£et ded on flic rhome cx- ha2ve go fiertins foken board,ý OrI lv. c' 1 doa not agree, rnor cdo they-they bay norue of their friendis îdo suc~h a thig, ndthey ,wouId Le ashameà dto admit they we.re asked to, "II ar-gue thajt we do flot necd tbheir Ïhelp, and witlh prices so > !gýh I~u they /can use ail1 they mnake. We have a nîci hiome, gardeni and cars, and thie oldêir girl plans to commrute Ici a nearby town to v work Withý wintep comiwg on, she wAants tLo take ai apartment there wvith _another gi !l, Ber f ather d-' approvcue. "Ber sister is engagýied an- will pr-obablyý be mnarried in Uc months, so 1 don't suecany point in ber paying board. Tlien, -why should the other one? "I do not meaci to present a picture of D. wrangling bouse- hiold, but as a matter 0f record I>'d li'qe your opinion. MM *Parents expect to provida,,, *for their children; it is a '~pesant duty, and sometimes,_ *imrplies sacrifice. They-,do thîsý * gladbly with ne, thoug-,ht of re- * ompense, and they don't x *peet appreciation until the *chiildrenf are old enough 1o *understand. * As children get out on their > own it, is salutary for themn k *to contribute part of their' *salary to the ham-e, not to re- *pay paý_nts but as agetr *of love and gratitude. Whcn _ia irl carns lier f irst salary > she feels independenit, ar (1 *proud to pay board if it is only *a few dollars a week. it en- * genders a feeling- of blnig *plus reýponibiIity, and tends * t build chaFacter. *Y our husband festhis is Sa sound basis for- bis argu- *nt .L *The -,oder girl wiIllfind liv- *e in, in town more (oostly than *shie expects, she may ven Two4n-Ouie Style PRINTE» PATTERN 4780 4½-24Vx By da3y, or cvening, decligit, in tic- coolness of tis cdress " b- lerco offlif. Note iow bolero but- tons f0 dross - lwa!ys looks nieaf, smnart. A Printe2d Pattera proportioned for aîf-sizers. Printed Pattera 478q: LHaf Sizes 144k 164p 181, 201% 22%/x W"2 Size 16½ý dre.ss fakes 4%à yards 35-inci; boléro 1% yards, Prinfed idi.tins on édcipaf- hem part. Eas/iclr, accurete. Sead FORTY CENTS (40c) 1'sfam, s cannof be accepted; use postal n)ote for safety) for th.s paftern. Pbease print pleinly flic SIZE, NAIME, ADDRESS, and STYLE N[JMBER. Scnd order o ANNE AýDAMS, Box 1, 123 Eighfeenth St-. Nev Toronto, Ont. ~nced lielp fîromi home until '~she lands ýon lier cconomic feef ---in wl-ich cse i mit scnd *a smnall sum to you rogularly [o to ainitain tic spirit of lier * atlier's requcst. In a strange *citiy a girl nceds tîmie to learai A iS ad-,anta-ges aýs weillais *dangers; to mie it scmsis e *that sic commnute for quite a Swhilc bofo)re setinrg ticre. *Argumnents over -monoy aie *spirif of do - oporafion il *not awaspleasant. A warmier *around siould resLUt in anl *amnicable settlemient tiaf wil; *restore harmyony. 'Déar Anneý Hirst: The girl 1 bope to miarrywhen; I cao afford f0 is 24, and Ibn at ycaur odern As things stand, ber !i-otier is nmy problemr. "Sic apposes ourmariidage, and wont't say w1iy. Sbe lias no reason to (tliat I know, of) but I arn always uncomfortablei whiensic is around .. and fiat sntrigit 1 have tie feelig si-e Cdoes't truist mie, but I've nover given lier reaso-intflot--.. ,I was, a-wa.y ïat ollege tirce p, earqsa s periaps she feels she doesn't know nmc well. Sic isý a wdw and until my mnother died tiey were friends. Wlici wliy siaU I 1furn? BILL" if you can %vin flic mothcr'sî confidence sic mnay be more *reasonable, * When you and your girl go to f0fes usicales yuenjo.y, *ask ier f0 acdompany yfiu. *Perhaps having dinner f0- *gther bc-foreliand ws asýe * fe fènsion; observing yodu * god mannmers she lnay re--la x *a bit and 'relize you k-now * your wyarounrd. *Siace you cttend flic same cliurci, ask lier if you carn *drive thim there ýnow anrd * tien. Find ouf 1twiat bO 'OkS *and rcords sic prefers. Sucih *thouLglittul attention dannof h elp butesais you lahe *esf1eem and 1pave flic way for *more confidenceý. Goodlck The question of young pople 1wV101jobs pa1yîng board aI om is a m-litootun, An is oinio on rau ialfamlily Mat- lcsi-s Ishelpfil. Wrie-her yur problem aI Box 1, 123Egbcnh jekyMIs And Hydes1f Sometimes their pusts are lu- nocentri, but nmitwas.If theiýr guiify secret is discovered by a blackailcr .. or any other sort, cf cro-ok - the're la tr-oujbl e. Ina[flic U.S.A. a promninent !,aw,- -er waslea ingadul fo R.espectably marriedi, ho was et li-e nsame timie "c 'yngoni" wvih us secrefary. Once ho- took ber for a drive la i)e country.- iThei(y so iiil alneylaneý and, suddenl-y, fwo gnmnap- perred. Tic ban-ditswrcmfwh speciali.zed uin robingfutv lvcr:Thcy keatwtc n a' votldalwyspay up ami tie -womian wýould ra-relysoear lnatfus case,. ihuiti hwyr ad a gun1lilii ockei homeklianded over ismn cy o saV(-lisreufi. But the bandi,ýtsw n onf. Olne of tlemn took n fncy iC) tic pretty secrefary and t Pid-t îui îhl er ouf offie c (,ar. Tic, i'wersw rcd, Opjufïedouf hiý gun and ishoit fie guamn d ead-' but received fatal w-ounds hîmu- self from the bullets of tk-e ofehr hbandit. somo croo'ks 1lead Jdouble lv fo. A pom-inent Montre1al s. ousine. Lafeýr, dressed lain io(ld cap ,and swevý,ater, hoe vould leave tic, c ar f0 gËo and liold upr a banik. / HORSE PLAY - Playing a Western role, socuthern belle Flore nce Cloud rides a ý'bujcking, bronca" on ihe bach ai Cypr-ess Garden3. With theý wateýr so handy, iis only ncztural that her mmjunt should be a %eD ý horse. ~eP. toi5r;.e P It juLIs t s ecmns I neyeýýr rI muntu of mauterial to f iii thiscoun There is always something in- terecsting going on. At least it is intemetufme 50 I ca, only hope if is alo intersting tuou Tak1ýe ls uedyfor in- stance.,Tatwa t11ayfi gave their annual tea to W.. edto lsec t1ichadcftexii aýnonounements. T!is, year 'tic tea w\,as ld et nt!,ic Royal York Hotel. Thje contesýt tooktheform 0Of aQuilt Blockcompetition for iich tere wure 61 etie.Tic blocýk patterns wr ragdin lcoose-leaf albms ith han-- somiely cecoratcd hard co)vers. NICE QUEEN - Blonde, green- eyed Michele Lemoin gîsrikes a lissomne pose- iiiNice, Fr-ance, afr beig chosen 1958 "Quiýer Q! th& Riviera". 'Somin of Ille patterlis Weýe old dinscare-fuily freasured from one geýneration fo another. OierS werer comparatively nocw and oC lied f0 o original. Al tic w:ork wsof excellent quality in-cludc- inlg tilc beutfu esizuns la ýquilî- 1 ng, . b feeýtthflewoirkmansiýp wa so50good I am scUrniejudges musfýý have liad a hlar timie reciga decision. lowevcr, proba'bly ticeir work wav's nmade a Pifluecaier firougl fie gop- erosify of fie sPýons0rs xvlo Of- frdnof only f iree prizeý_s but $10 oaci <o fie ton enfries re- civing honourablemention. The 1sf prîzo awvard was given) fo flic West End W.I. of Guelpiý ti"c 2nd fo West Fort Wiilliam-; and tic 3rd f0 t Eider Milî1s, Wuoodbrïdge. The fen aad wen1t touIc followýi-ng districts: S.heddion; ore Appini, Kinr, City, Saulf Ste. M.,arie, Dublin, WatfrdDeshroKingslta aOd Burgessville. Àt was &avery ieppy, friendly oafternooit for cveryonc. Nof only zîý'as if a grand opporfunîty to see at firstf iand a splendid dis- play 0of rural talent but ift also gave W.1. inembers from f ar ai-d wieone moiýre occasion fo me th-eir P'rovincial of;icers and ztier WI. personnel and ta dis- c-u.ss their commn-on problemas one .:iti a thr. 1, f or oce, flioroughily enjoyed if. Tliis of çourse, is only a brief eccount. 'You wvll rnaturally re-ad mr aibout if in 1your nexf i'ssue Of Home and Country and from your area represonfative. If, secmed to me flic ideaso-f -a quit-bockcontest was a happy thought; helpi-.ag f0 eep-alive o-ne 0f Canade's native arts. If would be f00 bad if if 'Einhould ever dic ouf. If is an aýrtÈliaf sncudesskiomafstic abiiy and rceqisites of good workmaýnsiip. Cer-tainly [tic V.1, as a wliole owcvs a doit aI gratitude to fie Salaa-Sef'rff-orscy Comipa ny for ticir generous; sponsorsliip oI tuis worfhwhîlc projecef B- membern~ we ay find 't adds an exýtra flavour fathe cup ffiat cicers and our morninc' toast and imarmalade-. Wiell, I1lied just nceycaugif ýmy býrcafh as it were, afler Tues-' djay's aff air when alonrg Cornes un, invitation ta a at Ithc C..E. If was for fhe first 'Thursday wihen al fie exhibits were r-*ze and freai. But if wvas raining and IT wondercd .-- sbauld 1 or shouldnA't 'Igo? In ire end. Idon- nced siosiers, rai5ncoat sind cap, simd sallied forth with an umibrel- la, l-iopîng thee weafhe.r woi4d clear before fao o ng. R, did, sa mny opteirism w-,as justified. 1 soon no'cd1Lc grounds ýat the C.N.E. hand lha'd a ai Lift ing. Ail along thce front,whc there uised to be rn.igbut cars, there are non, lovely gar- dens, and no lcss dtnian ice water fon 'nspilling over into liuge grcnlincd1basin"s. Even the light ,standardsare ey- ceang Atop each pol eis Pa fDag; a fewv feet down is the lîglit itselIf andson distance beneath it flower!baskets oen- circle ic pole from which arc growing flowering plants an)d hýanging vines. Certainly the niew airranogement along flie front pro- se2nts a f ar more plcasing ap- pearaince than bfoeand cmn aktes a lot of thc -necm lit- fer tiat uscd to be tic-' first thing o.ne saw. Tic niew mr moth wvatcr foun-taîn is also quife lovey. Ia fact to al! outward appearilan(es the C.N.E, is mucli imnprovcd- As for the exhiý1bits 1 am in-ot in a position to say too m-uci' as, I wvas only in a fecw of tic buildngs.I oticcd therc' wvas more origina-lity' than uisual1 11ic Flowcr Show. Ticý Govero- ment Building hadwclrand informative dispiays and tic quality and vartety of wo k shown in ticý Queni Elizabeth Building waýs marveilOusý. I was particularly imipresse,-d by a fine- ly workcd, hand-hooke I rug. Beautiful design and tic size as about 9 x 12. This prî;ze winniing enitry came from Ottawa. It bcing Prcss and Radio Day Inoticecd mrany wcl-known per- sonalities irere and there. Rural readers wil] be interested to know .1 was chratting brieflýywitb "Janet Jean" and tia--t Johni Bradsiaw was MCigone cf thc Coon-iig Sehools. Waiting to go into tic MLn's Press Luncheori wc,7rc a numnber of counrtry c di- tors - possibly your owr local editor was among the-m. 1 expect Parfncr ,wilI be go- ing dowminenct week. W-s have 1 given up tryring to do tlic E' toge th er. 1 get "Exh-ilibition freet" so quicklyý that it spoils the dlay for hîmn ý and tice ne.xt few, days for mcl byRoberta L1ea Q. Is it ail right for, a man111to use onl1Y his initiais wensigu- ing social cor respon.d eucç. asfor instance, 'M. H. Cardinztnn"? A. N;ho should sgnhis fuli]- wame, or at lcast as, "Jamner, I Q. If 1 receive atephn cal] while entiertaining a gibet, shou(ld I expl1ain at ocietth Ue person caling ?,that 1 have a guest anld cannot talk? A. If ticea is unim1portant, yucan explain and offer to eauj bac1 aer fh 'ee,hIic eail is iprat ttakes pre- cuClenoci.over Ithe enItrtainent of yur puest. Q.In a doumble wednShouldi eacîh bride have lier owîn maid~- of -honor? A. Yes, although hey may hjave thie saine biemad Andl ecdibriegroom has his owna best man, too. Colorful Linens Let fthese pansies tecnd color toyour linen"s. Put tli n h guest towels, bed sets,' scarves. Colorful pcansies3 for ncsai-d crocieted edging to fiish ticm Pattera 6f08: tase of a 6x20- mli m --otif, two 6x13½ý'; direc- tions for edgiîng. Send TIT FVE CEN'1'S (stamiips cannot Lie accepted; usn postal note for safety ) for tu pattern to LAURA WH!EELER,4 Box, 1, 123 Eig-hteentlh St., New Toronto, Ont. Prinit plainly flie PATTERZN NUMBER, and youi.r NAME and ADDRESS. As a bonusý, TWO comnploe, patter= are printed righit in otsr LAUTRA WHEELER N.- dlecraft Book. Dozefi of othler designz you'll wan-t to, orderý-eaisy, fa- cinating lbandwork for- yo-urseCf, your hmgifts, bzaritems. Send1 25 cents For your copY of tLhis book today"'! ISSUE 38 - 1958 New concept.. featured iii thec 19'59 Emerson RoYal'Y Linel *AliI-ver, ail-angle, fu-itr iw Here's how Emnerson 1959 Royalty Uine brinigs you greater TV pleasure:, Full Power Transformer Chassis ens--ures un- * stirpascd receptiop. aven in ",frin1ge"axea -New ,rTru-SIim Cabinîets bt Iifu a1r-hn ever space. Super Cascode Tuner brings li sharp, cearze PiCtures and soulnd. Magkt-Memory Touch Contvr1 restores thi. audio and pictujre you pre-set wjih ae- touc'h onrol. Wide Selection includes portable, combina-,4 tlan, tableand console modela. ,§be.P 0 RY A LT'Y LIýN E RADOOFANA41H-FI AND RADIOS 7 rsoaAve, ina avariety of handsome itYles and fînishe-s e r r e e e e e -e -e -e -r e a a' e,,