Like ail '59 Chevvies, the Imipalal Sport Sedan is roomier, smoother riding. whart Caniada wat,;s, Canaicda getsf in a Chevy! li's shaped to the modern Canadian faste writh a lean, clean silhou-ette, cris p new, contours, beauti- fully restrained accents. Il brings you miore spaciousness and com fort writh a newv Body by Fisher. Il has a brighl new sheen - a new kind of finish that keeps ils lustre wilhoui waxing for up Io three years. Newv bigger brakes. Vast nei' areas of visibilily. New HI-T hrif t 6. New handling easîe and road steadiness. It's newv right down to the tires! Neyer before has an automobile marnu- facturer nxade sl4ch sweeping changes two years in a row. And neyer before bas any car been new like tlhis one. The 1959 Chevrolet is more than a restyled car - more, aven, than a com- pletely new car. It's your kind of car. Shaped to reward your new aste in style. Designed o anticîpate your desire for greater roominess and comfort. Engineered for greater safety, econo- my, ease of handling and smoothness of ride. Your first look shows you that Chev- rolet says new like nobody else. New Slimiline design brings entirely new poise and proportion to automobile styling. Inside the new and roomie2r Body by Fisher you'll ilnd truly tasteful elegatnçe. And you'1l have clear seeing from e'very seat. The new Vista-Panor-- amnic windshield curves overhead - and there are bigger windows ail around. When you take the wheel, you begin, to find that Chevy's newness goes do»n deep. A new steering ratio makes handlingy easier. New suspensio-n engi- neering gives you a more stable ride. There's a sweet new edition of Tuirbo- gYlide. * Eight V8's plus a new Hi-Thrift that goes and goes on a gallon. New and hig-ger brakes. Even new tires! There's still more! A new Magic-Mirror finish that k%-eeps its ýhine without waxc- ing or po)isbing for up Vo Lthree years. Neýcw Impala modeis. Wonderful new staton agos -including one with a rear-facing rear seat. And, with al that's new, you ffind those 'fine Chev- rol)et virtues of economyv and practi- cality. Stop in 110W and see tÈhe '59 Chevrolet. *Extra-cost option., Bel Air 4-Door Sedan - new right dàown to its tires. AmLL NEW ALL UVER AGAIN! ROY W. NICHOLS UC>WMAN VILLE -ONTAI1U@ iaUY George ¶o tXhUnted ountieselEl- stu-gneer, is in charge of the Tauntja rond project and decided on the cul- ing the time and moneY saved by the 'to bé new structure. Mtlhough there have bein vert-type of' construction after weigh- jM , been no actual figures given on how xisting miuch of a saving there is, froxn al re- Ig cul ports it is beleived to be considerable. fifteen1 A secod similar bridge ýwill be of the of the Taunton road which runs from built at Elizabethville. the other -eod -Oshawa hrough the UJnited Couinties and passes jttst north of Oronio. Work on this bridge will get underway once the anmpton one is comp>eted. The Eliz- abethvil' thesae ,fia- mnettr lbut will measure 180 feet ini lengthi. Under the direction oýf the ý Watch Tw er Society, JehovaWl"S wtos~ as- sbldat the Lida C&eae iG7yrnnasiutTl fo>r their seni-anflual1 cir- cutassýembl>y asL %weekend. The& is sessions on Friday even-e- presicling inîster at Bwavilled adiscusso ofeïm4ne in the lield minSstry. A baptismal service was medo Sa5tuirday an-d 17 permons wecre bpie in the eaig by means o>f discussion and demonstration, the importa'ne ofci sefrvn the people's spirtual néeds,4. homeible study was stressed. The pulicleture given on Sunday i aftýern,)on bjy Victor White, district sup- er'Visor, -The Watelh. Tower Society 111 Go's Purpose' was heard. Mr. White h)riefIy recounted the history of the atch olwex SocietY, sho'wlag a frm 'Sis ineption ln 1872 it has b!eenj eote o Bible researi, andtrog thousands of persons lin ail walks of * tsy ministerial activities undreds ,of itýe have corne Vo Lnow thedinewl uthe Cetor, "In His great propheLcy aboutth en"d uofthis wicked world," Mýr, Waïte states, "Jesus indicated that o w,$Ould use ah channel of commnication at this timne of the end, whlich hoe woudduse Vo sound an warning. The question arises, wlvo. And atter qujo- tinIg the Holy Seriptures a ate 24: 45 Vo 47, Mre. White poihted out that blhe Watch Tower Society is îdentitîed with this "faithful and discreet slave.. who is abundantly feedinlg 'is dûmles- ti'cs" with Spiretual food ai tis time. rs.Atbkètes Yitrs- (Continued trom ,lpage 4) ford Long, Russen y'oung. Discus - Ed ûBoýee, Max MNicCo,,nn, Terry Carleton. Pffle vault - TeirY Carleton, Ed 1Bo- bee, Wayne 1-ogg SJ<Ot put -~ Terry Carleton, Don Dan..- chuk, Les1ie AsscIstine. Hop, stehP aad junp11 - Roger BarluwYf Rýaipj Bowîers, Don 1anehuk 88-yard dash .- Cllft>d onTer iCarleton, Leslie Asseistîne. Relay - Grono, lackstock,M,. brook, Intermndjat. boy.: 1 00-Yard dash - Wayne Baile7, Clem Wilson, Gerald Brown. 1Disc-us - Larry Ashton,, Wayne Bail- eY, Ted Nattress. Runining broad jump - Gerald Brown, Larry Ashton, Larry (4bb)s. 11gl jumpl - Clem Wilson, Bob LUn- acRon Gay. 1220-yard dasht - clem Wi!son, Ceal Brown, t.arry Gibbs. - ead SShot put -, Wayne Baiiey,Lar iAshtonl, Wayne Raper. Pole Vault - Wayne Bailey, Gerald BrOwn, David Challice. rHOP, step and jump -Wayne Baiiey, N N N 's' N 's' N N 's N N N 's' s'- N N s'