Leaý a vc of W,. of L a IC Ilrilmenfi ber i lathese et days. Iry, of tChe State- iWe (cannot, as; Chfstians, she A menilers thait accept ail the world'ssanrd tke churcli mon-i day. Christian standards are fo is the timce when ealieniging tlie standards of thle e-imonstr-ate its We mnust put the, inmpor-tance' on s and in societyv. itual things nather than on vw, ndance, leaider- possessionls; the willi of Godthx fe tion, an earnest mingii, factor in 'He dclsions -we itivation 0of per- se that îa a reai sense al life is ip loyalty to and according to God's will or again of the church in the goal true maturity. rjL Kin, New Manager 0f Orono Bi W.,b King hias now taken ,.over whecre hie attenided bath the el e.,, duties as J\Jfanjger of thle Pr- and secetroshes rnchi of the Canadian Baqnk of Outside of banking hs inte îere. r. ingarrvedat the10 Curling, Ge,',' and Fishin.ý bran-h ton Wednesday, October'he active in such orgaim Lions GItib. new, OronoManiager, priorto1 Mr. and Mrs. Kingý will resý gý ta Orono, was Accontnt abnk house on Mlain Street. T 'rafich of the Canadian Bank of two children, M\arilyn î8 ïand ne (fuI V rite Inispectox Re Kintergardeni The Orono Piubllc Schoo! Board met iTuesday eveningu at the sechool 7hezil fhetyionducted thenýir nthly Lisinless. At fle meeting the Trustees appoint-I [MArs. F. E. Lycett and AMrs. Wm. ýic as supply teachlers for. the Orono~ iscussion foillwed to1rnýint in [the Pubii 9-1960 terni. The cedto contact- i ny children were in start school next ye- ary is to contact M ii informaition ilon ai .tn- at the Or1ono sel sechool ssary ýnsliip c ti ventures wnîen,. greater amount t discussion was he, public addreýS sys is in Clarke it e approval from franchelise fi The repruel uef mon01ey 'lu ao place trai geof Orionî chise the( s'art work l Forrester, i Police Trust tees werei moiVet 10 DwJ mill manage iof the Canadi mssion Rl. c.* orono0 dress Carni- . The Caraff- u,rther lenth rn hW E. Dent itaçdtht it waS P( te rou that it Couild lie more feisible tu the sec- se to orle comlpany forC es to Ob-- the se< carry on as manager,.Mr. Ibeen manager of the Oronno the past four and a half yea ýer To Plan UNICEF Hallowe'en Penny IE ono and also aid in due Tii eves hbad and lhe uist ofiutes the bwuild- 1MAain -open for wyre<I l'butte. ThethOia hleS wou0tld Tlii ants came tha C'oacl at the urono nestaurant wiien fmn- 1ie '.iieu oLQy a pli took part in the discussions, have the childrenl of the Viltage( nionies on Hallowe'eni night inste ie minutes w-ere approved as reail candy and other treats. The se questions arising eout of the min- is to follow that of other centres pertained to the Stop signs on the thie children colleet nianey whi! nstreet anid regulations for a tturni over to UNICEF, a fund - kiag yard. Littie light could be byv the United Nations to he.1p1 Win on eithier at this ti-nie. privileged children. It vias voicec e Orono Police Trustees asked too mucli cady is generaily col] the Chamber contact the Colonial each year and that the money ýh Lînes petitiaing. for bus service certaýin.ly go towards a most cause. A party is to be held fo childreni for the canvas and plan io be arranged by Messrs. J. C Second Ylear tbviadA-J eil tMr. Warren Watt informed the2 t e 0 f O fficers in-,the Orono Gkc Club wereh 17 wlth a fine orchestra. He rs would hielp the Chaniber of Corn- everyone to ateend this dance- ree organise a IIaliowe'en penn A1,J. MeGIill president of the tne vote wxitfflthe tbat sonie voters [)y those conte[i ,whîich was comt thie frein The~~~ JgestdthtviusprAduli . S;tudy Group Dîscuss. Welfare Council isoyO Th B* Presents Views On Hsoy0 h i 'W1hyte Haveni Twenty-.five Persois Were 1present atfothsprtagnanefth theOroo ondayeve~ sh people whijjle the ,New Testa -Uvom" -Wliyte's residene for child-in and enitered into a. lively discussion ws assemh:lled for al i anikind. lis typ se of id eut wii id not bee 1,I was we have been very an offer of an unlhn ilnai, Sweet appke co9o These we Llephone ordersï îor. More details w t, Tlit yh the s decif 1probr beghaif of the n of Transport. 1t rua film on t1he care tîme. endi opini vForrester were Es ny new busines- L ipo n 0town te xtnd se siness section. A 1. ýs is to be made îs in ýes tif buiesses eptfe a step te en, 2. ten ofthe AMain, ýe next P fo Sep-I Thi -the vot hl lea le[es USL e '"second tCiuiC