and disappeared agaîn ifor tour' w-eeks! "He is 26 years aid, 1Isn't it time he' settl&d down? "We've been married seven, and gat aloxig well until he met another girl whlere he wofrks. I1 went lei ber mother and tolci her w-,hat, was coing on--andi suhe said herý daughter wav-s a Christian and wouldn't stoop to such ad thing! Doouthink lhe wiliL corne back and behave himnself'? I have neyýer done any±hing ta Justify such 2rLelty, arad1Iannearly beide mseif. WORN OTYte * T1ýis situation is a grave one, *and your familyv shouid handie *itfo you, Your father (or *some other nmaie -mem r) *should try ta bring th;s hus- *band of yours to, his senses, *alld 0aso aseertain grounds youl * may have for d LoreI that * must corný-e. 1 hope you wiill be *properly taken c-are of in the if you hiave burt somieone, de- Iiberately or nfot, lose DO imle iD apoligizing. That is a mark Of breedlifglgwiceh none Of us can finieo!ridecision, ask Anne ilirst>s opinion. Address her at Bo 101,123 Eghteenth St., New It 1has talen tony Y dvelaop a satisfactory ii controllirîg vwaves. Firsti centred around ereating of air bubbles-; hoawe,, mrEe 9mount f nowerf OnIy one wIll mnpoite if ,ans - Or ie per- ~psed U) the to the ies of ýd us St ý lChe,, Patterni out 631 CENTS e d, use 'or thi>p IELER cenL2