ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TFHL Ire J'oit iiés for VaIues?-ý choo1 News AsCommeacemet Âttreet~i& Norman Rickaby [e plays the thing rein 1'il catch the conscience le king," is is lts famous exclam- 1 in Shakespeares preat rg an, aithugh they have noi ediate ideas about catching 's consciences, the inembers of OUIS Dr-arnatîc Club certainlly that'i the play is the thing ai :ime being. OHSDelegaItes To Attend Ont. Conference by Pete Loucks Thursday, , February 27t h unil see a delegation of two students nm a teýache-r ave O.I.S. to atn Sdes'Council coniffeec)ob (e!la teTecrs Colbe-ge - e n e o .o,.n00 .% DT DOGAisa e SLIEDFr W24C 0 N T AR 10LAMB3 or Pickle and Pimerito Loaf lb 59c, Pple Juiece, 20 oz. tins.... .8 for- $1.00) Apple Sauce, 15 oz. *ýns .S. 8for-$1.00 e Dessert Pears, 15 o s. 7 for $1.00 ood. 15 ounce tins ...... . 10 for $1.00 Juice, 20 ,oz. tins .... 8 for $1.(Î [ey Choice, 1.5 oz. ... 5 for $1-00 , Creani Style, 1à oz, 7 for $1.00 100 foot roils ...... 4 for $1.00 7 for $1 I for I l5oztin FROZEN rFOODSz -GO SOUTH O rang Juice 5 6oz tins MACARONI & CHEESE 8 oz pkg -31Ic I j Ç2WEE - au US. N0. 13d z 'rangezs 13 8's $P Natures own fountaini of H4eaith Fresh Home squeezed, Orange Juice, ideal for saladu and lunch patte. A Zing to any Salad U.S. No. 1 Cello Toinatoos 2 Pk 350 ICanada No. 1 The Vegetable Power House ,PEI Potatoes 50oIli 91.39 SFre:f,, Crlsp, No. 1 Good sizeci Heads tNerew Vabbage 2 for 29c, Canda No. 1 The Universat Flavouring ookig 3 c ï it. Theplay in stoy boýut 1e, ny. t of the xr lias w i~ ies lwf. N e hand Ca ~nehs [1 \Ieee lie two ether cliaractcvs n y are Annlyt~hos, Mzln&cus' .~rïi it 1ibraria~r a e i '1' ~umu, 11.1 ~n s icari niaid. ink~ two are par yed by Andy Suteli and Katliy ~ter. 'hese amahur ~ctor~ 0f O I-ES making a profesa onal effort ~n lie the play a suecess. They are cf rrlg in spar" pe~ iods and oti ool or .1 £ R direction et .~tr. Ltt and co diru ton et Mr. .i-tutli ord aYd they b ~k forward te ertalning you ~r tbe O.H.S. Com neernent on iJ"~ evernng of tue th ~f Merci. its Plan Evry11gb SchuoolinOta hais beninvited, to sendtheefl menbr.Crneliýsaartensicoî et tobe cho1alcmanie alb Discu'~onswill :egin oneusa evecin an con tneâtro A SbcTsltdfr res inLUS! 'cool sýr't110anîE so il1 trrivel t iary 21st two )ok to iakýe be pa )ok andi [ni al tre ýeWeeSan thte place un(ýdcîedas yet. In 'r to enc !rCIe he radie niners atedthe d ce (,wilt feaýtu'e a antShow. rt responfsi'ble for finding t1He "ta r forthe een ie Thie Orono Atoms take to. the lca aI 2:00 o'clock and will play the M\,illbrook :Atomns. Tliý ioPeeWees receiveda bye iiite treawaycontestan *~~~~ wlpaytew ners of the MviILi brok Nwcatbegame. ITe Oronoi eWestalke to the !ce aI four Caramel Crunch - Digestive -. Nice - Sho'rtcake Smai rich tea PeakiFe I,5 8 oz$ , DyID PLA FTURE ALUES KID OIE-S BOXER LONGS ea 9c Jo orcuro orSoft rayon Ta tans. Elastic waist. Two pockets. Size 2, 4, 6. $1- ~'GCGED 15 tun l G'A I oztin ithiï lb- 55C :N BRAND Bacon basket l 3 rindless lb 59c CUrED.F-XRALEAN lits ýu rs a for Si 10 oz. Tins 8 fa%7$1 em