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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Feb 1959, p. 1

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Subseription $1.50 ,'Local Ice Stars Perform 'SRcfnrêè .10 Onpwtn4i ito ' teni _sep un Lti Nii' »rural, .The Orono Police Trustees nai ue% #aqi- %P% f wP ç. Wm% seris o Sâurdy afernon 8~trepresentation of the Township maet ___ in IMillbrook. Ail thiree Mýillbrooki'Tuesday7 evenîng withli Planning En- j. tamswi l ow acvanice to mhe pro ners-h'ay fr.h Over îlree hun)dred spectators ar'tists of the club. vincia play owns hich-ae )h . st three rnonths been compiling tOro'e o~e rityoftje The presentation of Snow White t is yar pat Camp J3ordc en information andMe arstudying theted thisyea. a Cap Lord '1fý-nilltioi ad sudyn licarea Orno Skaters on Saturday evening and the Seven Dwarfs was both col- wîththevie 0fsetingUp deir-of last wveek when the Orono Skat-lourýful and entertaining. It sparkled In the f irst ga mne of the afe 1abescio o dvk p n in ng club presented their annual car- ,w th life and was in itself imagin- itoo th Milibrook Pee Wes o~ ut- eiteiganofciIpan*olival. The Arenia which had just a ative. 1t was in this part of the o Gen scord ove the ýeý, casle the show been com-1 show that the younger mernbers, team by a 6-0. count. Later i the. ara. peted vas wîthin sevýenjt-five o! took part. and enacted such parts Clu Mc a teAillbrok Pee WVees faced lhuhai sethf h ln ein- filled. las merry snowflakes, hopping rab-. thCluobeWes A ad wl not beaicoapects oforh &lnotes h hw hsya asaucs-bits, playful chipmnunks and gay, ng rn e es h ic vl o ecmlte o ntel'lcso hsya a sces colourful fiowers. The costumes of Di jugýbye in the series. Hlere again the Oojnth Imuchl information is 00w fui production with excellent cos- the sniowýfiakes and flowers werej sllMillbrook squad wel'etHe vtors viak and the semblance of an tumning, and with an appearance of most notable. Snow White was en- pe nd 6~ co nt.*~vral par~is aki g s ap being vwelI rehiear-sed. The routine acted by the talented Gail Cooper. Thdy ie Orono Atom-s fouin4 the Mili- Thie Enigineers stated that the and drill nurubers displayed go-00d The quceni, Mary Foundc; Ithe Hunt,.- acî1~ roo Atmspowrfu an wee e- rea ifproery dvelpedsholdtiming and excellent precis'ion. Even man, Patsy Jones; tlle Princee, Doug uction fealed 10-0. Newcastle had no en- - have no trouble with surface drain- fihes yong.e ruin thceofi rou-Lycettan Arrblli hed hip iz Satur trY in this group and thIle Millbrook a ýge due to the maniy water courses tnssoe vdne0 ayLnaBraal i ipae hi re t vîtor gae tem he hamiot- PesetlyOroo i fariycomacihours spent in, drill. A great deal of talIentLs with solos depicting tie~ eng t th'sip. obbiega et, Ben i hamspian- n1 i omaisntomnyohe redit is deserved by the youngsters characters they portrayed. Doug- Mofiat were the QrULýjo stai- Lunpaite,ser'vices* could be an1yteClbpo deeMls Two duets wvere also perforined wýa ris. ' providied on, a reasonable basis. iand lier assistant Gaîl Cooper whio li te production-. The first when I rdue he Carnival. two bluebirds appeared on ' the ice, )n thle' Again luiithe LBjanmseries dile uplyn water for the Vil-1 haon 'Simpson idElieFr 1ectljin1M-book squad wee vctorlOUsd-laete iers rcmpedda Charýles H~utten acted as master Sreen ae ec nd Ellaine wasor- stret fetingtIc Newcstle~nîms. erital ite or te wll istea 0fof ceremo-nies and iii the p)resenta- ret.Tbscodtsoewsy ePeet Orono hlad no enty inthis group. 1at the noi1h of the Vlae 'cen- to.!fSnwWhtMhoana Sn t e fand tePreofc use Teeira1i weîî wa;s more econoic(al as criptive commentary. Scenlery1 ~o ob ogte r,0 ore hurch', This is the eodya o nl "wje an ol have to byJd. N eilson dispflayed Snow the har vokngdrs w ho wth tu Whtes ouse and cv where tche' picks and shoe wet rough 1 Cob- that Mililrook las won alil tree1 be used. If ile Iwýell was placed dewau-rfs toiled th rougbiout the 'their routine. lurh dvisOofte Litie 1NUL series uyt of thie Vilaei h iiity seven The second portion of the show about: l' tisara.0fthe S:,ih Line 400(j feet of 12" (ay. a h aetd riosast 1The carnivlwspeelldi Lv Fotr ro-'Qu-0a gaiexp use d noe ere on theartsSno Whte and a demon- to the ice to perform. Adele Myls 11 feecwoldthreressyco-Qtraiota sating by the talintedi the Club Pro, Beyeriey Tennant, a neciçp. Te wtersup]y r cp-Youlng star and 'fSheila Barrabail E fi- tiulitis.Theýý,aer uppl orail performed solos, much enjoyed mpr~I Set A..t $ I 000. clty loftwe) s they stated, W,,ouldud aiso be suitable for Incorpor- b h ag uine f ie.lave obe 9000 gallons an hour. ating. The proposed area differs -A dance number by Adele Myles e_ the sornewhiat to that presented by the and Doug Lycett won*inuch aeclaim e n1u0gtemnt fMrhte I coinnection with sewage a zat 8:00 Orono Red Cross wili animal caepaign fc )nnectioni canvass will be hiel( was re-jtentire Towniship and ission.dt wiii[be' used bot that the tîirougli the National The officii plan when completedl wiIl outline areas whiere industrial sites should be as aiso residential, sehools and commercial. Adis.sion) at the gate amounted is being oübtained. A detailed 'on-the spot' survey hias also been made of the area, v and was certainly a feature o! the evening. Included ii this Portion of thie show was a niotable foursome by Gail Allun, Clieryl Cooper, Marie Hlooey and Gail Willis. Thie Hula Hoop came loto use- When tle older members exprcised a drill numberi along with a Sailor number wheni they were dressed' (Continued on page eight) .iEnploc imnty and dl easilý y E Evý Birthday tueir olrtday fi supper. Their gui leur 's Cul, Leýaders, île C., Be.1. Long an Atter grace wï vron ar CO ,supp er ef meat i-rsand cake. "'le tables v arid th-chéairs f, cf ircles. There ora Short b1w devoutionaL. -.oo!;tihy Wa"1t Long- a1a e-ug. cd lu t~~n lae f e tha moeflec promotion of a Bioodi Transfu- The President, Mrs. Mý. G. Fisher ditional $1600.00 remitted to the cli( lh ave bendgiven sion Service, The latter will be a Of Newcastle opened the 3lst mneet- Branch Treasurer as gift for buid- wýO1 idhis was endred- new feature for thie local Redl Cross ing o! Oshawa Presbyterial W.M.S. ing advanlce for Cold Lake Hospital. the d stob rfr-fand doniors wiIl be asked to) support in St. Andrews United Church, Afla and Ewha University in Korea. sin11 (fîle project somnetim-e !Itl fl ntcawa itli a hymni and prayer. Mrs. Beýquests totalled $3400,00. l'd S. B. Ruther- 0f Junle Or July. J. L. Pegg welcomied the represent- ThCrsLnSeadh er-B cl finiding-s of al aies of sonie thirty Auxiliaries on Tle Crs i SeadhP er-E diUstry for0oo i l et ig sthfi,ýi(-oJsaý(%v St. AdrwAuxiliaries. 1tary, Mris. D. W. Armistcad of Bow-l S.r forinion htî:1no e ioownHie ùl s: ianil L- anville referred to ftie display of -An fulrther with def- ITe eerigsecreiary, Ms.A ors. s. She p' Otte-d ouithat1Mwhile býo, idustry would re-1 RCEIPTS: dgborhod~ rom 9 Cmpig.....$335". Lapresented The story feahone rcivs241 lours iii eac telli, ýigîle year."clToathea ayand at lcast onetae, we arelSm1,1 of factory space Si igFes.....53.00teppneswreMs A. A respon)isib)le fortHe wly we luse U lioped that an aL alJan 1,P1958.ý 335.72 Drumm-iïond lof Orolno, M S. w .te n. u epniintema it Corporation -K ihr f ecsi n ým.ue Of our grlatitud(e for- God'sshiý 'ymenit would at'$22.2q Cas. 1Piikey o o 0klu; to ile goodn111e st & neWMS oiyw dýtIitin a year ,rýesoulution commjittee were Miss M. is, tO rise (tie imoney firsi andlof yý reach 50 or EPNE ueo saa n r.P o-seditIcfllowin year, failure Canaclian Red Cross.......$i-.00 > c11 of lcsok Rpeettvet c allocýation meanus curtail-Pitro ___Capsules, <a11Township Schools ( to eSelIool for- Leaders at lty-etetwr.Objections ec Gift'c( ' .... 252.OQ fr1om iltlic atensetonis Mrs.1for Building Advnnces for- 1959 ib-ý Swim.ig4 eacer......15000Stuarit Dorrelt of l[ackstock and _____ Prizes, Crests etc,........... 20.05 t"clestrnsetinrereeatv al 11 Y Gre invoo famly ...... 0.15will e inamed lte. Invitation for " uC16 à*ý Bobbyý Falls Fuud......5000 Churc-1,I Osawa te meet on tlic411igh Sc hoo ..WfinII Renit of I00F Hall for Wedniesdlay of FebrLuary on Feb. 241 Pre-natal Cliic. _.........30.00 B1960.. the devotional,11Balance, Dec. 31.......290.07 Mrs. C. Dolley, Preshyterial trens- yep . Staples. Shie re-i urer, reported tînt t ic allocation o!) wr y?'ad$1222.27 $22,310.00 hld been met and ai'] a- b braiCLlt ititIi"lPa Duol orlm Co atveDisr itnîl i M ly meeting inlu ililbrook Weduesday even!injg, FcbiiraryIStli. Fourteen] memnbers alongl witli the four prin-ý cipals were present. The Secrctaryl wvas uthiorize tËo imake a pressr- elr ne( unsîlineor île ubring sha Por ter word tha Pd r Hope Telepi ker at the Osh- "if" ;M we reaning we the Shows &Revenue,4 ere standinge bv ecds. lhe closecl eand prayver. selectionls \wcrcgivenl Mloioni. TIen Mr.i n enjoyable siuýg soig. thc group laecon- v et r1: hone Co. Ltd. Phone Increasesý I I lease toiiowing all iaU IB rc mcci-- The aunam"dieeting et îile Port, l'ie five csent cauns and $2zoo fiatings aud at sud -other times as in- Hlope TelephlneCmpy Ltd. was i-rates fo Clarke ani ecstesrutd ld in theiroffice ai Ncwcao:stle on ite ic Oronio ecinewns lisco- Fu ebr cnpîtdo Otied. This now eans iltîntphonie r-pone eîeBad .J l Snturday attemnoon, February 2st. <'ais may epae reo h re lin oNnst 0le B ourdy CouJ.cI- ThI mauager's report, presentedj from Clare nnd- Ncwcstle te Or- ;)y N4mi. M. Joues, stntcd fihat tele-!eu.for 1959), Faul Devereaux f or- 19591 phones durinig the year nrae from îlle PoFit Hope Sepamate Sehool by ff 49an hat a total et 11,57 tel-' The repor t ase outli the re- oadfrom- Port Hlope Tovwn Counr-1 phouecs were uowo instafied by île cent p jrop)osi of amialga matýon1 Cil J. T. McC"reery for 1953 au 1960j Copu.Grossreeu inereased,.Iwhcl ld ben offered at île an-1 ndW. C. Key-es for 1959. b$12,219. to a total of $74,3413..nual meing e,,oithîe Oronio Tele-1 The Principal ai Port Ho)pe me- loalassets we-,re set ai $205,8,12. phn Compq)nny Lid. A delegation1o-e yltrhatv sflid The milaolager staited tînt tlis in- j" . R. VWaddell, LyallLowery and iYorte by leie that two stueu creae 'sUagOod barom-'er Q&ead Robertlortn rom île Orono adbeenisupcndeduru JnUaryI ing efthîe growtl lu îlie area, owlich epayweepeseu( itcmci l ordcntmd l upn ýý (i ('pi t me l -sion. po uîust endeavour îte mcc. Ihgounaudy Tic directors approved au in-' h nsmneon île Iemn criaseluiineresi rates te tîcir Icpresent Officerýs Wer re- i lie Sclool is to le incre s saI bonhiesarî omncn pleetd biî m It .Biiot rigîeiiunc uue \it-, SE si&159 île Company -will pay an presiden; Mr. George Finnie, vice-j iuîceasedconstuctmion Costs. între§trateetf6per Ceod nsed'pesintlesr. H.E. Walkey, H. " A meeting et tic Finance PCom- Yf îleexising à per ent. 1 Jse ndAC.%M.LJouedr(ctors. mioe was ulauued for Monda de work among Inians, cars and ork lu Northern Rhodesia, Africa .only new field to be opened cI(e Church Union. .terature Secretary, Mirs. M. tifars of Plickering saidi that W.M members as awhe are readers. raverage readei' ceuld read 2(b )ks in a year by reading 15 min.. n' pcer d(ay. Sslowed ne oks Ill bools easity carried for pick- trdýing or for tihe siel or ber- zed as well as books-on Steward- p! andiLenit. vtIc literature tlable s a poplar wspot ad ce dîpla C....posters muel admîred. Plie ~ ~ ~ ~ vL- iaiu ertre eel)- duce andthte mornling Session sdwith abtuz session i whct ..(Continued page -8) )f Educatior, Budgýet. A fuilt Boardl meeting is te- lE helcl inPort Hope, Thursdlay, Mlarchi 12t1h to pass tIc Budget, re- ceive a report from ilie Building Commitice and auiy othier business neccssary. The tirst Weduiesdlay lu the menith is to be set ajside for a; Builing ômmiicemeeting \With îlie first eue plannedl for Orono, Wednesday, arch 4t1. iAi Staff memibers areben sent n (. letr askiug for any sulggestions for îlie new schiool. Idleas aire easierý te ,( ufe eor le plans are dau Thle Daridgtin members a -n01ng wil th theCînirmian and S&r-jetary arýe meellïng vwiti l îeDalngo Cuucl andlanntiiing BLoard, Fri- The decîsion etoleBoad rgad- idgmeeing. wihgr-oups was tat I I lcal oardmembes woid h 2 ALn ýgular inistri (hildren on the tows wer iy timie durin a r-eport oc Iu conum program 0of decided to this year. re and cIl 'd re- used Dthe col be ýhal Sthi nrc

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