wright from t4; West called to see Bert thse other daý' Thiey hadn't seen eachu other for ov«S forty years. Mr, and Mfrs. H. Hailman of Torond, spent Sunday wivJth Mr, and Mrs. F Stoker. Kendal frien4s extend their sympathý' to M%-.HartweJl Lowery wbo is i Bowmaniville Hospital suffering frons jheart attack. Mlrs. Wm. Gearystpe on a r;aÀ izind is sufferIing 1romi a painful footj We \hope it iwill soon be, ail ri-ght agaMi Mliss C. W. Stewvart adMiss Marioný MVcKelvey spent tise weeke.nd l ise«",' lLsoadistrict. Mrs. A. Jackson, Mrs. WIGoey and .4aughter returiied home to lMilliker GASOLINE AT. A REASONABLE PRICE 3S. 9 cp e rg a i. t;D ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES DJRIVE IN AND FILL UP WHERE YOU HAVE ALWAYS SA SVED AT VIGOR OHL SERVI.CE -STATIONS BleTWEEN O-" CRONO AND NWCSTE N HiGHWAY c35 COURTESY OPEN EVE14INGS AN D SUNDAYS SERVICE STOVE OIL ALSO AVAILABLE EN ANY QUANTITY FOR THE CONVENIENCE CF STOVE CIL USERS PREMIUM QUA.LITY N 'N s N N N N s N s N N s N s s N s N N N '4 N N N N N 4' 4. N s N ROYA LBQwmanville A L MA. 3-5589 THURS. to SATURDAY - SEPTEMIBER 4,-6 7:»0 p.m. "The Younig Lions" Ns Marlon Brando end Dean Martin A/dut Ente-rtainment Axdv]ts 75ic StudPnts 50, NETMON. to WEDNES. - SEPTEIMBER 8 1Uo 'woman olf t1he RIver' In Colour With Sophia Loen "T he Long rHaul" N Victor Mature and Diafla Dors NN A.dult Entertainment 4