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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Oct 1958, p. 6

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FRAME-UP - Here',s what went on -la pibduce in appeaflng pi- tur-e of urench actres3 Mylene Demon-geoat as shown elsewhere on this page. A battery of cameramen shoots away as sh8 JuggIes 'hi picture frame and the seven cnicks she "adopte-d.' il P. Ctôrke >Nell, that LW.1. me1(etrng scs- im"Sort aI feelIîný that imany cd ta take place at aui home iid ofyu may flot know about but, t wveek actually camne off as I which I do. Howýver, 1 told inned, There were 'imes, when rmyself that none of the things. ,ondered if it would -- what tîTat cauli happen was likely ta h plumbers around a f ew bu a major disaster and, Part- yra beDfore; drapes tha~t 1i1ner ,vas warking like a Trojanl W' sure wauld be back fbani 1irîide and aut helpig me to * cleaners; one or two hot. pet ready, so I decideçi every- rnid days whlen the fluor wax thîng wvould prabably turn ouf u1dn't set and that awful, aýil right. And il didý ýery "l'Il - neyer -bry'i- Joy an 'baby Russ came al- ong shortly before noon bring- î., with theman cteara Glorious ini Coor friend who had 1been) lookang for- w.ard ta the meeting. Joy being ;iere ta receive people left tme f ree ta meet aur guust speaker -t't ooksville, who was nane other than Miss Ethel Chapman. editor af that splendid , littie Ei magazine "Home and Country" When wve gat back we found neryforty guesti awvaiing her nrrivai which did flot surprise- Mme ,rme at a-il. Miss Chapmani is suci Xaspenid speaker that she, , always sure af an attentive andr apprciaiveaudience weee she gaes. Last Thursday mas n., e-xception. Miss Chapmnan's theme was art- ucation -- that i< in its idesL pl sLape. Education as it applies ta W.1, work in particular. She cmr- -~ t ph-asized the imnportance af en- C, YU raging and sing Ior-a1 tai- . . . . i nt as far as possble in arrang- ing progrmmes but agreed th,t it was also necessary ta invite o utside speaýkers for specialized subi ects. As, for instance, member of the Libtary Boari la explain haw to malte the besýt use of Iibrary faci'is; a rep- irï>,8î esentative of schrc for the re pli itarded, outlining thei wci, rkjad thWayýs in whichl the W. .can -iîelp; a speaker an the need for local conservation authority and a study of buymnanshîp for home- 9 purchasing 'ieeds. Miss Cnapman 'vas erY strang an tire las;t 'icture this peacack spread in namned subject, dieplorrng fthe [es aind greens, or shadles of r.îodern trend ,in advertising; tn-e color-beaty for a bed. mass hysteria in huyýing; going ti p shapyi (ceewahoassibl)y Degance made easy! Drama- î]Fteen items on aur shoppint peacock i1 cos-sitc-1 ht and comin-_ homne with twe,,n- 15 to inch. Pattern 6N: 1 nefr h egd ils isfer one motif 15 x 11/ ty. cin effet she b eged he ls S5 % x, 6% inchcs; clor giib avrisn:ta estimteiu tr, key. v, orth, and the npcessiýty, 0ftheir ;end TBUIITYFIVE CENTS purchiases and -lot ta be overly amps cannot ha accepted) ocendin thavýing ail the un1- postal note for safetyî for t-aegadçgets j ust hecruse aunr pattern ta LauraïWhèeler, rriobour bas them D'mn't bê a y 123 Eighteentb SL. New afraid ta be different. Confai- antaL, Ont. cmitv has its m-rits, -she are1 rint plainly PATTERN NUWI. but mwe must, be an gtuard lest R, your NAME and AD- il kil orioinality and initiative E 8S- ai ~purpasaý. ýsâýbonii-.sTWOý7 complete Those are just a few of tL% terfrs ar,, pinted right in ~het tuched 0on in i LAURA WHEELEP Needie- Chiamn,'s address. Thýere, wenc t Bookt. Dazens Yfother d e- otnyahers In fact 'it wa fu I- s yo ull want t ',0 -ofs nIspuestans- that- could wW -nating handwork for your- h- nmade use of hy any branc!h your homne, gifts, bazaar :r o±'nn ts programmnes. One is. Send 25 cents for your vfry od id'n wns Ifor mbrs ,y of this baak today! to submit, snqnnmiusy writtet, i-r speakers thecy wpdlike kW bece included in then mrronthily pragra8nmmes. And then, ,3.ter tie rmeeti-ng lsdwhat a buzz of voices! It xx as moure conspicuaous becau-ce ori the quiet, rapt atetin hat ïuadc prevailedwhe Miss C-hap- man was speaking. Thel unchb Camite did itself proud" and n,, one seemedl in a hu-rry ta get ,aw3y. Finally the la ' i good- 1byes were said. Joy, Ross and Our elderly guest also tok heir ýeave 50 then, Miss Chapmnan and .I took a short drive aroinrd thp country as 1. was anxious for lier taLeSe a few of thie lv recside'ntial Spots in ti district, streets and roads thaàt the av- raetraveller allong tlhe hg~ way wciuldn't even know exist- cd. er hnwegot hom-e again wue f(,und ,Partner 7had 3washied al the dishes, put the furnittire, b&ek where ît belonged and geni- crally speaking had the houqe irestored ta a sembilance ni order. ir wats a wonderfutl hClP, Same- timres I have a feeling I1 chose the righlt iman for a hosband.l P1artner explains away is help- fulneý,ss by Saying12 that becaýu;-e h-' can no long-er doý hard, pyi cal work-, that leavesý him freeý tib do what hie can in othie! wa-ya. 1nci'dentally 1should menîtion 1 was out to another 1,W 1. meet- ing the day befare at wihMis., Mary Fix, R(eeve of Tor-on!o TGw,ýnship w-as guest speaker. She gav-e us a very clear picturc cI her duties but unfortu-nately thý-ere was nio timne for a ques- tion periad. That was just toc bcd as, beingl taxpayers, a neigh- oar and 1, promipted by aur re.- spected husbandsz, had gonerir- LCd wiýth afewenC1S tijoons7,taM -which we wntdan1swerCs. .1 broughit back twenty chatirs 1,om thie Wednesday rmeeting j ea dy for mny affair next day. Priday Partner and I took ,themi back ta the funerai parlour froin whence we thought they carne. But ownership was denied, Stu- pid me - 1 fargot therewa mfore thUan one fiuneral parlour. Finally we found thiecar came fro Streetsville and -,o Peventually they were duly re- furned ta the proper awiners, af- ter a htIle unncessary travel- ling- around the country. Modern Etiquette bY Roberta Lee 0. Sbouild garage employees and service station attendlants be tip-erd? 1A. Onily' when somne special Fervice hsbrnperformed aut- side of what is regular1y charg-ed for. Q. To settle a discussicn we had reeently, will you please tell me just w1hat are thse purposes of a dinner niapkin? A. To wipe the lips bef are dirinking from the aeglsS that the glass -,il! flot be smrear- ed: and 'ta, wipe the fingers. Q. Just wvhat is thse proper way for a womiantot introduce her husbind?. A. To friends, as "on"and ta a-cquaýintances as "myv bus- ban d " The two rnms af safety are "my), husband" and "my wife," since they are proper no PRFIN TE D 'P A T T EN 141Vi-24V2 EVERYTHING you wnnt in thsPrintedl Pattern -your faýv- orite step-ini style! Bodice ai easy-sew trick-,ses slimming f0 afsiefigures-gracefuil prin- cess silhouette in back! Printed Pattern 4572ý: Hait 22½ 24/a.Size 161/2, takes 5%! yards 35 -inch fabric. Prinited directions on, eachà pattern part. Easier, accurate. Send FIFTY CENTS <50<> (uise- postal1 note for safety-Y - stamnps canniot Le accepted) for this pattern, Please print plain- ly SIZE, NVAME AND AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order ta ANNE ADAMS, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., Nýew Torontc, Ont. mnatter ta whom you are tailking. In busiessç, "Mr. Bmy.ith" and «'Mrs. Smiith" are quite correct. Q.When are bread and -colts served at dixnner? A. As soon as the soup is served, the roïls or bread are passed3. Mo,ýt papular container these -days, is a shallow wicker basket that has a' fringed napkin laid in it, and several sorts of bread displayed. Q. May au invitation ever be properly written 011 a visitinig ca rd1? A. Yes; a card may bce usedi for an inlvitation to0 a tea, La me-et a ,guest, ani informai ULance,, or a bridge Party, ISSUE 41 - 1958 SLICl CHiCK - French movie star Mylene Demnongeot makes n oppe-ating piefure as she displays some baby chicks given her by ai Fr--och travelling showmcin in Paris. But bow cornme th* fra me-Up ?

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