TI4UPOAY, OCTOBER 1", lm#5 Plan Work Bee At Orono Rink; This Saturday, Oct ober I8thi A director's meeting of the' Orono Amnateur Athieic Associaeion was held on Thursday of' iasýt week witih eighit present. The main item of business was plannfing ta o omplete the rink ln order tat it mnay be ready for ice in a mnhor two. A wo-rk Beýe waýs pJianned for this Satsrday noringand afternoon whien it is intended ta lay the cernent floor ia the basement. It la in this area that two dressing roo-ms, a furnacr eorin and a storage room wili be Ioc,ted.* E'ach persanl was given a number Of naines ta contact for assistance bult everyonle is asked ta assst in.this day lo1ngu cernent Job. -The Grono Figure Skating Club are ta, furnish refreshj- ANuAL' ïeMEETING Thursdayq October 23 MAKE SURE YOU ATTEND :~; hevrolet TeekForo tariRarriveel New might! New modelc"s! Newmnysvigpwr Chevrolet's mightýy e'w IUne for '59 rolis 'tn with wo-nderfufl rnew ways to ride higli costs right out of yourýi operation. You find a niew work,--whipping ineup in every weighit cLass, fromi spacious new Fleetside pickups and roomiaer panel bodies . through brawnîer series 5)OH and 60H1 middlie-. wei,-ghts.. to a toug.her thian ever teamr of Chevrolet heavy duty haulers. There's sturdier new stamnina ïn ail rnodelis, too.. tougher frames and~ axiles, stronger suspen.sions to take il the punishmren-it your toughest schedules can han-d out. Checvrcolet has mighty niew money-saving talents f or Fifity-Ninve, enginieieed ito each 011e of the powerful new engine lime. Fromr the aptly named Thr-iftmaster Sîx, through the new and vig.orous V8 range, you find fresh cost euttiîng advantages in every model. Yes, thie Lest -ellers are b tteitan ever,. . . com,.bining tremendous new Je-velop- ments with the traditional qualities that have mnade Clieyro1et' far and away 'Caada's number one truck. Se your Chevroiet ààaIer today. 11e lias the -model that was made to fil your bil better thfan -ny other tru.ck you've ever knwn. Chevole Tas Foce 59 Trucks!o 1ICHO0LS ~W ANVILLE- ONTRIO~ j metlts Bees are expected to, be heid durLng the next two Saturdays and froffi then on it. wll be evening Bees -until theý bilding is conipleted. The Orone' Chamnber of Commu-erce bas a sum of $150,1.00 for this project and are liopeý- fui that this amnount carn be spent 'onu lmaterial onl-y -with hep being vollmrn teered. The annual mneeting of the Asca tion is ta be held on Thursdah, Octoýb- or 23rd. At, this meeting the organiýza- tlion wiil plan its annual bansuet frein 1which they hope to gain funds ta carry on winter sports for the children of the Federal Govt. To '~Ontartio wil sell Ottawa its niewest, toughest reformnatory and al provinces ~ iil surrender their langer term pris- oniers under plans laid at a meeting in O1ttawa reCentiy. Dominion and Provincial justice Yi- Jficials agreed that ail serving sentencez, of a year or more shouid be in Feder-. ial prisons and subject ta intensive re- i forn effort, Those serving six months andles Jwill go to provincial jail, There MEli be no sentences hetwen ' six mnonths and a year-a period con- sidered too long for ordinary punish-' ]ment and too short for ef fective - C formn JAt present federal prisons take zil suietenced 'ota to years or mare, whie those- serving less than tVwýo years, go, ta re-formaitories. The change will be -completed in about three years. Justice Minister Davie Fultani said that with thie Prison population being Sw4elledi by about 2,5W0 Ottawa will of- J fer ta biiy somie provincial institultionlJS nia lang)er needed by the provhiices. OtrasCostly- new Millbrooik Re- fo aor II Lbe one of those takeil The two-day imeeting aiso ag,ýreed, Tat a ew national approacli te dru, addiction research and treatmîenit must be 1 wokdout; That prisa)ners under 16 should flot be keipt hiaadutit instituLtjins Ùless coýn- rae(there are about 130 under 16 now laadult prisons); 'Ihat a new prison for Frenczh speak- Âng wome, and ýssiNy 1vother wm ensprison il;l be hulît. That prubation sses h dbe Tha.t mare finarniial hLcp sou bei giýven to aenAelwich id lreieaSed" w o u l d h o p e r o n s r e u t g " p n i v and usteial realent. The risn tems ould be f ar thosex sV1o ýed"pnitive and srelformative tretnint. Heaf itd~aisrtsadjde vud acesoe euh ecsiî,l determiniKg i yp oM sntnc1t A GEN;JRAL MOTORS VALUE See the hest yet of the best seIIers.. N.-v 'l;lý"-^W.qANVILLE