O""RONO WEEKLY TIMESI Feunder. R. A. Forrester Publisher. R. C. Forrester Y ouMl Want To Be There TheDrhmCeýntral Agricultural Fair which will, be held in the Exhibition Grounds, Orono, this Friday afternoon and Saît- urday should be one of the best ev:er heldini a great, maniy years. New items of interest are being addd We others are being ex- tended This las niecessitated the opening of thefuir Fridy after- noon when activitis shuld start around 3:00 plm. vith the oe- ing of the ûMway. At five o'citc Friday ianess racing begins with eightheas of racng. The Orono Band willalobprsn ,long ,hith le musicalgroup ofrAx Lycettto provie a curned proam niof 1music. Ol101nad'sFrmwllaso open-_.Fr.day aftrnon heriahost ofanimais Wil1be on. dspayftomanon- ke t peaansgeeeu okes , a .-n Agouti, Cuiidfox, coon and o(thors. This feature is being prmoted by the Morn Chamber af CommueMwo have cosrceoens and corrals toholth Saturday's program illicuete et frac-ing wilh piviledges, the samre as Fîriday. Fute hr ilbe ithehos show, the catIe show and fie man mnyotefaurs The Drama Festis(va]ed in the Townshp FalYOrono, on Frîday and Saturday evenings ias a grndprogr-am of o, ne-act plays and certainl should be a-n îtrslgfeature cfth Fair prgam he' newly dcrtdstage willn uh te hi pro- New lghts have wbennstaled for Friday evening both for temiWav,.y and for the commerclial exhiits.Aewtehos stable %vil! be completed frFridJayý and everything is a beehive of actiit for Frday and Saturday. Support the fair and festival, be present and enjoy a full day and evening ofenjoymnt. ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TH TENDERS WANTED Clarke'Townshîp School Area rO- quires carietaker for new 2-roorned school at former No. 9. Duties to comnmence on or about DOctober lst,. Lowestý or any tender 11otnee8 arily acceptedt Tenders to be in, St.5.Apply Mrs. VLM. Gilmer, Sec-Treas, enil, Ont. bc laview ,of the crowdý,,'edconiin at te Orono- school and the,- lack of a1 luc! oo te rste equest parnts torefran fpsilfo I coopertionwillbe geat ar ciate!i b- 'i ûL Thie Womnen's Au xiiLtaryaoftnei Memnorial Hospital, Bomavileil haiving a embrslu roTa on Fmi day,Setme thfm to43 p.m. Weathepermtinitwilb held On lthe Hsia rudi out prjcsforite ew 1ig etc HELP WANTED Single man to live in wanted for Dair'y Farmi. Attractive hlours, good location and ,7nc)derp- equipment. Pesna nterviewv and good ref- eecsneeded. ApplyHowar FordrPllackstock Phone53W.a-c HE-P WNE Hous-Keperto akecharge of ApplyC ~mbcllidam r,RR. 1, Hanuton.Phoe CO 2 208. a-p TO RENT 1 Mtercer, wno passeU aa1y ,sentern-1-1- -1 ber 12, 15i NM OIM os n 0ars One -mile Alay a ;Il Isead of ýa fron y l xl-' unr f a ',i f Ooo 2.0 monthly. Alwas s thughfuihonst nd vii~ pasaJawa S~FOPRF-NT What at Lovingly emebeedb y wfe a;c fhymdenaatmn.: IN MEORIAMTo dx leam Ni0eaTdi:othE MERCR l loingmemry f -theword culdhol. NTýiEmto h Beautiful emris of onle SO wrdc o.Ipra SrieSaino ih dea. JSady nssc o;husandSamel wy "35,sotfm Mr. Ernie Evermemmbeed y th grnd-jE.andfaiy le,-iîan ndjS th chidre VcfWiliam Micr - omn - eare at urse rvice. a-p A. F. MoKENZIE, M.D. PHYS*CIAN and SUJRGEON Off ice Heur, 2-00 te 4:0P.M. 7:00 te 8:00 p.M. Satw-days andý Wednesdays by 1appointments only PHONE 1471 OROttÔ DR. R. J. TA«G ',ART VE'rERINAR'-Y SURGEON Phonea 10616 Orono, Ont. Barrister and Solicitor BO0WJ'IMV i!L, ONT.ý Office MA 3-588 Hme A 3-ff53 TiitheOffcesof j Friday 7 pýi. 10p. JACKREID Pf*îbimd DW@ri