I ,trs and I now littie of the- ývay they are handled, buoLt a re- -cent leter you printeýd c h miy ye. It wa1s from abahu aelrwl(o was soi afraid of ingle girls tathe cudntbeý patural wýti fh thém. I didn't real.. ize that îmen hvethe same prob Icem that plagu'Lesme "T arn ail of 21, aind mîore týhan >nything lu the world .1 wanit a poodhisac and a largefaiy c.nd it hadbete lie soon,Im a graduate nuirse, and in ïmy wýor1k i meet ailknd of p)eo(,ple an-d airi lwysfrie-nly, Of courCse. But Socially, th-.ough i c'nIlay eel at home wvith mrri î nT,< whna singleon coms~h Igotogete "Like the maun whowrfeyu love cildrn ad envyver Col ewho h lave themn. Hri ea Iconquer ti ols sef- conscousneiss' DESOLATED" t.Perhiaps -you f ear sinigle men lbecause you think they wl à suspect you of pursuing fbm. Il Men an-d women are alike irn leirn o redies Dress 01f Many Uses -PRINTED PATTERN Thie allure of a party dýress -- a coveraîl apron or sun,-dress? Vou'll wear and love every day! Not fitting pýro!ble.Ms -- wrap and tie- te cinch waist. Printed Pattrn- 46416: Misses' izs12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size- 16 takies 4¼yards 35-inch fabrcic, Em(broidereýry ftransfer of pockef. Printed directions on each paf- tern partffiEnsier, accu-rate. Send FORTY CENTS (40e) (stamps cannet be acceptec, use postal note for safcfy) for this ~atf ern' Please print pli nlyv XZNMU, ADDRESS, 'STYLE Send order te ANNE ADAMIS Pex 1, 123, Eighteenth St.,Ne oronto, Ont, *Showjing an lnferest lxi their *opiio,,ns, their occupations and *avocationsý is a -onvenient ge- *ttire thaf starfs conversation;- à i gives themi the chiance t *talk about them-sel ves, an1-d *how everybedy lovýesto ado É~ hat! * So wben you meef an iiuni- *attachied mi-an soc-ially, why flot * reat him as you vwould a new *girli friend? Aftter -you fin id *commnlg-üreund tdiscus,,s, *coniver'1sation fiow ýýs w ithouLt *self-consciousness. Your rain- *inig shoufld mnake tis -,easier for *you than for some othierwo 1* menl, for you are accustomnedte *winlng iia patient's cniec *first, aent ou? Men and wo- ilii men dffer liLttie in t1heir res- *ponse to simple friendliness. * Adolescent girls and by * sufer agonies of self-conscious- * ie.ssi the-ir first social con- *tacts. It is a bit unusuail thaqt a *womian of your age ap idce * kowl1edge of.bumnan-ity alews *herself f0 succumb to sucht *painful f-eelings, Keep-ing lii nlinmd that it is fltyourself but * the otheir person thaýt is imi- '~portant hill get you off fo Fan * enouraingstart. * Uneffeted kindes, a littie i maginiation and teIfllbt *will gîve- your symi-pathe(tie na- l ure thie expression it, deserves, *it will prove youir firsf ally. HE BREAKS OFF "Dear Anne Hirst: I wvas en- gaged ta a man I dearly love, and we hiad goneL a lng way with our plans wbeni he declded ît wouid be. besf for us-te forget eacb other. -Tie fold .me he couldn't explain any furfber. "I was se 'hurt, anic oved Jhlm se, that I1 just fold bimi off; and I stilI don't know why if hap- pened . . . I have writfen him and begged forgiveness for any-, tbing 1I mighit have said or done to hurt bis feelings, but I had neonwr 'I just can'ýr get ever himi! I've been withi diffei"ent boys since, and find rDo consolation.: What cani I do', Please help me! HEART BROIKEN S. *You bave donc really moûre *than you need te o Ila your *attemýVpt te find. eut what *changea, this 1ad's mmdc. If Is bes kete accept bis decision A3 m {ai. Tlhere are a numnber o!fea so~ns he mnay have h-ad: he may *ha'vc "lest bis ncrve"' as the * marriage plans progressed; bis *famnily may have conviced *hlm he ïs nef ready for es- ~pons.ib--ilty; bis business affaîrs *could be disappoinfing. He- *even imay have become inter-- "esfed in some ether girl, thfougb that is probably nof *truc. But the-bas chosen te let *yen. guess, which is manifestiy, *cowamdfly andi unjust. *.I cannot ulndersfand v.why so *many young men play su-b low trick on a nice girl. They *boast about being geed sports, yet se eftcn fbey haven't the *strength of character A telle- *the truth! You bave my sym- *Keep on going eut wifh other *friends, anid prevent ionely *evenings that will net prepare *yen for fomorrow. Grief dees e nd, and one dayv you wîll find *yeurself in lo-ve wiîtb ene more- Most o! uis know in aIny crisis whliehle the righit way to tuira, but we necd the corrob3orationj of one whojse opinion is bjctv and Mwhose munderstanding le sure Write your problem te Anneri HiErsf, at Box; 1, 123 Eighteeu)th St., New Toronito Ont. WEDDING PORTRAIT Stephen Rockefeller kiss'es his ri telleformer Annc-Morie JRasmrussen outside t hc S$gne, Norwavy, church in which 4hey were married. Foither of the bridîe ii ai leffe; father of the groomi is at right. Gwen~dotr4.eP.. Ctt&,ke Weafberwlse, tii colurn l gefting downright menotonou2 - another w/eek gene by --bot humîdd and dry. Saturday nighýt we did have, a brie'! thundcer- stormi, with high w;inds an)d relu for about bal! an heur. That bas been 'the only change in our weather pattern from a wveekz ago. But who are 1we te grumni- ble? Comfpared with m an ry other parts e! t'-he womldi we are lucky. We aise bave aIl th%, wafer we want and that mieans a lot, especially as our town- ship vweter 15 se mucb .,sefter than well-water. We are de- lighited -butmab the water- sottener companies wen't be quite so happy asz quite a numi ber of our neigbbIours have de- cddthat, they don't ne setteners any more. Les Tuesdey vwe bad visiters from EMiit Lake -- our niiecc Babs, ber busband and tbmec ebilîdren-. Thýe saime eues wboý stayedi witHiusý on tihe farm) for twe mntbs ,abouttre years age. Nowý the littie girls have a fou-mentbs-old baby brother. Anà thre treetment thatl Pool' baby bas te take gives meý t'.he jitterýs.IL i s iugged areundl by tirst one and 'Ithien the other., I put an old Ceîton, the fDIer for hlm ite roil on. The gir s premiptly wud thie sheet as a sIl e d and pulied Ihlm iaround thec fleer on If. le tooýk ail theIýý mnauiinýg as a maitter o! coursec anrd neyr,,e uch as whi- pe-red. WVhen if, came bis teeding time the girls turned their at- teuition ite Tetfy and Ditto. Very soon Ditfo took refuge in te bejsemet andi Tatty get a ii- ic snappy. Net eneuIgh 1te deý any barmi but eueugh te magke themn reLize they were net go- ing te do as tbey liked itii Isuppose young mthrsget used te ailthis exuberencebu believe mieet the end of theit, six-heiur vlîsit, pleased as 1 waýs te see them, I was glad they wvere neot stayiug any, longpr. And 1 said se. Babs laughed "Poor Aunt Gwen, you canWt take if like yen useýd te, can yen?" She is righf -. and ecite 1 have changed or cbildren gen- crally brave more life and en- ergy than Urey had in ml, younger days. Or is if, spae energy? One fing is certain, chidrcn new seeni much 1c;s contefnt and f ar lgsobedient,. Nel wonder if takeýs 50 mlC our. tax rate te ioeka!te their eduOcatien. Yes, I said 1I would mnention Four Guy Patches' Colors run ne-1t ilU tIs quxîfý! made et o scraps - the more, the merrier! It's just four p.atches. Easy te piece. Use euie block alene, for, a ' gay, pillew coverï Quiltmaiking, is easy! Patterua 784: Char., dir2ections5, pattern o! patches, yard&ges. Se nd THIIRTY.-FIVE CENTS (stamlps cannot be acceptedl, use pestai niote for safety) for this paeern te Laura Wbeeier, Box 1, 123 Eigbteenth Sf., N'ew- To-. rente, Ont. Print plaiinly PAT- TERN NUMIBER, your N A-ME and ADDRESS. Sendci for a copy of!1959 Laurai Wheeler Needlcriaft BRook. If bas lovely desiguns te order: ecm- broidery, crochilet, knitting, wvea- i ng. quilfing, toys br the book, a special surprise te miake a hlittie girl happy - aý cut-ouft doîl;, clothes te celer. Seudc 25 centfs for this book. our faxbiHagain, 1idn't 1? The sokbas w"ýorn 0off a,'hi: since etwe but the bil re-rains the saime. 0f ur total tex bill190 is for edu1Ca- ton. Our twsî oni fought the requisition etf the lo- cal Board Jof Edulcation toth and Jnalibuit ost oeutinteed We k1now, children imust be Cedul Cated; sbosbuilt zand teaCh.- ers paid. Bui tsurely some et thte frll couild b,--- cut out. YFor instance the miodlem trend is for one sideï of class -roi-s ta be practi alal glass. So what happenls?Te suni is too hot, blinds ar e pulled down an-d ligbtis urnied on. MNore hydre! 'Many sloools are, de-signaed on a oýne-floor plani, sprawling o-ver a large aragthus icesn th1)eCo()s t of fbeat;innwitr And al tis expens-e bas te be borne by prep)erty owv'n rs, whet:he r tel hv cidrno not. VWhereas peeple in irented roemrs or hou-ýss are nof reýquir- ed te Pay schl t axes, Oh, I sujppo)se the-eý are hidden taxes included in waee rent i pid l buit smh it denftl homne the sam-e. H-o-wever, there miy be -relief in sigh1t and some-, way be fouind te help equaqlize the tex, bur-den. Anywvay I heard a rumeour that seme ir.di ae comrmission is in the o)ffxng te analyze thie entire taxation structure in Ontario - and pre- sumaibly bring1 in recom-menda- tiens for imi-proveenits. Here's hoping-! These bof nigbnts are Det ex- actly inducive te sleepinog. 0f- f en Pim awake dujring the night.ý 1, andi a lot of other people toe, I expect. Sometjimes as a means of relieving my restlessncess I waf ch the traffic go by, Through agap in the fences 1 can, sec the heavy tr7ans;por.ts, anywh3ere from, four te sixteen-wheel ve- bidles, roliing along the high- w-ay ail night Pt the average et ene a mninute, As I watcb I wonder how fthe roads ever stand uplte it. 1I wondJer, tee, bow maany of 'the drivers wîll have fanitastic ecxperiences such as "Cannoniball" mneefs with on se m(any of bis frips. That secits was good wben itfïfrst ,tart.-d. Mýike Malone is sf111 a ke able, down-fo-earth character. But the episodes have become tee utterljy rîdiculous te be lur- teresfing. Too tbad se înany T. V. programnes are spolît by over- dramiaUzPfion ,Yk'fthe ordinary. Just laclyI*ave been rea- ing the "Diary of Anne Frank".« If is s.o ferribly poignant I'il net sure that i want to sec fIxe filin. f -Rnne had livcd I could stand if but te die se near -te the time of her probable re- lcase is more than one can bear, Anne's diery must bring back mnany mnemories te immr-igrants te Canada, more fortunate thani Aune. Incidentally I notice i- migrants from Middle Europe get along vcry well with Brit- ish or native born Canadiens but seem ite bc 'frightfully jealous and disqtmustful o! other new Canedians, I wonder- why?, 1, personally1 , have come 'acr3s quite a numiber o! such cases. by obetaLee Q.What da you ha3ve to Say about ourreltosi itb sale-s- personas? A. A sure gaug5e of manners and breedcling 15 thie treatmient we giepersons wh11o serve us. Dis- c-ourtesy toward a person who jeq flot free tf0 answer backwiou risýkingf hisz jolb is the esse-nce oM rude-ness.Slserosshlouïlc neyer be treated as inferior1, ev-en by the- tone o)f your vie Their jo tisf0serve. yon, just. as yolirs isz to ty'pe letters for, you-r boss r or f0 anage yu household Q. How shuld a marrled v man have her persona] ltîto-nery engraed -as "Mrs. John . Smnith," or as, "Jane Sm-fith"? A. "Jane Smth" s only for a very youn g girl Or fora profes- sional wioman who is knwnb that name. Stationery te be used forgera purposes shouîld have thewoas fuil namne - "Mrsý. John j. Smnith." Q. If a girl becomes eggd and she las no family, would ht be ailm righft for hier fiance's fam- ily to announce the engagement? A. No. This is alwvays the irivi- lege of the bride-elect. Ifsh dloes net haý.c the means of giv- ing an ainnouLnccerin' party, thený she can extend lber "good' newýs hruhthe local newspaper. Q. ow shoul the Very large type of shrirnp iii a, cocktail b. eaten? A. If you can mnanaqge it, yoïu eut if in haîf witlh the fork against the side ef the glass- or else, you if t if ouf, put it on the plate und-iernieath the glass,,. and eut it in haif ith the fork. Q. 1 arn a youung girl and anm about to apply for my first job la a large buysiness office. For the interview, should 1 wear hiat and gloves? A. You sheuld wear hat and gloves, by al means., Q. What sort of' dress shtould a woman wear to an afternoon social function? A. The best policy aiways is te wear the simplest sert of day- fime dress in which yeu look well. Remnember, you need neyezr wvorry if yen happen flot to b. "dressed", as much as the others. The timie reaýlly te werry le whien yen are 'oer-dressed"! SALLYS SAWES "lX neyer lets nme get in the last vword. lne hnrUp.", COOLING SYSTEM - Sharon Autry relaxes în a tub of wvaier, eating Ice cream under theý shacde of cin umborella. Who coýu1d aTsk for anyflhing mnore?