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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Sep 1958, p. 6

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"Dear Anne H-irstr My mothier-in-law was si) op- posed tù our marriage t 'hat slie kepf us apart for six years. 5 citi fot' wanf to marry until slit appraved, so in~y lusband finally put lis foot down and s-he ga'ýe ber Consent. But heî opposition ij stili bitter and I have 'suffer-, ed from t ever since. "She bas harped on)r the thimo thaf I was ué'ver good enougli urier son, not fit to raise is childr-en. She stili accuses, me el stealing lier son from b ei) She bas, even calied mry rmothet sud ncomplainied of tbings 1 do) My husbaud admîýts she ha-i caused the only trkouble we eve: have, and lie gets upset at berý niîesnness but says NoTHnING ta ber. During rny first pregniancy she mnade sû nmuch trouble ftbat 1 nearly lost the baby' NonW that, I'm expecting another, ýî's fi sime tbing aP.gain. "I hrave tried to talk to bâer woman f0 oman, but she re- fuses ta isten. I've oveirloed her inisults, 1've stayed awiay from blei bouse, 've trîed every- thing but telling lier off - and 1 can't bring, mysel!fa odo fliat. She is hysterical neurotic and tbrows crying spelîs whenever, sh'e doesni't get ber way~ "For thie five yeais wve'%,e been been mnarried I have taken ber naýsty tangue ileutly . I d o love my huÀsband, but how cati 1, keep my respect fur fîînM when he ýwo't stop lier nonisense? Wiat cal, 1 do to get along witci ber' DiSI'RESSED2' Wliy waste your stýrengî,h tIrying, to gel: along- witb a hpyochondria wlio *is blind and deaf to reasmn or kinidý nesi? She ïs arshei- alway lias been, ai-d I doulit she will ever chancge. Her own husbandi has tried to defend vou, butý he bad to give up; aile, al!. he mrrust live with ber Ipe you too, to re!inqùish the strugglp. yo)u are in no condition ta enter battle againi. Since yi. husbeaid ili nQt t~eyour, part, opu icannot win Stay qay from bher A nan wlro allow.ýs 1bismn- Personally Yours Add a royal toucli 'o linens withyoiiur monogvrm - ele.. gnly but easily embî)oidered li lazy dJaisy flowers, outhnla etitch. )Moýnogrm bousebý-old, person- er bnes. Pattern'88O: transfeï o! two 2; two 1-nhapaes foýur 2 x 2¾"ý-înch mots. Send TIRTY-FIVE CENTS (stamps çanniot be accepted, oise postal note for safctÀy) for this pattern ta Laura Wbeeler, BQX î5, 123 Ei.hteentb St, New TmontoOnt.Printpainy PAT- TERN NTJMBER, your NAME end ADDRESS. As a, bonus, TWO complete patrsare printed rtgt i craft B'ook. Dozens of otber de- signs you'1l ant to odres fascinating handork fo: your- self', yourborne, gi(ts, Lbazaar itýems ýSend 2', cents fo'r your copy ai this ook today! ISSUE 36 - 1953 'ther eberate lis nwif eis a Spoor specimnen oft the maie sex:ý 'hle knows- where bis lwoyt *bebongis, but lie is too sp ne-> Sless to act. Try ta uinderstand h ow menî hate scenes, anid don't *despise hlmi for it. lie is in * uniapDpy, too, you k iow f ie *coniplains thaf you do not visit ~his nother for a while, remnind .~him that thougli you love him ansd don't wanfta hurt hîmn, -vyou cznnot face any mnore; Shysterical outbursts. T h e n Sdo't allow ilt ta le mentioned SKeep your homne 1fe serenM Sand affectioniate, fix your md Son the comsnig baby, and fr:y 'to relax. I';USBAND ATTRACTS GIRLS "-Dear Ane Hirst: My yolung busbarîd is manage", ta small'uearliy theater, and i.- exposed ta alsorts o! svid adcorrngil fernales. He is a hand- 1soýme scamiip, and I expect feels 1he bas fa play up f0 the youugex audiences.,ý But ïasi nigbt ne Lconfessed lie told one girl that tic- loves ber! He admitted be'd I-ad a couple o! drinks, but h' afr-aid she 1believes býim. "lie begs me ctu undersfand, and forget if. I do understand, ýund I ove hlm- dearly-hut bow canI prevent, sucli a thirg againi?1 W0ONDERING"' * Youir busbaud was verY luicky tat he tlieatei owner *was flot around; lie could havt' losf bis Job. Remind 'him of *tliis, 'and ask bim ta promise fiaf if hie wauts i' drirnk here- *afirer lie'll wait until lie comeli hiome. 0f course, lie bas ,ta be couirfeouîs ta every patron Ai * the theater, Sa eyer listen te, Sgoss.i) abouit fhm He made one " mistake, -and I arnsure lie wUl. b le more careful. *If this girl av(e'-steps, lie will know ow toahad-le ber St> trüst hinti, and lel h1m 1knovv you dlo. Thaf assirance is bis *best armoir igainst telnrptation. Phd you saive a Pr9blim siii to those youi rea.d ini this columna? let ther r2aflers benefit by youï experience. Anne Hirsi wili pub- ush siich letters lhtre whenever she can, Address hier at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St, New Toronto Ointario, Absent-Minded As an electric train raitted into Chjadwýebl Heatli station somne time ago flie driver sawvta i liorror a vvwan walking straigiit otfffhe plat! armn, Fe JaMmed on the brakes but the ca-b anid seveni cangspassed aver ber before tbèe train sh1'Uddered ta a stop. Offi-ciais ruslied fa fic train nnd peerçrd undernPeafl iti. She was sf111 aîive! Tbey hauledi lier ouf, and rushed lier ta bospital and whleu the shocki had womu, cff! she wa's asked wby îl ad frîed f0 commîinijt suicide. "IT di'd't," wsthe reply. ly' off fthe platformi. Forgetfulness doces no' imnply a baid (_meory, for some o! th-e worl's ostlearned men are absenit-indced. If a problem or subjecf abi- sor1js you comCpletely, everyfhi1-ng? else leaves your 'brain. That's hypeo0ple1inlove 'are so 1-1morny" But Th.-omais Edison, the famous invenfor, couldn'f vay[the blamae on love for bis wonst bloomer. On Chistmaiýs Day, 1871, he rried a Miss, Mary Stillweli. .Afler thýe weddIýng býreakfast he c7xcused him-self from Fithe -sub- sequieutfestivities by aig "I have some ork 10do for' Hle it oen dived rouind the cor- ner ta bis labor-atory. If, mingtbefore lis best nman camef- looking *for hlm. "You'di better came hmTm"avs PLAYING FOOTSIE - Right ai, home in th-e Never-Neyer Land of Hollywood, Brion, the 21 ,-inch-fall king of the Leprechauns iduckâ betîwýeen a pair of normal-sized legs. Brion is actuailly normnal-sized oictor Jhmnmy 0'Dea in soi-e trick photography durîng the filming of WaIt Disney's "Dorby 0'Gill and the Little 'peope," a comred?-fanîtasy about Irelandl's leprechmurs, C3wetx.dottr,ý.e P. Ctôcke The starLi'ngs are perchedl &Iong the hy' dra wivres as i'f if wene f ail. But tliey -haýve certan ly mnade a bad guLess for iP surely d'ocsn'f look or feel miucl i lîO Inil tu us. it is stifi veny bof and dry. The grass is browuý, ud crîsp; shrtubs wilfed. ai-d vegetables dryving up for tack o! moisture. The flowers do't jbah faio bad b)ut it's a quesion bow long fhey %wil last. We can't do fao much watering because wve know the w'ell is geftiug 10w. Last week I was awayï for a couple a! days anid as I drove iong the raads I noficed li rame coniditionis in everv district thant I passed. This -tîme nmy trip fok nmeta ,nd around flie Newvmarkef ciist- îîct, visifiug a friendt in that ariea, WYe had a greaf ulrne fa- gethen as we share the saie irtresfs-writig, antique sop aud a love o! historical sites. At one antique sliap wve saw thep mai sftwondiel ui Collection eo! oapeweigfs hat I have seen since I loft England. It'-was kept in a glas cabinetunr lock and kevsuard %we were fold if-s vaIlue vwas around S,3,000, Iu an-. oercabinet we wevre shown iýa eatulcollection of Stafford- shire fgrie.O!fore e' were hunredros of thritems, miselaneusand ]in sets- pewfer, glass, china, slvrand antique, furnîture. Mly friend and 1made a few purdhase's froîn each place with wbàich we werc webb satisfiedi. By thýatI 1don't nieau we'losf aur hleadi andin dubged in k wild buyîng spnte. Anothier tnpj too-k us !ta trc ivebl - knownr Sha'ron Temple, built by the Cudruof Poace in a sevien y-ear period from i18;25 ta 1832 David WiIllLon was the ardhitec'f aind Ebe nezer Doani tha, r'aster bide.The Temnple if- selIf is an adid, fascUinafing buLild'- ,ug, flie sto1y lu coninection witbl if, Sc'well known 1I hardly need -eet it heore. But I iblSay ifyou are ever lui flic Sharori district yuwill fîud if is weIl worftih a visif. 'I firsf saw if about tweuty-fîve years ago-but oniy 4the oufside-tIus %was ny 1first a)ppartuity ta' see it froîi] the inside. If is lu a remairkable state of' preservatcin ad ftle rebos cispbayed as intenesting as rnc would1- fiud anywbvere, The original organsf111 possesses a inarvelbous fane-if was dem-ion- stae-or aour benefit. If is play- c-d by ineans o! a crankil affer the- style o! s barrel organ. Thiere was ailsa a pîctunesque pbaetau there whicb I arn sure coLd hc taken ouf on the road today withaout fear a! if falrîng, apar*. No less interesting was a smrabi b-,u ildin g, ecompbetely se para te trmthe Temple, whicli was David Willso's; studcy If is kept 'ocked but fhrorgb fthe windowvs on 2cd wall one cai see flic if7rnisbings, jusf as lie used fiemn, -a desk sud cliair, caudie and canidlestics, quill pen, hand- written mauuscripf, a tiny box- stove sud a rocker. Also on thIc pnoperty there is a, genuine log cabin, !urished affer flie style o! flie Scadding cabin nf'flie Ex hibition grounds. Another interesting place wc saw, but o! quiýte a~ di! fereuft character, was a bouse by flic Lighway, ou the lawn of which wene aIl kirids o! bird bouses sud garden ornamients cut ouf o! wOdC-figures o! ducks, geese, stonks, Dutdli boy sud girl an-d aimost every couceivable tý'Pe of birdhouisc. An elderly man faild us he bad made tliem ail - whittlcd them oruf with a peun- kuife. He filîs orders for pieaple ail over Ontario sud many partqs of "the United States. Quife a profitable hobby for a-,.man %wfh skilI and imagination sud rer- taîuly flot fao difficul1.t. Obviaus- !y flieliobby îis now a comi- mercial tunderfaking., Ou my way home Y called for the f irst time on som-e !euds near Riclimond Hil. About seven years ago 1t'hey bouglit au acre sud F a lai!of land 1along fliýc bigliway. Here, pracfically wlitl thei nowu bauds, tie-y builîta n ice lâife bous;e and a small barn. The wýýonh tbey d-,o rzs me. They bath have jobs lu To- ronto, kcep a nce boarder, 300 chickens sud bav* a hîige gar-, den, flice produce from wbichi fliey seli at, a roaide s -tandci. i went ouf fa ec fi ingenius fixings i l t henhouse fa en- able flie birds fa loak affer 4heipselmes. Self - f eedecrs for LNNE I41 IR S T OU~ Fwde,~LU masb anqld water; rol away nsi! bxs savings and saDwd Lt for bedding whicb the owner da1im 'smr stsatoyta straw%. ewenus we picked up abo)ut 12 do e7,eggs from Legh-1o; n puillets th'at are onlv ab0ut five mon'tlis old. 0f course 1I was no' allowed to leavc îboteating -atnd tbe me-al would bive !been a credît ta a f ar less busy blouse- If was 8.30rwen , got home and Partner was juistbging ila get excited thiinking iltTas late for e to be Out onth4e road- it being Fridav night. Tbetraffic was beavy a]!riglt. In fact I went four mriles oui of my way because 1 missed the turn;ng 1 should have Utkpn to N1o. 7 Higbwfay. Dee, and1 Family rame in soon affer I g-L4 home-- to pick u) week-enid suipplies fromi our garderi, wLich, hýecause1 if their fi-eshrness, tbecy seexp 10 Romnzne Lurks ;n Personial Coilumns A1s lie strolled along London's Bond Street. towards bis office. tbe spruce young man, in tle Lavender aisteoat and dove- colored trousers cauglit bis breath. Forý, standin-g just aheadl of him, selling flags forcharity was the most, beautîful girl he bad ever seen. She was taîl and black-baired and was wearing a figure-reveai- ing green costume. But what he roticed m-ost about ber -was lier bewîtching sibie. "Wil youbuy 7 a lgSi r?"she vsked demurely. "lit's for a good cause." "l'Il biuy a flag on orce coni- dition," hie replîed. "You must corne ouf fa din1ner witb) me toniglif." "Il don't seil flags on conditioits lïke that," tbe girl retorted. "I'rni not doing this job to get lidîner dates!" And she floun3cedi off to selI ber flags 1to a womfan wbo was bckowning- fromi a car. The young man was astound- ed: lie was used to easy ro- mantic conquests, "Arn'l slip- ping?" lie asked bimself as he hurried on to bis 'office.' Bu!t tbe girb's rebuf! was a chiallenge fa his power o! con- quest, so lie decided fa, try to contact ber aan The only way lie couidtin o! doing so was by inserting this tiïvertisement in t1he personal couimi of a daily newspaper: "Wil the Girl 1wGreen -wboL was selling fbags ini Bond Street, London, on Tuesday accept. the apolgies M! the mian whq w-ï sýo tact less 'when he spoke to ber? Jîis only excuse is that, liewa c aid away by- ber loveliness and very charming persona0ify 1' Next day camke the reply: "'Girl lu Gçen illaccept apology same place Tuesday, 11 a.m,." Sa lie gof lis "date" 'after zail. Romance a! ten lurks jn the persona] or "agony" eolumns o! newspapers ail over the world. S om o!f hem absolufely throb ,vith romance; some suggesf hid- den dramia and mnysery; others are eccenfric or comic. Here's one that was publisbed -zone tîmne ago ln an -American ,smail-town -inewspaper: "Beautifuil, provocatîve bu ît broke youing redh-ead ear- ing $4p-0 weekby as clerk seeks youing, ricli and romantic lius- bnd wbo wlhame er and enable hier to ive in 1-1luxry for rest o! ber lHie. She is temrper- ametnal intelligent, but bonte bzyand rather selfish. Wirite stating age, incomne and eniclosing recent photograpb toý Box -" 'Shie was deluged wvit1 replies frm weabfhy yaung bachelors, iKter- scores of interviews she miet a sbîpping im-agaeadi was love at firstsit Sentimental woeïeaders o! a Frencli newspaper sighied ro.- mnantically wvhen tbey read this rdvertisemnenf lu -ifs pcrsorut4 columui: "Pink Rose. 1 stibi love yoi 4603 1 12-20 Quick - changemsic Wear this smart sheafb wit lth i an- row beif . . . or, vany if with fhe pretfy peplum for aif wo- neckliue -bath versions ilu thus neckline -bath Versîous infii eas-t'-sx~Prînitcd Paffer. Pîluf cd Pattern 4603*1 Misses' Si;zes 12, 14, 16,-18, 20- Size ',G laIes 3 yards 35-incl f abric. Prinfed directionis.on eacb pat- tenu part. Eqsien, accunate. Send FIFTY CENýTS ('stamps c'annot bc accepfed, use' postal nafte for sa!ýefy) for fls ýpattern. Please priuf plainly S 1 Z E, NAME, A DDRPE SS,. STYLE NUMIBER. Senid order fa ANNE ADAM3, Box 1, 123 Eighfeufth St., NewYý Toronto, Ont. 'THE TOAST 0F GEORGIA - What looks like a champagne drinkerys dre M is ïla truth oa newl open-air dining pavïion in Pine «Mountain, Goi. The unique, structure ccinsists of 21 giant sheils, eaich resting on a tal,. slim base. Resembling enormous champagne glasses, they inter- lock te forrn a maissive coxnopy. The cainopy caovers an-area half the size of a football'fie!ld. you stili love mi, and tiat the hevnyweak :in Pais I no fogte.Plèase met me in Lthe usual cor111ý-nerofthe ardn at nine on thie nigrit of tene--tful,ýI moon. DovMtedy, Perre Readcers ima'ýÎinaively visualiz- edé the p r obabl1e sequel a rEndezvous between tIre love- lom Pierre and is 5ýbeloved 'n a flowver-scented garýden under a brilliant moon and th) e-exchaýnge of tencO"r kse.They were wrong. Did Pierre ever meet thep girl aganin? He did flot. Two day s laýter the g-irl's reply rppeared in the psame personi column: "ire No, no, no. AMl is over P'ink Rses!ove wiIl neyer bloomaain anid is for ever de-ad. Good-byý e " Weil. you can't always have happy endings to lovestre especialiy ini real life! Bachelors musýt have 4ýinked and then re-reid with special interest a revealing 'agony" ad- vertisement in at London nw- paper ïwhlich ýran: "A young gentleman who is on the point of proposing to a girl wbho is devilishly pretty but whom h liIas on]ly known for tbree weekts is desirous of mreeting, a married man of ex- perience who w-iIldsuaehim ±rom such a foolish sýtep Ever since thiese "personals" be 'gan, somef unscrupjulouis people have ocsoxal ried to use them to cIoaký illicit intrigues. Police nowaday s keep a sharp fye on the personal columnns of al newspapers in cae here arc crooks stilit! 1g ac; ommuni- cate messages in code iý hicli ap- pear sentimental oen the surfacLI but contain hiddepn meanings. Accessory Dress PRINTED PAT' iýîN 4 - ~- -

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