Thftught Manent* -R RTISI WusAGI~~*~- ~ *~ s- -SIFIED AIR RISN Not a sound came frorn the AGNT WATE CHC tents. But nione of'the thousand GO INT B fUSINESS OTSEZM SAV nrsida n fia 77lj f yourscif. Sel 'our excitn bo~use-' ps Legor uats dal andS C1M ALE men ~~ aoleep. ~~hey lay awake wares, watcLes and othe or ut nItrot started, pri.tstut~~oJ ~ ~ f4~ C~ menh pwidin asl atts Th nd latd - 0.f rahe endU~0l> weepin ski ntr - ~. ~found in stores. No conipetition. Prof- 204 week Puilets (10w 1nneac~ Posti Ecea alv Ilntdspot bteth pondn for san âU 1lsu ttw 5o% .W,.-. -o fou frc hg rdcinOdrýailr-Fh n buring~ ecze man-.eating~~~~~~olou l a'~:--~CU aaogue- preparet Murra rtlary broilers niow. See local agert .B~W n breat - o att n or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, ma acrne, rIngworm, pimple and~ foot Every nght for the past few .~~~. ~ ~ ~ Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence,~ Montreal. M~itg.W~~~Bj~r*Uyt h lions w er e prow li nig am ong them . -t i f s od rl s -i ti en regar- _ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ Campy SAIg.I forKEPI4 thReC patff lhow stulbborn or liopelezss thi*y weeks the lions .had visited the. sen Post~ Fre en___________________ URAIPYOUROWN~ AUPE- 10Ike. BOOKEEPINC Servie titat is i44qa1 l *I o~Fq nR~lte rc capat Tsavo, where the imen BI d.long newR OWqol stRPTp& 10c. sdIeefs~~.W ~~ o~r PRICE $3.00 PER JAR weebulin rig frthe d, onrg ingwolnr. selrct- rds for- $2.00 per mionth, More ii POST'S REMEDIES newailwav line from Mfomabasa f.ormnation write. Auditax. c/o230 286 st li Aven.ue Ratt were1~uidin brige fr te bal-nceg for -3 s S ft, $d50M Ren¶ Woo. H[erbert, .Waterloo, OMntar1o. TORONTO into the hea.rt oÔf Ugan~da. E&ch alneoUt.efW.ain______________ tine, they carried. a shrièlçing - -I -C Eitt t. N FR AL viti ÎTit hejnl.200 ASSORTE0 BUTTONS$ AR4,BSIESS ACRIAGES,VIE victm of kt th~juu1e . ~ ~ ~BRAND snew. Iinies Us~t hfe, RJI.~~ H R ~ 3 at Make-it-Yourself, Sevo S' -' . ant cr. For~e Dr r esse, oas Sirs US. J. G. PORTER, BROKER, BOX 137,9Z ~on eaeIh dollar. Conmplete, easy Ixi-- NWathes were set agn Thep 1 .... .- . ~ ie etC. ~4 t LWele- laid. But te lions eluded them. --î.. i te. Dei o.,~ 9ontre. Lawrence Dept. , 103lO Park Avenue, NewYeI No tevfre akaom he11dDp. 0 ote TO close estate; sacrificing service 17 N.Yý --- roaring .fo the junge had - ~~~Y"----------- .....~WHOLESAII PRICE% h garagse, long- cstabflshed on min OPOTNTE O TOYS Gits, nial Apiincesand street, aise self-containe apartments; E N OE .,qowi- 1& der as the lions neared fro -So-- Iac--ý te....-~ $29,00 equipp. . MINm P. F, Migne th cmp he i adsope1.RaisWrtefr re a ta- Realtor, Walkerton. J NVESTOII wanted, Ma ifactured e.ffl And the workxnen know the lç,,- gLqeý- Jloi irops Impoits, 6 O~in- .RCO -ir chlicrtrcad c Every machine fittad. Fred~ Irele.nd» 'loStr~eet, Port Hoe ntario.F, arCt.Winpg twc manr-tes were inoving -f" ý-saa , Rp. road grader cliains. Comrple a stock at F.Gr~ r, inpg stoalthil-y tjoghte tents. ARICE aATE lo-aa. aa7~~4~.1w prices. JXac-k Wa,.rdell, 137l14rd East, BE A BIBLE1 DISTRIBUTOR In the tense; nerve-racking F ,-aa~~aaa~' wnSùd AMILY Bibles, Books, Mlottoes. WANPE - -dcons willn pa 'rAUBEfrn erSr,ûc,5 siecthey waited. . . .pie Write to -PO.Bo 555 lugll areIs. a e~ >tafr,5 BoBx 1,StaCtfo tariUTo. ars -bedroom bouse wUtl full base. o ~SrtodOtyo Presently there came the ag- T-i. ~ --- ermïnai ",A"~, Toronto 1, Ont menit. Large brick double deck barn, onied hrik tat tql thm te --'--a- - -,- - ~ -36X200, e.xcellent for pouitry aud hogs, BE A HAIRDRESSER night's victim had been selected, MOST VALUÂBLE PLAYER --Ernie Banks o-f tShe Chicago -MORE and nore good polrmo r carn; hyar E5xcelen lnd sixtugaed JOU4n RAA A' iAWflO %CH that they at least had anotherl C>bs smiles ha-ppily in~ his Chicago home after beir-g nlmed tjhe buyin1 K-137 Km eiitrY aroe ary- on x0; pukrssurvile, ast 5YS ih lu Pat 1>110e proesio;t te 4â$j~~Natonal -e-ge' pus aubePl rfr15.Bak,2,i, mre baged thi-si ear are - luotge t la sae.CnatM.9 ae, huad faces day 14V. -Lecgues Vluole Ioyl fr 98 Bink 2715 a fe morefg thi reai sud 1,Oa cota- Kieinfeldt, 20 Queen .Si. W.. Bramp>ton. Ame arval Glradtiata. Ntuntil rolcl etmoru- - the graethome run hitting shortstop in NainlLeaiue a e flerrnals ) -u-Aeic-a's qi-eateat Systen NoeolCj e~tgrcte atca parative test, lclmbar c-onienCe-d t, LOVELYI CHRJSTMAS BEILSI 1 UfIlustrated Catalogue Frez. igwas the mnan's identity estab- history. Ho hit 47 home runs Iost yae tan or othar iored Wiesb- weale AN4 incefanc boritia ftLrg'te f or Cali' lished. By naow nearly a hundred - - an laa e ur ohed Wlsek we aa Aunc idac Chrittas oif~ Lre allM' MAVE o-IrDEN CSC haçl os. The m.raîe bouglit all Kirnbr). 2. Kirlmberehtks ar French pertome. Very attractive pac- MAVLAURISNSCtL men It ~~~~~~~~~superior te-u ta'srt hct l age for only $2.50, a rel $10.00 value. BHSoranch-. es: nt of the renlainder. was beginning trict shortly after hi death, and purchiase Itlamie egas.driý1th 3. lÇt- Oréer nes as6 44 Kin St. W. Bs lainilt - t0 crack., chose as its fi-st two -victirms men o<- ~ a~-~'. ~Iv etedrn lago. rder or C.3.D. Villard-enms,18 72 Rideau StreetW, tiawato - - - - ., -~in period and li-ve better Iu the. laYr Shebrooke East, Moral '3Rda trettaa Yùrher- lad molg s *1 Kimber. you too will prefer Kim- - It4STRUCTIOt< PATENTS ntruction work becamne mps chief's kîtterest opponents. It was -'v berc-hiks. 'Fry themi tbis year and yoii ________________ cible, o the mu w~re ex~t bak more han ailthe argments ii a a iii always -bty theni. W-you want FREE INSTRUCTIVE BIBLE ITERlA- EH1TOBUIf&Cr ay to 'the coast, leaviuxg only a band the world could do to couvince ingt lo.k more n-iilenayOits . sof Yotr f!Y 0UE pUniv 4PEIAl. Paet ersty sAvje., Toront f - -iug hck. uy KtbOrcbllts Als etlla - Johnu Gizen, Prelate, Saskt, ai - 0 SVr cYV. oynrout ofwhite hunters to fight the lions. 1the natives that the chief had flot - oua-egbreds, d u a 1________________ i'tautrplcoluris oreds relerbreeds. turkety-poults, EARN more! Bookke~lg aesa~ FvnuaJ, h mneacrswre rmý,ncltretohs o.O-Iniported Laudraice aud large Black -shlp Shonthanci, Typevriting, etc. Le- RSAL !ivetuaiy, he ~n-et&swere reminedtru to is ord.n- Blue Spotted Swlue,, Registered ions 50f, Ask for free- cîrcudar Noe. 33. Fshot and woirk was resuined. viously, ho hiad returned to car- 1 nu.Ctlge aada orsoie~ ore AUTIOS- tnited subutit MSS al TWEDLE HIC HACHERES TD.129 BayStretTorntolication. Reasouable tennis. Stoch-wel #till caso4 ci wa l trnlobl For several m.onths, Chiengi -FER<IUS - - - ONTARIO> - -td, Ilfraconbe, llngland. std. 1898)« -- upan ow henw alwy endured a reign of terror, dur- La~ ' - 'v --~ mn igorînSwiTO lIpCof.~ CE OO T RT OK line> and 'were responsible for ig which the man-eater entered thIt lih~oi cr n Outn jget fgr hing Outçloon -nterests, Oood- moue-vnyinutiî nssga ~- villages end exacted a ter-rible ------------- troughI is marked off by white hy~vg~~iUtY OPs wod Ont. tween stations. tol of lives. Buso sto was - -,~ - figures on the secin hstb Seud for full detsails. O~nu ag But, strng ~ --' lou "lo" hs -be~-' caofuly Baek th bet beed .onIirsslig, ADILTS! Perse I itublIer Goodl 2,1 <'ietdie ~to~-~-- ~ thoîr superstitious belief, the î ilu -l.c - a . ee -aCf.l Bae Ltnre Abe ree fuor 'tos assortuteut for $1.00. Fneat quality natives macle no efforts te kili or _ aseasoned durirlg the 67yas with raîves and 1,red agalu at'tai-nins'é guerated, M.ed luplain ene yyr e autiously. a hc -eQalet package plus free Blirth Con- Points loeked tip. No onecng even) to frustrate it. At first, the - aa.which h-ave elapsed since thle prices. Visit our farnu, tro boktad caalge of upie ou, yei so~s~na a~po- raids were macle nt riight, But, ~ -~ '-tree was felled. FERGXJS, ONTARIO WRcegt o rn astrbtrs.o 2- iters ail lu ofice. Lion sitting be- alter a time, the lion became sa5'-0 --a.- Another namne for this sequo!î% carruthers ScourTablets el.00 TRIAL offer. Twanity-five deluse gOr $ ffce -door.4 ran one such thed ht l u ed wam nrg '~~ -~ is the California redwood. Miany ARE au tueZpenilveand quick treat- jersonal requli'eiunts. Lateat cata- th ut nbra aylight ta a,---------- years ago a section of anothor auent for the FIRST SIÇIN OF SCOURXS ogu. Inldd he S41edice Agey, Late~ bh~ . ~select his victims. - in ewo a n~e ~ IN CALVES. Give 6 tablet5 every 6 Box 22 Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ouf, Lae h, this sta- '-rtrdwo a n ýevi hours up to 3 doess 50 tahiets for $ên mstr ta t~se~ sc- When,- however, Chiengi Char- - -a Yorkshire museuru. $2,25, 100%5 for $4.00 Purehase from REAL IS1TATE n4 e~ag: ~xra uget. lie brouglt, aloug tweo mort on redwvoods have attained I~HI RG T.WANTED, 10 to 4,00 acres, buSh or un- lions -and started te instruet CRUHS mrvdhlly land n uv it -Pelbfs-Inap surrounded by two tu n ageofe 3,000 yoars. The Gen- Lindsay, Ont. r~ptaleý Box 75, 23,18 tee, e ~iozHa aocedl xiclmbn~ eating, the ntives decided they "MOST VALUABLE" -Yankees' rlGatrdodi ~io'i MACHINERY FOR SALE oio1,Of toto o tlerah pl oea hd adenyr Hain gnË bowasly sstatedrs byws tae aya cisc stsSentist s'%odl 2 recbt it water 'tank ireit SuccouI, b a urh lvn oe Bo>Tre 8ti ersw vearq &go to be the oldest living GagCKBEie Moe o2 Trcknd mmh ~ mntdaunmol2ested for- o long, he lied ner of the Cy. Young Mienlo- t goeah.He etmated it OUt Enlev uBteff 1.u Tmmkaa In p~arto fia man-eaters lost mucli o-t his cUnng rialI Awciud as the maor teea- t40)t y Good Order - $1,200.0 M r. P. Ti lO, SqpEEF eave at 4,0-o500 er n Blackwood Hog Equiprent LIilte-d, hae atieurs bee tected b hnausahlalnt ln gue's outstanding pîtcher dur- reorter!thatitsbase ,vas IO7ýý ISuflt-ac Roa, orotoIâ Onaio.a urosnative 'lelieftht f aeh dbený round and its height 267 MUDOICAL -i ter death, hpïian sotuls can enter lueh a enraiding reg- -_______________ I ftI(IIV.fI the bodes of wild anlxuals. Lions ularly and he was soon shot Thre~e years -ago 1,500 fie- HAVE YOU HEAJtD ABOUT DIXON'S mre Loftel believed to jta-Iour fhe dead: ±Npthing more was heard U s Re rdfig Wters hai, ta tac1klr foi-est NEURITIS AND RIiE!MATIC PAIN O OR MÊ e"rt f eatd hes For of< hi "aprenic, Uses la T, uy Ar blazes which sread so rapidly REMEDY? IT GIVIS G000 RESWUTS Y* b. lieppy ci4 trenqvil in3!ead ci *ear of Yfendig the departos, A lalu offcal oncen ha lio.n Wife that they reached .win a mile-ý MUNRO'S 011>0 STORE nrws or ci- good rigt'ep,~ toke 16 aaye-n hog h ero f the trees in Calitornia's Se- OTW $cntbes5ceI~ as .tos kilî sth!h ninetas nooson ain o hi bunalo bedro Wheui 23 -year -old ex -cattl-e quoiiNoa l Park $.25 Express CoII.ct EIINs,ê-s One o-f the most wiucriow bot hoses bungalown pike Natona Pak r mni-eaters -of the cen-tury, whç) dragged hlm out et bed. Hit to oohNhayn ikdDRV miCRIis~~ s TABL.ET8' gîrt ntenm tciui shouts b~rought servants runn up a huge diamond in a mine at DRIV -IT -A SU 0 15 Ch-aiie, Win th ae ta ect a o hs doaid. But he hall locke Dutoitspan, -South Africa, it ___________________________________________ fearful to-1 of umun lites, hi _o betêre going- fa bed and ma~ htl ol ohm -~-.~a thrug~ths blfr. nd.te he they ceuldn't gel in. to Basutoland and buy a wifel .a"~5- gaa$asa i'ar tuatteset Ie istrct hor ho Wlth great presenlce rot mind, Joseph's <ind was' quite acci- ~-s - s--a$'a~a~a a.,.a- .peî-ted ls ji-t pparaiie owevev, he suggestedl they dental. His boss sent him ta - - I tie h~egidisrit ç N-i-b- tunately, le was hilt in th& and weut whisfling ou lis way,FO 4- ci-nRhoost anouned e~ ls souhei- Butthonoie- t t~e is eyes suddenly spotted a glit- deat-bedfIa le oul retru iring sered the lion, -whih let tering ebj oct. , aftèr his death ln fhe guise of g9o off hil anld jum-led out of It looked «rather nice", leé & lion. Hie would tIen single out' l';-e wiudow. -thought, so le picked it up ai-d 'a Ixis onemies crne by one- for punj- sl1e *t ta lis croules. Tley .a îshIBent. -Obey, the traffic siguns they gusped with amazemnent bout ,h- By a cuirie-is coïncidence, a are placed there Fer Y O u R seph was uiinmoved. WitI less man-eater d4id moive ita- the dis- -, SAIWTY. îbtan six meintIs' -ervice lu the - - - - - - mine bohid hl, le'd nover - seen a diamond: lis pals miglili- be jaking.777 - - a as'- a-But when he teok tle stone to Î - ,- bis b1355 if pro-yod te be a mag- a. --' ' -'- - --------------nificnt 108l; carat diamond. -aa e S- - a And, because of lis lonestyo- ss' a.l-