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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Oct 1958, p. 7

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Just Pick A Ccird -Any Card! F'ar n m tle night, coins van- ishied, carda materiaiized out o! thin air, rabbits poked thieir noses from pre-vioujsly emipty hats, and simlar acîs occurred in deliance of ail niatunal laws. Tic occasion: LasI montl's twen- ticîl annuni New England Con- vention of Magicians aI 'lie Taft lotel in New Hayon, Conn. ini tie burgconling hobby af the amateur maguician (lest catiï- Mate: at Icast 50,000 of thora abroad in tle land) tuis wns a typical gathering of flie clan. Among tie 400-odd registrants, tlere were doctors, lawyers, Clergymen, industrialists, mer- chants, college professoi-s, sales- mnen, two policemen, andi one funieral director. There was no record o! nniy çnndlestick maker but there wns one baker (AI Gosîmari of Brooklyn, N.Y, wlo bilied himscif ns "lie baker wlo's a f aker"). For lince days, tley wntlhed eacIb other perform aI forii and -linformiaI slows, attendod lectures and worksiop sessions, demonstrated new tricks, and sjlopped dispinys set uop by tle deniers ini magic apparatus (in addtiioni to tliousands of joke and novclty shops, there are cilcnfirms in tie US. dle- voted exclusýively 10 therea- ing of magicians' paraphernalia). Star attraýction wais Cardini, tle suave, monocied dcivrac- laimed by most enthusinsts as ,le finest sleig<l-f-adpor- former of this or nny oth(ren cm. A youthful 64, Cardini producecd fans of carda, liglted cigarettes from thc air witl a]! the old skili thnt made him a vaudeville hcadliner and a supper-club stair. To tle neoplyte, Candini lad this advice: "Mvagie is a greal hobby, but stay ouI of show business." At magic conventions, tie pro- fessionals iobnob with tle amna- teurs 10 an extent unknown la othier pursuits. The renson: Most .new Magic effêets are crented by amateurs or semiprofessiânals. The professionals are too busy perfecting what they lr-endy know 10 develop innovations o! fhi own. John Mulollnnd, author, lecturer, and n, good gray dean among prestidligita- tols put ilt tus way: "Magicianis are naturally gregarious, be- cause magic as a hobby is basic- aliy a social oullel. The good mnagician must like people." lHe tin ticked off a long line of proniinent amateurs: TV star Jack Pnnr, ventiloquist. Edgar Bergen, and actons Orsoni Welles, Harold Lloyd, and Ches- ter Mor-ris; and from îlhe liter- ery past, Lewis Carrol and Charles Dickens. James C. Johnson, a Hartford psycliatrisl, delved a bit deopor i-b î te motivation of the trick- sien. An amnateur margician 1-i- self, le chnnactenized flec aver- age amateur as "n rather inf an- ile personality." Doing tricks, he said, represonts "a personal ncting-out of somne ratier primi- tive needas of tie indîviduni Îjn tIe handling of symbolic mater- il'" For example, in puiling n raîbit fnomn a laI, -,llbai is a wanorderfully abundant uterus tint gives uirho tle raibit." But ai leasi magicians are basi- eally loneat, le snid. "If they wxeren'l doing magic tley prob- ably .would le emlezzlers or c-onfidence men." On lie credit side, even psy- ehiatrist Johnson lad soine kind words for île magie loblylst. I have Icen to a good snany .)f these conventions," 'ha said, "and 1 have neyer met a mragie. clan 1 could actively dlislike. - Prom NEWSWÈEK. How Ca,, I? - B7Anne. Ashfry Q.HOw eau 1 drop llquld ON WVAY TO RECOVFERY .- Dodgei>Qr catý,cher Roy Cmael bas a big grin and a wink for ail at bis firsi aopen pr-ess co- fereýnce in New York since ho was paraily-zed in an auto acci- dent. Campaunella bas regained partial use and control of bis armrs and a new neck brace permits greater freedom of bis neck cind upper extremities. Double Murder At Cliff-iop Tic sercois-fnaced barister settlcd lis bobbed wig miore fîrmliy on lis brow,. And in tle crovwdced courtrooniata Bodin Assizes on tînt blenk February miorning evenybody leanied for- ward 10 catc h îe first words spoken by Mr. Scott Henderson. Il waýs almnost clildîsh, îlhe engen expectation on nny of theýir faces, Even ,le jury, con- prising stout-loarted Cornisl- mnen, found il lard 'Io koep thein faces impassi-ve. For thcy mwere Ilere 10 give a verdict on a cr 'ime -w.hich lad slockýed .île West Country. Tic landisome, -well-built young man in tle dock, Miles Giffard, was dharged witlhe icmuder of lis parents. Ironicaily le was ap- pearing in n couirt. where bis f ather lad often nppeared -in île past during lis twenty-tlree years as a solicitor and malgis- traies' clerk. Mand Mrs, Charles Henry Giffard wcre a loved and ne- spectod couple, -weatly, proud owners of a large bouse on tle lofty cliffs aI Carylon Bay, Portîpean. But the Cornisl f olk knew Miles Gi'ffard as a "rumr and wild on-.e." Hie lad studied, and failed, for lie law. ie lad dabb-led aI a few oier careers and made a mai of t11cm, 1oc. Then le laidgone 10 London. There, amiong t1he ploncey Bo- iemians of Clelsca, le ad found Lis way o! life: wiid par- ties, leavy liangovers, attrac- tive womren; highi-powered cars. Broke, youngý Giffard la d c iorne hiome 10 lis parents. For a while tley kept him., Thon, on November 811, 1952, their son r-epaid their kindnress by brutal nmurden For tînt horrible crime tie wns nowv standing in tle dock aId Bodiniin, waîing for. Mr. Scott Henderson 10 open tle case for tle -prosecution. From îlte outset tlere was no dispute tînt Miles Giffard ladj done tic killings. But thle de- fence relied soiely on tînt argu- ment tint hie was insane under tIe long-establi shed McNaghten, Rules. Suci s. defence promised a diffîcult limie for the Jury. >Tiene would be imuch medical evidence that wouild le contn- ary; tîcre wvould b. complica- teý-d argumne nts, Yet such, a defence was aiso a calculated ganiiblc on Gif- fard's life. For the jury con- ~sisted of countrym-en. AndI they were likely 10 bririg lard com- mon sense bo bear wlen tley carnie 1 analyse the tecînical arguments. Tley were likely to, sny: "We are flot sure wiat al this is about. Let's forget il." And ihen a de! ence o! guilty but inisane wvould be rejected. Tha4 wàs the background wicn Mr. Scot Henderson rose 10 open lie Crown case. He lad a rare gift of reaching lhi inids and moitives of people. Hie hd brougit.to10the Bar- a rare fixture of simple eloquence and skilled forensic thougîit. Hec applieci loti in lis opening spIeech ticthejury: "This was prneditatedi mur- der. PlnnIned , - ancipanned over days. So le struck the first blow against lIe defence case. Miles Giffard hardly spnrod tie bar- rister a glance as ic t elling phrases rolled off lis lips. lie stili showed no inîcrest when Mr. Henderson described the ac- tuai killings. For a moment Mr. HWepdcersoni paused and the sileiqce in the court could aimost be heard. Then, picking up a new sheaf of papers f rom lhis buiky, rib- bon-lied brief, he started 10 renqd Giffard's confession. A confession that contained mud disin as "T scroung-ed around. . . . i lad been ivin.g from hand to miouth T .Ihad been drink-ing lhonvily'" And of the kiliings: "I lit them both over the lhead with a piece of iron pipe Everything went poc- uliar, I got into a panie. Thore was blood everywi,ýhere." And tien le admitted puishing both lis parents over the cliffs to the rockà far belo,P There was silence in lie court after that amazing Con- fession lhad been rend. Eyes looked withi revulsion at the iran in the dock. Even tlic jury could not conceal the hon- ror on their faces. But tînat confession wvas a bl strto the defence. FPor,an d MrU, John Mau,,Lde, leading ton Giffard, suriïeiy it showeud that the prisoner was insane? IV!,, Sco't 1Hendorsýon was rendly for thnt. lie was able tc, prove that Giffard, who lad gone 10 t London after tie crime, had planned tle trip days -be- fore the kiiling.' "Tînt," said, tle barrister, "thnrows a light on tle way lis mi[d wns beginning 10 work."' And le lamimened home hLs Ilemne on coid, calculated mnur- der. TIen came'thîe medical cvi- dence. First, a Connish police pnthologist. lie pool-poohed the sugg-estion tînt the injuries in- flicted liad slo-wn signis of mra- niiacal strengîl. Thec defence dlid not press hlm; le wýas 100 adamant for Ileir liking. NexI mb lihe witness-box went a psychiatrist, Dr. Roy Craig. lie gave the defence a badly nieeded boister, Saying tIaI Miles Giffard lad a split mmid wlcinle committeed tle crime and did not lfnow what le was doing. Mr. Henderson rose 10, cross- examine. "Do you not consider tînt Giffard is nothing more waster?" Î.i Object 10 ticewrd 'as- ter.' Il But Mr. Henderson. pressed. And question afler careful ques-. lion started la make îlee doc- tor's argumrents look a 11111e less., secuire. Tlien the judge took a laRnd. In one dcevastating ques- tion ile asked: "lias il not ôccurred 10 you tînt by tlrowinàg lis parents over tle cliff le thougit 'Io hide the wounds le hmdinfiicted, and tînt tint mnigît lead oine 10 suppose a degree of reasoning, tînt he wanted tû cover uop whiat a , a s AGENTS WANTED SE1~ bibles, unobtainable stores, SpParo or u time. Attractive compmis- ,ïioiis: QuahlieatiGns easy. Camnpbeli's, 231-WP Windasoi, London, Ontario. Go INTO BUSINESS folr ureli,. Seili cur excitinig bouse ,vares, wvatchies and other produets not gotInd ni stores. No COMPetitiofl. PrOf. fttci up 1 500%. Write now for' free eýolour catalogue and separate confi. dential whIolesale price sheet. Mýurray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Siontreul. ARTICLES FOR SAL.E -RAZORS, electrlc, portable. iisherman - trappersý. "Guaranteed". Delivered _q.0. cLeaj1, P.0, 1297, N.E., Hall- faNS. VELVET BUTTON BERETS IMADE ln 8 sections. 131alick Brown, Navy, Red. Beige, Coffee, Powder, Sand, Dior, Mint, Coral, Orange, Tan- gerine, Turquoise, Wh'Iite, Pink', Tel- iow, Grey, Rioya, Gold, Purpie ' Bottie, Wh1eat. W'ine. H-.ead sizes, 21½, 22, 22½ inchea, $2.00 each. Money Order. Post. palcl. t. & B. ' auatring Corn- pany, -1A St. Lawirence Bvd'.. Mon- treal, Que. AUTO SUPPLIES & EQIIPMENT 18U1L Utllity Trailer from ol auto front end, teel 1or wood trame. No welding. Profits, Photos. Bot Plans $1.00. Un')iformn Traiter Service, Box, 620 thaca, New îork. B1ABY Ci4ICKS !BRAY bias dual piupose pullets, 7-8 wee olfi, promnpt ship1n(nt.Dyod to ordier. AEso Ames dayold i 1 d t rt.- Order Noývemibe-Decembýer b rollers nlow. Ask for priýceliat.Sec local agent, or wýrite Bray Hafthery, 12Ci John N., HamiIfin, hie lhad done, an-d that Éthere- fore lie knew whbat lhe had done w'as wrong? Dr. Craig refused to accent thlis. By nlow the jury ,were wilting uinder the medical evi- dence. Buit they perked Up wheni the Giffard family docto-r went into the witness box. He had been called by the prosecu- tion. MVr !Maýude rose to question him. Hie haui to tread carefully The famiily doctor lad to be wvon over to the defence. His words would weigh heavily with the jury. But in answer to one of the first questions, thie doc- tor said of MiEles Giffard: "The picture wns more of just an ilie littie waster." The court was -hushed. Then, slowly, as if 'he was feeling his way. Mr, Maude asked if he stili feit that way about the prisoner. The an swer was an emiphntic- "Yes." That one word probably did more than anything else to swing the balance against Gif- fard. The rest was a forrnial-ty. The prosecuti n br-ouglit on its "str"-Dr. 'ohn Matheson, a prison medical offîcer and a veteran of scores of mirder trials. lie tore to shredis the idea that Giffard wias in-sane in law. lie said he was selfish , . , -and likely to use violence to attain lisqwn eds." 1Mr. M aude made a valiant last effort to win the jury over. lie repeated over and over again that the jury, must not think of revTengle, tiýhat they miust bc calrn and balancedi in their judgment. The juryý made their mnincis up in remarknbly quick timie: Gif- fard was found guilty and sen- tenced to death lie showved no emotion. But then rmany an- other colclblcoded killer has left the dock in a siil1ar way. FALL FROM GRACE Having just been married, Casey took his bride to sce hi mi play. lie was looking for a chance to imipress her, and the opportuniity arrived -in thie very fîrst inning, Hie looped a soft liner over third and made two with the aid of a magnifîcent long look slde. Sb.oritly there- after, he scored on. an infield single, evadling the catcher wîth another brilliant slde. At the end of the irming, Casey struitted by the boxc seats and murmired to his bhd, "How do you like ilhe game so far? " "Very inuch," pîped lis love- ]y, "but yoit' cold be a littie More gracelul. Ydèx tripped ;SIFIEDJ FOR $ALER FBOM the Bayous of Louisiana, Live Spanlish Mqoss,,. Shipp.ed prepaid. Send $1.00 cash or mnoney order. Du1ke's, 1601 Lobdell, Baton Rouge 6, La.,, U.S. A. WNOOD -F5BRE - CHIENILLE ALL mterials for artificial .fiowers ini- cluding plastie foaýM, Write for whole- sale or reta il price list. Fiowlercraft Suppiy Co, 4543 Klngsway, Soutir 1-lurniaby, Vancouver, B.C. COLOR T.V. New "COLOR-PIX,, screen f0ter in.ý sýtanty ly chnges droary black and white, pictures 10 wonderful color tonles 0f bine, an>ber and green, etc. Juistflace outaide'your T.V, screen. Enjoy color' on your T.V. now for onfly $1 98 pre- paid or C.0.D. charges extra. Senid todsy' State weterfor "o 21" screen. HUR'LBERT AGENCIES, RockviIIi, Yarmouth, N. ISTRUCTION Arnmore! 'Bookkeepiiig;, Salesman. s;bip Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les- sons 5W_. Ask for free circular No, 33. Canadian Correspondence Coursea 1290 Bay Street, ToronatO LIVESTOCK Carruthiers Soral ARE an inexPerisive and qtLck treat. aient for the FIRST SIGN 0F SCOURS IN CALVES. Give 6 tablets every 6 hlours up tq 3 doses. Purchiase front youtr druggist, or niail order to CARRUTHERS DRUGS LTID., LidaOnt. GOOD flESULTS -- EVERY SUFFFERER FROM RIIEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY OIXON'S REMEDY. MuNlols DRUG STORE, 235 ELGIN, OTTAWA. $1 .251 Express Collect. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BA1NISI] the tormient of d1ry eczemfa îashes snd weeping skin trouibles. post's Eczewia Salve will not disappoint, you. Itchling, scalinfi and burning2ecze- mna, acre, ringwormn, pimlples and foot e-czema wl respond readily 10 the stainless odorless ointmrent regardest of how stubborn or hopeless they seeni. Sent Post Fret on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 26-S.Clair Avenue Eat TORONTO OPPORTUINITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN MONEY front spare lrime hobby. Small investnient. Raise Golden lIanisters. New sud înteresting pets. Fret litera- titre Gerald Saniders. Box 114, DeltaL, Ont. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANAIDA'S LEADING CIO Great Oppoirtunllty Learn aalrdre(.ssing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of suiccessful Marvel Graduiates. Amierlca's Greatest SYstenu fl7lustrated catalogue Free. Write or ceAi MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St W., Toronto Branches: 44 Rig St., W., Ilamitton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS tiTITHERSTGNEHAUG1 & Co0M Paniyý Patent Atorneys, Established 1890. 600 University Ave., Toronto Patents aUl countrie-s. ISSUE il - 1958 a a e # PERSONAL AýDULTS! Send 1W for wrusfnle fovelty joke cards. Free catalogue specialities, herbi remedies, vitamlins; food supplemneils. Westerniý Distribu- tors, Box 24-1"C, Regina, Saqsk. ATTENTION SPORTSMEN ACCOMMODATION aval'able for 20 hunters, Tiank:sgivlrlg week-end (part- rldge) and Nov . 1-12 (d0eer) Guides on request. flome cooklng, book iow, Taylor Lake Lodge, Witestone On- tario, ln the Parry SOtsndI Distr'ict. FIGUE SUNG OMBNES FOR- WARD AND BACKWARD MANOEU- VRES, Outdoor Interests, Goodwood, Ontario. MANUEL 13A VARGAS, ATTOR- NEY AT LAW! Box 1305, Tijuana, Mexico. PRESS Card! Sec Sporinig Events, pas Police Lines, take w,,iih you every- where, Send $1 to: rqlanc Pr'ess; 123 Se. 4th, Chiekasha, Okilihoma. $100 TRIAL offer. Trwenty,-fiv!e deluxe personal requirements. Latdesi cata- logue încluded. The Mýedico Agency, Box ,22 Terminal "Q" roronto, Onit. SMOKING 100 MUCH CUT)ý downii he easy way. Che-w "Kwits,'- the new anti-smnoking clieing gim, Takes the cangawaly for bOurs, Contains Lobeline - a new discovery. Price 69ý1 package, 3 packageýs For $2.00 postpaid. Wlso's Lab Prodlucts, Box 200, Markhami, Ont, or your local Drug9- gist (,au procure [hein for you.- POULTRY &LIVESTOCIC IT will pay you 10 switch1 teK-l*3ý7 Kim berchiks this fal. imbera lay areearly quality eýýggs in volumne, live well and ihave rel1atively goodl resistance te Leuicosis. Sa,,e $200 per undred by prhsn Kimberchiks bef are Novýemb)er lat: forc eivr anyt-1im-e. Aiso hatçhing otlws' egglaid dual purpose breeds; lat Goenraion Broilers: Vantressa X Nichols "No . 12, Vutress X NcosNo. 108; ¶antress X Arbor Acres WIbite- Rock, i1bols No. 108 Cockerels; TuIce Polta; Top qmaJity registerefi importud Landracc Swlne; Registered, Accred4tedl, Aber- deen Angus Caille. Visit our farmn If possible. CalaloguIte. TWEDDLE CFACK HATCHERJES LTD. 1!ERGUS, ONTAIO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 150 ACRES, 20 miles west of K'itcenel' iighly productive, buldings modernl)y equipped, Malcolm Davidson. Newton. Q.How can 1 fry oystexs prop- erly? A. When frying oystcrs, first wash and drain thent Season-ý with sait and pepper, dîp in llour, eg 'g, and then cracker crumbs. Fry unitil golden brown in lot fat, tIen drain well and garriish ithI parsley or lenfun;, To be0 hmppy und tranquilJlsleaid of nervous of, for a good nighlts sleep, toa Sedldn l% ablets according ta ecto SEDICIN sî-u TABLET$ trs ur New -concept.-. LUDELITYi featuired in the 1959 Emerson Royalty Line! *Iooait.engle, true-pieture ,ewinq Here's how Emrerson 1959 Royalty LUne - brings you greater TV pleasure: Full Poer Transformer Chabsir, ensures, un~- ràurpassed reception even in "fringe" ar(eas. New Tru-sltm CCbinetsý fit in smaller-than1- ever apace. Super Ccscode Tuner brings ini sharp, clear pictures and sound. -Magic-Memory Tucb Controi restores the audio and picture yoix pre-set wýith one- toucIi eontrol. UIMITEU 14 renton Ave, in a varîety of handsome styles and finishesi

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