OROabý Voltune 22 Numiber 29 Thursday Septemnber 10 1958 Orono Ontario Suhscrîption $1.50 Mcmny Features Added To Orono Fair 128Suei n~hIv e -ihSho GcatesOpen ridayAfterQon crno Schools Lac Garfic OpenI:rîcThed ors of the Orong Pu,,,i Counculs ckContinuuty Seoopzened on Tuesday onnv___ t hrough wihone huitndred andý or htn ute This wcekend the Orono air, an age last year a s 8,00comapared faity-threestudents paracled for the Plans for tha reluf of lhigh seholHghSholordtatnofrte anua een f ntret'oDuhaVù%l LI E ih540tE previous yar oe i'n ay of school. The enrol- cnetinb tebiligofnw act etakenof u rsent in County farmers an any many limpxoved f arm Dlàdacrage in ment last year %was 159, however a sehoolu er hevd yth u- temie fBiligwscr othrswil behel intheExhbi-i.creasebot contis sowe a eclnebe- larger grade come sarted sehool. in ham istÏzrict HIlihSchool Board a id tion, GroLunds inOrono, The fair this ___ ten131açj956. I naio15.The grade onýe enrolent this tei epebelesioneltas eere nc wa siadeto te Urnt yearLi Is to be a todyfaiîr. TheC efiue in 1931s'as 319,-pyaor nbered only sixtei. lr. Wdnedy at Orono. Cute oni oslaieCm tîrt time in its hiA7Stytat events Thae Otrio eparruen ofag- 7 ceswie.i 98iad drîop- ws h rniaifrs~ Thje moltion camne after a lngthy mtde weihàisnow mkn a study for Wh publc havebeen openedon riculture inaits agrîcuturai statis- ped toe 7542aies. in Durham tatthrellenmnt isn expected todisuin ado xmnaino fthe fînanicialepnsbltisi Fiday. Interest is widepread over - us report for 1958sttes ithe total County the 1931 figure as 04832Lincrewase to t Piîst year in a Ithe rsisof voting by fthe mnci onetinwth a prpoa odlv- thle entire comun-itýy ad hus vauof alfiQdmeld ce is$,29,200 acres wile la 1938ity was 106239 nmonth r Iompl cuncils of Durham. In the surnideteuhm District School ar- inay ew featuîires arLe b n-Cd c fr uba CoLun y. ý1 ne total acares, I h rn hSho n ary the Board had been supporte! ea, It Was said thnatwhte the ar- r li %crooýnufo_-r erection of two schoos, a 400 ea is divided or not, w"ill not re- riivyopens on Friday af-!cage l drhm County wý'Las 27-T heaus h aioscoshundred-and tentby-fie sudents puplil school in Darligton and aý lievethe cnesinfacigDri_ ternoon for the chldr adforws$85.ne hat, $58,4 spîngen Tuesdýay and swing into j150 pupil schooila inllhbrook by ith fulcl.C1de fnDr thîsfou thusand frepsebave hat$50;os,1690'jbar -nil action on Wed7nesday. This is councils of DNecastîe, Cavan, iîlngoarnwbenacmo- been distibuuted hughout ail Pub-atis also interesting to note that y, $14,00; fatlirye,$840;bc- onsoehtasepctddetobokBwavil n1Dri '-Iae inEomvieHghchl lic ~ ý Scol nDurham County. Pr- the aceague 0 o laed pasture sWas what, $15,60; imxed grains, $453. a greater fall-ontln the higher ton; Port Hope threw eut the 150whcisnwrodad12st- - ther ta the idway, in wichteegeaeiayerta iitepe 700; dry peas, $19,300; dry beans, rAes record num.er enroe su3ý1(e11 SI10 i Mlirf anlSI-Iigh acsntt)Osiw wvili be four different chcildr-en's ous yar.LuontrtLounty the $5100; cora for hiusking, 7590wingadvine this year inumbering ported the 7100 student capacîty sehl Scholtemp -iorrijy.If no ries there ïis Io be M.,acDonald's fîgur a s 6,00last Yearnconi-rcoa for foadere183,700;wpotatesabein presed mb servicéYs a class- schoi in Darlingtn ontye Ciark Fan, hichis promioted by te pr with 85,00 luia th e reions -ý$466,4ï,1; field roots,$40,800; soy. i fty-our.The typing rooni has amidHope dici not reply to the re- toîn aeth edfoiBw Orono Chmber ofComre yerlaDra Cunytece-bns $5500; hay, $-l"355,200,room sinýe tis ,ear thlere Is two quest. students ïla west Ducrham will have' The Exhiîtsuilding will open ----The ovalueeivestock, and fowl ingrde anes. The Durbanl istrict This is the third time the District 1OcasQosi ~0 Fridîay eveni-;ing when ail the exhibe- afternoon, eving and Saturday. ,Durham Cunwas $0,1240 l igh School Doard bas madle ar- High School Board lias iap-pealied iteo Heirn s th stdy f1po60. 1 1958. t~~~~rangemnents for a(ccoatin the municipal counceils for supo' eeiïsthsldy;prjcé Uls o ffowersneedlecraft, imains! Saturday the i-irsenuea wiîî oni-15.iteOrn ulcShoîfrtefr eetrst cmec pr igh Sholfigurpes by years for fruit, grain, public school tn ul90aL h eac rjcsi ieaairfrte ehbits gtheir drivers, the heavy horses and l51,520 cattie, valuw ed m,2620. trio 996 n h en fig rjcsi rprto o h owm-aniille, Clarke and Newcastle and otherswil be on disply. Har- g tu hrss horses 'ihe cattiemnen here were aiso 21,000swine valied 1tern s ith tUae plc che0 Wil for the ho limenave metwi 1960: Darigurn N., S174;m ness adra willagowill i aisSud begaYnthattqfivereand lues0p3cially(Wsthe vaHoîsteinrn fbreeders atello $869,70theih 10th20 !lvehmeeprval190edDraintc)Da\7. 171 at which te Orono BDand wili be wîlIaise beout ila fo eshow the $203,80; ami 2100horses valuedat ineed more than the prissent fv eet o S., 314'; Clarke, "196; Nwal present.. iîerThere s) is j taisec»oto bei repecitino:gLI30Wm.c aeyeofsedcammplainedce that Ws Vthe ey72;ot and Bowmanviel7;lecl ow409.i Totalota priviieges for the races oth Fnida h faues nday wil aisebe ciscslasset4at $5320.opne orth ubicsholiisjport: Hope counicil does not invrite 11ý65 îgh School students. and Saturday. I "oni a gon Sturda eg with te .U iteaestis 1theatachatte araShsues i aa lethe 1High School 1Board represenita,- 16 igph Schow pupils n area of Anterapetof the fair nhchsqaredacecomettin. ere opuatonof heprvine paeolrte ron Shootiree vidrepped froni 62,60 n12 tuo ften rnis aeinuebyiest-ttn ermein gilo or mu ia-tesBannîl wiil ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i tamanwiokti eri teIbî h Hg eolad sh c-gv a report or opinion a1iltlieghca hnde '700and Orono 140- comnecia wdsply and ia this - i ilwntt istefur1500lsIyatecuni ponsthein.IL wa, a otal cf 840 phase thevre is a notedl acrease of ticsyemr for it cis t0bbigQger ad CHATTEL ORTGAGES lhShol is contntinthat if one of the --Orono can hande ol 140 of 'the- dilays whIh will b pniabeettclthn ever. Th rptm aise states tat the Bar emer ad bueenat the,268 students in Clarke and New- _________________________________________________ umeretchattel 1mortgages laù,12,2i»l teprevieus ya o ni eeting i l ot iHope to an-casi lang18tebjccmo OntaieDuraniandNorbumer.thee wre 810such mrtigages, fsw er questions, this probleniwuddae in BOWm-7anviile. Bowmranville I i~and Counties showeed an incase rpresatig a total of $5,115,589 laneu exIst As il is memnbers are ap,-w ceuid tke109 fÏromril mnile moi las e ar1 -ronr1957.Dfore in %he counîy. ,oinedt o the \work _'f evdîg148 fr'onI Clarke and 1Newcast.le and i , - education, l )trJý)r aand their councils %who 143from D1ariingtoa, TVis swould I wre 981chatelmorgags o n- Cunteson ec.31,195, herejhave appeontd thmynew havestil iave 335net provided for- ro no D ranm ti a Crai dnicagdj~ nal ee200catiotae af id suýpport Itheni. oud e aPch, ilu an1 gtn Fe0 007nt11 ed Chairfannsîni%-eëvaddedeilewouadWaPro ected Fgures fer septembher, ____ r ic i mnipalconclswoid192: PaZago ., 209; iDarlig- Tc- cuao) co tou s1 davm r D sro e rono Ba.rdctrn A11 lcisc e nitdm De~+ g4oxv x ie W . Toal 1412 Ilhea iiFsia fOeA I ~ 1 mr a toiCrolNcos 93 Dianlngton N., 235; Darling- plays opesslanthe Tewns PiHallsjAciHmpto1 ianp e v1 e ir ~Q T OWl at due teonack et ce yin yl h onolS,, 438;C(aMk, 231;lNepcate Orono. Tîeenties this yariuii-hoghsetmui ,plie adthe ý ýir 3 n omnlii,536Total ber seen wit the rn p-lay ,fol Damage as estim tedatmren0fz a aseson o1heO on ak eo feneCoiel tenDistrct156 iewi-"ýgng hoc"utain Cail on Frina.t $500 a a Saturday ,1night vll n alntnTwsia-Bam o hya h eWe Fou vaie b pesatedo tretht esroyd brab<asîn c'nted Came teVes te1Frak H. aceR , aponsse b eghorhomda e bile Ban tait Frîday andthreeon Saturday. -!!Lýt.s v1" elimuliate Ibiýs eatry trenoum er 0 Consi er ir The aoted M. Jaýmeýs Dean \wil tA herse, a bullfivecx e is andgbceWrgd esv r ac&fpa ateOApadws er be the adj=udtr and PAil present mnore than 150 cbicýken-s died inla he14-roojom f aribouse. Cntn the Oironlo pitchier, again. th f pason aur.tre onîtgri adsmefncamne up with a -splenidid game and thye wn nd etthe pays te neon eeb.jpopoytiehcS wsvni d1ýaLst h eveingandals make etelmcîey eels.Mr. Pascoe saîd the t ire \vas at innings. Along witb this lhe is credit- EqFcrT.. actere tebest directoýr as well as te Mn. Pascee And a fniend, David tnbuted teu"spontaneous cus rvilu ly e tre-bits. lahe geve! ient orT rp s tbe best presented play. AÀadv_ nd1Mcullug saved twe herses and a tien." Thejt ire startýed at about Ill up oaly threewalks. Terryis COPtrol molvedî that, a comnmi'ttee be set up- trophies have been donated for thecatfrnthfamsefr thînthlatrpretteesoadtefrerrpsiad »resenttiiawthftheOrene Rb-eroobcoilasethe-p.m, ad tirmeadid not leave the lhas brought hlm to the top ln&a tc-The Orono Chamber et Coni-stdte scene until 3 a.m.Sunday. this is mklng tbe Orono Ba t- n erce ont Thursday evening aIthert e hteupetmgtb ess awadednti ebs c-seeutl3a-i Liay hsi nkn the Oroo ddelow, ir egular meeting aI the Oreno 'Rest- ava)ae o sbatprject. The- eaLdgdoangte sac-Vûlnteer tiremien froni Bowman-reai conltender la the OBA piay-1îailbefrs_ýhapoctTe tbrestrcrs award, Miss Too, -downs. Thls tani nowm, vacet gpor't te incrasing interest lanthe committee is A. McG ill, Ai-chie Me-- th-etdietr airXaurant lantNe instances gave sp Lrnand Gordon WVatsonm. o F In.-vT hebstam another series la the Cbiampioiiship annual Oreno Fair. The mnembers of1 and file Orono, Chamnber et Con- Orono Ï eeWee19308V Ac race for the Proývince. the Chaminber are supporting bbc. Gordon Watson, treasurer et the mierce the best play tropby. The 1~Tevcer o h atai a ubn Central Agriculturai Fair Chamber),ý, reportled on the finance- -aars rend o lsplay la the! ± 11-cQ as . u r.O~.O fSî2. gila(Orono by doaatlag a tropby forethercnCaivladsae Orono Lîbrary wîndow. T-he cham-__________i_______CJte best play la the Dramna Festival 1,that they hadl cleýared $S1271,70. Ex- ber tropby will bDe on display lateri Char-les Reid and Terry Canheton and by sponsoring and elbihn edtrsamouinted te $1122.09 la the week. The Orone PeeWee B3asebail teami Rogerson belted eout a double tei boh scored la the tirst atter reach- a acw teature, M,ýacDonalid's Fan. wiie revenue frenil'the s'ale-et tic-, Th'le-festival isrie(>eiviing coveragei0on Saturday compfleted their first score on a doLuble by Wayne MIOi ng tirsî on, an errer andl a wvallk. kets amnounted te $1063.95 and rev- over a wide anea aad if dan be e- stop )successfully la th11e OBA play-' A1it te Ai. Heren and Charles These ruaners soured on a double Th(, secretary, Aady MeGi1lI ,read came from the bootbs $1339.91. Xeid pu t the P.n bc erÉry-goý-,hil by Ralph Kennedy. Terr-y arl- a letter troni -Mrs. Eý-. H auak pected that a good audience wiî Wdowns. The local beys took tliriR roud tosoeoP i yDaeeo de te uaa bchrllg f heCamerwoai. ide Te rsietDoad tpls on, hand ite see Lthese plays. The pro- second win troîniCamapbellville t thusu" osoe nabtb a1eeo addaohrrni -letidjý ËUmCabe ol rvd;Tý réflît oadSals gramn for Friday ngtwîll laclude elimninatiag Ibis team troIlle Roger-sea. Il was la Ibris înnting that whea he drove eut a twe baggcr and a sculptured tropby for the best wecomed a newv memben te the th fllwig iys payowsanid moving OroniooHe Can11P0- iphlilet scored their fins scored on a Campbeliville errer. play lantUe Pair Dramna Festival. Chamber of Comec,Leslie As- Tile Orocounter off a welk .!and a bbit. Cami.pbellille'Cs twe scores Came ia The cest et the sculptured c edar a-Iiett. MnAselkett is active la the Or- MiSss adle Toeley, preseat "The LevlyMircl" y Pîlp Jhaonbeýlv-iie was It e t une, of 16 te 9 taliied to lathe teurth te briag oaly tre its and twe et thiirIW. H. 'Carma titand ArchieMcaeg Loey vliýcl"-yPiipto on or the oreo boys,. The Uprevieus oao'S total te tourteen. Cam1pbell-.tbree w vaiks. [moved that the Chamiber provîde fA rmotion wasasedby A. :Me- Thoratoin Players directed byMn1iauda l Orone the local beys ville coliected tWe hs aadbre the îre'hie The motion was carrled. Laren and HI. Dval ha he Cham- RusseliFluter, "A Dispatcb Goestokie victery 3-1. walks lathe inanig te sead home l the tourth theOoo crew tal ed14esiý%ai-ou Home byF. ansu. RlpbKenedy tared n bc for cunI. led fer- ieoff 'a walik 10 Charles Ad MGl Itn hemc-Ipaces vwbere broks cf tceswere Kienex ThY.eaeuGreup, diccted by monn for Orono annpitcbcd laeo erOnno blbd uIaReid, Jh Glenney and a double ny Mf sold te thank thentheton their co- atre(ýro;pdhaned y1raundfor ron andpitud ito oi, ý,-nc), heled t aing that lie bad made enquiries îarCo Don nffiott "Rie ad .h&. g thdonU and ust«nglel ataillesru IteheRalpbandirespectto aetyMileraadningy aa tanktaitrucak operatien.raion j agm.1SIX waiks. la the sxbChanl".es Reid' play Arnold Wiacscored, lbavinÏtg Kennedand Cnaîg shnd. ran h c oudbe suitabe te praevid LR.C.Forrester askr 1 i f 1bbcsec- St. Abans FPlayers, direted by jwas pressed îmb service îxing oly takea tirst on an erre. Ralph gave Geaedsc fafrbe en-si, He ste that ha d c he-otct- the n s rn,- tiens ,0letese i Eric Jobaiston, "Courage IMn. gtwe bitsand one walk la bbc ne- up fwo walks la a rew la the sixthîb ivo cpdafrhrcuéshl.Il ttd a a.cnattevrosognztos-osei Gen"by Jamnes P. Ferguson.n mainden et tbcgame. and an errer tilled bbc bases foi' erlau bcfittboft an crriand a cd Impenia liwo wold [sedI a1 tbcy would suppor)!t bbhpucha ofe SaturILday's progýrani is as toows: Orono's victery was decîdcd il a Cap1lývili,. l wasa[thbbs tlimne sciic ut Gan'e.22100 lion bnuk tonan anieut eta resuscîtaton. The Oreno Cdamber Osbawa Little Theatre, direced tCe fist. trame whea tbey sbruck ttha anesreid caml-e te the, Terry Canletonand Ra?,lpb KenPi- !$1500.00. 'rbis size tvk as b as already alttda sunnioft 100- byt Deoe itran emn o an onesteg wyetlamudtnOon.Fu uscunt- inedy, two of Ormoe'setter bittes, tbougbt by bbc Orono Pire Chief te j fr tepuMae tscOafcIn e Builey, preseat "The FBrûÉte" by ,,An- fr-ont e terofpnnt. aIbsCdfor Camnpbellvile 'but >Ibis Was agan dove ouIt singles hlatbbc sixth be tee beavy as ifs totalweigbhotebe uscd nywbmeh l bb=ara. Ion Chiekb1-ov. ,rm rn e ice ptea tl an)e. d nn. n coc nbits by Craig IlHid woud be about sixteen tn.It w-as--A bief oùtine etfMlUd)naid's Ail SaintsDramna Greup, drected dAd RalphKenedy wltbsingle bits. Grant Yee tepped bbc Orono bat- and Wayne Mle.-- suggestcd hat a tbousand galion f am was prescntd Ite bbc meeting by Ralpb Hancex, n5"Atuman Bride": geing bo(AllaU Heron, Cýalîes Reid,1 ters b)ut was closcîy followed by Terr-y Canleton, besides pitcbing truck wouid be suilable. Mnr. Dn.-and bbchembe-àýers er asked te -by~Ralb Hncex f isela Mlle an Annid allce.Ralpb KXennedy, rDane Rogersenan ecletgame a4obit onemthe- Found waso et bcopnion that ibej give a hand la setting up bbe f arm PeterbrougbCemmunty' Tea- bb sani trameCharls Cha iesll dand Waynle >M1ilierF. -sa nd vwibh hree bits in thrce- trips Townsbip sbouid assit witb c tbb rooPargrudsTe n tre direced by Peter rMcComibe, Reid Dainot j,ýe Rogerse a3dJon 'a- Ib is netknoAi w wbca bbcOrono tote cplate, Ralpb Kenned1y 'bit preject whi'.ch wýas the 4genenal td ie u Hen proceedcd te bbce "AMrs. Metbiuselabt" by Philip John- rett picked up walks 1u help bbc Peuiees wlll play Pext but wvord t three tor n u.Cra ig 1Hind 2 fer 4 ing andi undersbanding of tbbcileet- grounds and cmmennced wonkIng son.- cause. Labbc second inaing Dane - s expected ewi tbinweek.and a singie went te larryAmonlr.ing . . 1.Canmnan and Dae Fun f n bc re)ject, Orono Fai*r, This Fr1,., and S)at., Sept.,i1I & 12 o E N a -N N g- N k N N s g--g- g-- s, s.- g-- N s N s- N N N N k N N N N g-- N 5.- N. N 4 N g-g- s- s N g--g s N. N -N 'g-, N N a- a -t' 'N -g N N - N -s N N g-- N N g-, 'N s N N N N '-k ~1 t- N N N N N s N N N k g-- i5 N g-, N