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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Mar 1959, p. 1

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Azrlm2 Volumne 22, Nuimber 2 Or-ono, Ontario, Thur'sday, Mai-eh Sth, 1959 Subsciiption $1.50 RaVepayers To Again Vote On Township Public School Debenture Presbytery WA.A.:Lorne Tink Top Scorer 0f First MetAtLuricheon Annucil Seed Judging Competition - - of the O~~~hawa Prsebytery Woman's ;ihsoe ntefrtana edD. Lak5eTops Bocird. Association mlet recently at a buffet judgîng competition held recently TheC10 cilof Clarke Tonsep ivis tviono to b-a n h rch B a dluncheon at Nortbhminster Uie.d yteDurham Counity extensionS e tM r sn ~w~ gion Tuesday, v.heby-law is tourh.berreE.passed on ,presi- branch of [lie Department fci- Ill ,i heqtiioni 0f the Township b aivt he optunit veyone r'.dent, openied the meeting in the Suoo Aea womoioswiîîb ienteoprt.iyo To S La uture morninig with a poein entitled culture. 0f a possible, 855 points - whc eedirectlY Opposite in the speaking on the by-law. oda"f rom the collection of Lresfnltlyws17Hs Sc-h001 question were moved and The road vo(_uchier for February inarc Bdigo. h yn runner-up wias John Sanderson Of Drighemnh f Fbar ~secon but eitherearrid. Reve theamoua of $516,31was ath r- InManuffortto ascrtainthe nehe duing Te day were oayeo by Ms, Baciobor Whosescoreas 75, a agrhatdeal f înteest hs bee Bro n w thhIdlrom0f t e f te etint en es trn hed y w r pa e y m ere tw p in the Orono Fish and IHunt carigized for payment. Mention upa SecaaCmmtteC. A. Naylor. Reports were read by1 Club Skeet shooting. On an average ~ether of '-il motions. made of the~ heavy rond expendiitur-'asetpat n Officiai Board M 1rs. W. J. Bowmnan, Secretary; Mrs. J The comipetitors were required to lof 15 to 25 are present every week- Counicillor E. Dent moved thiat es which was depleaigth odmeing o the Orro ntd R. H. Cornish, Treasurer; Mr8. Man- identify 2,0 rmounted weeds, 15 end. During the month a record of the ToW\nship Counicil support the d. tChuriichi last week. This committeeseli Stacey, Literature Secretary; none rse addvradinec prsa a encmie is to miake a survey of ail adiier- d osun f deberttures to bulld theç i Mrs. A. A. Drummond, Bursary add ition pass judgemenit on the with the followîing results. two puiblic schools and that thle pe-1 Mr. Jack Reid approached the ents Of the churcli in Orono so ithat Fund Commï*ittee Chairman; Mrs. C.,1gain seecis provîded for each tîype the needs of the SundaydSchoolfmay PenfoundMrs. W. Teeple, Mrs. Rex frm-pant tiinjeustn ihrwarrmCu c,,reard-iig improvements to, be -assesseci. At the same time al ýr)rMs .N le n tes .llr ilt tlle schoo] airea be denieci. This Mo1tercifo MrD.Hrssstadreswî buretoteDo_1 1,1pecn Laen to th ý e ls id7 Harper, Mrs.ecA. N. Anvesupanrteothers.-ercent beingilfolloweddbyoW.ttendd tinvn eoddanispotdb ie Town Line (n the fifth fine. IIIhuc Mrs. C. S Lee was selected to at- TIwo classes participated in the 62 .Dvl 1 W ae6,GHn voin te ecFar ,ay.a Ii thddasthoglt ha soci hrdandi to take an active part tend -e ay of Quinte Conference cmeîîî n o tewne 6,JSual 1 .Lk 0 jn Deuyreesnrilal.Inthe dwa huhtia om adsurf ac- *met acti ndti td tleh B ieicocki 58, G. Wýatson 54, D. Hamfm 53, suprshemtoingsoui tbd donie as this rond Car-t WX.A. Ainnual eei 5t~ delegate, ini tiie Juior ani Senlior judging1 F. Post 52, B3. Werry 49, J Mece18 Coucilor ohnStoe mvedtha ris cnsîeraletruktaffic. -Che] Thle meeting also voteli a sum to i B.gto1o1My-.lopetitioni a teamwasselected t ~th Concldlithth ttonropsaiwasrefrrettotheSprnig ass h xeso uc !te Mrs. iH. E. Grose was namlei *ep setDuhm ont nthe N.Elliott 4à), L. Watkins -45, H. proosa wstrfMyleso[li 44,s teO.tesChattertone 42,,Seit ur C. K ooxtYil and thttoewihgeto witdraw Rond Inspection. Pebtr.At present two new keep a Eist of speakers in the Oshi- Centrai Oaro Spring Shlow to be A40 Romme1, 3.,CLtPear312, . Uniitedi Churches are belng conlsid- awaI Presbytery who would be av- lie n aPeçierborough Mjemorial Ar-!IElot3,V lln2,E rhm2 be alowcd to do so. This imotion terapoa oee n snandas ntea labe attend meetings' of Locals ca prl 1ii Tambyn30, . ans,E.rryh16,2H was secondedl y oneli by. Counclil thiraproalIoru i shoran aR.inth Sav- Council 7 gaveln 0,L.Rasbrr 16 ery but as the other dici not r-ece ILhveasal ice0 owsi poown of Wib. otlk ont matters pertainîng to, a morty.Reee J T.Bron et ta snsf ee ofM.Jc Mfa o-1. work. Any members lhaving! iniclediniiithe team are Lorne Ellilot 7 and K. Schocenmraker 0. voin o ethr oton ir hesu o,$5.0.1\r.Mlff a t r-sug-gestions for speakers are to give Tin, 'JohnSndron trldY withel vingeseon itr motion. to t, earm o 2,0. Me r. n- i-ieens T101themi to Mrs. Grose, and thiose Lo- lowlees, Roni Welsh, WilliamTm Lter In ol ithe r vseonnthwas de-i lot ber,\he cooftetrns- cals requiring a speaker can get in- Iblyn, PatKnx Don Welsh, Bruce cieyt od nte oe ntefr the ran seas necomen deit formati onifrom the samne source. B3owman, Carl Cryderman, Marie . I.". ew isuLîigngi debentures for the Iwo b h rooDuaesi re ta ,cnce Sciturd ty, After lunchi Mrs. G. E. Jonahi, ;,ent andi James Coombes. ý.:.N w n-ewv public schiools. Air. WVade, a lot coci be squared off. IH charmn o te ownhi Shoo Hy gng Hve ouherci A- president of the armoniy United Ini ad(dition f0 t an individual comn- Atirailofdtreuoshie t hat onl TeWrl F"npcer r .oher dange.Sfuavey nihtea siAn-Church. WA. ed nla a devotional petition for encli participant, a The Orono United Church C.O.1 Ao B7,0 oadreqtoew tat o-runew Te ýry,1eas aInhriedto advMr.-L anedances att TwnigHal. Yssrperiod. team lcompefition was held, the T. group met on Monday eveiiing, approve Itle issuing of debentures Lwrwa Whrie oarleane ra eoaretolel. 1h d il was announced that the Annual' team wininig being coached by March lst, with a gond atfendance, sof ls.5,000 for to gew to-roldthaefis al th, tact of the 1959 Wrl e eod retb ucaelMeeting would be held in the Ty- Lorne Tink, with team members Iti Noew tollead tNo. Fly Campaign. The cost w'as set at along with our up-to-date collection. rone ChurLch, and thnt Mrs. K. R, Don Weishi, Ron Welsh Harold1 Temeigoe~dwt i a sc.ol n etovll ndN. 0cents ahiead under 10heads and Birng along a friand and aiso Mom Rose, president of the Dominion ylol'slniilim abln eti te CG.ITpund it al e. sections. 2 ~~~~cattle for 35c. for a herd of over n ate ilejyi uta oiel...wudb h us etn h ....proe h Council stucied procedure .for 10. Al spraying lis to bc done underanc Dasy w illentsy istheuf s e un,ý,ep is.meuletig ib eld uest oeylibt Jno evtoa heewsRcilPe holding the vote and will seek fur- the supervision of the înspector. mics siou. Fif etsiste d- pkri. 23,isndmeen g U f heîd eirze monle i bot itior ldieournl henie ws rëadi te ther advice prier to the vote, misooorî 3 a b rgai~EldSno ugn o~pttol ie u~yRuhs ai1gfl Mr-. lln, Knbil ndMr Mr C S~p1f n as pplned Come ouf and support us this the day wil he arraniged by a crn- ws 6 -eah ,e ,~r tldb C. Evans ail spcke ag4inst the 4rea Weed Inspector for fthe Township. time as our last two dances have rnwttee Iieaded by Mrs. C. A. Naylor. Winner o!fdile Junior competito, 1re plani and vsupprted withdrawal i t'ouncîl adjour;ned to, meet again Jost us money. Doii'f forge1. if we de> which included ail Durham J'unior end laii pryer. fioi fli $cot~*ra. onWeaesayMadi lth it get your support We mayclos trale. Farmers -and 4-H club Tnembersi Mr. R. R. WadIcfrl sked Couricil clown for a while, çRèmember it is The Hi-Teens. are swilnging Satur- wýho have no;exesne h The Secretary's report anld Treas- foôr théir approvaf e!f a transfer of A request f rom the Newcastle always bard fo startt up aain. day night co)ulitfy ini fhe spijg show -and 151 urer's report was presented and aoc- ofneThp 4a bulding te be usedi Council given by Deputy-reeve E,1 My brain is nurnb, I cannt fWrite -T'he cause is good, the fîght is ,,ears andil dç,was. PaftlKno fi elpted1 as read and reguarbusiness asi storreom and workshop in the 'Walkey was discussed. Mr. Walkey figbt, riglht, 11ampto n, with a score of 7-.S-dealt iwl. Tentive, dat of May north o o,!QlidThepprValhe stated Piaf $ewcas$W wisied te Dpn't letfusquarrel, don't let us Te, liglits are low, the music sweet conii prizge went te Bruce Stabist ý 1 3, s 1 ngred uponfo hegad &said, was neçessnry ,under fhe Sub.- metwithCake Curcil i e-~ Lest we forgef the promilse ' Xak made l e4 !R~, 0JiilVle hee~oeaÎlebn srvice. div4o-law. ~CucLo ads te oct onvx iget-teH-îiýj t ideý e one and al s 78ýa .Dn aeýiie.htir or not tiletheA 'forea. lIt was VIle opinion of _____-1______0.af4da eRual.b would in the future he a non-con- Cotmçil thnt they would be, -lad to manville, wifl{ a score of 7,1. ni- projaect of layettes, whle holdinig a frmin- use o!fie building if there me wt VeNecsteCunciI f4a \ ners-up were Kenneth Knox, John discussion on the devotional tee w to be a zoning by-iaw. At'but not to ehoice a site. This tiey e AA~A&A % .L~BugeMra rw n a- Th etn lsdwf as present time lhe couid scec no reasen If eTt was Up f0 fhe Board andi focal L'fer _urryBown__adWl-_l'lemetig_______vth ___ for- hindering the s 1ale. It was ap-, members. S V'lerîsenr___ ___________________in- proved. \V I I 3 Preshyteri ai hleno omeiiowîc n Brown, Victoria County agyrièiultur- M.C. 1.Ssos pk 0 oaulutldc members of the Junior a ersnaie wo wsm -3. Sissons spoke tc, Couneil ýnFarmers anci 4-H club over f ile ageal epsntiv h s1n sftifhaf lie rundersfood thaf fhe I Prepare TPleuarmeigoan! F feronMS Vr oc av !1,an hs îohv er- hreo aley sudging, Sidney £ubýl-Division Cont roi B44law aTe ena metnofttAlafcn-nAisVr Bofbryj Idgv fl5 niths ýh aerpe McDonald, Hatng, ounty agri- f0 b relacd wf hanoherspcht frnon Axilaryo! ie ..pîcture o! the work in Hospial and se-ntecJIllhe couiity af fhe spring by-law. If tVis was so, lie requesfed For Extra R0.oM. a ec o usaMarcil 3rd, sronmnilae !RfPpla hw a eimberio! the fhree- uftiý uradrprsntae la chre as tiia Colicl sudy he y-1ý,vbc-withi 24 in attendance. The Presi I Cent;iralLiodla andi af fie supperlman team, v. wnby Lornle filk. Asoifaejudgsn Hie'bforrePetas- fore passing if -and also asked tihnt 11e openieciwifh a eall f0 worship 'hour, spo,ýke f0 the C.O.I.T. wio af-! S1econd ipriz. t,-, Jhnsand1(er- socinte repreenfrgeve forPeer notification be made prior f0 fie file singing o! a hymn andi prayer,tedc in greaf aumbers. Wif h1 son aajd tird f0 Harol Yellowlees, pa>ssing o! Vie by-iaw. Mr. Sisons TcOooPbicSho or ffrwii h embers o! Gr-oup i-entufiful coforec slildes site coulcio Easklen ioescr ws lve jud ing Bucayllo r o u- alsosfaed tat oties ld t bemet on Tuesday eveninig o! this 4 fook charge o!fIe Dev,,tor)oal per- s11l) fIe benuty o!f[ile counfr'y 'an(l unes-pincludeci Ron \Welsi, îsilnwo saoa umr- s-tott rpryow'aers within we nimd arneet 0 lod.With Mrs. Robt. Allia as leader, the people - as well as tic nleecs, Kenn[eti B 1ag, Roy McHjolmn, W î- tieai lcut condlt viee- sentday ouff0throprty ofIl, b-acvertise for one extra permnanentj assisted by Airs. Goode, and Mrs. E. fiere, in a ver-ty clear y' Tlien inla iimTahy, DnWsBrecuvslafecuyeodvi- tencins o fe pssig ! fle y fr ie omig ear Tu1 amml, a very beatififu Enjsfer fIe, Mrs. C. M. Lovcys, dwan aiICrdr An, arie pesdfo feSout ad Crop lIm- feailer vill be needcd for hticex- M0tfo a rsae, iogt oeMsinExcfv erfrKn, ee KoJh ogeprovemient Association la Charge of !le furtier poîinfeLlouf int fial e1ra room ii vich will be opened 'titis fitokhj Rwn aadiiiii,- idMr arm Poelice Vlaeo! Orono was not a n-loing Septemiber. i!]and Iappealing. ,jreally tkus con n trip f iroughDouLglaÀs Mucooli,LldmCs vladtook charge o! tic identification o! Munici a nda i citicizecl fie ne- M1r. Long, itien addrcsscd fIe Canace, siing ,he an orul -o~aredHoki.scds col pefi ioni. fio o!hfeTrustcee ,oard la sceking! A special meeting, o!fie Boalrd eeinaskiag for' co-operation o! pjlac esoingf(toie wonderfl ork le A. IOliver Daîrymple, Durliam ltive was in charge of tfie competî- tic implennienfation o!fie t cBy-intelawftuede. mar ebesi apoec lany opporfuaities for greater ser-,Cuny grcltra Rprsat- onan as assist cd by Lcroy. Mn. Sisson aisl tfie Couaicillto con- ioaýnste reconverlthfe norf ibse-which file Chirci as a wiole' is vice. sier what ïîley ,wre colfting wý-ien tiey will draw uip spcifica- unadertakýing1, Of whict-iwe~ will hear filemiseIveýs f0 lan sIlti by-law. ment room int o a classroomn.. WViea Imor iter. He nîso asked fiat ai A letten rom foilte Oronio C.G.I.T. &, tic d ýrawigs are completed file peenaiebe appoinfei fr.Omnd filcir leaderMns. BarbaralCar Deuy-e ve al1key sug-gesfed Board will eali for tenders tf0]have fie ro)up f0 meef wviti a general .Industs rad,'ýxprssiires hei fiat a noioe bepubisicd infil fieprojeet comipieted prior f0 Sep- cnmtcwhici is being !ormeid'grate, wta rend, jixpthei worthei press prier f o thle passinig o! a Sub-1tomber 1sf.tomk detatledi plans. Duriag cfie1h% ele iisuIpplies for, a bale! busine~ss periodilIfwaLs unanim--ous o! new warmn articles andi other am Mar% 0%À tfic represeatative from this 'entof0 "Tic Fanling Fouainiïlg -- G erald ~~~row n P resident Auxilinry. lol- i o-appealdcae if r lom riif-gnopo e a ffe ilg1 a lo iogtavsbe le raâ dome"mforW . re srel laeHtnS KoagCOn Tuesdiay eveaing o! lasf weekiheldiinn aw.eeks f ime. Tic t ud "Ti Candian l ilcn's daugiter, Mrs. Tonge, amti h rn 'IdoOfief nestigate Other, corprton1hc Ian' wasvery abl presenfci hy isvLuss andi consider f he formnation!iare now Ila operafionila Ilhe area.' %Ë"J% i u 0 r R i rm.zLr greaf est noec for fie India today An, invitation from file Newcastle 0f a Commuaity Invest ment Cor-, A furt1her , meeting was held On~ jo r Fa m e r Mrs Frd Boen. wiosai "TI~e îssiar f hre. Mi 2, m rceiveThs soritti. wouldi-lfientio werc preseatda 1 i ls1.Education; 2Hlealti AxanardW..S.f0join wit i tem 'r! o.Ts ra ain poî- usdyo iswek vien 'speci- Gcrl row wa Fiday nigit1ttendance lis buecaincrýtenseci FHe aevcet.Rlgin roialialerEnfr Tak-fc dconstruef induistrial bildci- s'zcand type o! building necessary ,elcte ptsidiiiof ie urhilisaici one o!fiehilgiligits o! ticdicusinfollowed, Mrs. Mwiiýýeeting- on Tucsda,, arci nswinscii lee n 0ef )ýteidilv elcte iident ae icDs hmachievements was fie bus 'prdn ubro, usin, aepde Ms. Mperrker guonf0iasibeawssi isnedecinTt wica or ie in'fry.Lt t: bidn ai ifs aninual banquet and danceltnip fie club sponlsored f0 Ottawa wiiecuaeimembers f fk le i cs peaker.alsitCbrpoatione I ws oit d utfissubilin hie7ld illfe Ualited ChAurcli and i and fie 0f her was fthe awar-d nigif hatrt aaid many ideas andi thougifs' ) 000slur etwudb e Tow JiliNecaslc.Oter lîîi ws ew astyer. wee eciagei, iii soui Acomiftcc o! tlince (Mrs. - siresnciwould pay iateresf f0 cd Iwhlici could be of standard ce- ficers for file( coming season include' lc ie ilpfuil f0 ail in our everyý Laren, Mrs. V. Robinson and Ms lcsirhlesfr-om six ïf-sevenl1nen1t block construction. An nde- 'vic pesiea Do Gren seretryof tice vents wiic i d inot da W Cobl ie) aýs appointec f0 percent. 'Local cifizens would be uatc oirromwul Ieb Fýb aruiies ieauril ji'woliving. mralywa te iake plans for fIe C.G.I.F. a!! iii- asedf0purchase shiares ila'file ioci~I aîong witî proper confmer- Bob~~~~~- Carufirstresurr Jm wrk Co--ombes, cuay directon. Don MlIe ay whien we mci f0 fake n Mrs. Victon Robinsongaene-aiosrvcf0biedon. ICprto. aadpwrwiig Grenprona drecorEd.Koalback seat f0 Peferboroui, ian(, foraîyinferestiag and en.I- asanuneifattcW...kAt present one, !irmi shows keen Tic industry, if wa s learnnd, anipress rueorerHelen Ko Hsttg oufebu v;op-f 'gfîîgreport o!fie recet moes tOoy buil udin i rupfrt cr !oertonacawt ~Re~ ,lroksla ngtpreidnt or o uci beffer titis year andIlfle iSresby-tenia1l icîc in St,. Andrews Sndy Service will be Julie 114,a roo ncswtid cef wul ue rouni 0pons o ifsi T'hYenr. (otier wiici we faiied to çomplete CuriOiaafndby M s peakien r. C .Lvy ll efh nTcsa r 0folo isia wo fo thirec e ars tic, labour force Olvrlra asf year wns thîe choir wîicî we Fishr o! Nowcasf le, fie Presbyfer- gefsekr furtil and also tri investigate f Lr- wo'ul(1d reacI i fify. Reci. atve liad opeci teorgan-iiize," saici Mn. li ls'enl' icPresideaf remlincid ei c- fe iefraio !tcIvs- Many other features wee dscus- Counf Agnlulfurl Itereseaafiv Tic irce eSsios wer pac e is filaffilere %will be a spring Col- mn oprto.seci a net aollowup is bcing conducf- installed tic 1jecw7y eiectcd officers Brlooks. I'lietressin eepc anci presented Ro,,-,wifh iIle past IHe tol Illie gaf'heriag lhe Iopec'i fuio!inenest and inspirat ion, Icef ion o! gooci useàci cothing \W. IH. Carmian was appointecI cdf0 oendeavour to f orm the lnvesf- P ast '- ý - 1 1 -1 -_ . p ewet B o kiul n c n y w ~ l i c n i u 0 g v i î g i e a m e l b o d r o t o k p r ficu lars Ilafer. A so check page i l nlan o !f th e g ro u p w i ti N . F . mn ent orporatio na la or dle n fia t -Iie

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