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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Feb 1959, p. 8

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- t~r -~ - -, -~ v<V >~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Authorizedf as S:cond Class Mail, Post Office Défartment, Ottawa Foun(er. -R.AFer re ster Pubisherý R. C.'Forrester r r r r f' t- t-- r r t- t- -r 'r r t- r r r r ,r g A r Y r -HIGH SCHOOL. BOARD I'ftemjners could then present any re- ý,)mësts to the next Board meeting. 'XThis !ollows the Plan with regard teDarlingten and also is being fol- *mved Thursday, February 19tha when the- Port Hope memibers ef ,lhe Board are meeting the Port H.--ope Rate _ýPayers and Property IO 'wners Association. l"wo Teachier resignations were! àn,ýeptedvdtih regret. Mrs. Kraken-1 b:erg from the ,Bowmaniville Staff ndMr% Gohieen as Pinci(ipal efî Millbrook High Sehlool. Durham County high sc[o,-ta-: Its Your Red Cross Again it cornes to Marchi, and ag-ain we are reminded by ,the Red Cross that a certain arnount of ftrnds are necessary to iceep Up thieir'splenid work. WVe tend to, forget that the Red Cross Jepends upon people like you ani like nme. Tt depends upon st -ee that the Red Cross is readly for any emergency. By centributing to the Red Cross Campaign, we can proudly r-eadI of the actIivities of thie Red Cross on our behaif in places like Springhill, in Auistria after the H1ungarian revolutiofl, in any town where a family burnt out of their home has received Red Cross ,assistance. We cifî read the naines of our yourigsters who have received their Water Safety awards, knowing that we have con- ~tribujted to the Society that mnakes such excellent instruction pos- sible, We shortly will be able to go to our local hlood clinic con- fident in the lcnowledge that if and whien a transfusion is neces- sary for a metnber of Ôur family, that the right kind of blood will be in our hospital's blood bank. The local Red Cross assists with the hiealth of our children by supplying Vitamnin Capsules at ,fil the Township schoels and periodically holds clinics on varieus Ihemrres. The quota for the Orono Branch is $1000.00. Most of tChat rnoney, is used right here to provide the services we ha,ý/- already _iientioned. What is not required here is for-warded on te the Can- ~adian Red Cross Society where it is used to 'provide services on a NTational or International basis. We should be prIkid te have the iprivilege of! being part of this world-wvide organization. Proper Developmnent Often througla the coumns of this paper we have spoke of Ianngand ~~onn and have urged the need for such en- ~deavours im After a meeting with Planning Consultants -on Tuesday ý week we are more convincedi thani ever thiat there mnust 'be prope'r planning for any area that is going to ex- pand. 1Ileaing o! çrecntreports show that thie Orono area can ind will go ahiead lbut thisprogress miust be of a S.Yssemriatic nature. Proper, plai g, and devlopmnent must be clone by quai- ified Engineer s, suých as emfployed withîn this area. The job is far ~above the scope o! o those flot trained in tliis f ield. This was m--ost ~emphtically displayed,, on Tuesday wheni Planning Consultants 'of Marshiall Mono(ghani and Macklin gave a portion of their report to the civic f atherý s ,! the area. The meaning c! the word development has, for your writer, taken on a tangible eanng outlined on Tuesdiay ,had a wide scope andeiey nature of our community is considered within this scop,-. Proper planning anid deveclopment van save this community thousands e! dollaris as t advanc-es to greater services and to ex- Pansion. t 4s now a muiiiist an.d fthê-governing- bodies should not nn- '<er any circumistance allow the, report of the Engineers be only -a,report, There is a neeýd for ils iniplementation. t alwvays pays to know where yeu're going chers will be paid1 $500 more pertil year Mihen they start back to work pi' after summier holidays next Sept-101 ei'tber. Ith Durham District Uigh Schol E Board authorized , the increase fi "because", said Secretary Walter Reynolds, "we have to keep up Wlt [lhe other boards." LUnder tLhe new schiedule, rates for, non-speciaist teachers will start ati-l $4500 a year, and for a s-pecialist!l, $4900 a year. VI SThe board also rcivdnotice1 ýfro'm the Ontario Departinent 0f. Eduication fthat thyree prop)os, 1ed ne andl schools for Darlington,. Clarkce, MtcXillbrook liad been approved. ~4VOQ.S4>.QQQ,,OOCO(»SO, 0Oe0e0<0.0,,eOete'oOoS THE ELEVENTHW ANNUl L MEETING AND IJRKEY BANQUET D rham Faý ers Co nty C -Zoperative TOWN P LL, RONO Tâhursia i, Marc'th 'eaquet at 12 neo siness at 2.30 #UEST SPEAKER Rev. P. Romeril, Blackstock ý Banquet Tiakefs are available f romn the Directors, Maviager or Secretary r uti u1 -' vLu l" t**u, - *". fl u CaÂl1 . Ille1W 11M1Ul4 arc, Oie ,LIt J ,goc and by unit-id voices Lupraised to be rcoe with. They are trun- i ýi nike. ing te the Chulrch and the govera- Mýrs. L. Kýemp o! hibypr'esenit-1 ment Ois asking for trained leaders. ed the slate o! offic'ers for 19 59 'te Mr1 Loveys pointed eut ofher be istal'ledf by Mr>s. J.LHilcKnney wa-,ys in which we co-oper'atewt i-veîduîJJy t uiteColeen eh state and with >varioud Boards %mo closehealternloon Session. 'of the Church. In Jamaica, the A supp)Iel'r our rlly for C.G.I.T.* -iicrcfias made a bieginnjing and girls and Explorers was very suc- lhas put up schools which are elig- cessfu las AMiss floyd spolIo t thelible for governiment grants. Old age girls al their leaders and -shnwýed is a new phienomienon which we, sîldes o! lier wrk musr study and assist. "To he reajlyl ' iihe mvening session, 37 robedt concerned, we must make the wholei chorîjsteýrs trepr-esentect Il o! thie 15 Mission effective,"' Mvrs, Leveys Coni-, Evening Auxiliaries and added cluded "Blessed is the Nation whose greatly te the service,. They sang'God is the Lord," "Oý(peni my eyes" in three part Itar-, Miss Isia Barker thanked aIl whoe moivy with thie chiurch organist, Mr. hiad taken part and Mrs . Fisher iL. ý_. james at the or-gan and a closed a very successful meetig. quartette from Trînity Afternoni with a. Japanese hymn written for Auxiliary, Bowmanvile comprCiSing thie Christian World Convention in Mrs. L. W. Van Driel, Mrs. S.R.Tky 198 Jamens, Mrs. 0. Richmond and. Mrs. _______________ D. R. Alldread sang twý,o inspirtng Tue woship servý,,ice by tlle Lor-1 U~ < ettaMellw Evnin Auxliary o! rY rlcte Northminster Chuirch w-,as present- Ar p oletd O ed by Mrs. Thos. MUoorecroft and i Mis Rleeî oil nthilsyars Agaidat FEue Losse ý(legie your cords" Isaiah 51: 2.j A very hlelp!ul playette "The As- so.ciale AMembers Secretary on theo Job" was give.n by BDrookin [,,ven-1 inig Au \ay ith a displaye!of boolks clels and oth1ler h1elps s well as a dexunstratien e! proce.-o duread attitudes. Mrs. J.Patrg son itoue those ltakfbg lpart- Mr1ts. A. Coates, Mr-S. G. unmier, 1 Mrs. N. eney, Mrs. . Alves anid Mrs. Agar.go Mrs. W. I. Carrolilo! Whlitla),i- Onlylunsurance can i gve. yeu tredced he gestspeaer fr th 13protection agarnst loss. Check ~ trodcedtheguet spake fo Ile yeur coverage for adeq4iate re- f evenng, rs. . MawellLoves O placement value, whe retires îrn June after 24 ca rs NF as Executive Homne Missions sec- NF PORTER rcar. rs.Loveys spokA.e onl "Con- Phi. 1251c, cerns andCooeaon and ree 5 Res. 1252 r-d to, somne o!thie gretat chianges l fl cal ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O sktnClbadit ebr. 0 ays whi4j' yen wvere lhere. to- 2000. Lvîngly, rernemnbered by his -wife 11nd f amlly. WMS REPORTS _____________ (1l'rum lpage b 1 pertinent questions were dIjscLissed GYONýgýe---ileii O a ' ý)vsiallgrups maaGenerà Hospital n onay Lunchéon was served by After- February 3,199 rgre Gy noon anid eigAulxilia.ries o! St. beloved wi eof FeGaroo Andrews W.Mý.S. Greetingls Were ontario. PR stiing at the Bro brought by Dr. Geo. S. Telford 01 Fuera H e,_ rono until Thiuris- St, Andlrews, by Rev. M. Bury, dy orniPg en e the ang chairman of Oshawa Prsyer eoiaïlh ci for service at 2:00 aïnd by Mrs. E. D. Cornish, Presi- pi.m. Inter, t Oronjo Cemetery. dent O)s!uawa Presbytery W.A. The afternoon session opened Grayi witht an In Memoriam service pre- ;ilieam sented for MUaple Grove Afternoon smvn neaatet rm Auxiliary by MVrs. Ivison Munday the refuigee camps and planing: and Mrs. S. -Morton for thie 33 who chapels and churches. Here, slum 1j pase wa urn 15 . clearance planls incelude new: pasedawa drin Ij5S 1churches. Our echur-ch xtnso Three new Mission Circles and worký is assisted by W.M.S. in new three new -Mission Badsweesuibdivisio9ns, inining areas, am1oigý wclcomned. 1T 2trn ~-,-, hr I 'I -4 i. i i i I t 3.

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