.n Though he appears to b. tryrng to scratch R a lace, this pengtjln is really cttempting a grace- 1,c clever water performance at a London zoo. He',i Fs' bis grace in the pool. i in c relection seems obliqiuely toaian- ru swerthe charge that he has n become impervious to criticisrn, for the volumn-e abounds in plain [e) Nehru -- speaking, especiallv fi-on. Gand- f ian children- hi whiy did not hesîtate to eaIll bhdy n Nv, Jawaharlal, whien o c c a s i o n ei em-era1d-green i! arose, "initemperate, intoleranat, LX [lied a brand- rnd arrogant.Y ndahi-îe The volume also nostalgically f Ihi. recalls to Indiafla some of the nr West Germany highlights of their struggle for dlw,"ays to thiý Independence and unfolds the w Às th avrt mixtds of m'any of the men an~d ýw park in the women who led this struggle tn n is to icelude its brlliant and peac-eful climax b( Lnds, libraries, in 1947. ý pen-air thea-l Included are some letters from R] ilîre ony. Mrs. Sarojini Naidu, poetess, CI rated through- a rator, and leader of the Indian tc as Children't National Congress Party - the ec rim Mnite 4nly Indian of her aàge wh1o opeir- a u*s wish, and ly dared to ma.ke fun of Gandti ci s~ avrwhr nd so help him keep his feet 01 n as an extra I on the graund. Site somnetimes P( hem s e lv es. referred to him as Mickey Mouse a1 as th at te a and insisted on his playing table tc I 4 wagle a tennis with hecr when they were q m Chacha. ir, prison.k elhi's Na±_tona1 Most revealing of P-il the le' - a àach year, the trb,ýee-'a h n h"Il P pageant. They trhwvr a h n hc 7state in the yôung Mr. Nehru wrote to his _r off ta 'Uncle, tather in 1920, when the young h ýxuberance in graduate, just returned t! India, ai oificials more Who later admltted lie was an. fc the -)Pqge. Jnsufferable prig at that time, t thorernange makes hits first discaverey off t( rformes. India in a village. He wrote: gq e also has a '"Looking at them (vi]l1aersY own-ups. This and their misery, I was filled gi ah sof Luner, witla shamre and ýorrow. sltame al ho of letters" t my own easy-going and comn- b Nhrf ter fortable life and at ourý petty t STebru trougb s City poîitics, which ignore this P' nh, ai frm is vas,!- multitude of semi-naked Y, personaities ii sons and daughters of India, In d. Mr. Nehru's soro a t their degradationi and nl at the overw,,helmînng poverty of myv counirtry. A new picture o! * India rises before mne, whicl-t frightens me an±d the gratituds _ at aur casual, silperficial inter- OtMiANA - est filîs nie wîth a sense of new ici French's responsibilitý,.y een sketched Mr. Ný,ehru bas gfot over hi-: I a ie~w foujr- shock, but this firsti experience is, ilway-s with Jhimn as it is with g a bove, in man nther Indlians-. Tiiat is why b Fthe i 59th he is always hustling ïaid hry- birt. On- in, impatient at deciay. Read- 0 ing, this particcular lettei imakes t( Sthe famnous one understand why MV.r. Nehru in portrait refuase$ toacaeept the taf,'ct that il Peter lcoly I dîa's Five-Year Plans cmay v b fi president's A,+s Chacha adds to if,-~eqrs, in 1820, A Ilu e seema tarun fas"ter Lnd tas- 17 n's sigrature (e,. and buehnd li s ý'reamis a il breathiless 'nation, usiua1]y grum.. Ii both tumps bling at the e hP sets, -)nl1 7 ay 30, 1959. -OMeimes r-cngxiizing thie need for at.Buit his 11ehi wS ami aslie rce rcYund in jtsand a sùdelydeceson 1Yhem la p stoi hw 1 tý