Ore~,I'adFor Bdvi1 Tus ILymonid.g of lst week r clfo ue r dare Cftn whie retae of tw o omingpidgeons E&rd County, wpcereysoCrelAte i~~~~e reIIie i ta h(y eurA -!~ose ùe flamin ap- wastng ch of Lth t.Tron Firernin's 3-Cioney-sà ving Voý:rtex Go* umer bIankets ve B UDI ih of h atig surfa cwith ridh radiant heat, T 3,04 y substani fuel savings. CONVn -UR OLD F-ýý'I 'ý1CE 02 BOILER, OR ýNSTALL A SELF-FliREU UNIT Wh1'y pay for bieait yo're flot gettin i? Ani Iron Firemn Vortex can be installed in your pres ý't furnace- orbel laJust a few 1hours-and tiren watcbh your fulel buis onhom.-e Comfort go up. Complte sl-ird Vre iaicontrol!s. phone or wri',t- hSý week ure, fo FREE srvey. SIX- BUTTON VESTS Supe-r Botanry, mtnmothproof- ed, plain bacek and checked front, with two-welt inset pockets. Colours grey wth caca beige with brown Sizes small, mediiumr and large. Priced at $7.195 CARDIGANS Super Bitan--ymtn mothproof- ýed, cable stitch front, 2welt finset pockets, designredO and produc<ed for, log ear-, Colours pebble blue and grevy. Sizes 38-44. Priced at $1O.9 100 percent Super Botany Interý lock-knît. V-neck has double ribkÇec, looped-on band Mitir, mothproof d.' Culours Cherry, Powlder andgre y mix. Sizes 36-42.F Priced $Q-.95 'Y CET Ims On s«xtaking we were liii or hacharrived s lu t cime heur ~eii~g r4'~ased Pli CALIl' i IIA RRY ORCV~ E. LYCETTI FOR MEN CLASSIC VESTS Super Bot+an3 iti-ohpof ed, 3 vei cal buttoni holes, knmitted -onibbed1 waistband. Golour Chierry grey mnix andigee.sizeSs small, me- dium and lre Price$6.94 COMOTYLE CARDIGANS Sup r Bota-ny, 4-buttons, bell sleeve- -2 tone s-harp stipe On neck- band d pocet trim, -welt top in- set ockets. Grey mnix wiýt hbarcoàl an white. Sizes 38-42' r..Priced at $1995 1 Mr-! and s.T.! liille J. H Moris n ChrchStr(e[t, Orono. Mr Svink~s sals ad service rep faIyand Mi'r. and Mus. Roy For-ý- i rste an f milsrent ithe weekend( at Mzin1)a w lak. Mr.Ross Taylor and faniily of Windsor ar:,e vf'sitinig iwith i 7r. and Mr.Clias. Taylorwhe Ros s È beiug trnfrred to a new porstÂon inO- taw. r. and Mrs. Taylor and famlilyl vvil occupy their apartnrent in Ottawa Ocoerlt. Dr,. and Mirs. J. H. Leslîie and daugh- ter Susan of Peterhorouigl vis,ýited this, ;eek with Mr. and Mrs. Wnr. Riddell., Mr-. and Mrs. Murray Duni n ad f(am- ily of St. Catherines visited with Vrs. Wm. i Co)wan. r.and Mrs. H. Le Vallant oif Skcaï- boýro spent the weekend wî7týI hehr par- ents,r and Airs. J. stevensonl. i (pCo n *Armco Steel Construct*eon *Eco0nomical Opepcafion Trouble Free Whisper Quiet 20-Yeair Warran UALITY BEYOND Ci THE ULTIMATI IN A'T ANY PRIÉE. 45.00 CoN!Ti 4: Wi ; 5t ê HARE Y Pf Phoire M 3240 ontin dtouble. Get a 'Bo nuskuckwith ev'ery aliar spent In Drygoods ,_,/ XI Reps., Pat Reid, Pete jTulips, daffodjis, byacinths, etcj senbly AI UcAre opm Au Day uo4mw - 00. LTD. I PRifCE.à ON nlDsberry, ulifforwj Long. GaeX Reps, KathýY Foster, Du Gra'de Xi Rep& Joa-,n Aln o GaeXII Rps, elen Hancock, Ardy sutdcli. UN ÎTE D C 'AU C i (-v. EBaslL SUNDAY, SPEBR2 Kirby 9:5om Lesk.ýard - - 2p.n SUNDAY SCHOOL 2-Ir, ............ Leskard Nylon HCeirs ult ess sheer 15 denier, full-f a kbkledl........55e/o,(r 2 pair 99c, CoimiaJuboQultPatch ýs, rx.5 yao ma~ral go fr akgapronis, pot hlo1lderiS., doilclote& tc. unde..........6e Ram uddlrs, ghtx ei x terpoof prtctio OPEN FRID111AY OroasFe &Lnbr iue Or-ono, OnfaHIDo Pht HUNTLEtnloIGH SWEATERS Tyr.uoe Pink, M-4- -ýd S F < 1 IV