Onions 3l 9 e WATCH TIS ADVERTISEMENT FOR NEWS 0F THE BIGGEST ýPPING EVENT 0F THE YEA-R Ansdioae- ut 4tu the srjUol' 1)r OcL2r 17 Caceddvs yse, ecnl By Pete Leuks aOlS a aepsIl xr~ A enefit ac eie egxeteisLldt comdt h~lre OMHSG=eeClub a ncae!siot0in"rrmenstuths arl. thear" ih "d sFia h en-te nhe dacn Thillbgiwn a 930p.m. daste Grade T ,elve sorm roo sraypast funeions in Oronoand thle ec eriý. rveu iote addin priso L ý i as earned is wellj knownvi. To oftf co l' outhspakrthese prov--ide a jfit ingbrak wherein to reSt' tuent1uingth lb a a orm o tifeetp, theGiClub(?y ij< render aere nable t) hear disinctly the sor serlof its lighte-r soiec-tions sclas evieteo.,ec sholdy "Okahoia"and "The Long Beach] S."For those whio havýe ani appetite Like the exenio nhe P.A. Systm, exceedigngtr ear àw or uscalitte issuin119gof lockers last year !te luc llbe seve10rng tems-grd XIstudens mas desiged to au- sonomeat he îmuntinig erolmeý-nt, g LJ o g g g g o n o g fi Ô Ô Ôo n o a Ô Ô o g g o g [I Studenits avre to be chargedf a $1.011 admIissinwileoutsiders xil, 1be ad-1 mitte-d enly ini coules .at $2-50 per cuple. Proceeds from the anc will go te supply musiù for tho GIee Club. We hope th at the people of Ir1ono fl continue the support whichtey lhavel gIven uas in the past by turning ou,- "en mass" te atend the dance sued ioc~cers, their feun eas rOom chaxes ïareacopsed ih sile. l nree regular cýULaSsroomjs, a lahbor- atory and fthie conver-1ted C Conijmercjba no,,,, 0wserve thé 116 suensat- tenddng OHIS. S>ice thene will net suipply the bnue uintil dark. Nov>w ïs vyour chance- requ ired amrouint of money. t he Gle-e to b)e rid of thIoseý stacks ef ermpt Club wiilliohld a pop) bottie carrmpain pe in the baisement se watch for -thie on Wednesday evening; October 8. lTîe maibesof the GeeClub nextWe- blitz wHi beg-in at 6:00 ýp.m. anid co- esdaiy. How sun Iron FireMaun Mcoeth lme in a piME astng uchf te heat. IrnFima oneysavn otexoil burner bLajnkets everjy Why pay for heat you'Yre flot gtiAn i ronFren Vor'tex can ýbe instaýIld h ou reet unaeorbo in just a few hours-and then mach yom1 fuelbusW don oecomfort go u.p. Comiplete el-irdVo-;- Unmm raaua ble te. Exclusive Iron irma a mati conrols-Phoe Or write this wekSure, for FR F ma ny, Or... Fuel & Lqrn e -i e Orono, Ontarlo p ALIL -K IND SHFIEE..T- TA - AND Plusnbing Supplies Open Daily 8 a.m. to 5:-30 p.m. Z%. E.LOGAN, Prop. Pham11916 I ~ - * 0n, ~