Costume Crnival Atom Hockey O0rouo Band 7:30 Oronc vs Bowmanville MEl provrde ffhe rmusic for skalincg starting at 8 There are two relay speed races, for ýgirls and Events are prrovidedi for i age graups boys. Also barreli;jumping demnonstritions. Plan ta come- jn costume, Orono Ri n k ri ayFebr wUa ry Eniertain nment fer everyone ivns. age aIMi- IL is ex] two r tLn vue, oronlo 3' J j 'aal UVAL Ina, nnwa,,.ssajvtnc Onu. - I o~ ~4Ic~iyi eléctricity is safe, dlean, modern! Jhat 'a marveUlous feeling to k-now electricity is ht. your k-itehen walls and electrica]1.y.- no blackeriedl the moder n onveniience of Em your w.ork, brigbten yu . mnodern . , . three littie words become why today, more than ever beffore, you ýwhen yoù get the mnost out of électricity. 'or live botter... EIECTBICALiY the safe, dlean, modern way NATION$AL ELECTRICAL WEEK-~FEB.8Bth- FEB. 14th e '-e ELECTRICITY. DOES SQ MUCIJ . COSTS.SO LITTLE iigÏteainc-Iie ouin fll trciingtb 1PeterbQro M eet 6to 4. The (rono goals were by rIt Greeýnwocd wo ettced ùwo wiýhhMr. JmsA. Roberts, D.S.O., E.D_~ yles 1,0 GaIry eMaciand Craig ssclîeDen l inlster of tjhe Tra0dk ds. ïmd 0oimoe Dnpaitrnientfor 'tthe Governimenit of Canadla, w~ili e hbr 'ockey ict.ioii sa~wie Cronlo speaker at the GeneralMein of thne ,Wees iravel to MiHbroo~k on Mon- Lake Ontion Developmeit. AssociatIon eveniag when the loclslhedd thelt ohMo lusaFbur MI' hrook power team te a score of at the CluIb Aragon in Peterbor(lg,- T'le Orono boys have certaiiy1Ontario. Mlr. Robenits was born in Ter- )rved over the past month but are ento and ~as ajppointed, te bis preset 1unable te defeat lifllbrook. POaSt in 1958 1 Hei s a past Regional Diirector of theL- le Orono Midgebs were aise in Mil- Canladian Chasnber of Conmanerce and. on Mo ,iy nîghtand wer de- of the CanadianE- od by Milook 6-2. ht neMlr de-porters'1 Association. Mr. Robertis w,,, led bas added a muc-2. h are ir luePresidenjt of James A. Roberts Littec Jadba adeda mehstrngr lnePast PresJdenit of Hlalton and Peel letense and alse a pawerful forward Trust aid Sayvinig, .Comnpany, and a11 Sand goallie. Many chanles were partner in ROhoIIrts, Stanley and CGos- d in their ulne up and in the cal- a. oeridwýh ubî eltns aI ofhockey played. The tlwe ,o rono adpallCcred ihg.creeies Is wvere by Donnie Lycett and Don admreig ýl gchle y.Dutring t'le war lit comnianded thes ]ith Manitoba Dragoons with the ratiý-k of Lieut.-Cofl, and tihe 8üh 1hifantry- ic Orono Mlidget's have beeni entered Brigade with the rank of Brigadier.,'Heý lie O.H.A. 'Dl' Playdowns andi a s was awarcled the lNstinigýuished Serviea ,n learnieldtit they first mneet New- Order and the Orde-r of Oange-NassawI ýtie in tihe opeingi rouind, Watch (Nethex4andMs. bis play-oflf Came. The 'Orono Atom Hockey Teaun fin-; ally scored their firsi goal of the sea-ý non after many tries. This team travel- ,Ied to Millbrook on Tuesdlay nilght and put uip a real gaine by firsIt takingi the ' ead. on a goal by Deug Moff at. The local boys gave their a-il in the game, a-nd were able to put uqi the best show- ing so far this year. Mlilirookdd i the gaine but were only able to score ti-iee goals. See tihe Orono frys in anld not allewi OROôNoý I act,,ionFrca nighLt at 7:30 'when they~ take own a team from BewllmaaviéiLd pnior to -the Carni.val. Iii the Orni- Towýn League a bjruising ba,,ýttie was waged last Taesd'ày eveni- in uhen Kendal and Jake Middle- t on's teanm locked hiorns'. The Kendait squad proved just to mnulh for «ice Orone& cre w o vient down to eet More afItlhe saine bhis Tuesny. p i i h p 'p i I i p EN! p 0 NW CA ST E TELtP.HONE F0IR TAXI OÉ Ét,:20 6 flESIDE C : -e2051 .CHARLPES GLIANVILLE AND SONS 'Keep paper tovWs handy for wiping spilis off a hot r a ng e. A cold wet cloth may start cracks in the porcelain. i , 0ambo 1 ffl