Spence Gordon on Sijnday. KENDA NEW S There was a nice turnout at theJ KENDA NEW S Sunday rnorning service in the -Mrs. Chas. Thompson, Mr' Arthur'Cuc.Rv .C ~Thompson, Mrs. G., Cathcart and al White's sermon was the last of five neeof the former, Mrs. Traynori interviews. On Sunday it was the niece interview with Nicodemus, Mrs. cf Regina, visited Mýrs. Burw.ash , Wm. Jackson wvas the pianist. Mviss ±vLciride anud Mr. :vÂvrÎue, sis- ters and brother of the for-mer, in Cobourg on Fridiay. Gary McMackin was injured in a hockey game in Newcastle recently. Ple soon recovered after receiving a few stitches, Miss Phyllis Jackson spent the weekend at home from Peterboro where she attending the teachers' training college. Mrs,. Wm. H oy's mother, Mrs. An- drus of Welcome lias been quite l withi the flu. We wish hier a, speedyl recovery. We extend our sympathy to friends and relatives of MIr.Russel Lowery, who passed away suden, a week ago. lie use-d to be a men'i ber of the KendaIl Orange Lodge. Ladies won the 1 sel] Savor- winners other Euic twimo week: fThe Durham jland Plowmen's prizes and -Mr. Ru& itheir anniual mec Mr, Roy Sleep wiere Counicil Chanabei egents prizes. Ait Monday, January larty w ill be held in fChairmnai Wes Thçe sewinig meeting was hieldi at the home of Ms Wni. -Mercer last week and the ladies worked on blouses. The Inistitute meeting will be~ held on Tuesday niigh4i, February ýlth, at the home of Mrs. H. Foster. A Euchre Party was heldi at thenero- Mr. andl Mrs. T. Stevens were at homie of Mrs. E. Couroux on Ftiday Mr. PèrcY BuieY is hom10 ro their farmi in Kendal on Saturda-Y last, sponsored by the Kendial W.I. Bowmantiville Memorial Hospital and and had cinner with Mvr. and Mrs,. Thiere wý.ere more out th.an usual we hope lie conitnues to imiprove. G. Cathicart. and eight tables wvere plye. rs. George MacDonald held the \vin- Miss Carolne Foster of Oshawa Mr. and Mrîs. Argus Curtlis wvere 1nIing ticket for the blanket. Mrs. and Miss Pat Foster of Toronto dinnier guests with' Mr.. and Mý,rs.I JimI Starki and Mrs. Wm. MIvercer were home for the weekend. Supporli Your Rink BLTZ This Friday February -13th $2000,00 is nèeded' to omete ieronIo Rink and a Blitz, Canipaign has been organ~ized to canvas / the Town in an effor-t to raise this. money. By suP- por4ting the canvassers yýou bél eassisting in the Wintr Programme. CA -ivasser will cal'Won you' Sponsored 'by the Or'ono Chamber of Commerce Gee in 195 a very sai the rnatcl the Interr is planned .so bot arebiidixgu.azk Al sorts of people. ae anrfai- ersl, bLIsinessmentil housewiývs...dthr saving, and othier banuking, at a cha-rtered banik. Dayin cdiayouf, 1h every one of 45005 branches, bank custecrs are- making de- po)sits, aran ibans, casingceqLu-s, exhage sing- safefy deposit boxes, talle- ing- over inanicial problemns of a personal or, businiess nature. And the Eist goes oi alnd on .. Oly a chartered bank oliers a full ~ag Of bakngsr ice ,uder one roof, THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR ÇOMMUNITY th in the -Prime Minis- ice, for wives of Con- nators and members Of ýsey Downv of ci llec e jocalil the farm çof.Gordon' ,y, memibers of Wîves Associa - Élaté of of ficers CNIB Donald Williams was re.electeà, chairman of the Bowmanville WVest Durham Advisory Board of theF Canadian National Institute -tie' Blind at its annual meeting. in the council chambers recently, Others olected include Helen,ý Cryderman, honorary chairman; George F. Vice, vice-chairman;, JiiT> 58, and it was feit flùs wa a arunenh party il, Ile iiaynu atis factory plowing Mtchx. Co-mittee Roomi of the Hvuse o secret arY. jgr given to liolding Commons. Six committees were also appolit- ýh at a later da-te tollowîngI Mrs. Diefenbaker was elected ted at the meeting. Tbhey are edu- national next year which l orr president wbvJile MUrs. Per,- cation and publicity, which ished , for- October 13th, f0 lGth. cy Vivia'n wife of the mnember of1 ed by Mrs. Ronald Hawthiorne,_ nuesofth î5tmetigParýl;iment for Dufrham, was eleet- special events undfei- the chaîrmant Âiue by thcea R mepeting éd Presîdent. shil) of Mrs. Clifford Trewin and acb cted on motion--f, __li er assistant Mrs. W. R. Strike, the 1 accpted n moton ofwelf are commiittee chaired by Lfýa_ il aýïd Edwin Wilsonl. Dist-i 1-iorticultural bel D)avis, recr-eation coînm1-ittee etor; Howard Henry re- headed by Mrs. J. E. Hobbs -,ssisï,ýd le 1958 international Match i o ve tionln N4*rch lby Mrs. D. W. Ormnistead. Poet wvas considered that Ll5 %f be under th-echi -a sonyelewhat remn'oved from TeHtl oot -itiIi fioadGbo ldr" eagricultural sections and ThKigE ar oeTrnorahiofio rdGbnanta inery was nlot as generallis to be this year's, setting-, for' ithli finance commlittee will be heade& rms i ws eltth mtc Annual Convention of thie Ontario by Joe O'Neil. rsiwamaelalfie magt h loiticul(tural Association 0on March Othiers appointed as comminttýee )uigfo hseatndn ,5 and I6. A jprogr1aln bas been ar members included D Fora Pur-don, rang1 edwhc it is feit will be enLeaTloMs eronsn >ssib)ility of having the fnijyel b ail delegates. There il r.Frankj CrOw,ýe, Aýda aso m lai in thle United Coulities aliso lie exhlibits of loa arrange Mrs. Robert Cale. car future was looked after j ments, inclIudîig ri"ed lmatera; Jim Bell, Ipresenfiit e f reas)(- Luton f Hwad Aun ndbird bouses; posýters and u i er's report for -the bad ic ilson. "fin view of the inm worýk. yýear- ending March 31, 19, to reas wvising> tle Intem7le\i1 )e-L" in the near future and the Aogtesekrswl Lsttal-1l ut the671.30 and the NI it illbe n Hstigs jlie Laking, Director of the Royal gthrngte ordsen is Associatton defers ire Bo,ýtanicail Gardenls, Hmlo;Po edofficS4,8193, aIngl a thi evnt ora few ear. T. F. Heeg, anJicas. Taylor, botb of ttlo 4899 pno h i )llo"' sateforafeth OtaoAgicltra Cls.e itrct's blind and near blind c ppi o,-,ic ng t o ffîcers I lation. edfor 195: Past Prside 1 t uel pb; 1Dr. W .H n na ldforwn, HilPto;Pre'det ý Ntýuralist; Mjýetro Parks Cois The local board's expenlditur:es iD, ortH pe; s ice- ionerThnisol,- andp R.W1Oie conisisted of campbilgn expense,,, VlaclinCoburg 2n Vie Cntrl Exeri~ntl Frm t '19719;Cbristmas Cheer $75;:m Alli1 2roo; (ec Trieas awa, will show a lnew colqr film nil tanen,$16.50; eye serV.icek C. 1 , Babr,iBîo n. Hm ansailg usto e umber one, (registered blinid), r. EdnyWBison.Grde f d and discussion group1,Is wilas 73; eye service number thiree (th-oseF ors Larmer, Milsboo; Mr efeaursOf Itle meUetin1g. horequire, glasses), $59.5W gene.. ýV.T,ýrme, yTllIl'oll;-INle"bcfeýUl,'sai, $28.84; TniÈoellaneous, $3.5 rd, Port1 Hope; Will AjII Jli ThejAnnual Baniquet will be hl postage, priniting, stationlery and le; Howard Henry, CamTP- on Tbursday evenling, Mardi 5. 11n supplies. $20.05 and relief, $,0.2 HoadCryderman, Bow. '-addition to a guest speakeýr, a color 1makindjg a total of $1,671.30, Howý,ard 1Alun, Nwate film -will be shOwnl, anld tb'ere wvll The head offîce's CNIB's ebpeniL, amiý-pbell, South' Monagiant; be music and -,jnginlg inicluded mn itures conisisted of general service pe, Harwood; Bruce Eagle.. the program. for 29 registered blind in the area, bourg; Gordon McGee,- a $18 each for a total of $522.ti0ù- iFrank TIinney, Cobourg; AIL l Tý ational and divisional service for ton, Cobourg; tnCA trthe ft ll eatre -21. at $12 each for a total of $4 Cobourg; Howard Quan. "field sechetary and staff- services., mpbellcroft; Hon. Pres.-L. '.i. T fêý}$1 ,804.73; home teacher services, slow, M~ibrook; Pýer-cy Uit le fIwo ChEsI~ $184.51; camnpaign expenses, $207.,55 Huit on.- entertaini-nent, $20.05, eye service tes to the annual m-eeting with Dirk Bogardcs, DrohyTui, number one, 65c; head office clerie.. Budd, Port Hope and Wes- Cecýil Parker, Stephen MVurray, printing and supplies, $1.1, making ni of Hilton. 'Tie meetingDcesa tf n xpne,$;psagý ýd a t 4.15 on imotion of Fîtthedptol f iteo a tal nexpensuesf $;,postage in and Howard Henry. Class'c. A fine motion picture bal-, fie toal expnltrvef r3,178 ancinrg action and insight. it should Ti mutfraddfo i local board to the central c2ommit. -pleaseý a wide audience. te'e was $3,G25, includ . ng the county A 1mo(tion pîcture tiat rings truegrn of $250.' ca L amoing experlence. A Field Secretary Robert Paddecn Tale of Two Cities is suci a film. told the boardî there' were 29 registL Th~"Q ae fawsin is Betty E,. ered blind in the area and 23 per. Box prjoduction to be sure, but the sons on the preventative' list,. mon,(,ils of truth th1-at this filmj -posse';ssmake then 1 unimportanit D -r a To h os Te ewer will 1"" left vwiflth te feelin thati-, lie as received his Dairy Queen As anexcellenit <adaptîin o!f rla m ony ir hefourtb ea lieayciassie, anid a a:ovn is lrepairing to send an entran f ronaE - experXcelait w Ijt, ifilie county to tie CNE in thie-an story ofthe effects of fie Frenci arhuencnptitionl.'Thle cme revoL !tilOn n fie vsof a i and- titian for Durham c .County Dairy Prir fî fi-i ople sboul do w\eli a 1ý! areswlet unclr way much earl er hose ind spec ial situations. thlan usu ils'at hc onet a ~ ;'~>~wund up in June. Tic ~ cl flia nien an d(o, fie IH . B eisfPd.ersett cret hat oe buman ;i,,being and folir t he dairy rnhof itudprm sociuet Man infliIeton other iunmani o giutr ndcut vnr ending cycle, :are al captured l da,,alconie Yt, av their rini eae)t. [But i se Csae AMie cmpatin crierth s e thigs arepeete,5 aoi h Idcuis Ci ea 'bIrd sss courageofDr a tt tiefl by-askd-1-1thed'ar rdcigakc -llngîes t oldr eosbi ainstrouglhout VIe 'oayfrdn- ~~"'~"' ~i~i ityof Cîarl )rîeai Ie love to s Pure cfthelfe is t1as") i The n'e-st str-king fact aboutt fis exenes o heCNEThs Inpt i film igi >i tn scmuiyaS,.distantcounfties hv opa * The wid"paccksronlngie plrpat f on ie [DurIinicnpt- 1 1te c t e rrevoîtiton nobles, tli i Me,ýlv c-omand suc-retary" v ticir ~regal crigand wild hautil [ 0 . arml.M.Dîype z~xits t~ ictreof in ils uuy ~j eettv Depart1i.nent of Agricu1ltUre barfooed eaant <hinkngfI'om IFouir cnmtteuere lnmed at Ètie Winfiledguter am sarn~ngtio, etig.Tiey, are: ipitlicity -crd appï;- f ~stilc;tic raged l(i ora cation, Ron-.-Brooks, James C'oombles, \ wolfi 1 il wnlher scap f stale A. O. Diryniiple, and MeJ cl l bred;fiecan]ess in the face o! f1:nince, Blake Shortt, Alb)ert Arnioleà death o, S- ney 1arto; lvJames Coonies, Gerry Bro-n, Law- beuY, crueltY and deati, te bit'f rence Stylesan Don Budd; locatioi>, fer mi he v~'et re il erein and conipelltit, Bniwe Taylor, iviisori f'is panoraila of 11f e ' Tamiblyn, GIaietnëe Allin and Mr -A Tle f Tw Ciies s a Welsh. A Tle ! To Ctie isa fne, Transp3ortation conimittee will be sensitive and deeply movingmoin ad po])ptetrpeet- e- I K j~ ev.e~ v