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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Nov 1958, p. 6

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~ P~o rn UÈ eUe Wth close-cropped white hair ~ b~ I~obe4aaid a craggy lace, usc- fo e ~ siers the search for Inspira- A N N 14 1 W . Q. Whoni a bridt el-vt îs mak- tien~ an aroùid-the-elock job. ing HP beýr pîest llst for Élie When seized by an idea, h. oftea 1~4~V T«'124! ~ %L%.L5~~ 4 .~weddinlg und finils it toa lar~ge W2e ae ~PIi~ t for the ronm available, should "IHupiir is like 'voices, lie nsay. 'iyar b fr f h ~ ~slie issue inVit4t>,iun nya to "You don't kncow how it's goiug ~~ fr~fi~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ 4~oJ~~~ ~ the eutire ist and tnust that tQ bc ti)e w g~,o~i e~' ntil yen: try it' band' teatmen t o unr daugh- parent would bc- -- yet it ii i 'W .k anil no atnd mxe of Bugs, qus have ter. SIe is. 18, and deeply in ->ewo'illet lm. ~ . . .A bstking a bi? ebjanee lasted su lmi that lie has had love witli ia shen maen this It Parend lied -ýpetan themn playeci b'ack at him, us- î ou ~nwi s *Prnssoliepe n n . mueh butter if she eut down her -tiall1y without attribution Silnd ~everytirig a gi1rl could want - courage love and inarriage; and îather wil net let hî 'you.r hiusband inarrieci the gill~ «~ ist, and ak her fianýce to~ o temd12'jfreape n lie~ ~ur au~teris~' ~ lvac ~-huweai le jsti :~ ~the same. tertainiers have beer. repeating --nt~~d has always Ivf snatching the sanie right Q. .I it perm-issible to hi nsteqe 10wme bei ,_ i ; he holds a !ro dàghter? wbile onhDiiodhio ~ blse.'" Bugs. eÏlEc.ts no ryl go ý nI a awy If v--U-)ti husband is close t waotrhwudyueket an hac 1hBt his minister, or trusts the opin- pAr The~ ofnet tùii ehi is pr- shee m e . i or A.y boy onyin f n oif this rnrre fri-i uthe, eaut takt. tisfactionr nave e&ec~~ an. b~y nti * In o i~e ofbismariedmissîble is when oe hsind tinn f~ humo traesmep ave se ettion.friends, perbaps their argul- vertentlY, taken a morsýel inoa h- Nil i m i as a aer "My busband will give no i metts woUld op>en his eyes to the mouth that bs "toc hot. o ùf his'e it;5, Ti atel Fi AlIe reason Ins opposition, but le * ~suc înustice. ITf the youxng hanie." Otherwlse, it is ceon- cale ~Du'lgs IBi$ fv rte ihunoi - is cnrag oncerrbed about *~ man iûs all yotu think, lier fa- sidered very bad m-annerst s an .ný, verte: "I al the, her If il; out of theh boue * ther s>hou bile eternally ma ke ýuseý of wa'tera-, a b'wlasher- ilot 14r has ;iý ie se( tmi easy, ?ahnigy ta: girateful that the two are inonr" 0. ~~xd khow ~ eshe isand when lov ai plamng their future Q.Is it proper for a womnan peopDle who appieuiate hum,>r sbe's eped back. Sl3e ijý, 1 do together- to use lier mnaiden nime as a w nid e ole e-rak bigge.r meiee f è, jir atient thia 1 Your gir is YoUg enoughi middle namie after she is miat- tnan the Gran Un and am; ev), iks back< *19 ,vi a u Çjile Che er onri ried? thousand in îmes, f unny' Frw~n "'Sbh iý- odri Ltiwthhp.Akle ob a A. Yes, this is the e-stýabl1shed. ~N EW sWV FEtK. 1 ..l. t. p n~ ftuo ir(o custom. In other words after boy, an l if h, an't e -nte tîi Fos distrauight) secs the liglit. JoYce M'argaret Stewart marries the~ ho.ý he fulIy inti2nds ta If bhe doesnt, ani soon, ho la, Wilam lenry Mrasète nmeet hifr, elsewhere. 1 cannot nly destroying .himself. Hie becomes Joycee Stewart Morgfan. Csis0 Avvl I3iame her. will lose lier love andi respLet Q.Whein oie is sending a gift < Nf " le r , fa th e r a n d i 1 n rrie d * if h e h a s I t a lre a d y , a n d th e h u a ~ m s ! sa e a d e s d > ~ i e In fl ~ Yoang *hryA o:ee t ~fryas hina, where hunnmslsinstexid of mot>r3; tili the fields tote inoter7ï ote nato bav is ay d bvnIe a.a xo l wil* f r eas bm ahnre. ihrgadn h aacb ther n~wLJ~wbe * But if lie is rationai now, anrd çe<en horse-cfrcwn plows are a rcsrity. A the is oore fendn t h thinký the wôrlê of our girl, but * sh wl f'eel a gratitude t1atote-btyu a4oayu Ilan atld ~ ' VOiII ai he * folil, (Perhaps~ you cani !eave :< " iluat~~~~~~~~ *m aeto.t. ah 'iis page where lie wvil finti',- dFm u - rAýMTI MQTHER»"+ Takes A Rest SMatwy f aIlers are devoted to xwRID N! "' îir daughters, but so jeaus MDea Ann flrt 1 i ~ ',Give or take a f e, Arthur, thatthe canotbea th çwY (3ug) Beroneof the greateA they Çnnu y- sympatby. Suci "men reus .an-line quipsfers ini newspaper thouglt of bier takdng afn a4aayhngaotthi e ( fa erosy he atal grading 'habits unti, they seeciiso iecak oii ~ ffctri~an atn o a that tley tbienselves must suf-cl topicai, or whatever< - bled 'su'id:i~aIut lW t.Ths', Other peoples' sufferiiig daily frein bis typewriter. That yon~z~~' ~ei& ~ îl eàoes thein uiimoved; it on]y r adds up ta 40 years of nation-1 z.*. de. ba. ."Alcoholies bring deatlis onp. wHoeart s l&at mot 10< Bg-' A4 far mist riaturally ex- the highway s, tîey fi our jails, p is typewriter a' rest. " Pc htsoeay his daugi-. àly h iaea the, ýceaseth fnanýa br-P.Ct%- keAt lis resnodeledfrmos tn î-è~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~tibt teî~~ed i hs dno the taxpaar. TIy of She was womari nearlng sev- nîely dressed as any of îiieir Stm rd n.,?e isosc anay th~eaq e owldg 1 rbt aiehuin.gaya ~îeskitt hat lie is givùig np thle attempt ~ b~' tlie1t~w4dge the Ivôrit. 1 think they sluuid enty. Ovar a eup ai. tea aur con- playmnatas. Mteswere talkunyitrdt;'e 7,d" P ~~~~~~~~~~P lJs~I&b lenago a l O LDt ceiaid, versation ure ta oss, with olci wool as .fud ~ 'and ailing, le wiJI stop. writbn-~""~ Sthe '.c tlier ut wlàat wil sh bath medîcal andi psychiatrie. trees, f arm lames and sui-. dir't mati 'and shrink' as did 1ai nid ny'ousoâ , , thli ý f nri as a 'parent if "Naw tLhara is noe dlib on thae( divisions. I was airing my p)et new waal. That was in the days clm, Iwstli".tg x * b ,her now? If, she i5s prospective lçllers wVla fur,% peeve - the laelk of grecnary bef are rayon anti nylon 1flix- liei ia wsgig4t '~ fr:utcd4 to m'ei the .boy ,awy 'tl&r castles a to biell-halas. -Any in mst. jnew .deveopmente. turcs andi slrnk ranistant wc>ol. serniretirement," men's Who stan streicI ,ged'\ls 1T," ytl The news taucheti off a rash- ~ ~ '~~ 'Y fore" ' a cot~' ne ot' ge- «yos,"ree Mrs. bc , hate an Ifok me' waine car thet a Ji inteFnayredress.. île groundis landcisapaci but' ai the dollars mare by mak ing 0 eoluin aagBgsad~v~~iŽY ' "'I know. Miy husband is in aur aga we ean't wait fer trees their el.ildren'-, clothes tla'i in friends, wlo talked nostalgical- alcoholfe. to gro'wv!" TIat was a sage re- any aller way I cani thil-k1 Of. puyc asines aIon bis c e td VICTIM%" mark if I ever heard one. And I sai-ne people even buy gooci useci pnhue:Amn l ai A'ou ta easag aî'îtr believe sIe was voi*cing a elothîng for makting ovar fromi On tle Grand Canyon: "Wbaî " '" k - came ta mie' very muel li-ki ihouigît tînt lad beeni in my rummage sales. Quite a gooti a great 'place 'for aid razor, lirs Te wiîr hwee, subeunsciaus aver since .wa lef t idea, foo. ,bladas!" talke il ot ver with lier pa.1,ar, the 'f arm. Actuafly, we lave meen, île 'cuîyiesîô~ rhbon: are nw wo-, w.ho discussad, t ,vith ber bus- quite a -numbar of trees an ibis ing soman*'hat' hleak these days. mn n agaenw-wo band Itlelpd. praprtybut not close anougli Onyîe ad olr a aleohiol, 'traineci nurses, and 1have yhu ,tri(çCl that?'i ta the house ta) providie shade. few sheltered oaks ant i aples 'errM odt he"Hwt oksur vr a You ati ilwivs ho uIer Sa we continua ta- plant trees, aerîiii ierîaa.~e On îhe lorg-nette: "An aquar- oui af île seven? Whip up two Yeti,#sa~ lae n' l ,,;e 'smpnfy. nti more trcs.' 'But as 1 look te are seinn hiri 'evs Evîl iumn for ona f ish aye." skirts -one slun, one flareti 'ai tlicm iv at ancaumI n brnhe s hdsikn Bugs bacamre a by-iiner as a ta mix-rnatel with ail your iop%. - TIc ~~ parent r~îî~cs tînt urg0n im . . nswiii s of" anll aîns. aie'bsS sparts' columnîsi for the aid Begifnar-easy ta ,sewv choos hdei uist pare traie tha Grawth, .s sa slow, n- wla I raing upîelater alsî as New York 'World in 1915, and- glowing tweed or viborai)t calor. cle s u proie agains thai rati Jc-nleBa- fastn 'as he la ad's asgin seair -'hangcd employars on île ' rinited Pattern: 4845: M~isses' livs, ndproide aaint tatstrength aIf a' warmed-over' gag. Waist Si4zes 24,, 25, 26, 28, 30, 22. .~ ~ "" nxdrsans be stalk" variety. Hû(we-ve-r, slowl them, ia flie gardan ready ,foar da.An His gýýerais, ,l g'rowîE' doesn't stop us p],anting sp)ring. On mainy gardes 'ali Wrtn ini The World about a Waïst 'Size 28 silin skirt takeà and explains .therni to eacb otlier. somieone, if îlot us, wîll reap aver île country, in spâ$iof ad slow'- ote i btseiNew plYrk. Pine dk~i 4ifaretos ,r 2sl yads Wdte~~~~~~ beth'ox', Eg- îe beýnefit ini the 'dista,_nt future, vice ta the 'contrary, leaves are. oi QIîeNwYr Pltddrciosateept eet -St., New Torerito, Ont, NWevisited frientis onp thair rakeci up andi burnt. Whi a Ya tnks) whal second bise, er pr. ~iracua 'Hespeler farin lasi week, and crime against nature.? I suppose oirygtaseiecn ae, Send F'ORTY CENTS (4ff) ust Ait ~Bugs craced: "Huas leati was full A ocNow- brollght back fiva' jIni<p15fr nii pigtO~~m adn olrey~ulsftwr postal note for >safety, (stampê founda'ý planting. Alsa tîree ers will go oui andi buy fertihlî-' Ih a ruî caî1ou b. 'acepted) -for 'this pat- roots of trumipai vinec. That, di' zer. Sa mue, is wastad. 'A'uy tron WilaPa-~~lease pti± ,plali'ly SIZE. activity~ eitr',ua 1t, Anrrian yn.w fn s îl antie a rowîî. tha linas haler bcre eu"x for' henti tE t A NIDRE ADSL k '- pull. 'lu? îl, early 120', 4~) mIEnl>d N Hearst ASrc. Boxri --. un-iltei S e pinoivýn wthei dials ofu ludin- a7rr Tînt BuI aa grows thuQl p a bsfribrla' prycm '- inesceut ~~su raiu pathAto.- wll oie a lýï,eltrn boi Plos platie wimus 'af' île- yrim ns lin brîvacy. T-r -w'eùr 'nine 'cforre in- Sedodrt AN-D tp keepa ine pain . the Ameoig a, m stirien(, day n ,ie pid aniset gte Nasw Yosk A'tuýir Boxji île 12ue.ehSi, e E-e"b i~it public.& - In ther ed 12',; 4 aoriýest lus 'iat ii.Ta trat Shour couy a' elimst la ~i-apann ga t, rnen worker a', Che ~ cottoi Rad- wsnt nit aiee Avrtrercs Aiet tIees endtma TootfO Ily-tal ~ad' lnking aueji?," ut "me îe ogli ouie , Ataarpaid thir u, natc rsn ith btliwa a hea~ .u cents Pln iard Theree wasJ go.t 'Buto of'v-. core1b luénz " ~"' ad r~ife x2 etii a~ecuedbY asaatlaltce quigIl w'i ha i s iday we ga a ec tec cmn- "~"Q ~ " naitlling' litc tila'bôna lu _1:s in-ce.11ýi Fo anyoueý -ad 1- iil A111- n1w we a1 . t1 - - -.-'

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