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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Jan 1959, p. 8

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O#ONO WEEKLV TIMES THUiSDYJAU 22d 15 ORO"NO- WNEK>YfTIMES WIh it*T O a-3 LSIIDSC-L Autburmzcd as 5~o6C$an Mail, Post Office Debarrpe%*, Oftawa b rTiS ic f g , ~ WMSXPM Foejcter. R. A. Porrpster Puhlisher- R. C. 'Porrnster hCoC eraton.Repy bx 3,5,Oroo ýeéky thes f,- r k ds an& What shda fpýtgiienJccep iiiSinçl Tht the~ h os iId Vind tWWI?.eMkwd:y rexwi< I3ring The B0roeain OIEPOE17 ThsSaburday, January rpç heFO SALE "ýMirvor Hockey la a Faxtly Mfafr, dont Send your b»"Te fs htgvoud osie < Takè b&rn te the Arewna» îa the slogan be1ig uaed tbis year 1 U17e C!tatrln1yvg'u i r v~ a.& I k A Y do b D .W J A G R Jalar 2b ad ~fam, states Prof. C. G. »owffnigrDe- Chuc SunÔy Sell raèrai at 2,:MX4 rado et Si1cat VTEIAR SR eotwxictig thaSatur&y oJl fl4 <Zn&rneedùg,- Sceire4 0n-l o',lok. Phonie 10.315, Crotte. 04.a- F4rarylt. Te ixurpose of ffi week te te direct pulic atteil-taiAvttWltfeo r"~qipPon106 tioti W the~ advautages cf partioiiàtloa in Canada's nationial met'ih ptsc (a1rfir- Phone$ 10nn Ornc ont.- sport andt ta tester greater interest in tihe garne andin lnthe 1_ a_ __iu j ____ 4ÙildTCI '1) theW parets. view te 1r #oîng sutalyl mour ,e on, R~anes, Guides and 444ow4ies LaçÂt< pull1ed, or L"lvefi by Wt If bfoýthapnSalê'andr Tea in thew tUited CIrl It la the topo tuat durng tlis~ weejç attention *41l be 1ee tr rH s&hu#W4 ek>B tO atir ~o~ R iig4 oustihWeÉ .Man A drawu te values o>f tihe gaine, to teach oi 'tasht». spotsan- lu ihuiid for diffeient týfpes cf eqpiip- at 2:3 orm -,ccmn C.S Îwpsen' m sbtp, character bu4ildn, respect for ýauehonity and respect for in b 'a te necctsarrn coin- _________________ on &arrister andl Solicitor thie prepexty of ntrs; plus the îSbysical. mental, moral and ,cosuuê iivetq'im theac I BWM VL5 OT AirlMeetng of the Orotta Red Pi u # Ut A$4&homeM-55 Hockey i a part of our way of huie. Because ift' th is, If eqien1 teaoa for the Ctross<îIl betheld 41f thhome of'\ r; s. Floy N .hi i Ofic MA -538 Hom M "5 flcchlre rw pwihit n iisbcas f hs attracter, it 'will' reate an overload con- W E. Armstrong on ThuMsdy alter j thal te CARA, anorganizatLion of Canadian men wtho voluntee-r dto o letao ncnrslignoJrav2 t23 'lek their Urne andi effort te govera hockey la Canada, have set ùi anrema#ure weat andi hreaklown, 1,Pa te attend (bis me.thw- ahn 211 Oron aside a waek for ail Canada to -observe as 4'Mnor Hockey hiMhi maintenance coes and a _____________ Fudtoson etTns> .KY YET A Week". "Thet hope taiiptess uipon everyofle that thie garne iob <0f worlt, If aqbiçmneuit 1$lo sinal BA viI1 IR~ a1so has body-builing adivantages, not only because of the fact fot the tracter, tr'reuil t iswaste: TNeer .eer jarse cl-îe that (brout à we bave lads tak'ing part in active exercises, cfuianitg-pre op1to wtL ~ S v r o ao ils1 eff- to, operatica with Jit 4ffeet - ______________ good hockey iplayers (bey murst keep fît, train, ent properly, en saýfety, as velas repiLace rient cest In thg~an el le Offices, of tut becun rli boys arR.utta f hyxil obeoes R. WaddelI Q.C. lceep proper tours, týeep uip their stihool wqrk, live a clean' Cieian life ans act as ai gentleman. Theise reqL sites wffl If- AIN $sT. QrONO j stamnp hilo as ruly good citizen, a geeti Ctswdian, a credit Ifa f armer. fas a rclativey,-peil ly Gaine Warden Earo-d M;t- jfida 195 McULLItI -I0pm ttc t'îý parents, 'ils muaioipality andi above all, Canada, aceg, ltay bi more econmie l o f E<mily Township reports 'hat TH 99IK L Satar4-dy 9 ta.. - 5 a te, have il .fanrned by ctrstomn arrange- 01 Sday,December 28th, a deer, a (1N SW 1N Crno we ttatnga.laqonhcky ek ndnents rather t(ban l>y <buyiog an1 ex- fem*l fuwn of (bis, year, aa caugi'1 CH I SIV NErelephone 138 -oropol pensive 4plcce of equ,,pinent 'for the in a Mirc fonce alonýg a roati. As hr 2SlOlngCanMel hlave sdiediuled -four otaunr hockey games for th<às Frlday aven- amali acreage. ep~cr 2li anela toin seti tfac Lbi-a de. LP. ing, Jaauary %&rd2 The -Oroio Atonis, PecWees, BantamuL and avced h nonvu ,ls o ut ih lime- Luèri-&M . 30 . ,43. H.P. Mledgfi-taIs tioaur nill 6:3e0. a gmben Thiere are many factors te kSep in thel#lud$foot to the first Jointilat had D4 . 6 H. uIe4 fo ther eur «t3. (hini evbenbuyingfan oqupinentbeen euugbt in the wvire fle-wv tventy Super 4d4..i ,.{raotU ê~ beforg any purchase is miade. lentanged h'ad sa*cd itV foo aendy Moel999 .P 2Maora avIali thensseIves A the oppottunity of attéanding this evening - ~t ereztslf. Mries S9 a a9 $159,95 a S when (bei-r tý ,s"Sto thie Ie-Lt te tee oflenîthe case for Iue Vo lie gn at aminit fo blod titser Specaliz iir Fan 515.d parents te lie a' sýnt freim the gaieýs but let. us get bubînti bo ke gra amutwoascodjo Service Starta lmrnediateiy Funiturze Snalesan thep boys aI Ienst during thls speelal waek. _More assistance .iog toke p Du ra ho antitur Satlesdsr a wauld alAvays Ne wicorried in bIlpan the boys; Sec yoli Friday. beeneliaseti eut of a nearby, fairia by 1 1 , A*Cje Cnitn o th(e ftn)er's do- 1at a o tiln 0fbIIClMcae M lt oe ef rrmýs -.---On Christnmas Day, McI. Allen Archler factons contributèti te it egtnng il and dates o f R.R. 6, Lidsay, reported -a fox wiras net tuliIy grown., poor footig in Lakeshoe R,>d, 3, R port U* -lin 5r -8' ro, - _alctng in an unnaturai mannerx Whie tir deep snow, thie bigh vibe f,-rce, Phen. TU. 5-76 isO Sn- .&ôw RImo 1 abis dog att-acked the fox, Mr. Archer, plus (lie flact t1it it vias beig cýhaseti. Tel. -u.5-76 - emoyaanniet wtli a sbovel aunbaccmauiI This indicates tle vanraI by a neinthiour, approachedth (e scen'e. 1deer diting diitets suel) as t is. _____________ E Y A K 60w om ll (1The fox staIIked Mfr. -Archer *4a -e_ 1- prbe an nt e ceni t r i cf tl (h o r Vihs' as been knectked Rt out witW the tlcvql. A shor4 fl is knewnvi vha~t deer ln Dwtham- The RIJTTER GRANITE Àùctilneer undValQ tü dione tao bpt«' ï1heonditions. AS 'a rezuitr noar Piles up on tiare Ibid' Conservyatien Officer Eta ciua1 ania) lsdpr fV ra OAIs tlO tIhe> va*e t n clim s nïê pecially in ils business' secton,---- SiÙions, irived on the- scene anti wie ça)ntY have -greatly înci4ascd in funi- -odut COMPAiY Sales of aï j sg wht. sm curmnly kncwn as a mess. COMPANgaYo di4arudit tt m a-% -e k- if-'1-1,a '-'-r heday th treeali linrd eih ars -maig nd do noJt# Port Nvr irpsil ouea sabr plIow so (lips Ibis' section e! tir ing tilnll? detoyeti the animal w-ps P..Bx4e ek Vilageis eftundone. Oez niçght parkilng aise hinders the shippetid for ra$ies affairais andi 'iltil1PotHpn. rO a oofrdte job 4.tcaitg 'the& street oif sowa. The enid rèsuit lias be-en provÇU one way oqr another '&. Ar- WINTWR PISHJNGPfKtpO, titat the business s eto of theVllage is near the enid cfdhers &êg 'e retthing in quaratbté. "Suy Direct andi Sae Commisstpes" , thc ln ta have its snow remnoveti, Il dees aSt nuire parking - il IL F rNSU e~asy tir- tocn encourage customers to the arca. Moe post- - u o h ie- fOt M rmet;Gry o<o>Pa~ ive action by thre Drao Poilice Trustees anti the Township Par+Hnrtes fo hjyleneo O-Pnio ln;EdctoaiPla Rosit Depa*teI is ace te elleubte (ins unwanteti ,peadê -otH p e tard» noir auhcrizes ,vinter lishing for Mou etGaetleProtection' andi Savidjs pià1* %r - tat andf to im'provc the teiite-s of liose xvi» wiMi Vo 'lake trcet la Haliburton Coraity. Engraving, Gôkileaflnw Children an" A4vlts* Motog W, ~ - --- --- -Kd ed I-n the future theclsed sekson on- Orn*F.E.LYCETT, ~Dead ane William Humefr, -,l andi be - from andi ingluding the si.,t Dit~o ot~ *tbrt nit44~(i >laTpwieeRrt4 Ponle ~rïe amp îgn rnrniwg wten atrain apd t a carmb&W-nanyyear - TeOo-no ( ch1ame f c'suO .mmrc re analous te cern- en by ýW Hoefler eollided a mile iast &ng&er arerngmie tha itii- 4Mds Fre demntrtio, p1ýt 1,uuisnito)ofrn.Tiso ors$e-ýegal. tais wSl it e a one 1h15 At $10clotwn iand$1.00sa?*nR, tj(, 1i [lnagri1atiton tditlele of. Thust'n land tha the dalbag liafit andi puan 'satE S#rviêeUf2t%êotonrtr. appu1, t r fiýils ron he ubicandheethey Their ar&.,ýbouind car reachedthe *ssliit 15 <tee lase troutU l2%oofoiemntaot are 'iekil f aâ4.u inst4 trv d&frth t te antima lc e crossingu t lie se-me tigie as titi te-hSt.iaisn -, --OIAW UIES- ccxmaïete& tbis year anti aîregtiy fer full use WuT the miidle liuie 'd -te eOPR Tereuo4ôei Tee nannianiieMa1 ' tercy Hamilton OSAIWSNs o! ?#iruaty. - 'pasenger train llke trou'- w"hea taken by anugling. aoHmitnMCIE $2.000Afia ac ededt te ceapiete tlie rink andtihle bleachers la ga ke- ..Everv class of Insr 2 iceS.5 and the Orn, Chn hlas. set fIis as (baTh gali la (e-r t' b iarnnaes ce I e r s n sur-i Phone RA lUi)l Bi tz Capai t e it ail tlis entiay. Tebue ôldi pu li -c oo Tiusute t n Our Office The follow- vnng 91 1fr crpea th i uch pesteat tei nk. eve wilen tof theara in mchrjeq,,reatth rik evn ineraid heiug are some -of the- -------- support o! t ircapaigr ensures ,entinuinîg eir$y#ç-ent fer fleh-- i<I f. - -mi 4'» yêunîgsters. Wýel oinS yoxn' caturasser on Fefrruary 134th and 91i 4 N IlllBl& tf ovrgsw a bave your donat'on reMdy. 1 ~ U U1U I.J t41lU1 et «fr: STAFIFORD lRnOs.,f Automobile, Hife, Accident andi cl- f, fb.- ~Sickness> Plate Glass,>hlity, 'oum na W rü

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