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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Sep 1958, p. 7

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Thé Trutk About Geisha Girls Many pebple who have flot been to Japan have the mistakeii tédea that geisha girls are caîl- irls; they -are ýnot. Iun ro ci1- ~uf1~ane$could a mran, Éther g Japanese or a visitor, drop lu at a tea haouse an-d get fresh wtith one of these girls. He'd be luustled oui, of the pl1a ce in- stantly. The geisha g i rls are enter- tainers. They are trained'to sing eud dance and tell anecdotes3 for Che amusement of guests. An rasy friendship prevails. butno mûore than that. There is nothing ouitside Japar to which 1. eau liken 4it. A club of sorts? Yes, but you can't just pay a subscription and becomie 4 imember. As a rule, somre rich mian starts a tea bouise of this kind for the diversion of hirnself and sucli friends as he may care, to take along -- in tbe way that lu the old days ricb< men la IEngland had private orchestras ta play from a gallery and en- tertain their guests during dia- ff1er. The geishas are flot brought juto the home but are outside it in a bouse specially set up for tue purpose. And the gelishas not ounly provide the entertainment, but they provide the mnal., too, and serve it as well. The ,guest si;ts on the floor, accordiug ta Japanese custorni, and by eacb kneels a girl. She filis ais glass> wvith saki or aay other drink he may fancy, puts choice morseis ou his plate and mighit even pop it into his rnouth. The girl doesn't dine at the smre tirne. She chatters al t he while. After the meal corne a içeries of games in which al join, guests and girls. They play rQmping games. There is siniging in which the mien join, too. Thea the girls perforrn) a dance and sometirnes th men join in that as weLi1 but it isn't likie our danaciaj. They don't hold eachi other, but go through a series of solo pos- tures to imusie provided by three or four of the other girls. These geisha girls dress in a traditional m a nn er which 1 didn't find at ail attractive. Their faces are painted a de-ad white &ndl are quite expressionless. Their hair is taken up) in three ~weeps, one frorn each side and the third frorn the front and piled up On the top of the hied- three immense buns h eld in place by a comb. They wear kimonos, of eourse, with largde bows on the back. How did 1 see themi if these places are so exclusive? Weli, anyone can if he is taken by the right man -- you are then one of the guests. But omnsy inen are allowed lu, writes R. 3. Minney in "Tit Bits." Yéu won't find any geishas in the vightclubs, of whicb there are rnany hundreds la TokSrýo. fThese are run entirely on We3- terr iUnes. Oue of thern, theý (Queen Bee, has 600 dance hos- tesses. You can engage one for "Wel, welli Looks like tle Re- form candidate won the electiou." #PARDON MY ELBQW' - Pitsburgh Pirate catcher bUi Hall (left) and first baseman Dick Stuart collide in the third inning of game with Cubs in Chicago as they' go after a popup hit by tee Walls. Stuart was shaken Up on the play but remcined In the gamne. the equiv aleat of two dollars au bour, but have ta buy her drinks and possibly a meal as well if -he's hungry. The girls are young and pret-ý ty -- ahl of themn Japanese but lhey wear Western dresses, nat kimonos. Thcy dance, well and some of themn are amnusing Iii1 Iheir conversation. They aI'l speak Englisit. The floor shows atre af the ldind you see ina Londau, Paris tind New York, Sa are the sangs lb.e girls sing, sorne lu English with an American accent-the rest have Japanese words to our owu popular tunes. Public bath bouses abouud lu Japan. That is because m oqst Oweiling bouses have no bath- roomn. In such places there is generally mixed 'bathing. M.n and women strip aend gel labo th. same eaorrnqus indoor pool oif warrn water,' But it is al viery proper. Il is just that their conventions do ýnot mnake theru cousclous of nudîty. There are also au enermous aumnber of Turkisl or sleamn baths. Ia some you eau gel a privale roorn wîth a girl to bath you, She then dries you wilh a towel and gîïveS YOU a mas- sage; but un most cases the roons -are shared by lbree or four men, each of whorn is at- teaded to by a different girl. These places are'run on very strict lines. Even lu the. priva. roorns no fp arnîarity wouid be toleraled, for an attendant keeps popping la ta se. that ail is Il is imrportant lIaI we sbould r ealize' *this, for tihe oddest ideas seem ta prevail in Englanid and Amrerica about the 'ooseuess Gf mnorals amoug the girls of Japan. This impression is fed by Ira.- veliers' tales, ýsorne of Nhieh may be truc, but 1, did uaot fini a-ny confirmation. The girls of Japan, are viva- clous and miany of thern are ex- lremiely pretty. It complexion tbey are as white as Europeans, especially inthoIetowns, where they are very conscious ,of rnake-u-p and take greal pains ta, look their best. Tbey lave tleir hair done lu the Western style, varnisb their fingernails,, wear smart shoe,, even witl kimonos, and make Up, their eyelashes and eyebrows. The girls in China dan't; there they use neither rnake-up nor adoruments 0f any kind. There-are two further notice- able differences betweea these two peoples who are regarded by us as 1bd ing so closely akini. The Japanese girls, also iny, have not the traight, slerider figurt ef the Chines. anid are inclinied te plunMppess. Il Is aiso possible, t* tel Iheir age; it shows in theïr faces, whereas Chines. womenrernain unwriakled uni they are fifty. On. of thenost inleres ting Japanese women 1 met is "ah extreuuely popular novelist vaixi- ed Itoko Koyarma. Her books sell by the million and rnany of theni bave been filmed. Site told nie, while we s-4 together aItIth Toho studios watching a film beiag shot, thai. lu 1er uew book she discusses tle difference between a Ja- panese girl in love and a Wes- tern girl. They don'l regard lave in the same way, she said. With -the Japaniese girl if is de- vallon, a desire to sacrifce.ber- self if necesary it order ta de- monsîrate her love.- "'That," I -said, «Iis tle tradi- lional eapaneseý way. But sure- ly the -modern girl views il dif- ferenlly. For exaraple, she woiild ret s0 readily accept the infl- dielity of a husband, would she?" "'No," she replied. "Most of the moren wbo write ta me corn- plain of just thal. Il isn't equal- ity they seek. They don'l taik of getting even by s3teppig out anddoing the sane thing. Tîey would raîher go back to, the old, but - and this is the importantl difference - they wvant thc man they love ta be as failhful asý they are." "And do you thiuk they will achieve Ii? No"she replied wý,,ith e. laugh. "MenIui afraid, are the saâme the whole world aver. Tt isý only the girls who dfe. I'm. not sure sbhe's rigît - ut any rate ual when 1 readabu film stars. Obey the traffie sigus - theY are placed there for YOUR SAFETY. DARING DAYLIQHT ROBBERY - A police photo grapher shoots picture of shattered show window of famed Tiffany's jwlystore. îNervy thieves, smaished windows with sledge hemmers und wolked way with over $170,000 worth of gema. Royal Palace Gets AnnUal Clean-Up Every August, when the Roy- ai1 Famnily moves to Balmnoral' the kags herald the big brush- iand - vacuumi~ - cleaner bomrbard.- metof the annual Euckinig- I-am Palace overitaul. TheSat Apartments and trie 590 adin- istrative and residential roo0MS ca't be spriag-cleaned early in the year wben, the investitures, receptionis and othýer royal funrc- tions inu Lonïdon are at their height. So it develops into .9 summner-clean iasting a monh, tbough smraller clean-ups are also held wben the Royal Fam- ily 1$ at Saudringham or Wind- sor, New extra-duty chars are taken on, and it's an opportun- îty for many ordiuary women to catch a glinpse of the inter- lor of the Palace which îhey might otberwise neyer see. Spe-. cial passes are issued, and there's some grumbling about the precautions that have to be takea. But the checking in and out poe4eesrywhern one 0f the Mrs. Mopps was miissing. She was found hiding in the organ loft in the ballroomn, and explained she had been hoping for anl opportunity for an extra In fact, security preca-utians have to be kept exceptionally tight duriug the cleaning be- cause there are so mnany strang- ers walking about. A man once tried to walk off with two ex- quisite vases, wrapped iu browun paper, which would have fetched hundreds of pounids, lu P sales- room. Sorne of the Palace treasures are secretly whlsked to other parts of London at this tirne. Every year, several precious old masters from the picture gai- lery are entrusted to picture re- storers outside the Palace. Net agoý the two gold-eucrusted phoenix armnchairs from the Throne Room - worth thous- ands of pounds-were sent out- sicde the Palace for tbe first tinie in 40 , years so they could be thoroughly overbauled in a specially-equipped workshop. Curtains and carpets are sent away for cleaning. The sham- pooist of a wonderful Aubusson: carpet lad a shoeck when she caugbbt the glint of <iarnonds ln the carpet fold. A diamond brooch had been caught up ln the hem - and the discovery solved a t,.o-year-old Palace rnystery. A young bride who was privileged bto attend ra Palace party had reported tle loss of tle brooch, but servants had looked for it la vain. Dust Is neyer swept under the Palace carpets, buit in tbis case 1th. diamonds had evidently been kicked imb ite carpet hemn! Even stranger discoveries -have been made. The queerest was undoubtedly lIaI of a Pal- ace footrnan who moved an or- nate and heavy lamp-slandard and found beneath it a plate of five fais. teelh embedded un a~ meringue. Then there was the extraordinary fan rnystery of the Blue Drawing Roorn, One of the l'argest rooas 'in tle Palace, this lovely apart- ment is s0 highi thaýt the comnice nearithe ceiling can be cleaned only from the top platformn of a four-lier, collapsible, derrick. Yet onie year, the workrnan found a delicate and valuable fan resliag on the broad ledge of the cornice. l{ow il t ainIere remains anl inexplicable riddle. No guest could bave throwýn it and risked damnage to the china ornamients or chandelier if ýit fell. A mute witness to, an eni.-ma, the fan is now in, the South Kensington Museum-. Then there is the special task of oebuigal l fe cdocks at Buckingîamy Palace. Tbere is a grand total of 160, and every tiny repair is no--ted in a specialJ CLASSIFIED ABVERTISUINO AGENTS WANTEr D~EALERS wntdte bande g qel it o;priced Oerffiù1i rlple , confidential, Write c P .O. Box855, ostal Terminal " poronto 1, Ont, -GO INTO BU-SNESS- foË yoursel'f. Sel our excitlng holse- wiares, watches and ther po~csnot founid In stores. No competition. Prof- its up ta 600%. Write now for free coloiur catalogue and separate confl- fje ntial wholesaýle prie sheet. Murray Saies, 1822 St. Lawrence, Montreal. POLLED HEREFORD S AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, SEPT, 6THt ,54 HEAD A1-Polled Registered flere. lords. 7 Bulîs, S Heifers, 27 Cows --1I withi calves at foot. A fine opportun. ity ta purchase top lmPorted lood Unes in Eastern Canada. Arthur Gibson & Sons, Suniit Farms, ichmoend 1Hill, O0ntario. Write for cýatalog1ue, Wm. BABY CI4ICKS NOWIS the time ta order Bray Novent- ber-Decemnber brollers. Prompt ship-i nient Arnes dayold and started, (Ffigh production, low overheed). As for list 5-6 wýeek dual purpose started pullets. See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery 120 John North, Hamilton HY-LINE PULLETS AVAILABLE 20 -weeks old tlirougb Septemiber and October. Aise DeKalbs. 1%fewer replacements chlcks batch- eê ibis year means hilher egg prices ahead. Large numibers excellent birds avallable every month, vacçnated and debeaked as bables, Inqire now - NEW ,LOW PRICES. BIDLER MILIS LTJI., Newniarket Qi4arlo. $I'UTNIK gets the headlines, but Tweddle chicks get results. IK.137 Klmberchi)cs are tops for quality white egg prcduction, early large eggs, strong sheils, excellent livabillty and relatively good resistence ta keucosis. Special price discunut of $2.00 par hua- dred on orders recelved on or before October 3st for delivery anytine. Also for miaximaum eggs on the molnimwn amount of f eed, Caifornia Grey X Whilte Leghorn, White Leghorn X Rhode lsland Red, Rhode Island Red X White Leghorn and Warren Rhode Island Red. Dual-purpose, ail popular dual-purpose breeds. lat Generation brollers, non-sexed, Vantress X Nichais No. 108, Vantresa X Nichois No, 12, Vntress X Arbor Acres White Rock. Brolier cockcrels, NichoIs No. 108. Tur- key pouits, 'Regstered limported Land- race Swlne and Registered. Aberdeen- Angus cattle. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CRICK HIATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS, ONTARIO FARM EQUIPMENT FOR S^LU USDGehl forage harvester w1tb corn and pick up. Continental motor, b10w- er, pipes, comnplete. Lloyd Clark, Bath- any, Ont. FÂRM ;WANTEV DAIRY-BEEF farm iln Ontario, cday- lossu soli, naturai drainage preferrèd, good buildings, near schoois churches State prica, Box 174, 123-1th Street,ý New Toronto, Ont. FOR RUPOT TO RENT. $150. per month. Smalr wel! equiped epai Gargewith furnish- &c lvin acommodatian. ldeaily le. cated on No. 3 Iiighway. B.C. near Lake. Stock Lngorg $3500. Imimedl- ate possession. Write Bex No. 172. 125 Elghteenth Street. Niew Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE 100 ACRES tillable, choice elay loain, 2 miles Seaforth, Excellent water supply, weil drained, pond, 8-roosu brick bouse, barn, new steel limplensent shed. Mri. A. Harrison, Seaforth, Ontario. VACUUM parts ail makes. Complete stock motor parts, bags, hbase $6.95. Lowest prices. McHardy's, 998 Dundas, Londoi.' 73 'ACRES of Investment property,. Large barn, gravel, pi, well dralned. Bordering town of Barrie, ont. ox No. 173, 123 Elghieenth St., New 7Tor- onto, Ont. FRE CIGARETT LIGHTER WITH firsi orde.r. Send for nupower $1,50l. Adds 50%, more Ilie ta new batteries. Revives aid batteries. Saves yau haif the cost of a new battery WU1-is Garage, Kooienay Bay, B.C. RANGE OIL BURNERS SAVE nioney - Save Tine - Save Work with a Kemac range ail bumner. You can Instal hlyourself and biwrn coal and wood or garbage toc. For fur- ther Information and prices: Kemp Manufacturing Ce. LimitedBx26 Guelph, Ontario, 26 HELPWAT -M E WANTED: married mian for beef farm- Good wages. Modem apartiment. Preufifoot, R.R. 1, Milton, Ont. IT PAYS TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS fromi the Gas Board Concerned with tLhe gas mianties5 for the Palace. Hand-made, w.,,ith 'crowns on top, they areý considered fine examples of modern workmnan.. ship. Even thie Palace hlousekeeper, Mrs. Findiater, is a newcorner. HEIP WANTED - MALE CAN, PACi ÇN R$,,epioy gradIU *t#gIs ÀTé1eèrPlih ýq.Train i à b orne with code machine we bean niis pay, Free travel, Pension in- m$ures practical future, Free book des- oribes. Cassan Systenis, 10'Eastbournle Crest, Toronto 14. IIELP W4ANTED - FEMALE JiOSTESS - assisi managlng Motel, able te meet publie. Write Green Acres Motel, Port Credit, Ont, STENOGRAPHEIIS in great deniandi. Our ABC Systensi s easlest ta iearn! and read. Train in 1l ,eeks at home. Free lesson. Write Cassan Sy stems. 10I Eastbaurne Crest, Toronto 14. INSTRUCTION îBAUpN mrlBookltee'pïig,Saemn çhip Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les- sons 50ý. Ask for free ircular No. 33. Canadian Correspondlence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto MEDICAL FRUIT JUICES: THE PRINCIPAL INGREDIENTS IN DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS, NEIJRITI. MUNRO'S PRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 EXPRESS COLLECI POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISEI the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczemna Salve will not disappoini you. Iicb)ng, scaling anfi bumning )ecze- ma, acne, ringwormn, pimples 'and foot eczemia will respond readiîy ta the staiiess edorless ointmsent regardless9 of 11,0w stsilhorp or bopeless tbey 7Seeus. sent Pot* ret onReceipt cf Price PPI17 $,3.00 PER JAR PSV,$&REMEDIES 28JS ft Clir Avenue Eoat TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES-F OR MJEN AND WQMEN' l AM coilectlng unuistal true storles. Besi, ones pub~lshed free: Senfi to J. M. Doase, 1506 North Regester St., Balti- more 13, Md., U.S.A. BE A HAIRORESSER JOIN CANAOAIS LEADINO ECHOOL. Great Opportunity Learn lirdreasing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates. Anseric's Greatest Systeni Iliustrated Catalogue Vree. Write or Cail MARVEL HAIRORESSING SCMOL 358 aloor St. W,, Toronto Branches: 44 King St.,W, Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawav, MULTI.MILLI0O4 DOLLAR OIL BOOM. Booming Great Basin O1 a n d Gas Leases $100. $10 Per Month. Canadian Aruerican 011 Ce., iBox 1873, Salt. Lake. Ciy, Utah. MAKE EXTRA MONEY with no experience at ail. SELL BELLEIAR GREETING CARDS Gifis, nevelties, toys ansd decorati0n1ý. It's easy te makte extra noney in your spart time as an agent for Beflefair. Wlth an outstaniding select-ton and ti14& liberai profits yau recelve there's ne limit to the noney you eau eorn. Stant now, write today for aur free cata- logue and samiples on appýrovlal. In- quiries Invlted froni Churches. Clubs and Groups. BELLEFAIR GREETING CARD CO. 224 Hiolyywaad Ave., Wiliowdale Ont, PATE NTS FETRERSTONH.AUGH & C 0oni P a n Y Patent Attorneys, Establiled 1890. 600 University' Ave., Toronto Patents ail countries. PER$ONAL ADULjTS! Trial assoriment 18 fine, per- s;onal requiremnents $1,00. Western Dis. tributors, Box 24, TFC. Regina, S'ask. AUTHORS Invited subii MSS ahi types lincuding Poemns) for, book pub- lication. Reasonable termis. Stockwell Ltd., Tlfraomybe, England. (Est. 1898). $1,00 TRIAL offer. Tw,,enty-five deluxe personal requiremnents. Latest cata- loge Included. Thse Medtico Aeency. Boxý 22 Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont. LEARN TO SAVE On Plumibing & Heatinq Mterîll WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Verheyden's Supplies, RR. 3, St. Thomas, Ont. ISSUE 36 - 1958 1498 RELIEVE NERVOUSNESI Tru b, happy und tranquili istead of nervcus Or for- c goeM nçhf's leep, takýe Sedicin tablefs according ta ecto SEDICIN $OO$49 Use youir spaire time ta build. an Jlnte restlng and profitable b)usine(ss career. Un derhne course that lntereatsf you- * lBookçkeelng e Cost Accounting * Shorthanild * Typewriting e Stationairy Engineering 0 Short Story Writing * Juniior, intermiediate.. iglier Aecounting * hreeiSecretary (A.C.I.S.) e*'uusiess Engiish i Wrlite for free eatal1ofue today Many thr c our se s ifrom wh11icbli to echoose By&Char1es ýStreets,Tont Depi. No, H-13 N N N N N N 'N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -4 N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N --s N N N N N N s N N N N N N 4, s s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N PLUMBINC SUPPLIES

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