A Statement of Principal Th~e hooligans who stopte-d London's race riota are now appeariflg ï,n court -- and fitidngc tliat the hanid of the law can be heavy indeed. T~he stiff sentences meted out should discourage other trouble-'makers. C-i Moniday at th O'd Bailey court, -ine youtbis vho set out an a "nigger humirn41ig expedîtio.-" weîe each se-ntenced to four years i prison. Thý- senýtences were nevsworthiy enogh. But what makes repeti- timn of the details mvortb-,while is the legal atrnosphere in which the Cases wr triedi. hEilishi judge had this to say: YVou are a miinute and inisigif!iat sccotion Of the population, but Yu avýe brought shaie upon fthe district in ,which youi live and you aiefilled the whol(ýe tationi witli horror, imdig-nmaion and disgutst. Ev- eryoe irespctie f the celer of the skin is entitled to walk througlh ou"r str'eets fi Pea-ce with thàeir heads ereet and free from fear. That is 5 ih w~c hs couirts will always unfaihmng upheik." That waýýs theu rt sple-nd-id statemient of piiciple. It was al- nios ant-cliax wen the jukige added that but for the fact that tRi prsoerswee yun,v'wihoI!t 1prev \ions co vitioshe woul dhave- impoed nuchlonger sentences. The jugment of the courts he[p to keep the racial trouble -i riae Fuel & Lamber Limited eroito, Ontario Phqne 14816 CARI> OF Te KS ail cf d'i d friendsis L 1 d E T O negieisfor ir ,ay11id oxpr-'c sin f p d col lerce dur- DIRECT ACTORY RICES ing their recelit Woreavo ]1ent. We os- C FTAKon MAluinnui Window- Deors, Awn- pecýially than fe Rev a, ,r s t, d I would ,le at this ing1]s and Rail' gS. FOr lee esti tes' DI. MeKeazie ýnursea e ra- teteSay hakyuteour many do ad R te,..No. onil ospta, wmn etRi mm-friends and ?ctustomaers in ro nud2,On. bers cf thie A. ,and .anki m-em- district. Wuare trnl yte leave bers of the e iet er Rebekah Lodge such a wonderu commurn iy. But sucit Ont De Lavai lilker *th new miotor is life. M\ay Goki bless echcl and everyanonItrnin Saatrwh ï\flteur emotor. Frnkan PndMaKae Apply Mn.. . cnock, Orono. a-p WHITE-A t eteiborough Gvic Hos -___________ pital on Tiur day, Septo bý-llth,Fi STRAYED .zateth Jane <(Elsi&e) jotit Whi tAR' i Prom lot 8,nosin8 r bt N, ife 1f)1e, nWhite, A.R. 4, ov TAK August 1701j tw ya.14avs(Ilere- mranville anti sister of/Gale lhoýtt,i erl ni oiiGaun _htetr n uh )Any aforaons Laehrs. s. Whit rested at her thank etverv4niP f , i 4surbothelue whereaouits ofsamie, pleasel late residene,- Servic was held fi" sn crd yijter, ank Je.ipoe35r13; J. LoYwery "bl roueii-l ,ntd rhon Sunday, Sept. - rn akt ffÉt'roteWAa l4th at 3 o' cckr. lieu lWers, KrvAser ~OP[ UNITIES/ donations te a i. ane uk tth epti.A eithanks teO Dr. We haver ueigs er aessive dea- would be e ateki. ArrangLemnents MeKeuj, ziei pd thersesand te the lr.MneM rui.Tedac by ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h Mors-uea hapl oumn Iýcor - estiablish aprofita Jýbusiness cf ville.-cou own. A f1r trial uil show you _____________________what you can alyvd and ean. S'ell we]l-newn n ,glteedproduiets. BENNTT-ddely t mavile ~llih counlssin. isk. Write for: on nidy, er~be 12 198, rek r ¶~e e details andi cat e1 un FRlFAMTLEX D 615.,,16re1 Delornimier ericek lenry B nnet1(tC a '2 ycarsa , 1 - O--n Tn4 nnrdive Morai owR. 4, Bowm e. 1) ar brother o ~ ~ WlimJ. and; Ben j ond Edith uE rl, 1h 1th St ay Sete pbe enet.Servic n'as eld at thee . atiMn.or sahv fu a risFunral àpo, B anvlieonpers tie n pl d n-te cuirb.T next drive wi Iioih o ne irsl aud r eýnday, Sept or l5th at- 2 o'ciocKU r u îi1S S i h Interment Bu il -ncmtery, Nvme. Va -MERCER, Wýl arn-At Bo a eC MiNG EVE.r H1ospital on Fiday, Septeiub 12, 1958, Wllia11mercer, blvi sad TcWA rn ntdCurch cf Irene Grant, delar father cf Jean,. Wîll erve t eîrTupey dirnuer o (Mrs.Vance Sci), Helen (MUrs.Ed- Monday p.li, (Odt r 13, "Thanks- m-lund Ceuroux 0,4 . etÂ(s. Charles *ivn Da". Kind kcep thiî'S dtelu Reaci, GracC (M\1rs. dwndCeat- md arn), anid Go ge, lii is 59)th year. He rested At ex au SIth Funeral khapel ant Port opetili noori Moaday, thenice t e Ke]ai, nîted Church foir ÇOMING EVENT service ith erenut at Orenoi Cemetey a1 Tue ep rmeAtnecof e Eveniang Cmty.a uxi'liary wiIt1ibe oheiki T hay et 1Pth <tonichit a t 8:1.5 p.. in tlue Sunu- The RUTTER GRANITE day School iimof th OonQ Uniet Chuxnch. A rhpresorna cof the ,Pire COMPANY Marshal's Otfiîe, Bel ville. urill show pictures on j 'Are yo safe nilHomne". Phone TU 5-5216 Cerne and Ibig a f ati. "IBuy- Orono Electric PHONE 12C C4NTRACTORS FOIR FARM and IlOuISE Free lEstimnatesý APPLIANCE SALES Prompt andt Gnaraateed Repairs te aIl kiuuds of Electrical Equipunentl -and Applianices Siicb ais Mtors - W'ater Heater-. Radio)s - Stoves:- - Irons ftapi! PIONEER NAchil Èr Il»iYA Î'u One light-but-tough -.Iloy castiag frcm bar mounting to rear handie! Here's your guarantee cf the lengest Ide under the teughest cuttbig conýditions - only with Pion-eer RA! Lokzat, these ether RA "firsts ý, toc . . n; -cff hced fer instant serviciag case . . . big, pisteon rti-ed] power ..ycu can't buy more chain saur for- youimoney! Test Pieneer tenierreur! OEALERS NM AND A DReS NOU S RIAL . ENINRINO LIMITU Im NARDW Ï rono, Ou~tario Phone I4~ ORONO FI 5H AND HU CLUB A~iemeg a metil cf the Oiro Fish and iut Club iilbu eM on Menday, 'S4pternber 22nd Jat 8:30 p.m. la the Oro eMu cipai Butilding Satuday pteber , Odfeio s Hall. Admis ýion 59 ce S. New re rds areý te be prlsD ortt mis it! ~TheGir G des re tarungtheir regularmee' g n T esay, Septem- ber23r-d at ýeAr curies at 7:30 Chatham lP.0. Box,103 Ontarto FlIyd ichls.n Phio e 1r12 Orono Fomud anmd seplic Tamkg S patiret. Fer-ma availahle NEW CON.INUE-FLOW FURNkCE IDEALER Partnier Piumbinq and Heating, Tyrone, Ontario, has been newly app9inted as a deaier anci installer of ContinuerFlo gàs and oil furnaces, conversion burners and water heaters, carrying a fuil line of Continue- Fie w arm ireating and air conditioning instalIatiorn equipment. Promti, 'courteous -and expert service for ail home owners, new hom-e buyers and bulesin the Orono ýreo is assisred both by the qualiity ine of Continue-Fiv products and the experience onti integrity cf Partnier Plumbinqc and Keating. As a Continue-Fiec dealer, Partner Plumbing qnd Heating, is in- a position to offer a unique, extra service to homne owners by the use of the fr-ee Continue-Fie Keating Survey. Says Mr. Partner: "The exclusive Contin.ue-Fie Heatinq~ Survey means that our service includes mnore than just ibstaliq a high qujality furnace for you. Before we recomi- meýnd a furnace, we want te b. sure that it wil be exactiy -the right lîeating unit te best suit your hiome's heating, requiremnents. Using îhe Continue-Fie Hea#nffl$urvey, we check the iayout cf your home fromn cellar to atic. This. gives us& the comprehensive technical information wve need te engineer t fe most effkient andi ecenomnical installation, cus- tomdesigned te fuifill your own homne's heating needs. There is ne ob. ligation foýr this extra Continue-%I Service." Partner Plmmbo£g andi Heating is conveniently located at Tyrone, Onaiphone Bcwmnanville MA. 3-2204. Their complet. stocks of Con- t*inue-Fie warm aýir b)eating and air-conditioning equipment and com- pete-nt staff are reaýdy a3t ail times te supply a comnpleeservice, rang- ing frem-î quicit service andi repair te the iýiitafiti of a comVplee hetfin9 or a' cnitoaRgsystem fer your home, DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SUJRGEON Veterirsary, Medicines, Biologicats and iInstruments Ethically Dispenseci Sphone 1016 Oreno, Ont. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ÔNT, phones. 'Off ice MA à-56;,8 Homec MA 3-55533 La the Offices o)f R. R. 'Wadfdell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO Friday 7 p.m. - 10 D*. Telepho-ne 138, Oroiio Auctioneýer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furnîture Sales Cons§uit me for ternis and dates, Phone 5 r 18 - -Orono TE)JArNKsoN -Auctioneer and Valuator ConduCts Austien sales of au siim' andi at reasonable rates Commun icate with him at Port Perry Ontari0, or se. bis CIenlc, A Moi-ton at Orono for date. 4LIFE INSURANÇIE Penision Plains; Educationial ý iîs Protection anfd Savlntis Pians for Chiltiren -antduls;Mirgag1. surance Plans. E E.LYCETT STAFFORD BROS, rhi%àtWhj&y 1à SFINE QUALITY titis laât trlfrute wâltl gtwi j Yeu enuùla. gcomf*t. Are 'f.uProtected eyoreur.ae e Ph. !2516 Res. 25 mî__ 10 e