Volumeï ý2,Itlber à9 Orqno, On.taio Thuri4day, NOVEMBE 13 Sbcito 15 brSaiga Prade RTI~OC~CB~~ 4s~ StatSGodM daîstÉInýPblicýpekiç Decernber 13 Ga~ VifIisA GGId Medal Contest uader the8anaesvl ______________Reps.._Ofose auspic-es of the Womex's Chitian tL e 11 11J -ýen , a-g G ' .el e -M 'é G il1 s "B -àk e ,ry i -W ay n e M ille r W i n Oni T hursday evem ag of ast week 1 nt d Ch r h o Noven-ibe jo ~ e b teaeeufo '"teRl Speaking Contest thuah~~a e TcinWe'kj É.c'o Cù-' Opened On M on. Speai Contest in h Croeked Crek merc Tný m-hool Fer ih Renv, Lon~g our very capable chair- ol4t~~S~vt ~~u~ ~e~hThe McGil BaQSopoeedo test were hel14 a. &ýS, 14, Cla1kei è>ne havinu te stand. In ail ainelmnaa eommence th prot a~~a~ jttaubt f~ u and wr h Mnte o-âondaa displaying it;ie eo n the singiag of a hynrioll.w d vti r âde a>~ &utia ofI irby Scholi on We4fresday, NQ vui- yunig speakers were on> the- pro ra yer b, pornecera' e ~ ~ J)~~C r0 so> at~i i sa~ba mdea Ltne. Or ehbtad ted atr.;iutyhe Theltaprcs' l winneI' of thea cotest w*e cho narks. tio presents its eîghth~ animal Dramai $1~AI albl rnaet4eO-the ýbred in patyiduty h a rink -for this 'coraJa wvaek. The 1 - 4uLdges Rev. Long and M~rs. G. Car- fn jJ3y a cmitee4 of judges a~ from1ea >1fl iFestiuval.. d oac o . i f1o trh eenteti. P u - r pba i lt, re novt d an di r decorated .1 so . ch s W a nwil rereso e n 'h o w f ý ov -a v l g iv e n b y Pe ggy flan c k , M ar- ,Phe play s i be p re se n d in g ro apT) taoago by -miss K. Fter on be Tli- iinterio lias beenîi painited white sent the schoinf the TownshIip Cen- Atlùi Of 1LockJiarts' Sche<el wit seaond ded greatly to> the evein>g's eiitertala- nrday eeniigs of this welk at VJ*', h?" of 'tec1hÎIdVr>. as wel as the niachinery a3nt ottier test at Creoked Creek.. RlOs Wanan plaegoing tu Perey Oliver of the At he tlp. ii-ThrSdY~wit istnmeitsusd i te ldÙtry Iandt Caitherine Wilso ware chos6Dn as Grooltet CGree1 sel>ocl. Wayne îillier mn.Quee Mary Auditrium ia Peteboro Lwiepresent,. the Oh.aiber author- seodandtiIhird ia the coatest. of Kirby was choen »wx inlie The three girl contestats~ Were: ciulain tim1e 8:00 P-"- shaP- fredý meýnI. fur materials in the lIn the redesig-niiag of the bakery,; - 'le iirs an seon -paewn rs aribara Keast, Jean Tanmblyn~ andif Riep>eeî~ de f P«n1a amo-ý,,iL> oft $0.9 Tis swii prtovides etnhssh~beipae f 0t a nd4g~p t bis "open-sho(,p" feature is~ a new will iiow coniiete in theneC aai . will bcellbe St. Jolii's~ T>ariliha tle an~hr r l> eshiens, -tee cern- i4fici ey and less hiandlin, nv to ',lIits area andi one whIih final eontest~ to-niiîIl winhj~ is BQYn cotheat cotrein SVere Plaers tli pt*- enI floor 41dthea ébirney, the stairs eqULiýlflt lias been iiICIudedG in the' ening mcb accaim fro the 1 hedl Canibellroft. Thi cots J>ns! W!sn eo el}oe boreugk, u-mrt lete gU1~ an 0r t rears si aondcao,ýe vr wic is ýrL1l s-pb"c for the cas[ balf of the County, W'aYne aniKii re.B , Al Saints »ramatic Club, P. V $ s 1 , lf, fo)r the heatiog, tire- sista in the baking tiepartment. -Mr. Tejde eeMl.Hr n e'rur;aà l ai> fer agedccl itepairs. A anm ar~~ounw'anoae whihaie pagre f A ubiie Miroet hasn Lieung cbosne Mrn Wa1ten bte ofuge wsreastre ~s rDnn~CI~.?tneo Prooi~ 4 i -rwiace rouîn, d wnstairs MVC«ill -states hthe-len fIAnwfoti fobi~iIne native, will speak pr9viding cither 'teMs ato eho iees l antimti-ýitty Theatre _4GrirfP A), ?Q ~~~~~~ m uio i~e~t a h i-abery in the niew shoûp- wiil pro- for th-e store and MVr. 1Mvcti1 is Con-l ffr st or 1eeit wi> 's rnie . *James Pollard of Lesilard. ThLr G1up "edrio' eat at ei bi y~r vide a .greater case fer baking._ thein-Iis project for -ornetiieiJa ieIe jadch rhle -1o 1il 11c hea Por rrCm ,%v. W att brtinWrprc o 1ehaeyl pn 011 alsae Ovii e The Oronp Pab;il stool will alie decision Mrs. R. Chiapman favoutred :Tileatrce. ,santa --'--ý P'me -tn hl be represetda i ei4>Icn with several -delightful voce, solos ickt ar 15 cet-ec or3 i, gEswas !uin mde i the plans. Re 1î o-ght. A elliaination coeitest her u-sual effcient. manmer, accoliI- ets for $2W i ativane; deor prize t. LWi~A~.4txut liIl7as hield at the Orono Scbool on 'riais lpanied by Mrs. G. Carson at 1the-piano. prd n a; A e*W M ' A t m day uf -last week when Gail Wliîlis was!tM Carlos Tai»blyn playeti two __75___cents.____ woavcdetlng il~ ?ý1 W erainu ltes T Lff X / L judg.ed in first place. cornet solos accompaniedi by is la a~~~~lbT hl a~de riit i ia kv e tn Tbe fY!1S finalg sMao cohsdauffhter Sh~a at the pianeo, thes il niistls êcnetnst aIt agtêIlleçI ile arad onto choose a County wlaùiier fro, the seletiens were mtwch appreciated by eQnlPete l iePoie o rý-eaiber 1tan »d that the Oron<>oulcll>oswl ll>l a11 r-alpeet the Grand GoIti Medai toeh be& hýý4 Ù ýCni-ýber co-operate wiLh the 'l'lrib Te Autumai Thiapk-COlfeinig Meetinig'anti ten minutes was given for discus- ona Townshap Hl~al on the evealug-, i Mrs Hare the ie judgea' decison >1 ihard Hatl, T rotc. Ihnb t. Jvwas ensidereti holding aofleW.S.A layI Oroni) un- Sion, of two ain questions dealîng TIilursday, Nveibr 2»tb. - ntor3ised Vie contestants for thei' 14rs~ fare presented the 'two wi11qe par-ade i-ii ',ýillbrop1 ln the ii-orihuig ited Churci, was h1eld la tie Suindayý, w t unenIIloymeiit and imiimgration, Thie Orono Public &9hool GieCbsleni fot, ,tn i coixpet'eclwt GoiMea.ai v anti a OiV>4 e 111eafleroonSchool Audfitoriumn -%itïh over 80 la ah- ale iihec- ru rsne hswiI sing aI the ýCoeit'y conhest la Or- lo ewe.tegrsWsvr ls,~eî eevç ek bi.Wbfý also sîîled tiat MJrs. V(an t1endance. fins Thi -ell go evrutela hopetiac conite.stant would ap- deu leutvel would. assist. with coatfni- tereateti and reatiy for the Panel dia s---- preciate th1e value of tie excellente. Long expressedti VaniSts- 10 th. Hu.le Lilso urgd tint, the -rone in a hruly Ait-nrim sehtii>g, Wibcsinwhici folîowed. The panel Ne wt ralning they eacli isadirclei Thelide andti everyoae wh eýAL!r> icweeieits . ýassist w>ith decorat-ions fer fkcwers and vinles NeMwns Aepnfi meaiar from- Trinityou wereio Mrs. iniiii±oiusise w tepga tie oyaent to give the parade an. adtied um, anti roses froni late_ gardetia) cre- 1Charles Wigbt, (moderator, Mrs.,l)i unnru Keisand Jas a WOilson. the eveiauitil ha renour Vo taaks bc, ating a beautiful andi frîea4ly atmos-PMrs. IwaBragg- and Mrs. Fcý,- 1e - 1 o________________ri______________"____u reptort on the U~NICEF $ailowe'en pherd, Lhe receptiQil comi-miîtee, iVirs. Heylanti.- 11,plg waaI g1ven yN.FPrr Longl, Mrs Allîn an Mrs Cobedc A ne Anma Hopia an Cli B a~rn D tryd By Fire nbNFPotrextentiet a very wý,arm welco.me ho ail 111e3 ilad Aon extesiv s ataig ~~~~~memtbes and guests as tey arriveti. wor1k on heir si*iject, oti1>ing fats s erigc peio laOno nt.4 by te u'ýi1d,ý,jý o tha iiiht.anti figures from various' levels- of \vlU siortly be i operahion. Dr. R. J. A Few-1 S w ne Âî d h ck ns Lo t ~O~êda~ ho~ee1ag.oened v. -i guiet musia Tr.as--~agart. local veteinin, l'i r _____________ ý!LL s soplplna ah ic andtihe President, Mlrs. J)rue>ned Canadian 0eig 1-our . r1e, materia nergl bi nS"" î,~it - th( extendeti a speelal welcome ho ourlwas Ipresented-la sucb an ab~le~ and in- tebinatr his tue ptiue and i aa Tuesday evenmng fire tohally destroy- T-wo otherp1nmallif, bi-wig ,ere A- ~ie f-rubi Poà- .>aêap- guet îfrtiz Nl.-ant.ouwille, Neweastle, terestiing nianner tint 1Vi natu11eaV r e gt I palii onf1eeiti<a i Geog ,Yii)frun o.UtaeêdWtl 1 re tha1 baW polired aý al ,Iil>,iiite to, K*rby and BowmaniiUe andtihe Even- tention of hie audience thr~ougilout thedaf>~>cneao Ce Tea nrmeti iy the ftire. These twi)baili4d br,-rin a slahe of -ofcrs àt the an îag Auxillary meaibers anti con<Iuched evenia. We learneti of the valuable ghlac poitet oof tint thia 115.t Thnoztn' lohusdsm iesw inwing vinbl for wile ain litsw service tor 0rul nsf --a metig a. very ieautifi ant ilmpressive wor- contrfMuiois these newcorners from 1irnef n a aissrie t vsi le 0fo lesand drew 9 £be - la e irse louet soiety, a wi Amoion nI as passeti by 1e shif> service followed, by prayer anti1 obier lands are making 10 ouri Caad- th l arger animals. - I rnxafar awa aý sh -~aa I The fire wan- firt ti 'by Mi evl$ (charuber le ossist 'in eliimlaating the Vi repfo0f the "Tbank-Offering" 1ian way of life, by 'ay of new crafts 'Drri Laing Clinie te anticl, a - o ay ff th le Orono rinlk<vhieb Xis held 1 dedieated by Mrs. Long. land skills and some aev wealth, anti cateti on Park Street a the back of AI one time cars lineti 1otil sides of os {t> elk SOnY fepeidaA VM4U The Prograra of very speýcini inter- a wide diversity of illeictl )ri Taggat's Property were bas te road for ah leash a mile ansI andi wiih1 tlbme f1àie- ! -aig r -c,ýeY ehstsdet .JMGl, 11, kwlag out the Stiudy of the Year 1cultural gifla, wilich greatly enrici the stood fo 5yyasagraeap1Wa Oi hl ie to-ir~P i~ ~ crorh on .01 i-meeting with the fi Concerns of a Continent,"- this- nonth 111e of th1e ation, barn. This former building bas Thare 1vs 1 -aeln u 1ebnew1~ n-u ~ De-ae AnImal ilospital haasiI souiie bea wblcb wer Stusey of Canada,. wasn pray o use- th1e building:as a rink anti Io coiiii- eti by' a grogjof mernbers from rla- heèi Panelialso an eseiays ion- ah Aonima Hospta ndlinel hoom î surt h om lie n s ba i.c er housed iunty wo( hi. aThé vr- oen* -luy on ue y TlhIe h1ne s Polie r ciuses fsae er, WMS, . 0fli B to uvie trie saad bers in our local churcli -groupslrom, a dispensary, an' offiee rOOml hay also went up fn smoke. tn o sto4p tie firie hrom spreading ta '~h ~Oon PoIc Tmsîe tntd e~ Mrs G~Wll>tlaroducd Ve ub-hhughl frientiship anti understanding a-nd a vraiting rooni. Some pigs -did ilqwever eseap lto ter buildings. Water foý the tmu"k S fnt sye ohïing lbat bee .donc in ject for di-csso 1 te dividedi- settîng -upr nuilberiag progrir.~ for the -Audience -lato four grou,.-A n b eybill 'eu O eli al o i om rebi- i in nisethiengl a i iae wssspi4fri b rn bouts --lpanelled in rnailoyanýr PWWoQ0d .andt aU- fieldis riortil of thle building. - y meas of the auilliary up-r th-e homes in the-Vilage. leader for oaci group waa appointeti-d- hefor r a-t~Il.Tet-- ~- ~- Anotier ighligit of tile evenîing was suirgery room is hile throughouî. 1--- -- ~ ~ ~ ~-' ~~~T ,....,, Vi~~te ilinginig of eh ree very beauhifuliTeCii 5M!t isitt at nunIribers by the Trinity Ladies Quar-nw :>Iuacebsheilhled Yo'e p R ecr a io , or m . hotte - rs. Van Driel, Mrs. Stuarl )1 r4e i-uligl faced- wih James, Mrs. RIichmondi anti bna. Al- htl ipbad dra even ateel. keajueis liave been instai- - - Local G roups See -A dvantageit rs Schauffler expressed apprecia- 4bed in the sounti-proofkeelou. .-- - -- -----tio ho ail wluo hd belpeti make the Dr Taggat shntes,;-'t itwil-l b1i no Asppcfal m~eeting o he Oronû Pol- ey sticks, tennis rackets etc. A grant, even.ig s0 interesîlng anti profitable. possible for hi> ho boardi snaiil ani- ie- Trlustees w'as leki on- Thursday of up te $18O00) is aise paid for leadr Mr.Wie0kelnilo enf~iî .sf~aVol~r Jennels -avefn, hen wit- ïepresetitatives of sbip couat ant ila Oroneo would applyi of the visitonýs thankedtihe O0rono Aux- -The aew sirgery pc-mits th1e exten- e-r l,)ea -organizations, they shadieti to plnygrouidt supervision, skating iliary for thie opportunity of partiel- ion of ils- sui'gical pactce. , t~-pretire 0fsehtng p ~Rcra-pro, wmigisrcin etc, Thle p-Sing in til special Tiank-Otifering 1Othier faciflîles are ho bce adite ti s - Cf > ýiisp!loi andi also tie advaxih- g-rant. is one third o0f tie cost. 1Meeting. --coming year anti iere \vas. mrenton~edl