THURDAYFEBRARY OtbORONO WEEKLY TIMES gave the tmaes to 1W MadertnenC H n r d Orono Members Attend geliemaae' reportedfu winsti tf Local News ulsown o u the airaa la 1958. ÉIe also pointed is M a e n C w Hou d L O ~A u I Peerb rou hout the suiccess the Association iad Mrs. Chas. Harris, Iirby is a! a y hall in proi-noting Tourisai in the patient in the Memorialroptl W ith Nurnerous Showers th\ycwere te attenid firiee Sports- IMadMs twr fTrnoDit refreshments were provided Thle Orono Police Trustees, su pport jing lis s tateent. Men']Shiows at Syracuse, Cleveland sqpent Sundcay witli their daugliter Miss _Madeline Cowani, R.N., wasiliy MTVrs. Powý,ell. Mcsrs.H.M. ercrS, . uthr- Wecanot osk the tourist a-'lTroto iTe imemberýsha r. .W.Wt, r Wt adsrpiedbnfinS a nd rela tives fousr and. . Frrser . nd Rtler d,"caimetMpesdn E-LODA lias inicreased from 27 at itspxana i four, showers prior f0 lier mar- Mýiss Joyce Jonies was tlie hostess. oîsdn fteOooCime f~yn eisfro Tu ismineptioni, to '42. Èag ,t Robert May on Feliruary at a showver for lier girl friends oni thoanr e onald Staples, attend- wiih iiefti r agtinustry M r aes A. Rolierts, Dominion Work attllie Oronio riniklhas now 1-i'. Feliruarv 12. Former class-mratc-3 Ddt o naldetngftapesaewiCanada. this rlades[is t ony scaeDeputy Minister of Trade been completed. Seating capacity, memibersof tlie Orono Girls' Ba-il Onaro evlometAssociationbeneficiail to Summier resort but ftno Cmecewsinrdcj oha en nrasdt apit hr Amselaeussiwe a i eaarnd f friends were present. lieldDin Peterborougli fast Tliursday ev ery businiess ini lie province. temetn iyBnT iomsn MP, close f0 four hundred may lie ac- liy Mrs A. Walke nJnay3lst May gfts were presenited to the eelning. Two hnje elgtsTlnyfvieretotvrydl'o Nrlulerad h uest (commaodat ed,. Thiýs can 1 e ftneda ier iPort H-ope homeý(. Mdln iiet-lein a clothes basket, the wee resent from 42 centres inte f)l arcomes from fIlic Tourist Trade. sekrotlndteduiso isfrhrbuIsntlieytb lae; a satdi ncardckdWtigiio is oe.Flm fMs Distict.,[1, inteast two years s50o,ooo.oodeatmn and also spoke on in- present timie. An ae is also avail- ribion indwddn belîs liefore ýt Carolyn Jonies' re-en trtip f0 Ber- caeinto the area flirougli tlie ef- idustrcial promotion-. 1 o nt? om3 h an al nwihtegfswr la-md ecson ersief ElerBatigLO..A pes-fo)rts of LODA. This, stated M. M.Rbrsepandta nu-forif hi s fel ncesrysoe lc. Mr's. alerthen read fiMd-we tlien servcd by tlie hostess and ç~etgae peingadres olow Bningca be'icrasd îthflc ryexetd a fir reaIimenliy a time in flie future. Come out and e'lin1e a esume of the liride's-fo-leber imother, Mrs C. Jones affer-. ingthediner Hepoitc totli sppot o evryne.munciality.Inusty ws ot en-tenijoy thlenef accomminodation F-mp ipyexpienceýIs. This s tory ,hLjparlour -gamres were played. two main fields of enideavour of île tirely inlletrSetCd in ti octcstdyngi leniomnrlokey wvas illustratcd wtli cloured pic-,f LakeOntalo Dvelomen Assci- he ligget badadie i LOU, bu exc&lc failvalelfotibirelgam0 Iillli p1aed sariig!ai7. turs1pAced n a cra liok an A Mscelaneus siowc waslcl ation and siatecl tleie as being Inli-lie potnted ouf, was the maintain- t axes. ________________ utbyettc 'This Ts Your Life' ai tlie home of Mrs Lou Rîce, Wil- dusriaad Tourîsi promnotionls. ing of interesi atIflic Zone level. Teyare initerested in thie 1physi- i1ershnns esevdto fhe 25 lowdafle. Mrs Rice is a cousin cif I Te uncialiie msifae aca aperane f li cmmUif jaly solatcd. preset tl-,--Mrs. Walker -assisted îby MssCowan,1-. Gay decorafions a- Comettin n leindustrial gteterintrs for flbey arè fhe adifs Lapproacles. industry is also{ liv.ingG-dnroomd wa onMr. eanetcGahieer fiecd was sliown liy a stiaiement rosIfteAsoitin i sg onendwil be ne fu onda,,y, Feliruary 16f b in Port dorned flic livingroomler(oe i whicb over 8ý00 enre lamered ïuicm rmfi u okrsadierlvn odtoshope ilicheage of 83.IHe Ivas liornn s .Powvell, Bob's aunt, field mn ifswr rsne f ie fast ycar for 115 industries whîch fcllteIin Elizaliefliville anid f armied in Oak a sliower -for lier To-lrd-tale wcf.cfie wi paed cam t flc ommniiesicpaltis and licre agaîn flic presi- FThey -ivicwaccommiiodlation, and hepe' we repeetnae cepae cnu ow IlrealizevpoVine. Mr iiiisdent stated fIhai local nepresenta- Mr.« Roberts poinied f0 liospitals, f Blîl until bis retirement, wlcn lie onto ïhome on Feliruary Sf1.- Twe- llwdy a buffet lunch. what stated Banfing,~~~~~~~~l19 tives sliould nmake regular reports isdlio)ols and recreation. Transpor- moc10Knllwil i ieadt rltvso I romwcep- inusresman to a centlre. if îî onis i sntamttrtio sa he airo utny1 gnandson MurjLray. After living hinf P cetswere prcscnted ini a Il a f ew elhonwrdMa L.O.D.A.,le Said, ias lieco e ir iei. Iis mnyg f ol trk Laing ina cen atr 01nd thi rhs edlfrfute er le apr h if fMs oel ieiine irmn rcd l Iier knownq fhn1 L 1oUhot Nrbfru. fbsnsssol nuego atmoved f0 Port Hope. His wife pre- MissCoan as again seatcd inarlaivsfor ltheir kind.g-ifts and al)(i tel, el, (1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dceased liim over flire ycars ago. chi i ýoad -,ii pnk nd ,.ele i] 1ï 1to1i a ' vst Ameic ad erelesaedfcsIDon Kingdlon, general nmanager, service.Conc(ern is 2lso rcgistcncd sn li eoatdwUikadexcdda niaio 0alf ii for sound jzonjing of flic area and l ht teaesadwdinneî.briniernwmei roln labou su1,y. of Elizaliefîville, a daugliter, Mrs. - Testpeakr Ie pintd 0 ,li)Ry Litie (Olive) of Rendal and many adanertge whidi iut y fhewo sisters, Mrs. Annie Smifh and' Mrs ________whcliiidutr means te a comnmunitýy. Thiese arc f i. Hgi MuIldrewý, bof h of Eliz- -___ scilesid.f liaf flere is foday ali iil n lee rndide frli emdoS cetieToeheo i funceral serLvice was field oni Sè!dusî rial developmcenî Iliroughou t1) uier l Iar-VI evPC\ery, cetei l rvneours, Port Hope, and, interment " i s K àNDà S rieifs in Kenidal extend' liir sym- Oâf»Pn E VC AEW S patlly f0 fheliereavcd family. Mn. and Mirs. Argus Curtis visit On Mond(ay Mr11. ;and Mrs. Ken- cd Miss Betty Finlay and Mn. andUsd , nefh ope clld for Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Swccney in Peterborougli dur-' NOW'STHE TIME11Ouco eesrieanteya Bert Thomipson anid iook tleilng île weekend of fast ck.Or o -leesevc arantCees yearrun hlomie for' supper', if bcing Mns. ifrV lesr B I G IT o rpso s birtliday. fliai MrspGa n a r a s k TO BRING Percy Burlevy wIas faken f0 Bow-' manville Hospital oni Safurday witli (Continiuedfmpae) a heart condition. an owersip.AgremRt'lein Ms o.i adi sgcffing reaclied on ail points, Mn. EndImani TH M 01 R Hiospital wliene she ]lias been for witli a repeniilecadli from flic Phoine 3 Newcastle, Ontarlo j f i-e weeks and lopes fo lie home Autbonî'ty anid tlic Co)unty Counili WINTER'S OVjýR Let aur mechanios give your tractar more pawere vice. Don't gamble - get you tractor realy' forh and summer work while tërýe's a littile time a ais costly breakclown and ceIai when every mirrtê cour Miss Janet McMý,Nackin linoke lier wvrist w1iule foliogganing on Friday th flc 3li, wlicl fli chlool was hiold- ing as St. Valenitine's Day, onthfli bllIs by flic SixtlhLt Due ftc ieavy fali ofnv onaseveral ca rs failed fo clîmb flic lis of flic Sixili Line. Sumnmary dlay of file Institutes of Dulam County wvas f0 have lien licld on Tucsday afiennioon of dhis week in flic Oddfellow's Hall, Or- ono, but con accout of flic stormn and flic lad roads itlihas been post- ponied. Wewill teIX you vwîlcnif isl i f0 behli](]later. The siorm broke f Llie telIeplioneý warlies a wV'eek ago lasf Safunvday ini maitny places and some people wene ýwifliouf feleplione service for ovei. ai week -and iog-cfben if b hIlie bad-1 Condition of the roads they feut ~~<$OO ,ff((,flO>aOOOOû~ wPAN EL LI NG wme Th ue fPaielnginyurho egives an air o dsintin a a ~ sitable for any roomi. f_ Sce Our Plywcod Paneiiing, in Num,.-ious Designs of Mýaugany, Kno"tty Pie, W7alrni ,Bhreh and Others 171 Fhere is uth gsu es y to aiysWllor ~andnutingS9 ecnmcal. It is aDItYusi roduet. We cayr ui i o yproc Aî E A NT E, DOORS,TRM f ~ SUA NAMY N STOMC K Phone 143 -r ontao up an agreemnenitf0lie signeci by v- tIue parties concerncd. Buge: oyen: D. Olan; Second-- cd: W. J. Boggs: iliat flic following, ,býadopted, subI cci Xoi ie .ý-&1 le Ministev. and fliaf w an il fIe~cnirapply for theqapprop-!Y L MA. 3-5589 iate gratt..Carnied. Garden Hill Dam & Reser- voir - Scbýeme, No. 2.SI1,000. Piurcha 'se of lands (reforesi- afion)ý - Scliemne No. 1 .-. 7,000. THIUS THIURS. TO SAT - FER.126- Ge crl onervaiion Admin,.>1 Taes rfoesedlands .... 1,600., M1itinee Saturday, 2 Piigpostage &office supplies....... 500. 200. 90. 110. 500. REVENUE Ban baane.........$ 2,00 Accounts ireceivable .......500 Municipal Grants......500 5 oScheme iM o. 2........350 50~ Aminisratio . '31500. Total........ ............$ 24,000. Bis payable: Moved: J. Sylvest- e;seý-cde: W.Jogs:that the Board oY Trade,;- -'s accout for typing andf iprinitinig in t1le amoul nio$525 be Idand that members lie pai for. tedneadmileage. YZI ulm ýP1W5,MweIl rtSSO1PLU~, SUMP PUMP? -N -N 'N N -b,.. N N N N 'N s N N N -s N 'N N N s N N 's N N N N N N 'N b,.. 'N N 'N N N N N -b,. 'b,. N N N N b,,. b,' N 'N N N N 'J' N -N 'N 'b,, N N N N N N 'N N N N N -'b, N N N N N s 'N i 'N N N N 'N N 'b, N N -N s N 'N -J c"'~ il IN WC ORDER WHEN «d better ser, e heavy spring ;are and avaid ints. PH-ONE l0r3, ORONO 1"' GARAGE HIGHWAY 115, North of'Orono NEXT 1NTO WED - ARCII2 MmeTonosle Shws ai 7 and 9:15 Pm. Assis Oic Students50% CAHilen 25o (Color) ELZBEHTAYL'OR-MNGOEYCLIFT EVA MARIE SAINT One shovw each eveninci at ,l îo.m.(di) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26th 1 m = MIT 1 1 ý m