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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Nov 1958, p. 6

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Fut Of Ex lrrthe semoni tself, if this shfl # 4 I S T-~ -~~ <aê0fEcloèrhappiea, slip quietly into a e j ' ~ ~ ~ ~---~SoIved At Lust? at the rear of the ehurdi. J ~1as the riddle of what hap- Two patients at an asyIuim y pened1 to Colonel Perey Fawceet, passed the swimming pool e&rî_ "Dear Anine RiTrst- 1 am -tr- the mature, proteutive male jun gles o rzisMtoGos h h 0iI,<ts A flUTSvedat~ -, ribly in. love -with -the- boy I shê would choose to spendi ler o.--- ---- keplt the w~orld guessing fer hob<ur, was batlaing in the nude. _ expect to miarry, but lie lias a * hfe with,-~ 33 years, beccn solved at la-st?, Assew~ne u, few ad hbitswhic alrm m i an sue yo hae tred t -~-~*~ , ~He- was klled liy one of seven said -to the other, "Boy, u1 an d habits whyou c a line 1 a rbhm, u you havel trea1y v t.. *o- ~ ao~i~ rbeacrig she look good in a bathing siiit? to 'break him of [hem. One 15 ' have to be severe. If he lias - - reports 0fa rts nvriis _______________ drnkîng,, and the o-ther is speed- had o-nhy one -drink, refuse te-o- xeiin hc-rcnl x in' eis 21, 1 amn 18, and lie *go out with i- re atn Santaeo Cue. e For YOIc 011 - * - hm.< kee~ ~bers, of the ex pdition visitedJ lias hhulslied his Army service, a aedriving if hae does flot ---~j-'Xingu River, where Col, Fawv- but I do- not think hae lias really *let yo-u se-t the speed. Be firm <-ct hssnJc ada mn settled jo-wn. - *for hîs salie as well s yur -v~~--~~v ~ '-~~~~ a i appred in 19250 'We hope to lie married ifl-n own. (I amn arnazed that your ~- ~Te e ee rksaog an-te ya, u- an2raly *parents have not forbidde.n w hom, they <said, there is afraid to thik of if. Do you ip your seeing him at aU. They Ï: nnmu QIiesso pno thirnk lie will straigliten out and t ayntk0 fu peig --4-k ~ v ? »ta n jbr .a epniL lie a reliablê liusband instead of 1 but they cari hardly bo- ignor- orte w a di-unkardl or a liot-rod racer? *~ a -of is drinking.) ~~~~. ~~. o h ~ht a~ dah u Shall 1 wait- to sec- how- be turns i . Us yYo1' inflenc --p-a. rav.--.-eoor-a bl rwlln-i -out~? - uI n ~1y vni ~--~~~ lidentify the tnibe concerned, - - j - - - ~~I certainly nieed your -adviýce. i oj iighmu i - oe ee~ aeacmlt <Y ~~~Please! -ilELP ME" can control his habits. No smart ~-v~- daon~te-nn !Cl A KIS( -*girl will tie herself to a boy -Fawcett -t1han arouznd that o! any 4- ~~~~For more years than you who -is sudh a slave, to fris --- -ey. p-- -otrBits epoe twa- -*have- lUved,, various -organiza- - desires. reotdi 91ta i kltnM --- tions- anu institutions have *,ro * - - a eekônd-b t ineth tii. - - 'tons revealed no ro!ta h ~ for safer - riving. Their influ- "Dear Anne IIh-st: I arn 14, I h atteehv et - ~ r~cela-far-each-ig it s fot --- anid 'going with a-'boy whom -my -Iiti att~r aebe * considered smarta to ot-rod~ - - mathe-r dôesnot like. I cari~ un $PARKLING BREW -BYarbara S4ell 22, has been selected as "Ml-murderd or take prisoerG - -over the roads, adboys wo derstand 'htbecause hi aiy Cali-fernia Wine b a group of cle ealers. The beauty fls India-ns, that they died o! fever *insist- on dolng se- only show are looked down on by our - ~king-iied chamnpagne glass with a heady 37-24-.34. or star-vation, and- that they- - * ~how adolescent they are, Stiff neiîgbirs and relatives. Some of _______________________________ found thre -"El Dorado" civilizà- *jail seýntences are being imn- <his r-.atîons are in the 'pen,' and Êio thkwreseg n **posed; offenders are scorned, others drink. In otber words, my -sae h~e. --*and their -licenses revoked- - -mother says they are trash. gn-, h- ee Indian trib,2ý yon mhd oan -s eul-rnespdcis- T~~bo s' 1k ma which spokec te the. recent ex- - on a steutmt i- ail. Hie is 17, and doesn't drink pedition about the Fawcett party *grace. - our use foui language. Hie is one was thie flttle- knawn Chavante3, * Dnnkig wile nivng n. h th swetet bos ikno. -a tribe which las only occasion- - creases the chance of tragedy. "Two months ago my mother ally come into contact with civi- Z 1 I gives the youth a fals. sense leain.T- Caate r osf pieadlebcmsa -i lount 1old wa rks slppn RoO N ICnL E sztog Tele Chopnes ware * fpower and a determination, meotng hIm ash wip asng ou t 4pn .._u to pass the car ahead; normal meVghmtSewra setE -on ro, elds pepndwo evn * rega-cis are upset, judgment - as she could be, but a-h. told meon rts !dadeve% *menace +o every o-ther driver *afraid he will. inherit, hs fa-r- ri-ufl % A -. ~ on thie road. There is ne escape -iIy'Ys habits and I would bc drag- ~ ronth oneuecs;ie ~ ged down by being seen~ with M~EL IJ~vodern Etiquette Ree eormes- the bride *ro teh e condrtqencess, and «s h hiovJ~' I h 4V by Roberta- Le. beautiful in gleaning satin amt - -nei-abe i 'ielsan ami i it 1cn dat l n oe esim, 1fP e~MnwleadI ee tiers of lace wîth romnantie *thie pu-niaIuent rigvread an antdt? Inon st l e .rywtead1hv e pearIs. lçnowing these facts (-and if d AE istant relatives, announel3lg Little girl's dream c-orne trua ha does- not I hope you wilI You cannot know whetlier Was there ever sucha a won- Friday Partner and 1 went to their golden wedding alusiver-ý - wedding gown, criinoliai% - * ~tell hlm>) how cani a young ma-n *tsbywlineths ar- de-nul fall? Thei autulnn leaves work anid cleaniec up the house. sayfafbigto estiï aelsipryds fr1. *deliberately invite sucli CoIIn i' ais emy s i- are gorgeous, stayîng on tue Children running around sure iinposo upon us? lInch doll. iPattern' 730: pattexa * squti~swhn ispasege ~ gusted with them that h.e wiUl trees much longer than usuai keep the dust stirreci up. We .Yu nyra biain pee !ec an~t 1r- - îs the girl lie hopes to marry? neyer succumb t-o sudh temp- because of the warm, sunilit 1got things fairly ship-shape and 15 to send theml a message o! tiens. S ueh irresponsîbility is un! or- *tations, and you and 1 cari oniv- days. If ever there wvas a time then that 3aine evexling along congratulations and good wishes. Sen4 THIRfTY.-FlVE CENTS *givable. 1i do not wonder thjat * oefrti.- for gettîng ou-t ta see the coun- camne Dave, Eddie and Young 4- - * you worry, Your fiance ma-y hop fotri.y it is now. Anyway, that s Jry oasa fw canti Q. Is 1$ still considered proper <stftmps crannot be aecepted, us*e e b. a-l of 21, but le is acting * Meantimne, I agree with your how w. feit-. abokt ias iefra oenti? we, wet n- for a in te- ask permuissÎon tû -postal no-te for aety) for tIti* * like a 16-year.àld - surely no mather. Girls of your a-g. are- as we seized what we thouglit -were a ,).use-proud couple any- Snioke when lie is with a griup pattern ta LAUliA WliELýE>R __________________ impressionable andi impulsive, might be our la-st cha-nc. thi3 way so 1 guess we won't change. of women who li. kna-ws do nsot Box 1.~ 123 Eighteenth St., Ne% and your sympathy for- lin9 year for going ta the cottacee. norw. Raving children araundi le rjî, Toot, r Prini Plainl» ChV avrt blinds y'ou ta the danger ln- Probably other folk lad the. more important ta us than a A. This is still t-he courteous PATERN NUMIBER, y e-ut -4c.' aoie*vo1ved. 1! your reputation suf sa-ne idea a-s there was plenty spotless house, W. only wisii and thoughtful thing ta) do. 'AD'DRESS. PRJNTED PAT R N~ fers>. it wouîd take a long, long of traffic on ttic roadls. The cot- w<3 still liad a hundred acres ta- Q. What Is tire proper proce- A NEW 1959 La-ara WheeleWv t-me ta live it down. tage, o! course, was pretty chilly t-urn tIein loase in - plus cow.q, dure for persans who arrive la-te Needleoraft Book, JUST OUT, - * ~~~Your mother has been more but a quidk fire soon lad t-le cliickens and machinery to li- a .curhsrieas lovely designs to order: eus- * tanfamFo yur ar, ro- lae feeling confortabeth- terest t-hem. But a-t ias * A Yrt i, utetrth broidery, crochet, knrttiine- weav- - *is 1r ouwil atse hm and a goati snack lunrch wvith have Taffy and Dit-to -- and al] church VERY quie-tly. If! a hymuin lng, quits, -toys, Iin tii. book, ,x~ *a-gain uintil she gives lier con- plenity o! lot tea a-nd caf!.., and the. children love- t-hem bath. -is being sung, t-hey niay procceed speciai surprise ta, nake a lit- - * sent'. See at-ber nieboys she we were soon quite happy. A!- Wwr1pt Gne ar te their, seats. If t-hey happen to le girl happy - a cnt-ont deIl -approves. ter t-la-t I did t-h. dishes and the other day anud founid road- eut-er during a pra-yer, they must dot-les te, cqlor, Send 25 ee 1-* agree that il is dreadfut ltept -an eye on sleeping Jerry 'work mare or less at a. stand- wait lu t-h. vestibule or at t-h. for titis book. *that chi1drn muat suifer for whîl, t-he rest of t-le fa-mily s1uiithtdtrc- paet rear o! t-le clurch. Although it _______________ * teir- prets~sin. too t-.> at ot- on- tbe1-ae l y the De-part-menit o! - lighways 1.3 linlikely that one shouid tver---- - ~M-14-16 1- wok in setin - iV -W sort -o! take- things- in turn. wak n-scin rdn,-be tardy enough t-a-enter during 1 SSU1S 46 -1958- - -L-18-20 La-st lime Part-ner stayed lame paiga!bidn vraing, - 4769 If te yos»sg na-n you loy-e has -and I went for th. 'boa-t ride an n d building~i ieng-pacon- v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Efr ï -yaanlgh-bt ueyu a was t-lie- t-o cornle necting cloverîèaves ta tiie la-st BEFORbac t-li sun. neHis' The old bouse ioolced mucli uisdersantdlng a-nd wisdoin wilI ale-igbhn I.gapo the sa-me. The -l -tre. help guide you, Write lier a-t isla-nds bardering t-h. la-k.. The that--bas beeni t-Iree times struc LBo-x 1, 123 Eigliteerth St., New reflection -o! suniset a-ad trees in by -light-ning bas no-t yet beenà o urnto, Ont. i th ývtc was perfect-a pic- cut down. The youiig coupl* -ture I shall see la- my mînd's î wit' lv -ie ou- entéd hln eye f-or somne tim e to come. -ID hvtehosrneâhikJ Il- Frain aur wa-lk I brouglit bac-k i t-'s just a little bit of lavn a fe seedling evergreens ta fe eu ooeii ml -- - ly 1- have-leeu. watnmd tiiat- if ton o-f coal to keep themr warn -- ~- ~<~< 'ail te fees-gre t-la-t- -iwan la-st wtinter' Eight ton: was the, "4 -pla-ated we sliall sop have a mnost we eçver usd. rforest, Andi 1, have not finish.d But ît isu't alwrayi heaven - 'yet. 1 >wnj't be satis!ied unt-il !iving ors -a farrn - u<ot- witli ai àwe have a few sîiler. birch, A t-lie w orrles fanei-si have croup of t-hree is wht1 would ta con-tend with- thest days. W~ ,

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