Vlm 21 u er-3Orono, Ontario, Thtirsday, D E CFE M Bl E 1subscriptiou $1.50 n- Parade IiiOoo Vsê evc Trustees Set Up Budget He1d By Engag Enneer O Last Sund evenng h CGIW Oi"h * - ýt -r - tlleir annual Vesper Servie in thei- Cuh.They had asthi gut th lie Orono Polce Trustees lield at e L o Newcste C.G.1T stMr. J.!' 1or sg was and th~e wiin and a1so~ ta consider the hiringofW l me .GI. sag "0 oly~ Nightý' s. 1 Cosutig Eng ees ta formudate I o la'r.. l ýi t b a orA4. orto-itS 40 RÇ e i d' 7 m arman read thesory of Why pan for the Village. the ,hoau1 li op pe teat1 Chimes Ra,. Maiy Quantbril ig h e meti wit r. Irwi cncern-. N ew M e mnbers the yîuriî(, bi gree byteppiOtroýlf sp d anotlier -1943. -edtesoyo ADcme ih dcniin rsn u fteSb h~teo~deflective concrete highway Prodution of creLlaxn bte àLogng gý Jon Aldred, Joa Tivheo réntrai meeting ofe Heahe Re- ad ý Idc sat ýlaidejLt't1 after the ar her in Ontario con durhig thj enaa Je'sr Va,ý diiiokeg n Ctu rea Bý-ow wiin - re Ia odg-wsh n the10 J The biigliways~prmn reeentiy mi>nth of Ototber anid the, 10 niolntbs Cv4tter read t'he Sriptures, uae h.ae f uliglt oHlTudy eebr9h Wýarrer, Watt at theo Orono Chambfer aianounced a contrit for resurfacing ending Octaber,. 1958. than.i h saeine cofr ihteOtroDprmn eahrLdewloe u i, nneeti.cg on lJu tre u aiao ie i !II S, 2 n eîd !15.Ti rdt Rt h Deanna Challkce, Darlene Ra» berry ridt fty Presi~drt Sister Luedila riigand outlaed te wark ta ho 4L01 west of West Iill. The fur-ane ~emdt~was lower Alaa.- 1st ye an d Sanfdra Bowins lit the cande ta R.1 orse ugse.ta Kèle5 h uawt 5ahr dne piýr ru a; &ir1)arw ii ,wsbfI n 96udral urhiam and Nortbhmberland coti"' lead off a beaijtiful cadieligting ser-ieomimon drilled wvell be installed ta from Mlaytbelle Loêge, Port Fterry. of tbn0iasancfs i a4ri'expected. The PGtTe-xperirnent Of laJYing 24-footic to, acording ta flie statistics hr-anch vice After the service hunch xas ser-1 supply water ta~ the thirýteen proper- Sister Keinnedy installed Sister Hat- chamiher (ýfu of la$t year and wi e s iosista o! ile normnal - fte na$ eprieto giuýVed 1y saoi of the ladies a te iswihwtdoe nttnw ûdteWlsaa oeGadadSse Otdredmoe hgsi ald, nls~$d120e- sLlins t1tre. chr0 an oiltnewatjyd o Cdbbledick Street ta Somerville Ireiie M4urray as Treasirer. frili ue -e~yfo-t~ uti$ s About miles waitve jatat Iii Diirbami, Cotuty, diiring thne month Drive, This, ho pointed out, wvos being Accauints were p'assed for pajymfent, thy e-me nup Li! ste- s t.Q 1ti.Toah'ebe essetc-la coe,5,3 aase rae Lynn aly.done ini other areas and alllowed VIa.t ce-rrespoindýeneo was read. it w3s re- itsixmaicoditon was r)oted oprd'a5,'a lot ceould thenl be aui area of 7500 jported 11w Sister Oltive Millson, as Co'n- - ini( s,!are pear- 17u.i~bmy odto.e -2 butiîer i pradeer as r squarc foot. Te-ntaiti\vly titis wsa-venor of the Bva7air thti a Io sartta's To e-'p e ,oR ~ -~o ~ ilwyfôi1ig ~m hy eal!n ofb- -96 1) ý Ieather ClubI" ther -information ta iir-apienitt- the 53fr those who 'donated iwero graceftul'l de Fr Elac The IOl Q Lnd -Crek. -to Oshawa ývouId be ro- 202 pounds, were prodwed, comparei stem.- thanked by Sister MiIIson. a-,- -il Siu n1i0hesrae. 542,263 pounds ia tie sanie periatd 1 ~ -1 -au Fa wTer ., lo! -so e lapý ,it yenr. r1eldc Ba aa The elhairrnan asa poiitedv ont- tirat h (eOreO sto!! o! Maybelle Ladge th1 Oib Pul.lin Suloo Presildent Of t~he 0onoi><jijo~- -io~~ieiln In$ lrd d4 --~nac uhadle oo ,n5,4- alt Ilenta xemplfloç the degree in a beautifiAl -~~ aIe-ru- ~~he- poi~~e-~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Ileathier Social Club, held a, very IvIOrt.gage adta -bs~ghztQ~addg4Mmn~radfu enferi cobr 15. o a0 nona sn ifeifu ,),,,Ld twe1l Coattde A.e- an Il liasl year, compared ta '219,b0- - ýannai sul nd~ on tha rtia for. izthen mamer digvfed. nwiieoaed four- ou-r tj1- ,îïiiracn owe busy BPobyFai at the Bowmaiinviic le 2\ta- 1de-e 9 2<aza ~ar last S0udTafternoqnandf co9pstrtiet-i of hôoin sva. pay- - ~ ultre-a&- o-rialsita on neiel xigb, fWs-h te -fke this oipnrtunity ta tho1k inswol ag a litifeover $2000. Plans -were madà<e to niake up -the ii i- h evru Huspital ond to -o crelamery butter were produced- o-e a Il the friands in the' district. andl out-acrig os course -tetoaant ad ag o e at on bi is t nhe rio ts 4l4tO slr. pont -h -tee an S vtry o! tire homte, Mr. Irwin state& tiraI taOrn th- inront General.s jestcr and - - ptd as oar gcne-rously patitonzed aur be-ails andisuob an arrangement would h, ývej_ Arrangements were madle ta serve- 1_aaer il j the cildren 'Ina tables Thed Bazaar Ynias officiOH5y -oe nooo ic ta toewho take part in tire adu itsas prade1-noes aong*opcnd 'by Sister Hattie Wison, tle The outre-me tffie m-eeting was iPaade on Sàturdn$r. The uui Christ- and Vsl asIr4 nva~ E. R. W oodyarcrd! biberil Candidcate Nobl t-and.ci , in hir-dýÉ lüthertirat flic Trusees are te- contact Mn,. nia-s (becr baskets -will ba packeê ~~i -e -I -er1OY 71 the - L-e- Donevan tah th dfln of the letweok by a conmittet, IIOaded b t onilt-io it e-ot~ asyeria ieS eS o iny vi eu g autiub derootel and, taselullY- Sub-dfiuision conpllled and sont: ' i Sister frene Murra.y» nihan ~ and andltsI - jalniled ta _____________ displ-ayod booths whicir 1Oehýet wit»a th~e- Deparirnent o! Planning and De- Business bbing conduced, Lodge was- s~~o~ a ~ ~ ~~ ready sale o-f il articles offered. The v-elcopmienit for tiroir aIiproval and tLa c-lo-sO dW i 1) the n igut man- ho ~ ~ ~ Ill St- siit uoe-ma M1r. Eý. R. W(Yodyard o! Orono and depel)d on cnîticisai of tire other par- apponuey decarated 'Ch"*ln3s finally have the plan registored. -datsyl*nase1yd1wil dîýnta- thé ot t, Ie ta- s "la Liberal canddte to cantest the ý-extîtOs as airnunition fo>r 'lecaMPaiga. Tree added ta tire spirit o-f the occasi- AM. Iriwin stated that ho, had alroady- te- s ardent f0f4~e- ~ Provincial eleection, spoke at tLhe an- j! HOe proposes te-crr uti aU straigrt- on. Apoia e j1i4y were served been held tp for slmletîme and would ~~- e nI4 oe nuali neeatlb of .lhe Dürhiam ihr foaad tpe of pre-moti-n of the Liib- al thit tea tables The .vinners of the like ta have th1 plan oompleted priori' iT e o e Tb~ ar-ao -lbl'hê -t~ed b3 th A~eiati-n a Woo8ste o Toedayoral plntfe-rm, iea saiti This pldatfoimdrawý were: T.1W. Halnd Craçotvl a$nagTr rsesagedta la Or-mno Hýigh- Sck4ool MUaorettes an th(eening whien arourid thrt-dv ere ho ste-tedi, was the me-st Iiteai ltCavýer, Hars.lan-d Allen; Tciblo Larnpbwas their' intention ta sa have it coin- Tn ek-dtrr vi ole 0 e-,ýr ld -p - prnt. one brouglat forsiard in years. - Mm-ls. Keith lWoDo.nald: Christmas pleted. iTeend fo danc a nigli rid e are,ïZ 1jlh cue--eii lst 'ne, li nam Cake, Mlrs Ro Tl1Qlfpsol) G~reyt Felt ýlnidfrFia ih.Fia la nl s~oi ir~ ~-the grat a ~~Iersulted ia a strong, fô4undatfen for Shopping Ba-g, MIrs William.i Watsn. 1 Followvitg this porton o-f thie mnt- ening ait the OH.S sttadèrts Mwil be 1>wOrna- andt anotrer~ trimpi Woe-dstrd sai WOer w-udb u tire platfornm as- atpenrts fre-m every ing thre Trustees set up ai tentative free as tue mind. Tire examns wfIl be- fe il- rono- 1harrpher o-f Commerc -t akaotwtrathvnfp-f t he¶ired ta me-p e-ut tire party's Chdrel feorc e the somin ybIau iii % Avic oadae e abnt wu Tire Lîlberals, irc contiilued, have an mare than lire yenn 1958. Teincrease at thre OcI1felwis Hail Theyar "no~ Ch m e P y ri»ute advaitage e-ver tire Coaservatives be- Th sis~~f taken up witir4the biing o! Planierng sponsoring a ugeod dan.e There is ti- cause tire Lie aisa soe tue mis- %~7 Consultants for $950.00 ndl noetirer es- hoe a goe-d orcestra and a draw en a * ~~takes-.of tire goveramoulî and proft1 Ti uda vtit t t y1e timaeA $55»30 #o oMxer lether ey, hast of turkeys. To$ Two~ SD n or Businessm en Ti udyeeica h riOpissi lnig ealdfnnil Dntfre e tirose mistakes. Tire first turing te- bce United Churchrte ~ ~ pne lnig ealidfnneI Dntilrd kidà -u ta tire 4"Gel" at -done la prepnning for tire Ciwistmas C re-ra il b~'ie *ed statemreat fs a e hoompiked for 1958 ire Oddifellow's Hiall this Frêday av- 1-eOGoChamirer of Coerae was a- greift need for sao melpers will ie tire routine orapnoa and ready for the Jauaery meeting.erg h yutoa - . e-t ~~asingu me-uer. meetings sue-h as iraviag ene-i munie-j lhree chairs will take part. Thbe pro -____________ !osnr idSe-aie-n bumomn iey-'gge as entahnly assist- polity holcis ils neual meeting and e- grami of i-iusfc is beiag supplied by It was moved lry S. B. Rultherford, for- lr an~svd bte - me g sT-ed Mn.iý g SapeMs o! ia e, ifie tire Orana Higir Scirool Glee- Club, tira se-conded by- H. MN Mencer tint tire Pire Departommt.....l9-4 - in---lrt4fvéj-ear. ~rear-a - at-niisar on an &eaaplteI lmo~ teoI as pedted Lit thée Newcastle United -ChaIe- Choir and Oona-ji Police Trustecs engage th f fretUgtn r. . -h% ochas in yea rc ru ite h urnar a s nb di i - t o cp le Eii m e 'oa t lo lie- 1- s feee l ic -r n L imitedi C ons ltan Ch oieer. D an en alk on . .- . -.. .. .. 25O , aatyfawes- presen fan ire tie - *jb as fan a the $fllolXOê wi1i go. - j eeti-ng as th~e new president ao-f tre ofaatnitdCioirC ~ -a Marshall, Macinl and~ Mon-gliran Sjeuiiati-------------- îQeUO c-ai, an e c n rtit ir e The e-çtr tio tire eb ef b.sae ir rset peie t eb Baci of the groutps w-ill prose-at a M-\ilis, te- carry out thre awrk utlined Mu i pa u 1 g- - - -- 4 ~ -~- ~ -~sait? M Samiuel~ -- Kent a! Bowý-maiiville. Richbard Love-Inmhro hrlofmiisi-iitnl yte ntri otno eeie Coensualtant? Trustees aend3S~ J. McGil, Fsaidnt 0 h 'niudo ae4 The service ~vithon hie ocompleted 1958 for-lire price of $950.00. Cannied, Cn-i- hlareeC C'1ýber, spoke br'efly of "ire- avnrds Recognition, of. asistance and lhelp - ---- cwn-n ag - wjîhlire tirree joie-mg in -suwmig tire, pulnning-----------.... 1500.00M e-feedwMosr.w-as made t o - A, Allin for supply i - "iled- hrs Tire !otllowig- itenitative budget -,wos ivlsc'io us .......... 0A F.en la C'opeaieW J., Rlif0I. Te- wa ter !re Balby Bandc The servee wil str at 7:3 j -- ioo or-, '~t thu Chmbr satd ta. f --- Chri stm as Party- e-ni - e-nr -te- prosent titis small t-ke andthie- Iron Firet ýC.frSIPY iia recognition a! the me-ny years cd ing tire furae al suchi a roasaniable ser r. nCape thae the Cham-i cire. A goat? nutnber af motirers, balee l.ukýL~ . - e fer tIroir gesttre. Mr W- J--i- Prhs T.V fo F Mis and cildren were pt-osent at tire An- D u ha H o lstei C lu b Hiç o~i nu '. I L u r - de"l w-ns ne-I presentt eev, i Th -Peiet sggested that the ntmal Christmas Baby Baud Party beM - --- --- rd bt % lticln-wrn re- !e-nwae-d. Ciranber !irt puira aprtbe i tire Onono Ujnited -Crureir Ste-day A5 rsa thmig too: theform Televisioe- for youe-g Be-bby Falls, w-ire-Sèlirool rooim, TuesCay afternoosi o!l 90 o-! gdine--n meatin~a &~tient -nAhe Biia wmanville I'oS- Ibis week nnl wth turkey toppiligthre menu. pitait as a result of~ a -car accident The pnrty - pontd w-tIi e-vanyone- M . A ~ d M s. T rw H. S amuel~ reparled o-n 'irc Pro- ne-ar Cm-oedehC Creek. lie asked that Isie-ging 'Jesus Laves Mýe-" aflen Mi,-s.ne________________________ , -l ",t__- tin U-yffh __ieei C-u prs--e -y -. 1t~ 1-~t -~Bw a J1te B1o n 1e c 1- I'- e