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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Sep 1958, p. 5

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ÛRGNO -WEEIrLY TIMES TKU~RSUAY, $EPTEMBER 4th.. 1958 SALE EVjRYTHI\G-MUST GO BY SEPT. 2Oth 20 per cent OFF AHl Regular Merchandise WATCHES-RINGS-JEWELIERY CHINA 33 1/3 OFF ON SILVER WARE AND COPPERWARE Babyware at pracfically give away prices WATCII BRACE LETS AT HALF PRICE Wooden Sait and Peppers Reg. 49c pair - 1 .......Going fer 29C Pr. Novelty ird Sait and Peppers Reg. 59c pair .....1.... Going for 39c pr. Stock Up Now For Christmas Do your shopping early at MacKaye'sà in Orono, We are seliinq our complete stock and giving up business. ALL CASH - NO REFUND OR EXCKANGES MacKye ift Store IN ORONO FRANK W. MacKAYE HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS LINOLEUM TILE We have ait shades in stock, lst quality, size 9x9. Priced .. 2 for 25c. KINGSCOT FLETTE RLANKETS Size 70x9O,-in -tht oft, quality $6.50 Size 70x108i that soft quality $695 WOOLCOTT BLANKETS 66x80 in different checks. Price $5.50 SATIN BOUND KINGSCOTT In different satin shades with a 4-incli satn bund border. Rayon and wool. Priced............... $6.95 CHINELLE SPREADS Size 90xci08 in white with dif- ferent centre designs. Priced at....$11.50 and $17.95 BATIT MAT SETS 2-piece in yellow, rose, grey, green, pink and brown of extra heavy quality. Priced ....... $4.95 WALLPAPER We have room lots of paper at *iway less than Ilf price. Lots con. tain 6 to 12 single rolis. Borders to match. CONGOLEIJM RIJGS 6x9 .... $6.50 7'/2x9 9x9 .... $9.75 9x10'/2 9xl2 .... $12.95 9xl5 $8.25 $11.50 $ 15.95 CONGOLEUM 3 yards wide GoId Seal $2.95 run. yd. 4 yards wide Gold Seat $4.95 run. yd. 2 yards wide Gold Seal $1.95 run. yd. BLINDS and green 36" wide.......... $2.0 42" wide .............0. . $2.75 Get a 'Bonus Buck with every dollar spent In Drygoods Armstrong, s stoea Opes AU Day Mo.»dsv VIQOR OIL 00.,LTD. NEW REDUCED PRICEâ ON PREMIUM QUALITYOI1L Stove'Oil 20 c per gallon Fuel Oïl I6'c per galo FOR FREE HOME DELIVERY PIIONE Orono 1567 Oshawa RA. 5-1106 LZC&L IES MissJo Ann Rutherford, ,oan AIJ <fred, and Joan Ransberry weee suc- ,cssgfid n securing theirh-irneMd Alion fromn the Hoyal Life Saving &g.- ciety. LOCý."AL NEWS Sunday visitors with Mr. andi Mrsý Raye West andi family were Mr~. and Mrs. Perecy Hayward, Bewmanville, Mr. anci Mrs. Ray Champa., Cleveland. Mïr. and Mes. Don Tennant andi fam- ïly spent the weekend at their cottage Mlr. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey andi <arn eiy spent the xeekend at their cottage. Mm. andi Mes. J. C. Ga'mey 6pent Suinday with them. Misses Joan anti Carol Vagg spent 'wo 'weeks vacation with relatives ai Gananoquie. Mrs. R. A. Fo)rrester spent her bolit csat Lake aLt iiiIbrosk 1310 4 fihe Orono Girls Softbït-l teamn took a mc needed -win over Miftbrook oun W enesay venngat the local park by a score of j3 to 4, This victory to Orono tied thie seýrtes with twcy game apiece. The finailanidecdingigae will be played ýin MilIbrook this Friday evening andi the Orono girls would appreciate some' moral support- Elva Reidi was the winning pitcher for Orono with Nora Wood, Joan Ail- di-ead andi Gale Cbýper being the big hitters for the locals. Eight of Orono's runs carne in the last inning. The Orono ecintam) Hardlbail team bowed out when they met the entry from Fenwick with the -visiting team taking two stmaight ganhes. This endis minor -hasebaJliii Oon for this year. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel M7. Hughes, of Port Hope, wishi to announce the en- gagerent of their only daughter, Louise Elizabeth, to Mr. Alkn A. Han- cock, son'of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Han-! coc,(k of Orono. The wedding will take: placei the Port HoPe United Church' R. pairs ,%ri. and 'Mrs. Douald Graham aic amlOshawa visited on iSundaywt2 ýIVIr. and AlMs. Bel] white. MUr, and MIrs. Ariol Wallace ani family and Mlr. and Mrs. R-'. G. For. rester and farnily returned Saturday z7fter hu-daying at Presqu'ilie, h Thoiusanid Islands and Silver Lake. Forty relatives ffMrs. Rowena Deau honoured hier on Sunday at a f amuily picnie in tle OrwooPark with the Oc. ca-ý,nii omig lber birthday. Mris. Deaxi prtesenited wsvtansilver ware by the group. MI. Win. Riddel.iI is a patient i the Western Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. W.' Watt have mnoved intu tie home of the late Mrs. Chias. Awde. MAr. PhJi1 Long is teachiing schýool ai Leskard Public Sehool this year. -Mr. and Mers. Owen Fagan, Michael andi Karen and Terry Grahamn returned Monday, alter spending two weeks at a cottage on Ralsom Lake. Mr. and iVrs. Harry Clarke and doughter Dorethy from Glenford Sta& ion, Hami-lton -Mountain, spent Satur- day with the. latter's àsster. Mrs. Olarence W. Allin and Mr. Ulùi. Mr. andi Mrs. W. E., »avey have beeai on holidays, vacationing at Bass Lake near Steen!barg, guests of Mir. andi Mms Lealand Keat andi Eleanor andi report a gooti hoIidayý Mqr. andi Mns. Cü~ntoei Caverly and Wifliam calleti on Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davey on Itir way borne rom .Loon Lake where they are b1ldàin a cottage on a nice lot. Miss Jean Buchanan, Toronto spent the weekend wRth Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drumrnond. A former Leskard resident, Mr. RD- bert Samuiel Chambers, passeti away at CIareinount on Sunday, August 3lst. Mr., and Mrs. Frank MArcKaye visi- ted over the week-end with the latters sister Mes. J. R. Robertson, Arnprior. Mrs. J. E. Richards returneti home Wednesday evening after being a pa- tient in the Memorial Hospital, Bowv- manivilde,- for seven weeks. SPECIAL! For Fair Da Saturday Sept. btb ROAST TURKEY or ROAST BEEF SPECIAL PRICE ORONO SRESTAURANT UNITED CHUJRCP Rev. Basil Long SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER gth Kirby - - 9:5o.. Orono - Les-kard - - 2P. M. ISUNDAY SCHOOL 10 a.m ....... Orono 2 p.m.......Kirby 2 p.m.............. Leskard 00 THIS WEEK SPECIALS White GIass Dinner Pates,îrglr2e Now on sale for.... ............. 2 for 35c. White Glass Breakfast Plates, regular 25,c. -Now on sale for,,....... . ......2 for 35c. Cups and Saucers, Heat Proof, Seroîl design, Set 25c Special pflce ....... ....... ...... 4 sets 89c. Special Nylon H-ose, 15 Denier, Substandards Limited quantity. Pair for ............. 39e. New Ankie High Nylons colors-white, rose, blue, green and fawn, Sizes 9 2 to 11. Pair 79c., 2 f or $1.49 Tea Pots, Royal Canadian brown wmthi floral design 4 cup dripiess, regular '79c. Special price .-.59c1. Ladies' Straw Hats, assorted colors, Spýecial clear- iny price. Regular 98c. for only ......... Aluminum Tea Kettles, good wveight metal, popular household size. 5 lmiperial pints. Special value $1.69 FREE - 100 per cent Nylon Blair Br-ush with pur- chase of family sîze Colgate Dental Cream. -Ail for regular price of . ......... 8...s9c. SAVE T13ME SERVE YOURSELF UROF'O 5c T«O $100 STCGRý OPE-N FRIDAY EVE-NINGS How con Iron irea VORTEX DURUER ew Ordinary gun-type oul burners enclose the flame in a pit- watsting much of the heat. fi= eqffNiuoa money-Saving Vortex oul burner biankat. aveu. BUW inch of h.ating iurface 'with rich îuiht h«nt g8iving you SubStantial tuai mvlnse. ,T E CON VERT TOUR OIlu FIJRNACE O OILUm, OR INSTALL A IELFFIED UNIT Why poy for heat youn mtt<ing? An hoenfremant Vortex Can bc. inata8a " yUr peunt furnaceor orhiler în just a few hour-.nd eh.. wtch your f" bis go down, home Comfoet gip 1 Cplto self-.fird Vortex %imit* ama availabla e. 3a on Firernian auto- aiatic controla. Ph...4e mil*a Si. week surefor a Ori Ful &Lumber Li.ited. SET >rono, ENGAGEMENT tudaingu ridwy &atai Weadaiy (IUM AM Df GloN1X - --~v r iPa Adamns 5is inthle MelU- September l3th, 1958'at 3:30 -p.m. -----U FO E---TE orial Hospital~, Bownanville. ______USFOR ___________ I 3,r. Jaek Taylor bas taken over the HI-TE-EN DANCEf HARRY E. LYCETT barbering at the Rainey Bairbe)r Shop' The Orono Ili-Teens are holding a Phone 33R12 ,whieh has-been vïacated by Mr. W. W. dance on the evening, of Saturday, Sept- ORONr ONT Rfddeii M NIr.Taylur ,.s o, iu 6t!)rBihin the (rono Qddfellow's raised on a farim nehr Eafield and bas H-all. Round and square dancing. ----- during the past kfý c vy .s een oairo- crimg in the soifthern U-ited States. He is relative cdf Mrs. L. Reid. . 1 --i s --i 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N '-s 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N --i 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N -i 'N N.

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