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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Oct 1958, p. 8

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"Dear Anne Hirsf: f confess thaf my w or-St tault is anin i- clination ta bc, Jealous. 1itel'i mnyseit bow wron-g if is, but "'Ou know bow vlittle e rs stick i VU i yr md.Tellirpg you. about it will help ,. . y us- band -works whýere thiere arie L, lot of womren. H-e often talks about bow ïmucli fun teyail hiave, and 1 amn begiïining ta wonider whectlier lie detOo., ,He daims bre neyer flirýts, but you ko bwa rman loves [ta lie notîcedl, and a clve oman can always flatter hlmi into bav- ing an affair. "--And wbat cari a wif e do who bas ithree small lildrin, a lot oft bouseworký, and nio tim- ta fix herseit uip? Wrkinig girls cari spend mioney on tbe-mselves, but the provident hlousewvife just cýan'f justify spendin)g raney for pretty clothes. "When we are witli people my busband is the orig-inal lifte-af- tlie-party, but lie doesn'f esert, himselft t make fui- for us 1er'e at home . . . . Please advise me-, 1 need saineý straiglit talk tramn someone like you. WORRIED WIFE"* YOUR CHANCE * Jealousy between wi-ves anad * business girls lias existed ever * since girls began ta earn their *own living, and it will co- *tinue so long as wives envy *girls their pretty clthes and *their "freedcrm," and suspect *their husbands of phlander.- *ing. Yet wbere is the wife whio *hasn't flie frst chance 'ta keep *ber mari contented af biorne? As -you say, it si'f d.f1icit *for a clever wam-an ta flatter a man, 1wncerwb-ether yau *have applied this psycbalogy *ta your husband? If lie is thec lit e of the party, it is becauise 4 lie enjoys the applause of the * cnowd. Why don'f you supply >1 applause af home? * Why nat take time out ta *flatter the manl yourseltf? * ui1d.lijm up as fhcý lord of h is manor. Don't Jet a day *pass that Vyou de iýt Say <o(r * mply) how proud you are of *hlm, ho tflicchiîdren look *forward ta bis coming homne? Delon bhis attractive mani- neshisý appearance, and * -so im that you aestili Edatractive, o. ntedol e * cring ourlack of mny *takeC 20 minuteýs out to fr-eshien 11* upfrbsarv » Ut on-a * elom s smie, and rmiak *hlm Égi ad he ma-r1ried you. SYou uwil1 object you havenri't L imie for, suc11 nonsense, but a wih ittle planning you can * igIlten bis moodi and set the *tone of the een alead. *The fact that tiQr husband * pasof lthe iU1 they bave *in the offic-e ind Cjtes, to my nimmd, bow ligbtly e takes ;t.1 If hfe were onfli t lookýout for a, aflirtation, lhe wudavoid, *the subJect, not revea)l it. In- *stead- of doubting 'hlm, be a *trusting ,wif e; your best se- *curity is to take if for granted lihe is entirely l oyaLl. Many a *stispiciouis wifýe bas sent ber * m[an ta xr-aia affairs by sowîing the seeds in) bis *mind. Caring for smiail childi-en *and a bouse is an exbausting *and often a dul job. But it * s part of a wife's responsi- * hlity to crecate the atmos~- Spliere of the home; if YoQu w *keep yours pleasant, evenl gayv, *you will find your husband * more the mran who courted you. 1 don't know of any atti- ude that brings richer * wards. *Chin Uip! You can do if. A MEAN MAN "Dear Anne Hirst: My hsbanid draws a veterani's disability com rpensatiOn, but lie is ma.king ýOne awfuh mnistake. He doesn't know wvhat lie owes our five childien. As each one reaches higli school lie niags thminto getting a jo)b, and hreof them bhave aready left hom-e. 1 am xdesolated. "I can't do qnythîing- with him. ie w'on't gi1ve mre iluoney or unything hbeyond barest needs, I neyver car go anywhere, and one of my youingsters l1ias neyer seen a mavie! My -yaol hias Just left for Service, My youingest 15 ssix,,. "Wh-at Cari1 i. d? MS * Your busband ;s a Short- *sigbted ,man fteedrý1py bis chul- *dren the education tbat would *fit 'fbem to hold profltable po- sitions ater on, To sniafcb them ouf of grammnar school * and force them ýta gýo ta ork011 is (,!hea-ting tli'(n-ouf of the * uiler lite thaf nost parenlts to attaprovide. *Perbaps yau could not pro-ve *thaf lie does support bis taiin- * l-y, but there aure other essen- k fais ta decent living than shel - !Ite and food. His f llure to *providle those ba-s driven somne *of your chhldren away fromi * home, 1 know how you dread *the future of the youn-iger ones, *Conisuit the legal authorifies *and fell fhem iyot'r story.Itt *ls likely that one o--f their staff can explain ta your busband * bis responsibilities towarýd bis *chiîdre.n. Since his income is *adequafe, you say, thiere seems *no ecueta deprive the * onscers of their rightsand * make2 your lifei happier. n A suspichous wvite crnchng a1 loyal mi) into an une.faithful one; liftakes a reai ca)d tg be- tray a trusting wif e. flu any thnef aif trouble, write tao Anne [Hirst, and know you c-an trust her. udmn.Address hier at Box 1, 123 Eghteenthi St., New Toronto. by J robra e Q. Wen ia man isinvited ta be the guest 'Of a woman ext a ban- quet ,îor imi1ar affair, lis if proper BEARDED FRIENDS - Capt. DeVers Baker, skipper, of the Raft Lehi IV, seema. toi,. comparing 'beards with his mascot ciog, ~Tangora, following a landing in Honolulu after their voyaige. %/INGERxcFARM 'W3vet-.ctottrý.e P. Ctôtke Along f!lic back ofthflicve-,,ý table garden we bave1 a row 0 f bluge suniflowers. From sa lineI sfalks flihegolden badsare ai- monsf touching- the ground lie- c-auseý of thieir greaf w veiglnt But thaf doesn'f' hînder fthe birds at ahi. Bluiejayï at tibis moment are cll,inig upsîdedown fth ce heads in thIeir deferminafion ta gef at the succulent seeds. We don'f mmnd; that's wby w grcw flic s-unflowcrs, jusi foa ttract the birds. Flowers and birds are bath cbeery fa look at. Hlere camec threc m orie bluejays. Lovely birdis in spite of their tiflovely cry. Wc 'have seen quite a lot of robinis lately fao. 1I wnder wby? Ah. hiere camnes a yeliow-bDellied sap-sucker and, 1 fhink, a kili- deer, ail peckcing away and figlif- ing for poition ai fthe samne six or se-ven suinflawers, ftle onily ones on w hei seed is ripe. The ,sfaïrl:ings don'f sceem fa be initerested. And do you kzîow, we hardly hIàaay 5sparrOWs liere af aIl. Canaries, anaoles, carwaxwý,ings and fthe bird('s previously mnentioned, but ver'y few sparrows. At the farm they wvere fifigaround by flic lun- dreds 1 can'f say we- regret their absence. I like ithe sangspaârrow, chipping sparraw and thie liff le :whife"-t'hroated birdis, but bouse sparrows.. flic only fime 1 airn la)d ta se tlem i s iniw fer, their persistenit chirping fol- ioîga sud!dýnnfhaw ïi,,a]vayvs Well, fhls hbas been more cir leýssa weltof "catching up'" - caeigup on a littie rest, a fe 0W etters, a bit ot vissitinig, PartIner mawînig flic lawn and fhe usuai bouischald chnores fiaf ge ta mkeur days wbaf they are-. On oflýi rm wc neyer knew wb,-af ifi sto be bored -- anid wve dni'ft. We kecp busýy in mnucli flic saTric way but ta lese dgr.Asy,ýu have prob- aboly, guesse-d whén wc get a lit- fle hmsc for farm ii e we pay a visit f9 one- or otber at cur friends wb-o still lie re anb farm. There Partner is aiways ready fa pitch in and hielp with wlihatever work is in progres For i-f1af reason lie lways frw a pair of overalts and hîgh rub- ber boots inito flic baclk f fthc car. No , snse in ng fahelp wihfic w.ork unless you're eqiipped for flic job. Wehl, flic scene bas changed a bit or rmaybe I should say ifs scope rlas wdne Back of fthe birds and fthesurfflowers an earfhinover is af work, diýýging aà basemnent for, yet anotherga staion along fhe Dundas Rigli- wjay, If is a tfw7,O-aere 'pRrcel 01 -and rtiîing lsack t lic'brdr ine.()f ôur pocf.When -we first came if was the site - a lovely bouse and a beautifu garder, The owners sold out tau anïal campanry, suûfthe pres- ent activity is the natural resuif. 1We regreffed the diemoh'ifion 01 flic- bouse and gardon but since fbyare 'gonie we now Ài~di futo u a wch present proceed- ings In tact there is pleenfy go- inr, on ail araund us. North and soutb ga-i mains are being 'in- sfah-iled; a litthe ta flic west water pipes for ftice village af Erîndal, are being laid.And nonefo soon. Sa nnainy wbIls went dry this summner. PPeaple bad ta gef t1ieir w ater from a spring a mile away. No doUbt scarcity of wa- fer lias previ ously frightenied awvay any ,wo1i1d-be, in-dustries that ïmiglif bave wanited ta settle here. Nôw, wifh water installa- tion in flie near future pract- cý,ly a certlainty, 1 arni won.der- ing what wl l appen nexet Wili picturesque ittle Erinidale dlis- appear as sucli, as so man,-ty othier villages hiave donc before if? Already the Woodlands subdi- vision has, replaced tbe lovely stand of bircli, maple and rak that b ad been there tfor years.- True, trcs fhave been 'Left stand-, ing here and there whPiever poéssible but there isn't muitcl î.ronm for trees wýhen bouseýs are built close together. Toj the east of u that is between hiere an-d Cooksville, a large chain store is ta be built Near flie new hospitai lJins arýe iunderway for flic construction aF a Medical Centre. And sa it goes - developmenf everywbcre. On our quiet litie crescent, and flnexi road over, tliexe are a numbý-r of vaýcant lots. WVe won- der how long before ýonfractors m nove in and build sil] manre bouýLses. If can'f lie mu c-on. Rlouses Lnd gardens art bettes' than cdifse vacant lots. Somectimes vwe vwouider why ýweed inspectars are ever 'appoint ed. Townsýhip weea, inspectors vîsit Irlmost every oecupied farmr, in- sisting that weeds lie CUt or: sprayed. But et n a 5rrin b4sold -40 a spcectlator or ta the D-- partmient of Hîgbways and what happens? Fe 'sart left i'die: veLds 'grow and seed-seed '(!)a, is arried by wîndl, weather and birds te kutivafcd areas, Sur1ety, flic Departtnent. of AgýricLtuLre could bring pressure ta barin tire right quarters ta make land!- owesresponsible POr lepn tirproper-ties fri-e rftrîoxius waeeds. If the,, go scot froc wh baLrasshatrmrfor flie \wècýds li has been unable ta contri No fariner likes we& n bs hand Ybut thecre is a linýj1t)ta iyhat he, cari do&, especia1ly u'thil, l(pT th'at i,ý oîf on icmeet n LAN NE I1 R STj KnownAnd Love-d- The World Over Soonier cor taterin lalmost any barracksý or barroom,smen wvill get up anid rcie The Shooting of Danii ic G r ew. " Eveýrybody knws ow t'le bal- ladbgn:" bunchi of thie boys isere whoitopingi)Ït up ini the Malam-ute saloon i .."butflot many know mulI about PRobert W. Sevcthe mar', Who re1 e Dangerous Dan McGrew ,anýd allier aiycbstdcharacterS like Piouis Pe-te, One-Eyed Mike, andc Bla['shemou)Ls BIh Ke evcesrobust Yulkon výerse2s became kno à nd loved the w),orîd over; Dan M-cGrew; alone earned hiim a hall a million dol- lar-S. Yet S;ervice ws neo thIose cele-brities wbo people always assurpe2d had longsnc died. Ris Upasalon mfor' persona.ý privacyv wa S such tha:t Theý Timies of Londicon once listed imn as dead atithlicneyer both- ered to corr-ect ithle report. Rlis French wife, Germiaine, had no idea lie was fmous unti] ftf she mariried h Iim, and only i recent years were bis neigh-bors oný Franice', Brittany coc)as t, where lie eventually settled, awvare thiat a renowned poet -was in thecir midist, British-borni, service wýas an adventurous 20 when lie sailed to Canada in 1393 and knocked about the Northwest as a steve- dore, dishwasher, logger, and gardener for Pa bordello. Then, as a bank teller, he drifted to Whitehorse and Dawson, in thie Yukon Territory, drank h-n the raw frontier hf e, and began wîýriting about Dan McGrewI, the lady known as Lou, and the cre_- mation of SamIn McGee, Later Servie published nov- els, acted in a movie <Rexý Beach's "The Spoïlers" with, ,Marlene Dlietrich), and in ail turned out some 2,000 poemrs. But he neyer bad any illusiong that he was a ilterary giant. 'I'm a professional ln-ige, he once said, "It's more quanitity than qualty." Service contintied to sinik ai] of his ife. Onily this summnEýr he wrate a special poemr coin- mem.,orating Alas-ka stateL-oodi. The poem was perhaps bis last. In bis Britany villa, Robert W, Service, died hÏast monthi at thec age of 84. of rag's, bar-ke-d to her hanDIJe-r Nwypublishiedstiti i- veal that West Germans are toc- day heavier coffee cnumr than ever hefore. Last year, the customns authorities checked in, mnainly through Hamburg, a rec- ord total of 2,500000cofee baga weighling over One bunI-dred- weight each, an increca-e of 250,- 000 bags on the previous ye'r's tOa. This buge demand opens ui ricb oýpportuItiÎes for suge They bide the coffee in coffins, in hat boxes and under piles of coal. But with dogs like Gesh now on the custom-'s payroll, even the most ingeniotis traffik- ers do flot escape doeetion) for long. The al--rt tittie spaniel, with her infalible "coffee nose, is also used on train searches. The m--ere sight of ber is now eniough for somre smugglers. They Foork confes themselves beaten. 'V'M pear - VÈress PRINTED PATTE~RN

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