,0 late "the-y yQur tht find, Uc' Ing the worid - , I wtTh hîrm, diseus it Lad ell her rry. It wifl ,et adjustcd rd yôu bu actical de- * * r~~tP. P tak [bis ealumn samietimes cornesMoe T. "the Optini4st". quite usefuly as a sort aDi gavel $75 for iU. It was aur ather day. As yau kno,;w carl and after three hiaif- s, y-ear Navember is etbih lessons 1 tcool it on tite roacd Safras-tree record. ,One myseif. Passibly"tto ptiz ilia bocatwas nabing thtC pplied ta the, driver as weï ferencue in Our pre-sent i the car. OP as compared wibh ,weabther Isn't it too bad oune man's J niitions Ix>nvmbr 1933. Sce s nearîy aîways aniotbaer ni oe starbing this caum 1- poison? Thjs rain, vwhich weé y y looked up rmy "Ginger 50 cold and unpieaals r =m Yea-rB0i for '3 and . very badly needed. Maty ý .oughit thcy ere better aI in the caun.ttryý and suburbs me.ý For whlicýh I was very,1 dangerousiy 1iow, in some Iý rnkfuL. I had visions ai Art capeti dry., But why di bing a bad atback ai arîliritis hav ,tara 'forthbgE àl thebo oe dawn wibh ril n.,A .rln ¾ 'f thaI) will ýom, driving nd with thel hianc -opr ro on tJhe old [nd las- ea' shoeashav inter work ng thtchu lacs- >'alk a wasn't cm up yeb 1 remfeinher a s if ;itwr used to caIý Our dIon ~ a ppuwar piugtu'i LUVYdS Up. Wise Cowm.s! Five cows, kept in a pastucre n)ear a country house, were given a ration of Sait eeySu1nda'y rnorning. As a handfuil of sait to a cow q s taýt-y as a baýr of chocolaete a child, the cows be gan tb look forward.Inta teir Sunrday reat. Afler a .,whiile the cow's started to aniticipaite the sait. For six days, wvhenever miiking lMe came round, they had 0bpb rounded Up, but on Sundays they camrne voi1u ntaLi i y tnwav-rds the hou.se and stood about with ani air of expectation. If the cow- man forgot to brng the sai, h b cows, instead of going straighbA baçk 'to tlhe pasture gft1rer miiking as bhey dlid an other days, stood about for ani hour or s-atn for theuY Sunday brieat, T.he 2ows iived in an ioae part of tbe country and Drý. A. S. H.-udson, who records- this stary, says that as far as he could judge there wa-ýs nothing b h'Leip the coWs ta distinguish Sunday irom aâny other- day. The onily ex>pianatin seems tobbe hàat they deveioped a time(-sense that bold thm h tinday was Sa'titday. A. NO; h shioid keep 1toHe idL LI1$MI precede