T"e ALOW e w uv, 9aw wu bkvlsw& t"ImE~~ w.. bu.werd hwhe, Mi.w..sà Md ,4 m oe.p, Nb wsy by U* 0 h Mlmtuha Nl bdM4 mw lpW o bei "414L PA0CAnd 8W"iw.lwi Je* m~ For wp cheud, r.,uddp 'pli 341.bod. ou oh lm i lht dë* " .. Pur urom. ddrluu. *à wmh.. Je. Jum04 Nebrtoko* bbbe § M. W"e dvmdS% Wbu)"*@à dud. N.w ix fo*t down, Joo b Qku'oy. Mo wam'f mort Wh. It ft..*e. BEATTY WONDERMATJC Completely Automatîr- DRYER, Sale Price.$2195 Forrester, as did the cther es, stated that they did no, wisb 7b building in Orono. Forrester ýat 5000 feet was too small ince rwater or sewace disposal was bIé. Hie said that the size can rnuve, was in is op ward and should be R. ýR. Waddell1, said that the by-4am vas premature and was certalaly go. ng to stop bulilding i Oronc. PTER SALES COMES SE Y5S iat we SAVE CIA CêCOPER4TORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Oa"bu ftbe omw 1e*d vgmkffll Durham County, Liberal Association, ANNUAL MEETfNG and Election of Officors N ewcastlê CýommuT Vilen yoIu"buy a IMcICuIloch wi f rom $is we have 8in>Ile give yu the kid o u wanit. keahore td. R.R. 3c Pori Tel. TU. 5-2760 and $3.88. Fron t his selection Sof value. peine SPEAKERS: FRANI; A. ENFIELD_ TORONTO BARRISTER AND FORMER MP, e R. 'T.4\' WOODYARD PROVINCIAL i\LiBERAL cý.>DmDATr= and othe're r=VERYONr: IS WWLCOME GOD SAVEVI-REQIJEEI4 1 would thaiLking alI1 recerit Towns] Seasoin, TA *a-Scle