COMMITTEES PREPARE W omen's Slippers,~o'ai~syewt ~~tini~d frompage »fur- trim, platform sole, ~ospn ent in reeent years that the invitations Sizes 4 to 9. Pair for w,ýere unneeessary smnce a làrIge aUn- S.ber of people attend this dance with- Cups anid Saucers, Royal Albert English. * out receivig one. cia rcd a ... aedoing ag1reat da of overtime Pillow Cases, niovelty ýembiroider ->-floial1 wor-k 4e make this dance a wortby eladHrir-n r. oefpi max to tihe past twentylve andHer1, r.and rs.Bo ai .jez. dances. It is their hope th ecomnmun- ~iy wiIl enjoy the Silver -Magie BMianlBwlSesthe-p ce unhreakabl( 5 t $i9~Polyethylene, rolled rhi for easier han 1 eXmhFesiviiesbOwvl sizes 1- quart 2 quart and 3 quart. S 05 to $17.95 PeXa etvte nm sizes o ardB ms Slips ai-ic Pantie Sets, dual gif t pack, Pet 2fo$7.95 and 'Pantie, assorted colors. Set for n1on, 100 byNan RIlkb ina ea ~Exm are or àok, teaidnsj Meni's Ties a wide assortment of patterns k ta $12.95 of rono igh lSchool are frue of ý'e colors in jacquards and novelties. Boy4 sizes 32 ta xr eninw iisef o rv o extra carge.............. .9j ta 56.9à5 eZ ci ring -; the exanmiatin period.* Now, smatl . he l n oo.f ad.1 he -QUS ensWool Gloves sotdcolors, sizes 9C to $1.39 r aLun fst a reah- gi'iiediumi, or large. Pair f or....... ~~~~~n,~~~~~~~~ nyo, o tdes eas isyereals Mns Cps GlJ'Cs with wariîi rn m, large a O ..S.wer !h&d oe weekeirIieir 95ta$.9 hn lawi koesfer svrlres M enI"s f1, o~s puIe orlon , derfullý eor P!as- -s~vsdi ~r> w il l no0t-sink lS- edptt sizes I ta exams poied tliefr Qnefof the to0 11 -.Pair f ory.......... 14 9k(5 . .stas se . .n . .~ tidet chmos- i nc Pofe eholpuil Miseam ~OPEN FR-1D A y SATRDAY EVEý, 9c. ta $4.953 t~nsms n Uett les UknIJNTIL CIIRISTMAS S3.95 f tahr CtOI l eeito . SA VE TMSERVE YOU] urs oan of 1hese 1 i s t ep s 45 fo $545 ~cudbe finý:1ýinhd cise V ut ia; Il so0ll t tparens nd-stdenIs ai e 1.0 1 duld klow where they stand before in plainteegnn oftenw eri -Saits bt exarns we-e e 95 tc $1&5 vee trû hi yar t is hcped (1thait Prove.n by 15 years is 14 ta bu the e d o t N eek, aJi the papers f flaesi 95 to59 be raý;marked reports mal:y bfi-, awîn Hanl- ~ U.I salso hoped tl s ew r- $1,75 each ui t i ocre A5 > f Lakrd - 2p.m y14 Gon Rirby - - 3OOpm