- Ready to eat - Sha iucs sealed BACON lb 79c LIre ankessNur lb 49c lb 59cIIAne J, j. I FUEL OÏL msaas BETTER lvlr g lIn's th.efu.forhaprhmî estint... better Uvlg. Ifs tbe *toe wonde for qUlcI, abtdt wanrith .. for dýean com- heU. Siat helps prevnt huMer troubles. YQUII like the frfrtdly, personafattention with which ifs detivered, too. Phone Oron Foi &Lumfber Limited ORONOONTARJ PHONE 14816 D- Cello wrauped 6 oz. pkgs MCIceese Loaf 2 int. L.af choice pkgs for k & Chaclken Loaf 419C 2b l.290 ~ij FORDmI SALES And Al1Used Carç. Our complet. service guarantees year round driving pleasur. RVETH MOTORêB ROYAL Playing Ali We.k Till Sat Matin*$ at. --..WALT DISNEY'S SALUTE Regular 52." wIth 83 siment and althougl seof is not detrimer health these eýther ehe cari create contamnifati was also established the odour from this breaking down period, .very unrpeasant, does toxic quaýlities. MON. TO WED. - ib tiý-,3 I 79c 50 Iit wýas determinecl ttiat if Moi tire doesn't cone to our aid have to live %vith it for sorne cornie. .6k ý.UR(i YANUU moeW Plus-Bugs 8unny C Two Comiprete Si )MING FES. ......................................3k /~> ae 2) algae it- hupan certaini.y ~~6 'p 4 for 29e FOOIDS, (Sat. ORON.o, ow^rARt*