Open seoson For Game Bard Our i110W, Minister of Lands cl,& Foresta, Hon. J. W. Spooneir, lias aninounicod the 1958, Open Sea-i sons and Bag Limita for Up- ;and (-amie Birds anid Sma-Fl1 Came Animais. RUIF,-ED GROUSE, SHARP- TA;LED GROUSE, SPRUCE PARTRIDGE: 1 September 15 ta Novemibor 25: North and -wost cl Highway No. 17 frorn Matnwa to Sault Ste. Marie. 2. Septomber 27 ta November 15: in- (a) Parts of Aigoma, N\ipissîng and Sudbury Districts Sauth of H-igbway 17. (b) (i) Manitoulin and Parry Sound Districts. (il) Part of Muskoka District eat cof Highwny No. (i9 andNo (c) (i) Carleton, Dundas, Durll- ham, Frontonag, Gllengarry, Grenville, Haliburton, Hastings, Lanark, Leeds, Lennox andi Ad- dington, Northumberland, Peter- borough, Prescott, Prince Ed- ward, Renfrew, Russel,' Star- miont and Victoria caunities. (iî) Part of Oîilla Towý,nshîp i Simicoo County eat of Iigh- way No. Il ai-d nréof Wnshaý- goý . (iii) Ontario County (portion): Parts of Rama, Mfara, Thorah, Brôck and Reach tawn.ships at of Highwav,ýy No. 69 and Nýo. 12, <See nîso 3 (b) (iii).ý No. 3. Octoherý 4 ta NL\ovoeril, 15:- (a) Brant, Bruce, Duffenî,n, Elgin, Essex, Grey, Hldimand, Ha-llton, Huron, Kent, Lamblton, Lîicoln, Middlesex, Nrlfo k, Oxford, Pool, Perté, Waterloo, Wellanndland Wentworth couni- ti-Sa. (b) (i) Simeoe County, cx- tept that part (YI Orilli Town- ship Eat of Fighw-ay N1o. Il and iua)rtb of Wasago (See 2(c). (il) Yonk County (portion): Georgina and North Gwillim- bury townships onfly, (iii) Ontario Couinty (portion) Parts af Rama, Ma/lra, Thoraéý, Brck and FIeach townships nol included in 2(c) (iii); and Scot an-d Uxbridge township_-s. (iv) Part of Muskoka District not included i 2 (b) (il). Bng, Limit: 5 ini tbe aggrega-to per day. Possession Limit: 20 in the aggrogate. BUNGARIAN PARTRIDGE: Soptembor 27 10 Novomber 15: Ail of the province, excopt Thunder Bay District. Bag Limit: 8 per day. Possession Limit: 16. IPTARMId-AN: Seplomber 1, -1958 ta Apri 1i, 1959: Aill f province. Bag Limit 5 per day. Possession Limit 15, Tales Of The Baseballi Damond SUIMMER'S TIME N'ýeyer for a moment doos the diamanrd judiciary deviale from the pnîh af unequivocal rîghto- o)usness. Take Bill Summers, fýor example. The veleran ump wns opernîing behind the plate in n ciovie being fi]med in Holly- wood. The piîchen dlivered nnid Bill yelled, "Strýike!" This made tbe directon un- happy. 'tHoy, Bll," ho snnpped, uyou're nôt following tho script, Thal was supposed 10 be a bail." "Tell the pitchen tc follow the script!" roared Summers. "I onul em ans Se 'm 'O WERFUL WIND If Ihere was crnething Dizzy Dean nover lacked, it was con- fidence. Nothing ever shaok Lis sublime confidence in hlmn-. self. PiÉching against the Yanl- Yees in an exhibition game one npring, ho, just fcouldn I loosen up. Inu the fou.rth inning, Ihe Bombers fell upen him for eight bits and sevon runs. Manager F'rankie Frisch finally gave him Dean1-, eou1nen îp5e KNIýGHT OUT - Kight-in-armor Richard Ringwelski c r e ai t e d quite a stir when he walkod down aci sreot ini fashionable Beverly Hils to advortise a res- kiuraint. Caps took a dim v!ew, and airrested him for weairinq thie s;ondwich board. "We don't allaw swinging signs, much les wallking signs," they s2d One Mon Forgot- So Five Died Horrified, the pilot listenied ta thje splutter of the engine that tl i hm they were out of gas.o- lino. Ho a-witcbed ta the second tanký. There was no reaponse. That was empty, too. With hlm in the plane were his wvif e and ebilé and anetýher, couple wtbthoir child. Thev had boon on a joy-ride to Na3- sau, in tbe Bahamnas, and had spent the day there, sightseeing. Whon they clamberod hnppiiy bnck iriito the piano- for the tnpi back to Floridia, thoy asaumned the gas tanks had bern refuolled. IBut the mochanic had forgattn ta do sa. They hadn't checkedl. ;-nd flow il Was too late ,- Tbey ýwce throe miles off the coast of Florida and f acing dentén th1rough sorneon's carolessness. Skillfully, the Pilot brougét the plane down on the water, andal sxclambered out an te a winig. Thon they became awar,3 of a, second terrible oversight they had ne-lifej acketa! Slojwly the plane sank, and the fathers truggled desperately ini the cboppy son 10 support thoir cblîdren. The son beca-me rougéer. Wben bhelp came, the pilot found ta bis inarrai that ha, wag the sole survivar cf this, f amily tragedy -- his litIle dnughter hnc.d downed -in his arms. Il w.,enl- down in the records aan "accident", but, like most so-called accidoents, il could have beon avertod had a 1111e more enre beo& l aken. Frontri the biggest railway dîsaster down lta the sYmallesî domestie mishap - oven tho breakage af a cup while wash- ing-up - you'll find that saonn- ope's carelosanosa was, more of- ton than net, to bMamo., This ap-. plies te rond crashes, tee, whichi take Iheir dendly tou-,0f Uvem each yoar. And, in tact, accord- ing te tho Royal Society fýor Uie Preveittion of Accidents, tare- Iessness is a factor in nine out of ten of all aéeidents that occur! Carelessness in smnll hinga can lead ta carelessnos In bigger inga,-,. And thats when people's iiv'ces are at stake.. Others are 1eft pained atd bruised, possibly ame o life, just because someonie takesý at chance too man'y or overlaoksý somne trifling dcetail. No chický- ens fly hoine to roost quite so) dramnatically as those 4tamîPec wlth thée couldn't careIes Another of these "ýavoidab1e accidents" toolk placc Et a pit atPontefract, Yorks, flot long ag.Tominèrs stePjped imti tecage, mýsscd 3themr fothold, and plunged 240 ft. to their deaths downvi the shait A special safet "y pin, designed ta avoid suhdisasters, haci been fitted tu the gate.- but it was not usedj! No'r was the flap, an1 which the mnen stepped forward into theý, cage, secured. After haigthe evide(-nce o ten witnies7es at the iniqu-est, t'he coroner said it leemed ta hea an accidettwmhich couicd have been ivo deç w th Pa lttl i ore caýý HOw91)Ca n J? Q.Hwcag»1restore f aded A. Give it several 1coats of watr-clorpaint, selecting, of course, the had of the lleather. After the paint 1has toogl dried, ruh the surf,-e-'well1 with a gnoodfurn-jiture polish and the result will be p1easing. Q. Hw can 1 keep evaporated milk for a 1cng'eir tim--e? A. If the evapDorated f1m1ill takn ut of the can and put in a glai-ssjar, it will stay, fresh for a lne time. Q. How ('cn)I remove Shine from tailored suîits,? A. Wet a (i - npiLce of rruslin in vvitc!h haýzel and spread it .over the shîny portion of the ga en.Hold a bot iron over it until it steams, Then press on the wrig(i, side. Q. ow%ý can 1 darken a pair of brown lshoes that are too ight? A-,By' vrubbing tbem witli a solution of milk, and amna Thon po!isb wýith ?adry cloth. Q. How can 1 make a new hem in an aid window shade when flot sure. that it wilI stand stitichrnig? A.,Vfk a deeper hemn than utsual, allowînh-g sufficient roomn for the stick, gluiing,- the edge of thre hem instead of stitcbing.' Q. 110w ean I bleach sheets? A. Anr excellent mctbod is to hang therm on the Iunie, and as quickly as the sutn dries themn, turn ithe hoso on thiem, Repeat this several tinies. Q. What- kind of meat should be used for making mock ieick- en salad,? A, Use eitber cold roast veal Or' cold roast pork. Q. How cean 1 leep colored shoes in, good condiion? A. Colored shooes sbould be shined before wearing with col- ored creamn poliah, and the poi- ishing -ihould be repeatted after each wearing. Q. 110w can 1 take proper care of a Palm? A. It is nrot well to water' palms too often. It is much bet- ter to allow the earth to become dry, then give it a good soaking. The palm' leatves should be sponged every week te, keeP themn in good condition. Use vour spare time to buld an interestlng and profitable bilslIne>ss career. Underlifle course that interests yOU- * Bakkeelng*Oq~Accouniting * horthagd * Typewrtlng qi Statîonatey Engineeringî ID Short Story Writing *Junior, 1interînediate, Eighexr Accounting *Chartered Secretary (A.C.I.S,) 0 Bushiess English a'14 Correspondence Write for free cetigue today Mayother courses rom whIcb to choose Sy&Cres S. qte t ornto AGENTS VWANTEV GO INTO BUSINESS for yourseclf.. Sel! aur eiciting llouse- wares, watches and 'ther produets not found i stores. No camnpetitian. Prof- its Up ta 0% Write now for free colour catalogue and separate confi. dential whonaleae price sheet. Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Mnontreai. BABY 014CKS FIVE and six week old pullet bargainls, wbile they las t: Rhode Island Red X White Leghorn, WbTite Lë4ghIorn X Rhoe Islanid Red, Rhode 1Hland Red5 N Barred Rock, Ligt Sussex X2CRhode Isla-dv Red, Rhodle Island lRed X Light Suatsex, Califarnia Grey X Mbite Leg9- horm, Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, $389j5 per hundred. 4 weeks old $37,95. 3 weeks old $35 95. Started Kimber pul- iets, one wveek $49.01. Also 2 to 6 wieeks aid Kinmberchiika addt $4.00 per week tIo ane wýeek olé price._Inimedýte deliv. ery TWEDDLE CHICE lýý_CHERIES LTÙ. FERGUS ONTARIO. B'RA-V ean give promlpt shipilent on 6-7 Week old dual purpose piiflets; day- olda to order. Also Amles dayolds an-d .started (high production, law feed cost) Back now for Naveiimber.-Deem- ber broilers. See local agent, or write BRAY HATCHERY, 120 Johnl Northi, Hailtonl. HY-LINE PULLETS AVAILABLE 20 wveeks o14 throughi $eptemiber and October. Also DeRa1ba. l1% fewer replacements chicks hlatcli- ed tbis year Ineans hlgher egg prices ahead. Large mnmbers excellent Ibirds available every ý,manth, vaccinated and debeaked aýs babies. Inquire 110w - NEW LOW PRICES. PIDLER MILLS LTID., Newmarket Ontario. IT is no0 secret thiat poultrymlen are impraving egg profits w h -l37 Kin- berchika Eaz'ly large egg size, bigla rate of lay, g oodlilvability, eùxcellenlt interlor cgg qunality are factars mak- ing Kýimh1ercblks bLtter. A special price discount of $2.001 per hundred off the regular p)rice of $48.00 per handred if order placed bef ore November lat. for delivery anlytime. Also recommend for Alximui Egg Production. California Grey X White Legliorni, 'Leghrn X Red, Red X Leghorn. Dul Purpose, Warren Rhadce Island Red X Lighit Sus- sex, Light Stissex Warren lRed, Red X Barred Rock First Generation BroUl- ers, Vanitresa X Nichols No 12, Van- tress X NichoIs No 108, Vantress X Arbor Acres White Rock. Also NichaIs No. 108 Cockerels. Linited niumber of startef Non-Sexed, Pullet and Cack- erel Chicks, Turkey Paulta, ltegistered Imported Landrace Swine and Aber- deen Anguis Cattie. Catalogue. TWEDDLE ORLON HATCILEMIES 1LTDI FERGUS, OJNTARIO. FOR SALE ALL purpose polislier! Waxes, palishes floors and cars. Sandsa nd drills. Guar- anlteed Good H-ousekeeplng. Complete wNith attachmients, $ 34 95. Pîlnewood, box 541, Adelaide St., Toronta. EXQUISI'E Sea Sliellitems, only 1.1-0 each. Earrings, Broochies, Sweater guards, children's bracelets, novelty thermamieters. White's Pý. O. ox 5.12 Clearwater 4, Flarida NOW, gaad news for mathers! Use Magie No-Sew ta mend clathes an~d shoes, can bie boiled and lrîned. A must in hornes wvith ciidren. Thous- ands of satilied users. Send $1 15 eaebË botile to: Genioa Imiporting Ca., Genoa, Arkazisas, U.S.A. Free, vwitli first arder, gsurprise package af $1,00 retail value. $6.00 VALUE $1.00 1 lb. nylon laice andi net triimnn. 200 yds. 'a - 1" wxde, long lengtha, As- sorted' shadea. Sent C.0 D. Refundable. J, Lanigan, ilenmants, tCalumet, Que. TRAMLER Ifouse in.eteeni foot inaui- ated Electrie brake, Electrio refrig- eratar, Bed aprin,- mattreas; also Davenpart, Tile. floor, Wardrohes, Cup- boards, Space heater, Gas coaking stove, 'lable, Chairs, Sink and Tap, Drain water hasesý. Complete Awvnlng, New truck tires witb spare. Demount- able ria, furliishetd. Haif price, twelve hundred dollars. Baill; Bldg. Pest Mr Nîcoil Ont. 100 ACRES tilanble, choice dlay loam., 2 miles Seaforth. rxcellent water supply, well dralned, pond, 8-roani brick bouse, barnl, new steel implemlent shed. MIra. AHarrison, Seaforth, Ontario. RANGE OIL BURNERS SAVE monley - Save Tue -- Save Worlç wth a Kemiac range ail burner. You eaî, instaIlili yourself and humn coal and wood or garbage too. For fur- ther information and prices: Kem~p Manufac.,tuirlng Ca. Llmted,. Bo-*276i, Guelph, Ontario. ED AUVERTISINO FOR SALE PIIILISHAVE RAZOR! Battery ;powei-ed1 with car adaptor plug 14081 for Sports- men. Travelers where electrie current la not available. $27.95 postpid. Vie Renaud, Knowltan, Quebec. VACUUM Xparts alf imakes. Complete stock motar parts, bags, hase $6,95. Laweai prnces. 9glry~ 98 Dundas, Lonidon.ý COLOR T.V. Nw"COLOR-PIX"' sereen iter iu- siantfly changea dreary black and white pictures ta >wanîidrfiil clor tanes af, blue, amber and treen;, etc. Juat place -uadeyu T.V. acreen, Enjay colo-r on your T.V. 110w for ofly $1.98 pre- p aid or C.O.D, charges extra. Send today! State whether for 17" 'or, 21" acreen. HURLBERT AGENCIES, Rockville, Yarmiouith, N.S. HELP WANTEU - FEMALE S'rENOGRAPIIERS lu great dema-nd. Our ABC Sysieni is easaeat ta leamu and read. 1Traifliin 10 weeks at home. Free leson. Write Cassan Systerri, 10 Easthourne Cresi, Toronto 14. HELP WANTED - MALE CAN. PAC. & C.N. RYS. employ gradu- ates as Agt.-Telegraphesrs. Train at homne vwth code m--achiine we loan Union pay, Free travel, Pension lu- sures practical future. Free book des. cribes. Cassan Sysiemas, 10 Eastbourue Crest, Toronto 14. -~INSTRUCTION RÂRN more! Bookkeeping, Salesman- -bip Shir(arin, Typewritlng, etc. Les- ,sans 5[C. Ask fpr free circular No. 31. C;enaidian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, T7oronto MEDICAL PROVEN REMEDY - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 835 ELGIN, OTTAWA. $ 1.25 Expres-s CoIIect. POST'S ECZEMAA SALVE BANISE the tourment of dry eczema rashea and eepjng 5kin troubles, Past's ZEzemna Salve wll flot disappoint you. Itching, scalig and burnlng ecze- mna, acne, ringwormn, pïiples and foot eczrma will responci readily ta the stainles doriesa ointment regardless of how sttubhorn or hlopeleas they seem.ý Sent Poat Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDES 286-5 St, Clair Avenue East TORONTO OP'PORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN SE A HAIRDRESSER JOîN CANAOA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great OppartUDity Leariu Halrdresslng Pleasant, dignlfied profession, good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates. Amnericaý's Greateat Systeni S lliustrated Catalogue. Eree. Wzite or Cail MARVEI. HAIRORESSING SCHOOL 368 Boor St. W., Tipronto Bran1ches: 44 Klig St., W., Hlamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa B a a OppORTUNITIES For MEN AND WOMEN MONEY froni spare timre hobby, Srnaû investment. Ralse Goldien lfamsterà, New and interestiîn.g pets. Free literîi. ture Gerald Saunders, Box 114, Delta, Ont, MAKE EXTRA MONEY with no0 experience at ail, SELL BELLEFAIR GREETIG CAItDS Giftso, novelties, toys and decarations, It's easy ta miake extra money in you? spare timie as an agent for Belefal, With an outstandlng selection and the ibeal roftsyou recelve there's nSý limit ta the -money you cani eamn. Stant niow, write, todlay for aur free cata- logue and samples on apprmval. In- quiries invited froni Churcýhesý, lub.* snd Grou!pa. BELLEFAIR GREETING CARD MO 224 Holyywoa dAve., VWillowdaIe Ont. PATE NTS FETHERST0NHAJGIL & Coamp an y Patent Attorneys, Established 1890. 600 University Ave., Toronto Patents ail countries. PE RSONAL ATTENTION SPORTSMEN ACCOMMODATION available for 20 huniers, Thanjcsgiving week-end (part- ri4ge) and 1Nov, 1-12 (deer). Guides on requesi. Homne cooking, book 110w, Taylor Lake Lodge, Witesione Oný tario, in the Parry Sound District. $1,00 TRIAL affer. Twenty-five dolume personial requirements. Latest cata- Lague incladeid. The Medico Agency, Box 22 Terminal "Q" Taranto, Ont, PHOTO SERVICE NEW FAST COMPLETE Phioto Service designed for speed and etistom Phot ofinlsbhlng. Ex. pert enlarging. 8 Exposure rail, Con- tact' Sire 40e Double Size 50c. 12 Ex. pasure roil, Contact Size 45e. Double Size 70,. You wil appreclate aur speed qualityaý,nd frlendly dealing. Reinow,,' Phato Service, Erindale PO, Onit. PLUMBINQ SUPPLIES LEARN TO SAVE OnPlumbinq & Heating Materlalz WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Veýrheydeni's Suppijea, R.R. , Si.-'rhomas. Ont. STAMP COLLECTING STAMPS for collectors. Robert G, Ar-, thur 920 Third, Seattle 4, W,,.shington, ISSUE 38 - 1958 M 0, ^LEEPn AIii 11111E IWIJVOSN$I M-L MyT-MOIROWI Tc beha hppy,çnd tronquil rtead of nervous or for a good viqht'es1seep, toke Sedicin tabI.ts occordlng ta directIons. SEDICIIN' $.o-$4.95 TABLETS DuLiýq ýeesonyi N -s N 'N N 'N r N -s N 'N N N -N N N 'N 'N 'N N 's N. N N 'N 'N N N, N 'N 'N 'N 'N N 'N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N 'N N N N N. N 4 N 'N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N k N N N N N N r 'N N N N N N N N Central Ontario Heroford Association 2nd Annual Sa!,e At GEO. RODANZ'S RINGWOOD SALE BARN Stouffville, Ont. WEDNESD.AY, OCTOBER I st, 1 p. m. . 40 HEAD SEI.L 40 Tested Buils, Bred Heifers, Cows witl, cal ves ot foot, Horned & Polled Goverrnment Bull Premium applies Write for Catalogue C.A. Montgomery, R.R. 2, Stouffile, Ont. CUNARD TO EUROPE LATE SUMMIR AND FALL SAILINGS TO BRTISII PORTS At Thirift-S$eas@ni Rates TO FRENCH PORTS: First Class from $282 ROUND TRIP FOR A5 LITTLE AS first Class fromn $292 Tourist Clas, from $179 $ 5 Tourist Clasa frorn $184 VMISSL Frein MONTREAIL e VIESSEIL Frem NEW YORK Te SYLVANIA r. SEPT., 12 GreoLîivIerpol CARONIA Th-r, SEPT. 11 Nave, oliapo j SAXOIA f'i' SEP. 19 Ra-r., Soiýth.mpton MEDIA Fr. SEPT. 12 Li-epool CARITHIA P, i. SEPT. 26 Gr-eock, Ler pool QUEFN MARY We.d. SEPT. 17 CI,erboý,gr, Soatlapto flVERNIA Tri. SEPT. 26 Have, Southempton MAURETANLA Tue,. SEPT, 23 Cobh, Havr,,n SYLVANIA Fr, OCT. 3 Greeock, Liverpeol QUEEH ELIZABETH Weýd. SEPT. 24 Ch.rb.,rg, Sthampto, ISÂXONIA Fr. OCT. 10 Havre, Soathampton PARTI-lIA ri. SEPT. 26 uive'pool CARINTHIA fr. OcT. 17'- Greenoat, 'Lierp.oal ULEN MARY W.d. -OCT. 1 Cherbourg, SoatIhrrpîon flVERNIA .Fi,. OCT. 17 Have, Sauthanipten BRITANNIC Fri. OCT. 3, SYLVANIA $ri. OCT. 24 Qeenock, Liverp.oo QUEEN ELIZABETH 1Wer. OCT. B Cherbour, Sulaip I-SAXONIA ftl. OCT. 31 HavYre, Sothemptan MEDIA Fri. OCT, 10 Live ,P.oo1 CARINTHIA Fri. NOV. 7 Greeuocl<, Live.rpool MAURETANIA Si. OCT.,Il, Hav-, Sethmpton fIvERNIA Fï. NOV. 7 Havre, Sothampton QUîENAR Wed.OCT. 15 Chnboru Sothampt.n SYLVANIA Fr. NOV. 14 Greenant, Lierpool QU EENIZAEH Wed. (OCT. 22 Cherborg Sothm-p t o, tSAXONIA F, L NOV. 21 1-1re, Southempton PARTHiA Fni. OCT. 24i Li-erpo ol *CARiNTHiA Fr1. NOV. 28P Greenock, Liverpool 1 QEEN MARY W-d. OCT. 2 9 Crborrg, otapn 'ý4IV2RN1A Fri. NOV. 28 Havr, Souîliapton 1 MAIJRETANIA Trh. OCT. 30,Hvr.Suomtr jCails ai Quebeq 'c Spcfîally conducted ChrIstýus Sailings See your local agent- 'Y llolEsNO one can serve you better CUNARD LINE Il 0Md _____ Bay lTol- Empire 2-2911 o Corne Bay& Wellinigtort Sts., Toronto, Ont. EARN EXTRA' 'ONEY EASILY BE A COLONIAL AGENT Sou a Complete Line of Christmas Cards - Everyday Cards Sacrod Calendars - Personal Imprint Linos Novelty and Gift Itemis FREE CATALOGUE AND INFORMATION IKTRODUCTORY %AMPLE OFFER-2 Boxes (44 Cards Rtal $2.00)for $. COLONIAL CARD LIMITED .489 QUEEN STREET, EAST TORONTO 2, ONTARIO