WQI News 4 15 oz tin 10c 48 -oz tin 39c 49c 39c T 1TABLERITE REDORO BUEBRARD BLA DÉ .--ROASTS iBLAD E EREMOVED ffRIER0AýST 1h 49pc PRIMERIB ROASýTjfr6-S9c LEAN M"INCED BEEF lb 39e Tahierite PURE POR K SAUSAGE ii., t)57cceuntryb-49c 15 oz the student's work bas been unsatis- factory. Elach teacher -,vll evaluote each stu- dent's progress by Tneans of ites Wbilh have, been givein silice SePtem- ber, by inarking haimeiork, by mar'k- irng Class assXgnments, by marking notlebooks, or by combinations uf these wVieever is considered best for the subject. "By this pmeans- sol.Air Mratt, "%ve hope to be able to g'et parents of Sltu- dents hs work is unlsatisfactory to givetheyi-, alittie extra, -*encourage- met edû better." In prevîous years, two days wereý taken to give tbirty minute examina- tions for each subWet It is feit by the ' staff that ùi a tbirty minute test wvhere the nuniber of questions would of nec- essity be limited, it is difficult to cov- er the oe two months work f ah'ly. "A stud i mi;!h justh pnt know the few points covered' in the test and yet beý ignorant of theý rest of the hialfterm's w mork," said, Mr. W-t."W 'live that. to judge a sftu- detadeqiu trly eniougýh to assignj himl a mark, the teacher must uise several sottests or lne longts; therefore ie have Cdecledto use this nwveh Student Coards Ô& On Agend-a' C b.y Madelorn APélen studlent ounilwa, held TuLesdlay af- ternoOn to discsý,ins somne important trsess before 11S FiaysdanlCe. rds. Tempeaycards %X-111be issUed for FridaY's dance anid wiL ïb used until the -egtilar cards mith th photo- g ýaPhis talçén threc- week-; ago; are a- ing whn e 0. sored a commun ono Towni all. We Tyrreli -ed people"tpp ast Fridayev- .S. GIeClub apiea- y dance ifý the QiS- Paul Mininecola and his orchestra provided the swing<m nusie which4 made one widely travelled guest aupn- prent, "it's one of the best oreohestýra's Il have ever danýced to." tmmediately before intermission Nîrr FSrd directed thie Glee Club in thrée se1àctiûn, "The Long Býeach "Hear Dem Bol'S"> and "Oklahomra"~, songs lfgh on the OkIL&S hit parade ef M last vear. A f rench side-wa lk cafe atrnosphoee was reflected ia the dowastairs off the hall where sandwiche.s and coffee ea- ti ed the ciancers toe eat. Various prizes were won throtlghoïitý the evening lin novelty dances, Eliza- beth Rirclardelli,' Liz Maartense anid MargerY Tyrreli being thie lucky ladie Midnigbt came, the lights were dimi- ,med, and' the resuits td the "puipk~i' carviis"party %Was Ihown. "I certalaly appreciate the response of the tewnspeoleand the c"ez- tien of the students which mnade the dance the-, uccess it was," declared ly Ford La an interview held this week. vaille. The Stiu4ent Carda eost $200r each and the student is admitted free to all dances this year with the excaep- -eption of the Christmas formai. After a bri e! discussion the oe~ tra for the Formai was decided to beý the Sévenaires, if they were, available, A Chrstmas ôard Committee was niominated to se?1èet Chrzistmasn carde for the students to purcehase. These carda w-ME have hie OIJLS. Ci-est ùn themn. This is an entirely new venture fe j[he .Counrcil, and it is boped that they wilil thuis provide a service which sti-c dents will want and use, 4 cans 29c -NT NUGGET ALL SHADESfr tn2 or49 SoePolish 2fo 29c ~ f~49c 8hoeDIVIIEND CREDI17 BOOSTERS w4dgeê53c EFFECTIVE OCT. 23, 24, 25, 27, 28 THURS. THRU TUES. Parammuat S..keye. Sali'on haiff Un 47e AMOD GET 2 FREE DIV IDENDCREDITS ICA Insant Coffe 6oz jar 01.09 AND> GET 2 FREE DIVIDEND CREDITS oz pkg 29c MONA.1.c. H 6c OFF2q AND GE2 FREE DVIDEND CREDIT$ oz pkg 7cCHOCOLATE and BuirTERSCOTclý 27e Va.kvk ChipIts 4-2 oz pkg 92frS5,2 ANDO-GET 2 FREE DIVIDEND CREDITS RE, 0F Divi 0o< oo .o. oe THE o.,nuo oo Once It Was Hup an THURS. FR1. - AT. "k Playe4iwith Fire" Shows at 6:30, and81 end Plan? WE COIiOIALLY INVITE YOU TG ! I/ HOW THE PLAN WORKS.- Menîbers of the Family Dîvidend Plan, theough loyal confinued T shopping make possible extra savings wlich corne back to thern as Dividend Credits. These theW' may apply on the purchase of more food products or nmerchandise from ti, valtie-packed Fainily Dividend Catalogue. AdJltional Dividends are offered in turn on theïe extra purchases Each week specified products on sale will alsoý offer extra "Dividend £re- dits" as "Dividend Boster" if they' are purchasd. Judious buying of these extra weekly ~ Divkidnd Booter Features\ *vill permit planr memnbers to greatly increase their savings of the 6ividesid Credits regbIlu'Iy issued with al purchases. For iýery dollar you spend on orders tlirough the Family Dividend Pion Catalogue, you get a Divklend Credit worth five' cents. For every dlar you spend in an IGA market, you rm- ceiveàl Dividend Credit equai'te one cent. These Credits, when accofnutslted cotIveiniewIy ma$' be used at your IGA' Market for food or food or for additional catalogue purchas0s. HOW TO USE YOUR DIV IDEND CREDITS: Dividend Credits amay be used on presentotion et the lêA market or the, Family Centre whose namne and addIress they bear. They mai be used either t. purchase ary item- sold in the IGA store, or te prepay ahl or part of anv caaegué item you wish te order. c4ùntÈ bc ased fero aymeént.or paýrt püayme-aion the merehzidise ith L>Mved. Th", capoty b. applied oni the 4foIlcwiai4purcbas Ot RON Open Daily R.!E fiMê jliai 18 TI NS HO P LL KINDS OF ET METAL -AND bing.ýýUP-e 8 a.m to 5:30 p E. LOGAN, Prop. 16 OMab ~o~~oc Norman 290 MASONS Att. FLAVOURS ____Beverages P.M. - 1 1 10