ORONO WEEKLY TIMES1 YORK FANCY (SAVE llc) Tomato juice IGA (SAVE 18c) SpiritVrinegar Red Malaga Girapes& 2Ibs 3 ~Potatoes 10Ib bag 3 SONTARIO GROWN MILO ~Cooking Onions 3 lb8 2- WITH FREE 152.00 BONUS BUCK Bon-us Booster Food Features EFFECTIVE SEPT 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 THURS. THRU TUES EACH ITEM WITH FREE $2.00 BONUS BUCKS PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT DIELMONTE JUION 200 eti du* for »CIE' DOC FOOD 20 oz tini 2 or PUREX TOILTTISSUE 100 It roll 2 fer 1)PLAIN ORPIN¶ENTO CHÂTEAU CNEESE a oz pIkg ECONOM SAPPLE OR GRAPE SKafIt Jles uNUCOA Margarine oo y ~PLUS g witi AIs k [Y CORNER 2 for 37c 2 lb pkgs 49c ou Get a 'E Every D6 ExB on sB c & weekly Food Featu For Your Free Boni 41 &Z. Tins for 55C IGA ( SAVE 730 lue0 ft. PR0115 3c~ ax Paper 2 for 49c Uf SAVE 4c 3c Shredde4, Wheat 2-35c GRADE A ACRONIZED ROA-STI4N 'ORFRY[NG CIaIeKENSeAL3b lb5c~ SSWIFTS BROOKFIELD SKINL:SSg 37e Pure Pork Sausage lb 49c g 29le SWIFTS EVERSWEET RINDLESS SLICED 27< Side Bacon lb pkg 69C ~ 27e TBLERITE STEAKS-.Round, Sirloin, Porterhouse or ,350 FREE $2.00 BONUS BUCKC WITH EACH STEAKO FROZEN FOODS FREE 12 oz Seabrs.k Farmsg pkg PEAS With the Purcluase of 3 8ozpkgs BOOTH FNlH STICKS Raspherries 15 oz pkgý 37c 1WITH $2.00 BONUS BUCKg ALL FOOD PRICES EXCEPT BONUS BUCKS EFFECTIVE SEPT 4, 5, 6 O lonus Buck' Withg lar Spoent TeEasy Way To Acquir g .iresFREE BONUS GIFTS u.s Gift Catalogue Today' c g o g g g g g - ~ dvring refreslments. Mr. and lérs, J. R Terry of Detirot are visiting with br Mi Mr eog Clark Mrs_ Terry la sister of NM. The meeting of the Wome's Assi- Clark. Recent visitors were an autm ation met at M iss C. W. Stewart's home and cousin of Mrs. Clark, IVfrs. -Smith en Wedneslay evening, August 28th. and son of Bowmanville. Mr. and Am. Jfrs. G. Oanthcrt, the vice president, Jirn C arka Mrs. Welch cf Toronto wead the chsonanMs hs Stev ens oo At the W.A. Meetintg, Miss Stewart rethe esoina M ss aSwart took st ated that she lied seeured the cor- thedotomniLMrhes. Alva Sfwahe brick'vices of Mir Frederick Geoghiegon, of- accmpaiedthesinint ofthehyms.ficial organist of the Heintzman Ca. Mxs., Stevens introduced the guest in' Toronto, for October 2nd, when he speaker, Mr. Dennis MUiddleton, and Will give an org«an recital in thie Keýndai said she first met him when he wa Sunday SchooIi Hall His recitai was three years old. Mr. Middleton spoke very much enjoyed at the time theý or- f his work as teacoher with physïcally 'un m,~ cae ni olswilwn and mentally retarded chiIdren, pre- to hear Mr. Geoghegan again. paririg them ta be able to tale their Mr. Dan, Joncas and daughter Susan place as self supporting citizens and were guests of Mr. and MVrs. Aibel Jon- 'found tihe fwork very intersigand cso audy satisfying. Theg Boardonf Education have seThu secBard itsfr tiiese A shower was held in the Kendai hivde s,t who 'hcae tubetaugor t in aHall for IMr., John Gordon and lus c h i I d r n . w h o h a e t , e t u g it n ,o n r d e ( n e e D o r e e n A ib i n > o n S a t u r d a y different mianner, as sonie things they, night last. May lovely gifts wr e are flot able to Iearn and the speaker ceived and the Neiil orchestra wýas in sta.,ted that these units can be formred attendance for the dancing. Mr. Lloyd in any place where requested. Clvydsdale calied off and a happy Urne Mrs. Stevens spoke of the need to was ha--d by L. There was a large at.. take more interest in our religion, to t endance of friends from thie Sixth keep it strong. g Line and Croo)kedl Creek. Ine ladies took, a wxalk around tihe filower-garden where there wýas quite Ms .W twatwsadne a variety of beautiful f!owvers. guest of Mrs. Alva Swvabrick on Sat- An e joy ble soc al im e w as had urday and on Stu d ny her son R --ss c0< Oishawa visited. parents * -cross, at corners. * obey signais l ook before crossi n SENO FOR FREE FOULER "POINTERS FOd1 PARENTS" TO IHIGIHWAY 3AJEETY BRANCH, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT, PARLIAh4ENT BUILDIN4GS, JQRONTê Chose ourEntertainment o CI g THURSDAY TO SATURDAYg In Technicolor THURSDAY AND FRIDAY gy ~AI-Technlicolor Show 0 "Fromif 1ell Te Texas" NrhetPsae With Don Murray Wt pne r C and Diane Varsi and RuhxHser Trac Life Begins AI 17" N Indl The Suc" WtMakDaman and With James Crag W itfi ark a d L ita M ilan Dorothy Johnson _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [I MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY AUAYOL In Technicolorg Ù Shows et 6.40 and 8:2.0 ~ "ZER HOUR"The Pirst Texan" 14ZER HOURWitb Joel McCrea With Dana Andrews THE BOWERY BOYS fg and Liaida Darneli Ini "Hot Show' g "DESRE NDE MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY g Adu TIEnELtÎm"-utEnetanen g it Anhn ekn Iland lu the Sai"l g and Sophia Loren Iteach them to